Part-time BOSS

Chapter 70 The giant sword man is born

After sleeping until dawn, when he woke up the next morning, Murphy looked at the sun outside the window, and the feeling of worrying about gains and losses was gone.

Men just want to become stronger, they want to gain strength, they want to take everything into their own hands. Now is not the time to relax...

Murphy finished his breakfast in silence, entered the game, gathered his troops, and started looking for the Snake Man to level up.

Throughout the day, Murphy continued to lead his soldiers to kill snakemen and upgrade them. Most of these snakemen were around level 20-40 and had quite a lot of experience. Since they had no armor, it was very easy for the kingdom's crossbowmen to kill them in volley. And there is no strategy, just rush up in a swarm.

As long as no more than fifteen monsters are lured out at one time, they can basically be easily dealt with.

Murphy tried his best to avoid losing soldiers. It was half a day's journey from here to Alterac City, and it took a day to go back and forth. If too many soldiers were lost, it would be troublesome to go back and mobilize troops.

Without soldiers, he alone would not be able to deal with these snake men.

The boring and bloody battle lasted until about three o'clock in the afternoon. A white light flashed on Murphy's body and he finally reached level 10.

[System prompt: You have reached level 10. You have finally taken a solid and determined step on the road to becoming a hero. You have opened the hero specialty system. You can query this system in the character menu. 】

Murphy said it was finally here.

He checked it hurriedly. He didn't know much about hero templates, but he knew very well the meaning of the two keywords hero expertise and hero skills.

‘Heroic Expertise’ is a system equivalent to ‘BOSS Talent’. Every time a hero advances to a higher level, he can obtain a Heroic Expertise.

The biggest difference from the BOSS's talents is that since the BOSS itself has relatively few skills, the talents are mostly specific skills, while the heroes' skills are generally acquired through learning, so the hero's expertise is mostly passive effects, providing various Auxiliary support.

In addition, every time a hero level is promoted, the hero player can also obtain a 'Hero Soul'. Using the 'Hero Soul', ordinary skills can be upgraded to hero skills, and the skill effects can be qualitatively improved instantly. .

For example, take the Paladin's resurrection spell. Ordinary resurrection spells can only be used after the battle, and can only save one person at a time.

But if it is upgraded to a hero skill, six units can be resurrected instantly, and it can be used in battle. It can be used at critical moments in the plot battle to instantly bring up six high-level adventurers, or six high-level soldiers and elites. It can often have the effect of reversing the situation of the battle.

Legendary fifth-level heroes can have five ‘Hero Souls’ and twenty-five hero specialties.

And Mo Fei is only at the first level of Bronze, so he only has one 'Hero's Soul' and one 'Hero's Expertise' available.

He is not going to click on the 'Hero Skill' yet. This thing is the foundation of a life, so he must think carefully about it and have a particularly useful skill.

Now he only has three skills, and the other two are basic combat skills. The only one that is more eye-catching is Storm Blade, but it is not so good that he feels that it can be entrusted to him for life. After all, once this thing is chosen, it will be fixed. , if you want to change, you need to go to the Temple of the Goddess of Destiny to do a task, and you can wash it by brushing the goddess's teardrops. The drop rate of that thing is not generally low, and it is basically priceless.

So one has to be completely sure before making a choice.

Hero feats can be ordered immediately.

Hero expertise is usually generated by the system based on the player's previous game experience. If the player does nothing at this stage and drinks all day long, he may obtain expertise such as "Drunkard" or "Drunken Master".

If a player rides a horse and shoots arrows every day, he may trigger specialties such as "Arrow and Horse Proficiency" and "Mounted Archery Expert".

It can be said that as long as players want to develop their characters in a certain direction, they must put some thought into expertise.

In addition, if the player has a special identity, background setting, special title, or profession, it is possible to unlock the corresponding expertise.

The three specialties unlocked by Murphy at this time are:

1. Guardian (combat feat). You have understood the essence of blocking and guarding during long-term battles with swords and shields. When blocking enemy attacks, you consume 30% less physical strength and are immune to imbalance. You can learn shield-based combat skills.

2. Low maintenance fee (control expertise). In the process of leading troops in combat, you gradually understand how to maintain an army and how to gain the trust of soldiers in you. The command value you need to recruit soldiers is reduced by 1 point. This effect is invalid for first-level soldiers.

3. Primary Storm Awakening (bloodline specialty). The bloodline of the Storm God in your body has initially been awakened. Your lightning resistance is increased by 10 points. The power of your lightning and wind skills is increased by 10%. You have a higher chance of triggering hidden tasks related to the Storm God. (This feat is a hidden profession and one of the prerequisites for [Storm Herald]).

