Part-time BOSS

Chapter 89 Part-time BOSS

"Unbridled!" Wings of Death spread out its wings - everything was burned!

Flames were rolling all over his body, and the raging flames turned into a huge ring-shaped fire storm and spread in all directions, but Mo Fei was not afraid. His fire resistance stack now reached more than 800 points, and ordinary flames had no effect on him. harm.

Combat Skills - Take the Challenge!

The edge of his sword slashed toward the dragon's wing, where the dragon's scale was the smallest. With a tearing sound, the dragon's scale shattered, and the dragon-slaying giant sword cut a three- to four-meter-long gash in the huge dragon's wing.



Unfortunately, for a creature of Deathwing's size, such damage is of little significance. However, although the damage was not high, it successfully angered Deathwing.

As if seeing that the flames were useless, Deathwing flapped its wings again and soared into the sky.

Hurricane Wings!

The air waves surged, the winds piled up, and the violent air currents fell from the sky, blowing away the thick snow covering the ground, revealing the dark ground.

The huge wind pressure caused Mo Fei to fall suddenly. Fortunately, with the blessing of the God of Storms, he swam as far as possible in the gaps in the airflow, so that he was not directly hit to the ground. The moment he landed, Mo Fei retracted his wings and leaned on continuously. Retreating eliminates the impact of landing.

Seeing that this move was ineffective, Deathwing closed its wings and crashed towards the ground.

Meteor falling from the sky!

There were dozens of meteors falling with it, and it was the largest one. Murphy was panicking now. It would be bad if he was hit by it.

He hurriedly jumped up and dodged backwards. As soon as he jumped up, Deathwing suddenly landed on the ground.

Boom, the huge shock wave made Mo Fei spin and fly like fallen leaves in the wind. As soon as he stabilized his body on the ground, Deathwing spurted out another mouthful of flames.

The wild flames!

The flames sprayed out this time were obviously different from the previous dragon's breath. The flames were actually black and red.

Mo Fei immediately felt a hint of danger. All flames whose color was not the standard red usually came with other attribute damage. He did not dare to meet it and flew to the right at full speed close to the ground. The flames followed closely, sweeping all the way. The ice and snow melt and evaporate, and even the sand and rocks turn into flowing glass. Murphy flew half a circle in one breath before dodging the blow.

He fell into the snowdrift in embarrassment.

Mysterious Black Dragon: "Hahaha, ant, be afraid. Yes, I can feel the fear in your heart, but this is just the beginning."

Dragon Tail Sweep!

The huge dragon tail swept across,

Get ready!

Bang, the huge force knocked Murphy away, like a golf ball that was knocked away, flying more than a hundred meters away, and after landing, it dragged dozens of meters in the snow before stopping.

Just as he stood firm, Deathwing launched another attack.

Tear apart the earth!

With one claw strike, the ground was torn into cracks. Murphy was so frightened that he flew up in a hurry to avoid falling into the abyss. However, this turned out to be a combination of skills.

The evil fire of the abyss!

Another claw slapped down, the ground shook, and rising black and red flames spurted out from the cracks. Mo Fei dodged left and right, and was accidentally burned. He lost more than two thousand health points in an instant.

Murphy was getting more and more shocked. He thought, this guy is too powerful. He thought that in his current state, he could defeat the original Sword of Dawn. If he were to fight Morpheus at that time, he would definitely be able to defeat him. Morpheus was hung up and beaten, but in front of Deathwing, he really could only be beaten while being pressed down.

He is blessed by the power of the gods, but the strength of this Deathwing is so terrifying.

When he first advanced to the ancient black dragon, he felt that he finally had enough power. Maybe he might be able to compete with Deathwing in the future. But at this time, he suddenly discovered that Morpheus was stronger than Deathwing. It's not on the same level at all. If Morpheus and Deathwing really fought, they would be torn apart in just one encounter.

Deathwing not only possesses melee combat skills that can cause landslides and devastation, but his identity as the guardian of the earth allows him to control the power of the earth. Combined with the dragon language magic of the black dragon clan, he is simply the overlord of both magic and martial arts. No wonder he can become an entire version in the future. The final BOSS.

Even successfully destroyed the world in a certain timeline.

While feeling frightened and sighing in his heart, Mo Fei did not relax in the fight at all. He kept dodging and defending. He would also retaliate against Deathwing when he had time. Although it was a bit difficult to land a fatal blow, it still caused The damage still made Deathwing more and more crazy and violent.

All kinds of big moves were used overwhelmingly. Even with the blessing of the gods, it became increasingly difficult for Mo Fei to resist.

What's even worse is that it seems that the intensity of the battle is too high, and the various divine powers in his body have begun to gradually dissipate.

It was promised to last an hour, but it was less than ten minutes.

"Wang Xuan, hurry up, I can't do it anymore."

