The new year is approaching, and celebrities and artists are very busy.

Various New Year's Eve performances, annual celebrations, brand annual meetings, etc. will all be concentrated at the end of the year, and some well-known artists will also participate in the official rehearsals of the Spring Festival Gala.

For example, Pei Jingshu, this year as a new generation of powerful singer, was invited to the Spring Festival Gala stage to sing a song.

As for this song…

It's "Together No matter how far away" by Gu Huaian.

Because I thought this song was quite suitable for a girl’s voice, after she and Pei Jingshu separated that day, Pei Ya told her not long after that she wanted to make a cover version for Pei Jingshu.

Their long-distance relationship is not only talked about by Gu Huaian, Pei Jingshu also has a strong sense of empathy when she sings this song.

Gu Huaian must be fine. If it weren't for the company's reasons, he might not even charge the copyright fee for his girlfriend.

Pei Jingshu's version of "Together No matter how far away" may be more delicate than Gu Huaian's. Her ability to empathize in music is so strong that she doesn't need a crying voice, but she seems to be able to sing and cry.

Professional singers will never do that disgusting thing of crying before making others cry.

It is worth mentioning that maybe inspired by Gu Huaian, she used more nasal resonance when singing this song, so the presentation of the work is quite amazing, and it caused a wave of craze after it was released.


Among Pei Jingshu's works in the second half of the year, the most popular one is really not "Together No matter how far away".

It was a new song written for her by Gu Huaian, called: "Meet".

It was also when she was in Zibo, on the morning before Pei Jingshu left, her assistant secretly told Gu Huaian, asking if he had time recently and wanted him to write a song for Pei Jingshu or something.

Gu Huaian might be stingy when it comes to others, but when it comes to Pei Jingshu...

Then Gu Huaian would definitely give him the best.

The points required to redeem the song "Meet" in Gu Huaian's system were similar to those of "Sunny Day". At that time, the points in Gu Huaian's system were not many, that is, less than 30,000. So he changed the song to "No matter how far it is." "Together", plus the song "Meet", there are only about 20,000 left.

And later it turned out that the song "Meet" is indeed worthy of so many points.

As soon as this song was released, it quickly swept the entire Internet. In those days, the entire Internet seemed to be singing this sentence:

"Hearing the departure of winter, I woke up in a certain month of a certain year..."

This song is the same as Gu Huaian's "Sunny Day". It has a perfect intro killer. The arrangement and lyrics are well recognized by the industry. The whole song is high-spirited. The light sadness and fantasy about the future are really romantic to countless extents. people.

Some people say that Gu Huaian is very good at writing sweet songs. He can interpret a song so romantically without even using the word sweet. Looking at the entire domestic entertainment industry, he is second to none.

It would be inappropriate for Pei Jingshu, who is already in love, to interpret such a song with rich fantasy elements. This song seems to be tailor-made for her at this time.

Of course, its achievements are also very impressive. Pei Jingshu is a well-known singer, so this song is paid...

In one month, the single sales of this song set an impressive record of over 100 million!

All major platforms have been maxed out!

In those days, this song was all discussed in WeChat Moments, Douyin, and Weibo.

It was as much discussed as "Sunny Day" when Gu Huaian's new album was a big hit.

That's the reason for the first album. "Sunny Day" Gu Huaian only entered the VIP of each platform. If he had paid for it, he might have made a lot of money, and the sales volume would at least not be worse than "Meet".

The comment area is also very explosive. Many people are saying:

"It sounds so good!!!"

"Gu Laoliu really gave all his best quality works to Sister Pei!"

"Last time it was "Little Lucky", this time it's "Meet", it's really amazing!"

"What I'm saying is that the Chinese music scene is completely dominated by you and your wife. Look at the music platform's list. It's either Gu Laoliu's or Sister Pei's."

"Gu Laoliu is really something. If you look at the charts, almost all of them are songs written by him."

There is a very funny phenomenon that almost all the popular works on the new songs and hot song lists of major music platforms are written by Gu Huaian.

Gu Huaian's album has 13 songs, plus the song "Together No matter how far away", all of them are on the charts without exception, and "Sunny Day" has been at the top of the hot song charts on all platforms for nearly 27 weeks!

Pei Jingshu's "Little Luck" and "Meet" are also at the top, and even Shang Zhuoyan's "Your Smile" is also in the top ten.

Almost all of these well-known works were created by Gu Huaian alone. Some people say:

"Gu Huaian can be regarded as dominating the Chinese music scene."

