Part-time BOSS

Chapter 79 Back home

His first thought was how to gather nine dragon hearts as quickly as possible to complete the task, but the next moment, he realized that his idea was wrong.

Every time you eat a dragon heart, you can permanently gain part of the enhancement. The Lava Earth Dragon is just a terrifying first-level BOSS, and it has no special abilities. Its biggest feature is that it has super high fire resistance, so I got the lava. The skill of body.

The more powerful the dragon heart, the better the reinforcement. You must know that each dragon in the sky world has its own field of power. The black dragon can control shadow, the red dragon can control life, the bronze dragon can control time, and the white dragon can create frost. The blue dragon harnesses magic...

Moreover, dragons of different levels have completely different levels of power.

I should try my best to choose those powerful dragons to hunt, and I should also be selective about the abilities of the dragons. If I eat a bunch of rubbish dragon hearts and strengthen a bunch of rubbish abilities, wouldn't it be a waste of such a good opportunity? Already?

If you can get powerful abilities every time, even if you can't become a dragon, you can become an extremely powerful hero.

Even then, becoming a dragon was secondary.

Yes, that's what it is. In the future, you can no longer eat dragon hearts so casually. The last thing you need is an adult dragon. An ancient dragon is even better. It would be even better if it is an ancient dragon or even an guardian dragon. Think about it. How powerful it would be to gain the dragon heart of the guardian dragon. Thinking about it makes me drool a little.

However, Murphy quickly regained his composure. The Guardian Dragon was too far away, so it was better not to be too ambitious in the early stage.

For the first few dragon hearts, you can choose some that are relatively easy to get. By the way, you can explore the rules of this Dragon Feast Ceremony. When your level is higher and your strength becomes stronger, you can keep improving. Especially for the last few, you must choose a powerful dragon to start with.

By the way, the task of hunting the black dragon that I took on has not been completed yet, so I just want to start with you.

Murphy thought and walked towards the way he came.

While walking back along the stone steps, Mo Fei clicked on the character bar. Hey, it was already level 11. He had leveled up when he killed the lava earth dragon before, but he didn't notice it at all.

He did not hesitate and added all 5 attribute points to endurance. His current physical strength and weight-bearing value were seriously insufficient, and he felt that he needed to increase it to at least forty.

Then he clicked on the hero specialty system.

After completing the Dragon Feast Land mission, he received 500 plot points, which promoted him to Bronze Level 2, so that he could choose a new hero for the special event.

This time there are still three optional hero feats.

1. God of War in Explosive Clothes (Behavioral Expertise). Without wearing any armor, your movement speed is increased by an additional 10%, and your jumping distance and rolling distance are increased by an additional 30%.

2. Dragon-slaying expert (knowledge expertise). You are an expert in fighting against dragons. When facing dragon monsters, you can more easily find their weaknesses. By observing a dragon creature for a long time, you can confirm the area for critical and fatal blows.

3. Greatsword Mastery (combat expertise). In the process of fighting with a great sword, you have mastered the use of this special weapon. Your physical consumption when attacking with a great sword weapon is reduced by 30%.

This... Mo Fei was speechless for a while. He didn't expect that his shirtless fighting behavior could also derive a specialty, and the effect turned out to be quite powerful.

10% movement speed is okay, but the jump distance and roll distance are increased by 30%, which is amazing. This effect should be superimposed on movement skills, such as the monk's Soaring Cloud Step and the thief's double jump. .

If you can reduce your load to 30%, which is a light load state, it means that your jumping distance and rolling distance can be increased by 60%. What is the concept? If you learn a few displacement skills, your mobility will be Absolutely awesome.

At this time, Murphy was very sure that the Dawn Sword must also have this expertise, otherwise it would be impossible to explain why he didn't wear armor. It couldn't be for the cosplay of Conan the Barbarian.

Since he has the Dragon-Slaying Giant Sword, he may have encountered situations where he had to fight without clothes because of insufficient weight, and then he unlocked the skill of God of War in Explosive Clothes.

But do you really want to choose this specialty? If you don't wear any armor at all, it will feel very fragile.

Moreover, high-end armor usually has additional attributes, so equipping it like this is really not worth the gain.

The giant sword specialization is actually not bad, but he is not in a hurry. In the future, if he often fights with a giant sword, he will definitely trigger this expertise.

As for the dragon-slaying expert, this expertise is just like the dragon-slaying giant sword in his hand. It is a special attack expertise and is particularly effective against dragon-type monsters. It is of little value if used against other enemies.

But considering that I am going to take the road of dragon feasting, during which I will definitely have to fight many giant dragons, this expertise is really necessary, and it is really a difficult choice.

Murphy thought for a long time and decided to choose the dragon slaying expert. This was his best choice at the moment.

[System prompt: You have unlocked the new hero specialty [Dragon Slayer Expert], which has already taken effect. 】

After making the choice and settling the worries, the next step is to kill the black dragon.

Originally, he had no idea about this, but now, Murphy has become more confident about this weekly task.

The dragon-slaying giant sword combined with the dragon-slaying expert's expertise can completely defeat dragon monsters, and the dragon-slayer's flame amulet combined with the lava body can resist the damage of the black dragon's flames to the greatest extent. I ask you how you can lose.

However, to be on the safe side, Murphy decided to recruit another group of adventurers to make things more stable. Before, he didn’t want to recruit adventurers mainly because he didn’t want to waste plot points, but now he doesn’t care much about plot points. The focus is to get the dragon. Heart.

Heartbroken, Mo Fei returned to the ruins hall and took the remaining soldiers on the way back. This journey took a full day. He was not idle along the way, killing monsters for a long time, etc. When he returned to Alterac City, it was already evening, and Murphy had successfully leveled up again.

He is now a Level 12 North Wind Knight.

The moment he stepped into the gate of Alterac City, Murphy really felt like he had gone home. He had been in the wild for five days. Every day he was either fighting or rushing. It felt like the days had been really long. Murphy couldn't help but complain in his heart. Sometimes the game map is too big, which is not a good thing. When he was a black dragon, he didn't think he could fly, but now he is traveling on two legs. It's so tiring. It seems that he will have to get a mount later. .

It was getting too late today, so Murphy decided to start recruiting adventurers early tomorrow morning, arrive at Dragon Roar Peak in the afternoon, and finish the battle before dark.

As for now, after a tiring day, Murphy just wants to log off and rest.

Back in the palace, Murphy logged off in his room.

After dinner, Murphy went to bed early.

I went back to my hometown to visit the grave today, so there are only two chapters. I will resume three chapters tomorrow.

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