Part-time BOSS

Chapter 72 Archeology of Relics

Damn, this Muradin is too reckless.

Murphy secretly cursed in his heart. This guy usually hides in the camp and drinks and brags all day long without moving his butt. At the beginning of the fight, he doesn't care about anything else and rushes faster than anyone else.

Although he hesitated in his heart, Mo Fei did not stop. So what happened in the plot? If the sky falls, there will be a tall person holding it up... There seems to be a problem with this, but the truth is still the same.

With the King of the Hill here, he had nothing to worry about.

Just follow the plot points.

Thinking in his mind, he rushed in directly.

The scale of the ruins is quite huge, but because it is covered with snow, it does not look very eye-catching from the outside. However, once entering the interior of the ruins, the intricate and huge internal space immediately made Murphy cautious.

The sound of fighting came from the passage ahead, and Mo Fei followed the sound. From time to time, wherever he passed, he could see the corpses of snake men who had been smashed with hammers and chopped over with axes.

While touching the corpse, he checked the monster's level.

The snake people living here are obviously elite, and there are many people above level 40. When Murphy led the soldiers into a hall inside the ruins, he saw a dozen snake people surrounding them. Fighting with Muradin.

Muradin didn't know when he had put away his one-handed battle ax and war hammer, and took off the two-handed battle ax carried behind his back.


His one-meter-two body was spinning in the hall like a top, with limbs flying everywhere and corpses strewn everywhere.

Muradin Bronzebeard (King of the Hill): "Hahahaha, you see, this is how powerful the dwarves are - for Khaz Modan!"

Murphy did not hesitate, and immediately ordered the soldiers to establish a defense line against the door, and used heavy crossbows and muskets to clear away the scattered snake men.

Although the snake men were suppressed and beaten by Muradin, they were still numerous and the scene did not look that bad, and they had no intention of retreating for a while. Especially when a snake-man elder priest, surrounded by a group of snake-man phosphorus fire warlocks, came out, there was an excited hiss all around.

Murphy was a little nervous at first, but after taking a closer look, the snake-man elder priest turned out to be just a monster leader, and he immediately felt relieved.

Between elites and BOSS, there is a special boss template. In fact, strictly speaking, it is an elite monster. However, in some special occasions - such as the current plot events, if there is no BOSS to support the scene, the system will destroy a group of monsters. The strongest unit in the game is adjusted into a boss, which has a certain bonus to the upper limit of blood volume, but in essence it is still an elite monster.

It seems that the real master has not appeared yet, Murphy thought, commanding the soldiers and the snake-man phosphorus fire warlocks to start shooting at each other.

For a moment, crossbow bolts and bullets flew together, fireballs and venom danced wildly.

Murphy also raised his shield to protect himself and the back row.

The fierce exchange of fire lasted only a few minutes. Most of the snake-man warlocks were killed by the expeditionary force with numerical superiority. Even the snake-man elders were shot to death. The formation of the snake-man warriors was directly destroyed by Muradin alone. As the last few remaining snakemen fled in panic, the battle also ended.

The expedition team also suffered certain losses. The snakeman warlock's phosphorus fireball was also very powerful. Four dwarf musketeers and three kingdom crossbowmen died, and the only remaining Alterac hunter also died and was lost. The owner's hound whined twice before being lured over by Hao Miao Ruyan with a piece of wild boar meat.

Muradin had a great time fighting, "Hahahaha, Prince Aidan, you saw my majestic appearance just now. Well, you fought well. Maybe we can compare with each other if we have a chance later. But for now, let us Let’s take a good look at this ruins, there must be a lot of treasures here for us to dig out - boys, cheer up and get ready to work.”

Those dwarf excavators who could only watch the fun before were finally put to use. One by one, they picked up their pickaxes, took out the explosives, and prepared to start 'archeology'. This is a unique archaeological method of dwarves. It is very simple and straightforward. When encountering If you hit the door, smash it. If you encounter a wall, dig it. If you can't knock it open, use explosives. In short, get the treasure first.

Hao Miao Ruyan looked at these guys and shook his head, but she was a true academic explorer. Not only was she rich in adventure experience, she could climb mountains and descend to tombs, but she also had considerable theoretical knowledge.

Immediately, he picked up his notebook and magnifying glass and looked at the murals around the hall.

For a time, everyone in the expedition team was so busy that they left Murphy aside in the cold.

Murphy was a little speechless, thinking that these people were really big-hearted, and he didn't think the matter was over like this - the system didn't even indicate that the plot event was over.

Generally speaking, there will definitely be a big monster in this kind of plot event, or there will be a plot twist or something, important revelation or discovery. The snake priest elder just now didn't even have a line. He is obviously not a serious plot character. , is probably just an appetizer to warm up the show. This plot event is called [Tongtian Peak Ruins Excavation Incident]. Since there is the word "excavation", the real key point is probably underground.

He asked the dwarf for some explosives, and then led his soldiers to search in several surrounding passages.

These ruins were obviously not built by the snake people, but looking at the way they clung to them, it seemed like there was something important buried here.

On both sides of the dilapidated passages in the ruins, you can often see holes dug by snake people. Murphy did not dare to rush in to explore. Most of these tunnels are very narrow and only suitable for snake people to pass through.

Just throw a dwarf explosive into each passage and blow it up.

After searching several tunnels, no hidden rooms or secret passages were found.

The end of the tunnel is either blocked or has collapsed, making it impossible to pass.

After going around a few times, we finally returned to the hall.

At this time, the dwarves have dug up a lot of good things, including a large number of 'ancient cultural relics' from some surrounding rooms, including a small amount of gold and silver products inlaid with gems, strange sculptures and handicrafts, and even some Some gold, silver and copper coins, as well as some rusty weapons and armor, seemed to be left behind by some adventurers who had been here in the past.

Soon the 'ancient cultural relics' were piled up in the hall, but Muradin was obviously not satisfied with this. It would be easier to dig in the mountains to get rid of all this junk.

The dwarf has never been short of gold and silver, and he hopes to find some mysterious items left over from ancient times, ancient written records, or ancient artifacts.

"I think I may have found something." Hao Miao Ruyan suddenly said.

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