Part-time BOSS

Chapter 83 The End of Brother Feng

The layout of the taverns in Alterac City is different from other places: there is a large counter on the street, and the counter is filled with large oak barrels. The adventurers who fight monsters return to the city in the evening and spend fifty copper coins each time. , buy a bottle of dwarven liquor.

——This happened three months ago. Since the price of snowman fur has increased significantly, there have been more and more adventurers in the city, and dwarf spirits have also increased to one silver coin.

Most of the adventurers stood at the door, hurriedly drank and then logged off. If they were willing to spend twenty more copper coins, they could buy a bowl of stewed meat and chowder, or grilled wild boar ribs, and have a feast.

But these adventurers who drink dwarf spirits are mostly low-level trumpets or party members who farm for materials, and they are probably not so wealthy.

Only those who are above level 40 will book a table in small groups, ask for wine and meat, sit and eat and drink slowly, and chat about where the wild boss has been defeated and where it has appeared again. The copy can be conquered.

Occasionally, hero players will appear. They are rich men who are not short of money. They order food very generously. They often order a large table of food, eat and drink, and finally pay the bill with a gold coin. , leaving envious eyes everywhere.

Among these players, Qingfeng Banhuai is in a unique category. He is the only hero player who is not willing to spend money to buy meat.

He is an elf with a unique effeminate face. In order to add personality, he also deliberately added a scar when pinching his face. However, he does not feel fierce at all. Instead, he has an indescribable wretched temperament. Although he is a hero, he can equip But it was very bad, and only a dragon bone long bow could pass through.

Because his name contains the word "wind", he was nicknamed "Brother Feng".

"Oh, isn't this Brother Feng? Are you going to steal some BOSS's house again?"

He didn't answer, and said with a dark face: "Two bottles of dwarf spirits, and a set of hard bread." Then he took out two silver coins.

"You are so rich. Which unlucky player have you betrayed this time?"

Qingfeng Banhuai's face suddenly turned red, "You guys know nothing about betrayal, I am aboveboard and have a clear conscience."

These words only elicited a burst of boos.

The story about Qingfeng Danhuai is widely circulated among the adventurer community. Among them, the former members of Dragon's Sorrow are indispensable. Everyone knows that Qingfeng Danhuai was once the president of a large guild. For one hundred thousand yuan Qian brought the players in the guild to serve as cannon fodder and let a black dragon BOSS be wiped out in one wave.

After it was revealed, the people in the guild were in disarray and most of them left.

Later, he used the 100,000 yuan to build a hero account, and took the remaining members to steal the Black Dragon BOSS's home. As a result, he was blocked by the Black Dragon who came back. The members suffered heavy casualties. Qingfeng stopped Huai from the cliff in order to escape. He jumped down, broke his leg, and fought hard to escape with his life. However, since then, the Dragon's Sorrow Guild has been completely disbanded.

But this guy had such a clear mind that he actually had the exact same name. As a result, his past embarrassing stories were spread with the dissolution of the guild. Everyone knew that this guy was unreliable and loved to trick his teammates, which led to them being willing to form a team with him. There are fewer and fewer people in the team, and the mix is ​​getting worse and worse. I can only play solo by myself.

Qingfeng drank a bottle of dwarf liquor, and a slightly drunken DEBUFF appeared above his head. This DEBUFF has no special harm, it just makes people dizzy. It is said that many people who like drinking in real life will come to the game to experience it. This feeling is both cheap and harmless.

Every time at this time, someone on the sidelines would ask, "Qingfeng Huai, have you really been the president? Why are you still so miserable?"

Qingfeng Banhuai immediately looked depressed and restless, his face covered with a layer of gray, and he uttered some pale excuse words: "What's the pressure? It's forced by life... Those people don't listen to orders, they are too good at games." Category.

Before this time, everyone burst into laughter: the atmosphere inside and outside the tavern was filled with joy.

The only one who couldn't laugh was Qingfeng Banhuai. He looked at the mocking faces of the adventurers around him and the disdainful eyes of the heroes, and he just cursed secretly in his heart.

Damn it, damn it, these bastards, didn’t I just get a hundred thousand yuan? If you keep saying this every day, you’ve already lost your wits.

When I went to attack the Dark Dragon's Lair, I gave the command with all my heart. If those useless people hadn't been so useless and didn't obey the command, they might have killed the black dragon Morpheus long ago.

When the time comes, you can get equipment worth 100,000 yuan. Wouldn’t it be great?

Those two losers, Dawn Divine Sword and Midnight Dharma God, I sacrificed so much to serve as bait for you, but you ended up getting in trouble. If you could win, would I become a laughing stock?

Those trolls who are blind and lively are damned. You don’t judge heroes by their success or failure. Do you understand? I bear the burden for the sake of the overall situation. What’s wrong with taking 100,000 yuan? Isn’t it also for the guild that I spent 100,000 yuan to build a hero account? More development?

I understand righteousness so well, why don’t you bunch of rubbish understand it?

And that black dragon Morpheus, you bastard black dragon, why don't you die? If you died, why would there be so much nonsense?

It's a pity that no matter how much I curse in my heart, I can't say these words out.

Qingfeng walked out of the tavern. The cold wind in Alterac calmed him down a bit. He looked at the tall and thick city walls around him and thought that he couldn't stay in this poor place like Alterac. He should go to the Kingdom of Stormwind to see it. , Logically speaking, it is impossible for the Dark Door to remain open forever. As long as the orc army invades the Eastern Continent and a war breaks out, sooner or later there will be a chance to make a name for itself.