This... Murphy studied it carefully and thought that these three specialties are really more pitiful than the last.

Especially the Guardian. He doesn't plan to play a tank number. The long sword and shield are used in the early transitional stage. In the later stage, he plans to switch to the giant sword macho man. Unexpectedly, he also has a skill slot. Fortunately, he can choose one of the three. .

The specialty of low maintenance fee should be the specialty of lord-type players. It was generated because I have a prince background. Although the name of this talent is not good, the effect is indeed outstanding, which is equivalent to reducing the population consumption of all subordinates by 1 point. I currently have 35 points of command and can only bring 17 second-level soldiers and 1 first-level soldier. But if I click on this talent, I can bring 35 second-level soldiers, or 17 third-level soldiers and one second-level soldier. A level soldier, this combat effectiveness is directly doubled.

His main damage now is still relying on his younger brother. If he clicks on this talent, he will definitely go sideways in the early stage.

Relatively speaking, the last 'Basic Storm Awakening' is not very effective for him. Lightning resistance is not currently used. As for the wind and electric skills, he probably only has Storm Blade. This skill is originally It's just for last-hitting, so increasing the damage by 10% doesn't mean much.

If you want to take the legal route, this talent is excellent, but unfortunately you are a melee barbarian.

Well, the choice is yours – low maintenance.

Murphy didn't click on it immediately. He wasn't ready to go back to the city to recruit troops yet, so it would be useless if he clicked on it. He might as well wait until he gets back.

Another good news is that the dragon-slaying giant sword in his hand can finally be held.

Murphy first counted his strength points to 50, including the 10% strength attribute added by the Highlander's talent, which was a total of 55 strength points. Then he took out the dragon-slaying giant sword from the bag, held the hilt and slowly raised the weapon. got up.

"Not bad, I can finally hold it."

Murphy could clearly feel the changes brought about by his increased strength. The giant sword that he could not lift originally was only slightly difficult to hold in his hand.

The improvement in strength attribute is also reflected in the appearance. Originally, his body was just strong muscles, but now it has become clear lines and full of strength. Mo Fei suspects that if he continues to increase his strength, sooner or later he will become a muscular man like the Sword of Dawn. shape.

There is already a little bit of this trend, but he is not very resistant to it.

Looking at the nearly two-meter-long dragon-slaying giant sword with a domineering shape, Murphy was ready to make a few gestures to try out the feel, but then he sadly discovered that he was overweight.

He added most of his attribute points to strength, resulting in his endurance attribute being only 10 points of the initial use, which is 100 points of weight.

This sword alone weighs 90%, including the armor, which is quite overweight.

Fortunately, he still had 5 useless attribute points, so he thought about it and added them all to endurance.

In this way, his weight was increased to 150 points.

At least he can move.

But after running for two steps with the giant sword on his shoulder, Mo Fei realized that it still wasn't working. It was too slow. It was just like an ordinary person trotting. He couldn't jump or run fast. Moreover, it consumed too much physical energy. His own physical strength was not good enough. Not much. This state is really dangerous.

The load must be reduced to a medium load state, and the total weight of the equipment on the body must be less than 105.

The weight of this sword is a full 90 points. In other words, he can wear equipment with a maximum weight of 15 points.

Murphy checked the weight of the North Wind Knight suit.

The armor weighs 18, the pants weigh 12, the helmet weighs 7, the gauntlets weigh 5, and the boots weigh 7.

It seems that you can only choose two combinations: pants, helmet, hand guards and boots.

After thinking about it, Murphy decided to put on his pants first. At least it didn't look so awkward.

This adds up to a total of 102 weight points, and at least there will be no speed penalty.

Bare arms and bare feet, carrying a two-meter-long giant sword, Murphy stood in the fierce wind and snow of the Alterac Mountains. He thought to himself, "With this look and momentum, I'm asking you who else."

Fortunately, he has Highlander blood and comes with 30 points of cold resistance, otherwise this look would freeze to death.

"Your Highness, why don't you put on your clothes and run slower?" Lazidanan persuaded from the side.

Murphy shook his head, "No, as a strong man with a giant sword, you must be able to run and jump, move flexibly, and wait for opportunities. It doesn't matter if your defense is low. You can make up for it by moving. We are masters, as long as we don't get caught. No matter how low the armor is, you won’t be afraid of monsters. If you don’t believe me, I’ll show you. So, go and lure a snake man out, and I’ll show you the power of the giant sword.”

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