Participating in a love show, this little guy is too down-to-earth

Chapter 229 The man favored by the God of Variety Shows: Why compare him to Shang Zhuoyan!

"Ahaha... I'm laughing so hard!"

"What I'm saying is, Gu Huaian, you really don't even bother to pretend!"

"After all, we are now a big star. Sometimes we can just pretend to be so sophisticated, hahaha..."

In fact, many celebrities and artists are not familiar with them personally. Even if they are college classmates or have filmed movies together, they are not very familiar with them.

On the one hand, everyone is usually busy with their own affairs and work, and it is easy to get together. So Gu Huaian and Pei Jingshu have not had any contact for three to five months, and people still say that "they are not familiar with each other." , let alone those people?

As for those new dramas that go to the development conference and the leading actors are not familiar with each other, it is more normal...

Generally speaking, it takes more than a year from the completion of filming to editing, submission for review, broadcasting, pre-broadcasting, etc. of a movie.

Those CPs you are bumping into in front of the screen may not have seen each other for several years, so it’s amazing that they are familiar with each other.

Therefore, most of the CPs you usually see who come out to "do business", or those who pretend to be good brothers, good sisters, good best friends, etc. before the show, are all just pretending.

In line with the show, the audience who is on the show as if they are strangers must also be embarrassed.

Especially those "good girlfriends" and the like, that's so fake. Let me tell you, women's friendships are much more interesting than men's friendships!

Have you watched "The Legend of Zhen Huan"?

Well, that's about it.

Take Gu Huaian and Shen Qingqing for example. They recorded together for several days in "Crystal Love Season" and even almost "sleeped in the same bed" due to an accident...

But to be honest, I'm not familiar with it.

It was almost the final stage of "Crystal Love Season" when she went there, and they didn't stay for a few days together. Gu Huaian's biggest impression of her was her pitiful confession to Jiang Shuo on the last night of business matters. What about people...

No matter what their relationship was like, she wouldn't be so close to Gu Huaian when she came up.

What's more, they haven't seen each other for nearly a year...

She hugged Gu Huaian like this when she came up, pretending to be familiar with her in front of the screen. To be honest, Gu Huaian was really not used to it!

Of course, Gu Huaian also knew that she wanted to gain popularity...

But there are still fundamental differences between Gu Huaian and Jiang Shuo.

Jiang Shuo has a heavy burden as an idol. It's so heavy that even if Shen Qingqing tries to get his attention, he can't say anything at all, for fear of saying the wrong thing and affecting his idol image.

As an idol, you have to pretend and be careful.

But Gu Huaian doesn't have any idol baggage on him. His personality and image have always been that of a real, down-to-earth, straight-talking type.

As for the fear of being scolded for saying the wrong thing, such as saying that he is uneducated, polite and has no quality or other bullshit...

Then it doesn't matter anymore.

Gu Huaian was scolded all the way here, but Xiao Heizi only got slapped in the face.

In the words of a fan: "My brother is a ruin, and he is still afraid of being scolded?"

So when Shen Qingqing was trying to catch Gu Huaian's attention, Gu Huaian could say things like "We are not familiar with each other" without any sense of violation!


Shen Qingqing jumped angrily after hearing this, pinched her slender waist with both hands, pouted her little mouth and said in a coquettish tone:

"We haven't seen each other for so long. You don't miss me but I still miss you. We are still friends after all. Are you treating me like this?"

Gu Huaian smiled and was about to say something...

"That's almost it."

Not far away, a familiar voice suddenly came. Gu Huaian and Shen Qingqing looked towards the direction of the sound with the camera. Jiang Ma and Teacher He Yu, who looked very neat wearing a pair of sunglasses, came together.

The barrage introduction from the program team was also given to them at that time.

"Jiang Dan: Famous producer, domestic entertainment talent show yeast!"

"He Yu: famous host and singer..."

Their introduction is actually relatively simple, but after getting to know them a little, you will know that these two are definitely seniors. One has produced countless programs, and the other is the head host of Orange Channel!

It is worth mentioning that Teacher He was carrying a small box in his hand, like that...

A box for tea sets.


As soon as Mother Jiang and Teacher He arrived, the audience immediately felt as if their parents were here.

Shen Qingqing was originally holding Gu Huaian's arm to make some mischief, but when she saw Jiang Ma, she immediately put her hand down obediently.

She stuck out her tongue playfully, then immediately leaned over and shouted:

"Mother Dan, Teacher He!"

"Diaoyou misses you so much!"

She is still so coy and naughty, which makes people feel uncomfortable.

But don’t tell me, elders usually like this...

Jiang Ma laughed and nodded, saying okay, okay, I'll give you some sweets. Teacher He laughed a few words and said to Shen Qingqing:

"Qingqing, our little Gu has a girlfriend. Remember to keep an appropriate distance from others and be careful not to overdo it."

