Part-time BOSS

Chapter 76 Cursed Fate

After dividing the spoils, the three of them walked to the statue.

The huge dragon-shaped statue was carved from volcanic rock and looked very ancient. It was exactly the same as the ancient dragon rock statue in Murphy's hand, except that it was larger. Due to the dim light underground, the whole statue looked quite gloomy.

The posture of the statue shows a squatting form. One dragon claw falls on the ground, and the other dragon claw is lifted up and placed on a huge stone plate standing next to the statue. The stone plate is as smooth as a mirror, and the edge of the stone plate There is also a circle of words engraved in ancient dragon language.

Mo Fei carefully identified it and could vaguely discern its general meaning, [Enter this mirror, embark on the road of dragon feast, and obtain the eternal power of the ancient dragon. 】

Sure enough, we came to the right place! Murphy was delighted.

The dwarves and elves did not recognize the ancient dragon language on the mirror. They both looked for clues on the statue, and they actually found something.

Muradin Bronzebeard (King of the Hill): "Wait a minute, boy, there seems to be something carved under the statue. This is a warning - it says, "Anyone who pursues the power of the dragon must be the leader of the dragon. Devoured by the power, he turned into an immortal monster. This is the fate of the cursed Dragon Eater.】"

Murphy looked towards the ground. Sure enough, there was a line of words carved crookedly on the volcanic rock under the statue. It should have been carved by Flor with his spear. Perhaps he had predicted it when he was still a human. fate, but what is the connection between the Dragon Slayer and the Dragon Eater?

And why does the mirror say the power of the ancient dragon, but Flor says the power of the giant dragon? Is this a mistake in the game writing? Or does it imply some fragmented key information.

Muradin Bronzebeard (King of the Hill): "Damn, I should have expected this. This place is cursed. Let's get out of here, you two. This place gives me chills."

Mo Fei turned a deaf ear, what is the fate of the Dragon Eater? Sure enough, he found the right place. He observed the statue in front of him. It should be integrated with the mirror next to it. It said to enter the mirror. How to do this? It should be necessary to activate some kind of mechanism, maybe try it with the statue in his hand.

He just stretched out his hand to touch the mirror. Muradin next to him said nervously again.

"Don't touch him Aidan, forget about it, you have got everything you want, take your soldiers home, if these years of exploration have taught me anything - in this Warnings left in ancient ruins usually have a reason."

Murphy turned around and looked at Muradin's nervous and concerned look. He could see that he really cared about his own safety. Murphy was slightly touched. Even though the other person was just an NPC, it still felt good to be cared about. of.

He couldn't bear to refuse this kind offer, and he didn't want to lower the favorability of important plot characters. He nodded slightly and said, "You are right, let us get out of here."

Half an hour later, the group left the ruins and returned to the camp where they set out. There were a dozen less than the forty people who came, but they brought back many boxes, large and small, filled with these. A one-time trophy.

The box was carried directly onto the sled, and the dwarves drove their goats out of the camp pen and hitched them to the sled.

There was also a chocobo mixed in among the goats, which should be a vast mount like smoke.

After successfully completing the archeology and exploration, Muradin was eager to leave.

"I'm going back to Alterac City, where are you going?" Murphy asked.

"I'm going to the Kingdom of Lordaeron for a while. King Tenaris hopes that I can give his sons some combat training and discuss the ore trade. Then I will return to Ironforge. , see if we can repair this spear."

Murphy nodded. He knew the background story of this section. Although Alsace was a Paladin, he spent most of his childhood learning fighting skills from Muradin. The two of them were both teachers and friends. See The story of Muradin and Arthas is about to begin.

"Bon voyage Muradin."

"You are also Aidan. When you pass by Ironforge from now on, you must go to me for a drink."

"Haha, that's for sure."

Murphy nodded again towards Hao Miao Ru Yan, "Are you going to go with Muradin?"

"Of course, that's right - this is for you." The elf girl handed Murphy a piece of parchment.

Murphy took a look and saw a paragraph written on it in elegant High Elf language.

"This is?"

"My WeChat ID, don't you want to add me?" Hao Miao Ruyan said, winked and mounted her chocobo.

Watching Muradin's team go away, Murphy looked at the parchment in his hand and couldn't help but smile and shake his head. This girl is really interesting. Her WeChat ID must be full of ritual, and she also uses Elvish... Tsk tsk tsk.

After thinking about it, he stuffed the parchment into his backpack.

[System prompt: Complete the plot event [Tiantian Peak Ruins Excavation Incident]. In this incident, Prince Aidan of Alterac and the adventure hero Muradin Bronzebeard excavated a mysterious ancient ruins together and discovered snakes. people's secrets, and killed the terrifying monsters lurking inside.

Due to the heroic battle between Prince Aidan and Muradin Bronzebeard, the snake tribe in the Tongtian Peak ruins area suffered a heavy blow. As the monster worshiped by the snakes [Lava Earth Dragon Flor] was killed, the snake tribe also suffered a heavy blow. Fleeing in large numbers, the remaining snakemen became weaker and more alert.

Since the 'area BOSS' of Tongtian Peak Ruins has been permanently killed, the recommended adventure level of Tongtian Peak Ruins has been reduced from 25-40 to 20-30, and the monster density in this area has been adjusted from 'High' to 'Normal'. Refresh the elite snake man.

Based on your performance in this event, you have obtained 855 plot points. This event has been recorded in the Chronicle of the Firmament. You have gained 100 reputation points, and your popularity in the Firmament World has been slightly improved. 】

It turns out that this is the mechanism for killing the BOSS in the plot.

Murphy sighed in his heart. He was pushed by others, but he didn't expect to push others so quickly. He didn't even realize this and completed his first plot kill.

However, the plot points given are a bit low, only 855 points were given, which is not even enough points to upgrade to one level.

Probably because of the relationship with Muradin.

(The plot points required for advancement are 1,000 plot points for each level of a bronze hero, 2,000 for silver, 3,000 for gold, and so on.)

He is now 145 points away from being able to advance to the next level.

"Your Highness, shall we go back too?" Lazidanan asked.

"No, let's go back to the ruins. There are some things I want to find there."

On the way to the ruins again, we did not encounter any resistance from the snake people. Those snake people seemed to be really frightened. None of them even dared to show their heads. The monsters in the game are refreshed every 24 hours. It seems that at least today No need to worry about being in danger.

Returning to the ruins hall, Murphy asked Lazidanan to guard here with the remaining soldiers. He walked into the dungeon alone. No matter how reliable the players were, they were still not as reliable as NPCs. Murphy did not want to expose his secrets.

Here we are!

Looking at the huge ancient dragon rock statue, Murphy was quite excited.

He went to the huge mirror and took out his figurine from the bag.

Immediately, the silver beams of light emitted from the eyes of the small statue pointed towards the eyes of the huge statue in front of him.

The eyes of the huge statue slowly lit up, and two clusters of flames ignited in the empty eye sockets.

The next second, the ancient dragon characters around the mirror lit up one by one. When a circle of characters all lit up, some images suddenly appeared in the mirror.

It seemed to be the top of a mountain peak, with ancient broken stone steps and some huge dark mountains. Snow was falling on the mountain peak, and snowflakes kept falling...

Murphy stretched out his hand toward the mirror, and his hand passed directly through the mirror. A burst of coldness made him subconsciously retract his hand. His hand was full of snowflakes and melted snow water.

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