Part-time BOSS

Chapter 629 Finale: Player Chapter

In a penthouse apartment in the city center.

A beautiful girl in pajamas wearing black-rimmed glasses was sitting at the desk, writing some strange magic runes in her notebook while watching the news playing on the computer nearby. :

【Shock! Breaking news! A major technical crisis occurred in Cangqiong Group. The game server was shut down and all game headsets were unable to log in.

It is said that an unexpected incident occurred yesterday when the famous online game "World of Sky" was conducting a new version of the game. A large number of game players disappeared mysteriously, and their whereabouts became a mystery. According to some game players, these missing players may have traveled through time. another world……】

The content of the news is shocking, but the comments below are very down to earth.

[Damn, what the hell is this news? Isn’t it too fake? Are millions of players missing collectively? I wouldn’t dare to write a novel like this. Are all current marketing accounts so stupid? 】

[It’s true. I was in the game yesterday and almost stayed. Those who disappeared should be the players who stayed. They have probably traveled through time. 】

[I’m so envious that you can travel in a group. Why didn’t I buy this game? 】

[I'm so envious. I can't log in to my hundreds of thousands of accounts now. Cangqiong Group quickly gives me an explanation. This matter must not end like this. 】

Lisa Morgan - or Lisa Wang, couldn't help but feel emotional when watching the news.

Unexpectedly, everything Aidan said would come true, with millions of people traveling through time at the same time... Fortunately, he left early.

She returned her attention to the notebook in front of her. The contents of the Book of Aegwynn were being copied by her.

Fortunately, I completed the original plot mission at the last moment, otherwise this mission would be completely impossible to complete once the game is leveled.

Being able to use magic in reality is indeed much more interesting than in a game.

She stretched out a hand, and a ball of arcane energy gathered in her hand to form a magic sphere.

Playing with the arcane energy ball in her hand, Morgan Lisa showed a satisfied smile on her face.

But I couldn't help but think in my heart, I wonder how other players are doing now.


"Godwin, did you find me here for something important?"

"Of course, something very important."

In the coffee shop, Godwin and Diapine sat opposite each other, looking at each other.

Of course, in reality, the two people are neither kings nor big devils, they are just two young people in their twenties.

"So what is going on?"

"Of course it's how to carve up the world. I originally planned to rule the world with the Dragon God Aidan. Now that Aidan is gone, it's the same thing with you." Godwin took a sip of coffee and made no secret of his feelings. ambition.

"I control the power of Holy Light, and you control the power of Evil Energy. If the two of us join forces, who in this world can fight against us! Although Holy Light and Evil Energy are enemies of each other, this does not mean that We have to be hostile to each other, after all, the world is so big that there is room for two rulers."

"Hahaha, heroes think alike." Diapine said with a smile, "So how should we cooperate? Fight the world together, or divide our respective forces and then each play his own way?"

"I think it's better for everyone to play their own game. As for how to divide the forces, let's play guessing. The winner will choose first. Each person has a continent. If there are seven continents, there are exactly three continents per person. As for Antarctica, it is considered a public area."

"Okay, come on, rock, paper, scissors - I choose first, haha, then I'm welcome, I want Asia."

"North America."


"South America."

Not far away, the clerk of the cafe was wiping the cup and looking at the two people with an expression of concern for the mentally retarded.

Today's young people...


"Haha, I finally got rich!" Looking at the series of zeros in his bank account, Ba Dao Qingqing was so excited that he finally achieved financial freedom.

Emperor Shenwu is really a showman, and he didn't give a single discount to the two billion yuan.

Who would have thought that after starting a business for more than ten years, I barely saved more than 10,000, most of which was real estate. Now, after playing games for several years, I have earned twenty small goals.

After this, you can lie down completely.

This is two billion, and you can spend it as much as you want in this lifetime.

In his mind, he couldn't help but start to imagine what he was going to experience and enjoy next, luxury villas, yachts and cars, young models in clubs...