This is true. Some time ago, there were several well-known young artists who released songs, and their fans went crazy on the charts. Various top performers rushed to the top, but none of them could break into the top five of the charts.

Not to mention shaking the top spot of Gu Huaian's "Sunny Day".

The only thing that can be shaken is Pei Jingshu's "Meeting".

It was just a day or two after the release of "Meet", and the two songs "Sunny Day" were fighting at the top of the list. You were the first for a while, and I was the first for a while. No one would let anyone go. It was always funny. This matter is still on the list. Hot searches are coming, and netizens are joking:

"Both of them were written by one person, and they are lovers. They are all members of the same family, so who comes first? Stop arguing, okay?"

Others said:

"As expected, the only one who can defeat Gu Huaian is himself."

At the beginning, the only one who could beat Pei Jingshu's "Little Lucky" was the title song of his new album "Sunny Day".

Now, the only one that can beat "Sunny Day", which has dominated the hot song charts on various platforms for 27 weeks, is his newly written "Meet" for Pei Jingshu.

It's also because of "Meet" that Pei Jingshu's fame, popularity, and celebrity status soared in the second half of the year. She also worked more and more and became busier and busier.

The schedule is even scheduled to the second half of next year...

One time, Pei Jingshu was talking to Gu Huaian on the phone and she was still complaining, saying that if I didn't mention it myself, don't write songs for me in the future. My sister sometimes goes too far...

Originally, she had agreed with her sister to slow down her work pace next year, but now, her new song has become a hit, and her work has not decreased, but has increased.

Especially after attending the Spring Festival Gala, there were also some official invitations, which I couldn't refuse.

Speaking of the Spring Festival Gala, in fact, most of the official Spring Festival Gala songs are songs with the main theme. Even if some popular songs are sung, the lyrics will be changed to the type that promotes peace and prosperity for the country and the people.

When I saw the program list that Pei Jingshu was going to sing "Together No matter how far away", many people were worried that someone would change the lyrics of this song beyond recognition. Fortunately...

Nothing changed!

Nothing has changed!

"Together No matter how far away" is the only work in this year's Spring Festival Gala that appears on the Spring Festival Gala stage in its entirety as a pop music love song.

Many people said that Yang Ma did the right thing!

Pei Jingshu went to the Spring Festival Gala and sang "Together No matter how far away", so of course many people would say, why didn't Gu Huaian attend the Spring Festival Gala this year?

This kid ran around a lot during the New Year's Eve. On the night of the New Year's Eve, he appeared on Orange Channel, Blue Channel, Beijing Channel... and many other TV stations!

The song "Reverse War" sung on Orange Channel set the whole audience on fire. Many young freshmen sang like old rubbish that day, and not one of them was weak. They all sang in such a birdlike manner that the audience suspected that the speakers were broken...

As soon as Gu Huaian came on the stage, his aura was in full swing, and his solid singing skills and gangster-like tone immediately ignited the audience.

Compared with those people in front of me, they are in the same sky and on the earth.

The audience later joked that Gu Huaian was here to repair the sound system...

This matter later became a hot search topic, called:

" # A piece of "Reverse War", Gu Huaian is repairing the sound system during the New Year! # "

Precisely because of this, some people say that even though he visited so many TV stations during the New Year, he was not present in the Spring Festival Gala. Is this appropriate?

He is the hottest and most popular artist this year with both reputation, traffic and quality.

At this time, someone will come out to explain to them, saying that Gu Huaian's time for being famous was too short. It was only half a year. Guests for the Spring Festival Gala were appointed and signed confidentiality agreements at the beginning of the year, and he could not catch up.

Fans suddenly realized this and laughed:

"Next year, let's look forward to next year."

Not surprisingly, Gu Huaian will definitely be admitted next year.

It is worth mentioning that although Gu Huaian did not attend the Spring Festival Gala, he seemed to be everywhere in the Spring Festival Gala. Several of his songs were covered by some people, but the singing was not as good as his, and it seemed that he was playing reverse output. Same as advertising.

In addition, Sister Pei directly "opened up" the song "Together No matter how far away", the "family members" alone will go crazy!

On the stage, she was wearing a light blue dress, playing the piano and singing to herself. Her appearance itself is very elegant and dignified as an oriental woman. Her makeup for the Spring Festival Gala was also traditional, without any fancy decorations, just just Her hair was styled with a classical hairpin, and she had a beautiful face that would occasionally frown when she sang emotionally. She was so beautiful.