Wang Xuan's voice came from the sky, "It'll be fine soon, it'll be fine soon!"

boom! Mo Fei was once again burned by the black-red evil fire. His wings were unable to withstand it and turned into ashes, and his whole body suddenly fell.

He rolled around on the ground several times, and when Murphy stood up, Deathwing fell in front of him again.

The body as huge as a mountain is full of oppression, and Deathwing's eyes are full of cruelty and ferocity.

Mysterious Black Dragon: "I have to say, little ant, your tenacity surprises me, but that's it for now. The false power in you can't save you, nor can those false gods save you. Your deception, you Your rudeness, your arrogance, everything you have done will pay the price here, wake up mortals - tremble in my shadow!"

Seeing Deathwing about to unleash his final move, Murphy once again blocked the giant sword in front of him - preparing for a stance!

Although this move is mediocre, it is really easy to use. He has relied on this move many times to block seemingly unstoppable attacks.

However, this time, Deathwing did not breathe fire or wave its claws. Instead, it rose into the air and swooped towards Mo Fei. Its body spurted out flames of destruction, its wings were spread flat, and its wingspan of more than 200 meters was like a huge giant. The curtain covered the sky, and the earth was torn apart wherever it passed, the sky was covered in flames, meteorites fell from the sky, and the evil fire of the abyss spewed out from the ground, as if the end of the world had arrived in advance.


This is the name of Deathwing's move. The ability to destroy the world, which should have been realized decades later, was awakened in advance under Deathwing's crazy will.

It's over! Murphy's heart immediately went cold.

With such a large skill range, you can't even dodge it, and with such a full-coverage attack, you can't block it even if you want to.

It's over, it's over, is my role worth tens of millions of dollars going to end like this?

"Wang Xuan!" he shouted at the top of his lungs.

The next second, a golden beam of light fell on Deathwing. For a moment, Deathwing froze in mid-air. Even the flames surrounding it stopped beating, and the surroundings suddenly became quiet.

Murphy breathed a sigh of relief and was saved. He looked at Deathwing nervously.

A huge rune slowly rose in front of Deathwing. The second and third runes, a total of twelve runes, each symbolized the power of a god. Under the cover of the power of the gods, Even time came to a standstill.

Wang Xuan (Sacred Envoy of the God Realm): "Gods - listen to my order, lend me all your power, and seal this terrifying evil thing!"

Twelve runes surrounded Deathwing, and energy shackles emerged out of thin air, constructing a huge spherical cage. The cage slowly closed, and Deathwing and the flames around it were all squeezed into a huge ball. The force compressed toward the center, and Deathwing's wings were forced to close together.

The shackles composed of countless energy surrounded it layer by layer, and the spherical shape became more and more complete, and even the wings of death inside were gradually covered up.

Roar! A hoarse roar came from the sealed ball, the wings stretched hard, and hundreds of energy shackles collapsed in an instant.

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "Oh my god, this guy is coming out."

Wang Xuan (Sacred Envoy of the God Realm): "It's not that easy! Take it away from me!" More energy shackles emerged, and huge energy plates also emerged one after another, layer upon layer, and they continued to reinforce the sealing ball. Going up, the huge spherical shape is like a silver sun, suspended in mid-air, so dazzling that even the original sun loses its brilliance.

However, Deathwing's madness was even more unexpected. It roared, roared, and struggled with all its strength, like a mental patient in a violent state. The sealed ball kept cracking and being repaired.

Wang Xuan's originally confident face gradually became ugly.

Wang Xuan (Sacred Envoy of the God Realm): "Damn it, this is the Wing of Death you forced me to do!"

He stretched out his hand and grabbed hard into the void.

Soul stripped!

A figure was pulled out of the ball. It was a burly man with a transparent posture, his eyes flashed with crazy light, and he looked unusually domineering and evil.

It was the soul of Deathwing, Murphy realized immediately.

It was pulled directly in front of Wang Xuan. Even in the face of such a desperate situation, he still looked furious.

"It's useless, you despicable ants, you can't trap me! No one can control me!" Neltharion's soul struggled hard, and his body also frantically tried to escape from the seal. come out.

Wang Xuan had a gloomy look on his face. It was obvious that the situation before him was a bit beyond his control. "Humph, really, do you think so? Well, you won. You succeeded in irritating me." He suddenly looked towards Murphy.

"Murphy, are you interested in doing a part-time job?"

"Part-time job? What part-time job?"

"Part-time BOSS."


boom! A gap opened in the sealing ball, and Deathwing was about to escape.

"Fuck, there's no time. If you don't tell me, I'll take it as your promise." Wang Xuan said, grabbing Murphy's hand and throwing him towards the ball.

"I'll kill you, uncle!" Murphy yelled, watching helplessly as he fell into the ball.

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