Ding dong! The doorbell rang suddenly, interrupting Ba Dao's ruthless YY.

He opened the door and found several tax collectors in black uniforms standing at the door.

Ba Dao Qingqing's heart suddenly sank. Oops, he actually forgot to pay taxes. I hope it won't be too much.

A few minutes later--

"What? How much did you say? Wocao, are you trying to steal money?"

Ba Dao Qingqing looked at the amount on the tax return and exclaimed, he didn't expect to pay 900 million in personal income tax alone, and now almost half of it was gone.

"Sir, please watch your attitude."

"Damn, pay attention to your attitude. Why don't you pay attention to your attitude? Do you know who I am? I'm the chief of the tribe -" Ba Dao Qingqing said the words and suddenly realized that he was no longer a chief. In reality, I am just an ordinary person, a small boss.

In the game, you can kill and kill others, and you can kill whoever is unhappy.

In reality, I am just an ordinary person with a little money.

"Okay, I'll hand it over." Ba Dao said helplessly, suddenly feeling a little uncomfortable in his heart.

After paying the tax, there is only 1.1 billion left. Although it is a lot, it seems that it is not so resistant to blooming if it really blooms.

Although he is considered rich, in reality, he is not particularly rich, and his social status is just that.

It was so different from being a warchief in the game. If anyone in the tribe dared to talk to me like that, he would be dragged out to feed the wargs.

He suddenly regretted it. Maybe he should have chosen to stay at that time. He didn't know what happened to the players who stayed in the game now.

One year before the Dark Portal opened——

Kalimdor - the Desolate Land:

Emperor Shenwu stood on the hill, feeling the breeze blowing in his face and the solid earth under his feet.

Feeling the powerful power of this body, he could no longer feel the tiredness, aging, and weakness in reality in the past. He only felt that there was endless strength in his body, as if he was capable of lifting mountains.

The true power of overlord.

And reality and games are indeed completely different. At this time, he has 100% real feelings, which is completely different from the past game experience that only had 30%.

And the power he has mastered has become extremely natural to use. There is no game data or skill description, but everything seems to be imprinted in his mind and engraved in his muscle memory. At this time, the Shenwu Emperor only needs a thought in his mind. You can feel the power coming from the depths of the earth.

He is no longer the old guy in his fifties, but the centaur emperor who is about to lead the centaur army to conquer the world!

Emperor Shenwu looked behind him with great pride. The leaders of each clan brought their people to Marathon, the sacred mountain of the Centaur clan.

The mighty centaurs spread endlessly, still maintaining the style of primitive civilization.

It's time to unite this force and build your own hegemony.


However, not every time traveler is as complacent as Emperor Shenwu.

Although most players have created their own favorite characters.

The large number of elven players has greatly increased the strength of Quel'Thalas in this time and space, and the night elves have also reaped some dividends.

However, some players who didn't take Murphy's announcement seriously were a bit blind.

Elwynn Forest - Crystal Lakeside:

Da Banya stood on the shore of the lake, looking at the reflection on the water with blood-red eyes. The obscene face of the kobold looked particularly dazzling at this time.

Dabanya felt like crying without tears in his heart.

I'm so stupid, really, why the hell didn't I create a new account, kobolds? There is probably no race in the entire world that is lower than kobolds. Why the hell did I choose one? What if?

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooootooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooit was [ of of...

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" The goblin pyromancer Yan Long Zaitian on the side also cried and howled. The two hugged each other and cried.

Two sticky hands were placed on the shoulders of the goblin and the kobold. The two turned their heads, but it was the murloc leader who took advantage of the water and emerged from the lake. The murloc's cute facial features could not be concealed. The sadness and anger in its heart.

The three of them looked at each other for a while, then hugged each other and cried together.

Ohh Ohh ohh!

In the forest, by the crystal lake, a goblin, a kobold, and a murloc were crying miserably.

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