Pei Jingshu really fascinated countless people that night!

And when they thought that such a beauty had a wife, many people couldn't help but want to kill Gu Huaian.

That night, Gu Huaian's Weibo was in trouble. Many people were saying, "Sister-in-law is crazy" and "You're a lucky boy"...

Another funny comment said:

"Someone's sister-in-law is sweet, beautiful, white, has a temperament, and sings beautifully;"

"There are also sisters-in-law who are quack quack quack..."

Gu Huai'an was very happy when he saw this comment. He happened to be watching the Spring Festival Gala that night. When Pei Jingshu appeared on the stage, he was stunned...

She is so beautiful!

At that time, Gu's mother said, how many galaxies did your kid save in his previous life to have such a blessing? Gu Huaian was dissatisfied and said, "Your son is not too bad!"

What left Gu Huaian speechless was that Gu Zhun actually said the same thing...

Gu Huaian rolled his eyes and said I shouldn't have come back for the New Year!

That's right, Gu Huaian was not busy with work on New Year's Eve, but went home a day early on the night of New Year's Eve.

The end of the year is indeed the busiest time for artists. Some work hard to meet KPIs, while others can only earn some money by doing odd jobs at the end of the year.

But Gu Huaian is obviously not in that category. His KPI this year has exceeded by an unknown amount, and next year's work is almost scheduled to the second half of the year. Where does he need to pick up odd jobs?

There is no need to go to the Spring Festival Gala this year. Except for a few unavoidable tasks, such as the annual meeting activities of brand endorsements, he has almost given up on the rest of the small jobs. Is it okay for someone who is celebrating the New Year not to come back to celebrate the New Year?

He didn't go too far with his crotch burning. He stayed at home until the second day of junior high school, then left after lunch, and continued to work as he should.

It was said that the New Year's Eve visits to various David TV stations a few days ago were too much for him. He really didn't want to go back to New Year's Eve anymore...

But there is one thing to say, Gu Huaian made a lot more during the New Year's Eve, and even the amount he earned was a bit exaggerated!

Every one of those satellite TV stations paid him a very high appearance fee!

When Gu Huaian came back, he bragged to his mother and said that I had made half of your life's money in the past few days...

Gu Ma was happy and said that no matter how powerful you are, even if you rule the galaxy, you still have to call me mom.

Gu Huaian retired in place...

After the New Year's Eve dinner, the family watched the Spring Festival Gala. Gu Zhun, holding his cell phone, went to grab red envelopes from his classmates. He kept shouting, and Gu Huaian was so angry that he kicked him into the back room.

It's the New Year, and Gu Huaian has also received a lot of New Year greeting messages on his mobile phone. When he is a celebrity like him, he doesn't really need to send them to others. Others take the initiative to send them to him.

Various work groups are also giving out red envelopes and so on...

What made Gu Huaian a little speechless was that in his own team group, which was a small group of his stylists, assistants and others, Jiang Nuan went crazy @and Gu Huaian said that he was asking the boss to give out red envelopes or something.

Gu Huaian raised his hand and said just one word: "Get out!"

All said and done, Gu Huaian was really not stingy in this regard. He handed out red envelopes worth several thousand to tens of thousands to each person.

They all work with him. Other artists usually give red envelopes to their staff during holidays. Gu Huaian would be too stingy if he didn't send them, and everyone would have a psychological gap.

He doesn't need this little money, so he gives out red envelopes during the Chinese New Year for good luck.

After sending out the red envelopes, exchanging various greetings and replying to some messages, Gu Huaian also started to edit New Year blessing messages and plan to send them in bulk...

He may not need to curry favor with anyone, but since it’s the New Year, sending a message is also a blessing.

For example, some people who are relatively close to each other, such as Pei Jingshu, Sister Xilin, etc., must be posted.

Speaking of Xilin, their team for "Go Where the Wind Is" is almost complete, and the launch date has been set for May next year.

Shooting a movie is really not as easy as I thought. After deciding on the script, you need to choose a director. After choosing the director, you need to choose a shooting location, set up a crew, select actors...etc., etc. These are all troublesome.

Generally, it takes at least half a year from finalizing the script to officially starting filming.

It’s no exaggeration. If there were no ready-made shooting locations like Hengdian, just the decoration and decoration after the location selection would take a month or two.