With his master-level archery skills, he could just take the heads of several orc bosses and it would be a joke.

As soon as I walked into the square, I heard an impassioned speech.

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "Brave adventurers, stop your steps and listen to the voice of my Prince Aidan. A difficult mission is waiting for you to join, and a great glory is waiting. A true brave man goes and gets it.

An evil black dragon is entrenched in the land of Alterac, poisoning my people. The people live in fear and tremble in the shadow of the black dragon.

Beautiful girls became sacrifices, brave soldiers perished in the sea of ​​fire, and incompetent nobles stood idly by. Only I, the prince of Alterac, Aidan, chose to stand up and vowed to repel the evil and save me from the clutches of the dragon. this kingdom.

Are you willing to fight side by side with me and become a dragon-slaying warrior? For Alterac, for this world, contribute your share.

I know that not everyone dares to face the dragon's wrath, and I know that not everyone has the courage to fight evil.

Fight, and you may die.

If you run away, you can at least survive for a while.

Many years later, you will die of old age in bed. Looking back, you also had the opportunity to save the world, and you also had the opportunity to write legends.

Are you willing to trade all this for today, for just one opportunity, to come back here and fight with me against that terrible dragon. It may kill us, but it cannot destroy our will. We must Let the world understand that there are still real warriors among humans who are willing to fight to the death for justice and glory, home and relatives! "

Qingfeng Lanhuai rolled his eyes when he heard this. Damn, this bastard is very eloquent. If he didn’t know better, he would have thought he was an NPC. But he knew very well that King Ayden had no sons at all. Every one of these princes now belongs to the old Wang family. children.

He looked at the prince title on Prince Aidan's head, and couldn't help but feel envious, jealous, and hateful in his heart. Damn, he's a rich man with a prince title.

At the beginning, he also wanted to get the title of prince, which was fun, but the price was too expensive. The background of the prince in Quel'Thalas actually cost 4 million. There was no way, the elves were too popular, and in the end he could only open a civilian template. thing.

At first, he thought that the title of prince might mean that he had a more distinguished status and could get some discounts on purchases. However, he later found out that this was not the case. Not to mention the various hidden benefits, this weekly plot mission alone made him jealous. No, weekly tasks all give plot points. Although they are not many, they are a stable income.

Moreover, the BOSS in the weekly missions usually refreshes at a fixed location. As long as you go there, the plot battle will be triggered 100%. As a prince, you can recruit soldiers for free to fight. After defeating it, you will have plot points, reputation, and equipment. , it’s simply a walking gift bag.

As soon as he saw the formation in front of him, he knew that he was probably short of cannon fodder for weekly tasks and was recruiting adventurers here. However, I have to say that the way this person sent out tasks was quite ceremonial, and his speech lines were quite a bit... It feels like a pre-war speech in a Hollywood epic blockbuster, and it's a bit provocative.

But it’s 2030, no one still believes this, right?

Unexpectedly, as soon as he came up with this idea, there were onlookers who came up to sign up.

"Oh yeah! Count me as Prince Aidan! The eternal Leo, the human warrior, comes to report. As long as I am here, humanity will never fail!"

"And me, for justice and glory! Knight Aragorn is willing to serve you. I must let the evil black dragon taste the sharp blade in my hand."

"I am also willing to fight alongside you, Your Highness. My name is Lilith and I am a priest. Although I am not good at fighting, I will support you from behind."

"Prince Aidan, if you don't mind that we are a few low levels, we are all willing to join you."

Qingfeng was speechless as he watched, (Damn, these newbies, don't you realize that they are trying to trick you into being cannon fodder? You are still trying to save the world for the sake of justice and glory. You are just laughing your ass off.)

He moved closer and tapped the golden exclamation mark with his hand, triggering the mission.

[Quest name: Alterac’s Dragon-Slaying Warriors.

Mission content: Assist Prince Aidan to eliminate the black dragon raging in the Dragon Roar Peak area.

Mission text: Brave adventurers, stop your steps and listen to the voice of my Prince Aidan. A difficult mission is waiting for you to join...

Mission reward: 2000 experience points, obtain the title [Dragon Slaying Warrior], and choose one of the bone-peeling spear/snake-man curved sword.

Accept or not, Y/N. 】

I guess, with such a bad reward, it’s obvious that adventurers are being hired to help with work.

2,000 experience points is a lot, but it takes an hour to travel to Long Roar Peak, and another hour to get back after completing the mission. Counting the time to fight the BOSS, the three-hour mission only gives 2,000 experience points. It's too boring.

The title of Dragon Slaying Warrior sounds majestic, but the title displayed in the reward column is just an ordinary whiteboard title without any attribute bonus. This kind of title is just a good-looking one, and it is only reserved for trumpets with little experience. would be interested.

The equipment rewarded by the mission is even more rubbish. I don’t know which corner of the weapon is a blank slate weapon. This kind of strange weapon looks very cool, but it is often not easy to use. There is no matching weapon skill. The so-called weirder the weapon, the more likely it is to die. Faster, this rule also applies in the game.

With such a shabby reward, it’s too embarrassing to issue a mission.

What makes Qingfeng Bai Huai even more incomprehensible is that there are so many people taking over the task. I really don’t know what these people are thinking?

He wanted to leave, but suddenly he glanced at the level above Prince Aidan's head. It was only level 12, and he was still a melee combatant. So the main output was adventurers and his crossbowmen. Suddenly something moved in his heart. A brilliant idea emerged.

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