He Yu is considered a good old guy in the industry and treats everyone well. Shen Qingqing likes to be popular, but it's all for his own sake. He's not a bad person.

Her kind is actually quite good, but she just rubs her in front of the camera. Some people like to drag people to hotels to rub her behind the camera. That is really morally corrupt.


Little Jiezi pursed his lips and looked reluctant, scolding him no matter what...


Teacher He chuckled. Just as Gu Huaian came over, he said hello to Gu Huaian. The two held hands and Teacher He said:

"It's really... I feel so sad."

He looked at Jiang Dan beside him and said:

"I remember the first time I saw him was backstage at our music show. At that time, he was still masked and he was singing for the Jingshu Gang."

"Who would have thought that in less than a year, he would already be the new king."

He is a famous talker after all. He Yu is very good at praising people and always makes people feel comfortable. But in the end, what he said is indeed the truth...

It was probably July or August when Gu Huaian went to sing for Pei Jingshu in "Singer of the Times". At that time, Gu Huaian was just a popular variety star on the show. He was even crazily smeared because of "fried cow dung" and his own route... …

Do you look at it now?

With a high-quality solo debut album, Gu Huaian's traffic and popularity in the industry have skyrocketed. After "Crystal Love Season", he has hardly appeared on variety shows. Variety shows are all about exposure. Without exposure, there are generally no resources. But Even though he is not on variety shows, Gu Huaian's resources and announcements are not lacking at all, and his popularity and reputation have always been maintained very high!

Even during this period, new songs such as "Together No matter how far away", "Meet", "Sad People Don't Listen to Slow Songs" and other songs were released.

His current popularity is no longer a temporary one, but a "redness" that can last for a long time and aspire to be the king of heaven.

In less than a year, Teacher He also met Gu Huaian several times at work, and he became more popular almost every time he met him.

Some artists' acting careers have ups and downs, but Gu Huaian just got on a helicopter and skyrocketed to the top!

So enviable!

"I am over-flattered……"

In this regard, Gu Huaian was still a little modest, but Ma Jiang next door said with a smile:

"Don't even look at whose company he is an artist."

She really knows how to polish her face...

"Yes, yes, you have vision, Xiao Gu is a thousand-mile horse, and you are Bole."

Teacher He didn't argue with her. The two of them had been friends for many years. Jiang Ma often invited him to host her programs. As they worked together for a long time, their friendship developed.

"Get in the car first."

The program crew's car came over, and Gu Huaian helped carry the luggage into the car.

There are always people who accuse Gu Huaian of being unqualified, rude, and uneducated, but no one accuses him of being lazy.

During "Crystal Love Season", he helped Zhuoyan Shang and Pei Jingshu carry their luggage throughout the whole process. Even now that he is famous, he will still help Teacher He and Ma Jiang carry their luggage.

Even if Shen Qingqing's suitcase couldn't be lifted, Gu Huaian would help.

"Thank you, Brother Huai'an is such a gentleman."

The little clip also gave Gu Huaian a wink.

Gu Huaiyi didn't see it, so he couldn't help but asked:

"Why do you girls always have heavy luggage..."

It's like it's filled with rocks.

"Because there are so many things..."

The little clip said with a smile:

"Brother Huai'an, what you mean is, have you ever moved a suitcase for any girl besides me?"

She is such a tea!

It was like Gu Huaian couldn't carry suitcases for other girls besides her.

Gu Huaian said calmly:

"I'm moving it for my girlfriend. Her suitcase is quite heavy. It's heavier than yours, and it has more luggage than you."

As soon as these words came out...

Shen Qingqing: "..."

I felt humiliated for a moment.

"a ha ha ha……"

The audience burst into laughter. One person said that Gu Huai'an was also very good at connotation. His sentence "heavier than yours is more than yours", he just directly said that Pei Jingshu is prettier than Shen Qingqinghong and Shen Qingqing...

Because he is more popular and good-looking than her, he has to carry more cosmetics and luggage in his suitcase.

All I have to do is tell Shen Qingqing directly that Pei Jingshu is a few seconds behind you. If you have a girlfriend like that, I will not look down on you.


Mother Jiang had already got on the bus. Teacher He was holding a thermos cup and drinking tea, watching with a smile:

"Let's go, who among us will drive?"

"Let me drive..."

Then Gu Huaian must do his part.

A few people got on the bus, and the little boy chirped and said that he wanted to sit in the passenger seat. Usually men's passenger seats are reserved for women, so he felt a little superior or something.

Gu Huaian didn't even pay attention to this. He just sat in the driver's seat and became familiar with the environment of the car...