It is worth mentioning that the location they chose for filming was actually the location where Gu Huaian and the others previously recorded "Crystal Love Season", which is the Yunxi Village. Even the "windy courtyard" in the script was chosen to be in the crystal courtyard. inside.

Gu Huaian was still looking forward to the idea of ​​revisiting his old place.

Xilin and Su Yuntang also went to the Spring Festival Gala this year. At this time, they should not have time to check their mobile phones at the live broadcast, so they almost didn't reply after Gu Huaian sent it.

The rest of my artist friends may also be busy, and many of them did not reply immediately. The ones who responded quickly were probably...

If you're not very popular, you don't have much work, right?

Ha ha……

The high school classmates are talking about the class reunion again. Crazy @The protagonist Gu Huaian came back in the middle of the year. Many people couldn't make it to the party, so they wanted to meet Gu Huaian during the New Year.

There are also a few people getting married who want to invite Gu Huaian there...

Speaking of getting married, when Gu Huaian came back in the middle of the year, a high school classmate who had a good time invited him to be the best man. Gu Huaian even had time, but unfortunately the brother had to be transferred out for a year due to work reasons, so maybe The wedding has to be postponed...

Gu Huaian sent him a message at that time, saying that long-distance relationships are not easy, come on, the two of them felt as if they were "the same people in the world".

"Ding dong ding dong..."

Many people in the high school group were chatting about Gu Huaian. He was really a star now, and several female classmates even said they had a crush on him when they were in school.

Gu Huaian was just about to go over and say that he might not have time to attend the party, but suddenly...

"Ding dong."

A message alert sounded, and a note name jumped into Gu Huaian's eyes.

Shang Zhuoyan.

She replied to Gu Huaian:

"Happy New Year."

Just four words and nothing else.

Gu Huaian was stunned for a moment, then clicked to look at it, only to realize that he had also sent it to her when he sent a group of New Year blessings.

Gu Huaian had too many friends, and it was definitely impossible for Gu Huaian to single out Shang Zhuoyan and not send them. He had forgotten about it. He didn't expect that Shang Zhuoyan would reply to him at this time.

Gu Huaian thought she would be very busy during the New Year...

Gu Huaian wanted to send a message to greet her before when she saw her sudden weight loss and was on the trending search. He was too embarrassed to open his mouth. After that time, he felt that he and Shang Zhuoyan became more awkward than after that "fried cow dung" incident. He didn't know why. Open your mouth.

Unexpectedly, today, by accident, the conversation started.

After thinking about it, Gu Huaian sent a message and asked:

"Not working?"

After a moment, Shang Zhuoyan replied:

"No, I'm going home for the New Year."

The messages she sent were quite bland, and there was no emotion in the text, but in fact, this was not her usual style of chatting with people.

In the past, she often liked to send some emoticons when chatting with Gu Huaian. She is an 8G surfer girl, and her emoticons are as deep as the sea. She often uses emoticons that prank her or people around her on the Internet.

I also like to make voice calls and stuff...

But now it feels...different from before.

In the living room.

The Spring Festival Gala is playing on TV.

Many of the celebrities and artists in the picture are known to Gu Huaian in real life. They are bright and full of smiles. It is difficult for everyone who attends the Spring Festival Gala to be unhappy.


Gu Ma was sitting on the sofa, eating melon seeds, drinking tea and watching TV under the quilt.

That boy Gu Zhun was bragging to someone in the room, shouting something like "My brother is Gu Huaian, do you know?" What did the naughty boy opposite say... My brother dares to eat shi, does your brother dare? !

Gu Huaian also sat next to the radiator to keep warm...

The house is quiet and warm. At night, Gu Huaian gnawed on the boss's pig's trotters. Look out the window and see many people setting off firecrackers.


The control in his hometown is not strict. There must be a lot of people setting off firecrackers and fireworks on New Year's Eve. His family lives on a high floor, so he can just see it. It's so beautiful.

On the mobile phone, whether it is messages in groups or private chats, it seems that everyone is enjoying the happiness and happy atmosphere of the New Year.

It’s the Chinese New Year and everyone seems to be quite happy.

But only Shang Zhuoyan gave Gu Huaian a feeling that it was difficult to be happy.

And she didn't seem to dare to chat with Gu Huaian anymore. When Gu Huaian asked, she replied that for nearly ten minutes, she didn't send any more messages, as if she planned to leave it at that.


I thought about it for a long time.

Gu Huaian then sent a message to Shang Zhuoyan, asking:

"How are you?"

He was afraid that among the thousands of lights, there would be no light left for her.

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