This car was provided by the sponsor of the show. It is not a particularly expensive car. It costs about hundreds of thousands. Domestic SUVs are actually fully equipped at this price. No one will buy domestically produced SUVs no matter how expensive they are.

Cars are different from car to car. The brake and accelerator of the automatic transmission must be in the same position, but the shift lever is different. You have to figure out how to dial it.

In addition, you have to play music while driving, and the media devices in various cars are different, so you need to be familiar with them.

So after getting in the car, Gu Huaian looked forward and back...

Mother Jiang in the back seat was amused by what he was doing, and she asked with a smile:

"I asked, can you drive?"

"Ah ha ha……"

Everyone was happy, and Gu Huaian felt like he had never driven a car before.

"I definitely will..."

Gu Huaian took a few glances, then no longer hesitated, put the gear in gear, released the brakes, and stepped on the accelerator...

"Why don't you leave?"

But the car didn't move. Gu Huaian stepped on the accelerator, causing the car to shake.

Teacher He and Mother Jiang behind were shocked, and Mother Jiang was furious:

"What are you doing? Didn't you say you could drive it?!"


Gu Huaian scratched his head and said sorry with a smile. He took a look and realized that he was not wearing a seat belt just now, the electric handbrake did not release automatically when shifting into gear, and the accelerator pedal naturally did not move.

"It's been too long since I stopped driving, sorry, sorry..." Gu Huaian apologized quickly.

It's really not his fault. He usually drives too little. Except for a few trips to the city when he met Shang Zhuoyan during the Chinese New Year, he almost never drives at all.

When working, the assistant always arranges a car for him, and he usually can't drive it.

Three or four months have passed since the Chinese New Year, and it is normal to forget some things.

Jiang’s mother had black lines on her forehead. Teacher He said:

"No, I'll drive it..."

"No, no, I'm fine."

As Gu Huaian spoke, he released the brake, stepped on the accelerator, turned the steering wheel, and the car drove off smoothly.

At this point, everyone just breathed a sigh of relief...

I always feel like this guy is a bit unreliable.

The amount of barrages is actually a bit smaller now, because Gu Huaian is not doing much, and there is nothing to talk about and it is hard for everyone to brag about.

You can't just care about Huaian's poor driving skills and come down to earth, right?

That's carelessness, isn't it?

But who knew that at this moment...

"Ding dong dong..."

Gu Huaian's cell phone placed on the stand suddenly rang.

Gu Huaian glanced at it, then swiped to answer the question, and then came a burst from the other side:

"Hello sir, this is *** insurance, may I ask what you need recently..."

Gu Huaian must have said subconsciously:

"No need to thank you..."

Then I planned to hang up the phone.

As a result, at this time, Teacher He Yuhe from behind suddenly said:

"Don't! Don't! We need it!"

As soon as these words came out...

"Ah ha ha……"

It made a group of people laugh.

Everyone instantly understood what Teacher He meant, which was that Gu Huaian, who was driving so unreliably, must need insurance!

It was very funny. Gu Huaian was just worried about driving, so he got a call from the insurance company.

Some netizens couldn’t help but express:

"Gu Huaian, you are also a man favored by the God of Variety Shows!"

Knowing that he has no program effect, no one can take the initiative to contribute program effect to him!

Gu Huaian couldn't help but feel happy. He once said that Teacher He's response was really quick and he was worthy of being the leading host of Orange Channel.

While laughing, several people set off on their way.

A few people were chatting on the road. It was always a quiet place where the well-known host He Yu was present. Of course, the topic mainly revolved around Gu Huaian.

Teacher He kept praising Gu Huaian, saying that he was talented, down-to-earth, not impetuous, and that he didn't go on various variety shows after becoming famous to polish his works...

Wait for these.

One thing to say is that Gu Huaian's current status is indeed established by his works. Some popular actors have become famous after one movie. I don't know if there will be a second one. But Gu Huaian has not only one song that became popular, almost all of his songs have become popular. First quality!

Speaking of recent songs, Teacher He said that the recently released song "Sad People Don't Listen to Slow Songs" was quite nice, and then he felt happy:

"You can play it if you want to listen, it's okay, we have the copyright."

The implication is to stop being a little more obvious.

"Ha ha……"

Teacher He became very happy and said, "Who said our little Gu has low emotional intelligence? I was the first to fall out with him!"

Then, this song was played directly in the car...

"Dong dong dong dong dong dong..."

The high-burning melody of the drum set aroused everyone's emotions as soon as it came on.

When talking about this song, Teacher He couldn’t help but ask:

"So Xiao Gu, why do you want to write such a song?"

It just feels like it doesn’t fit in with his style, it’s a bit nonsensical and mindless and happy.

Mother Jiang is also quite curious about this. How should I put it? Gu Huaian rarely takes the initiative to write songs without any reason...

Previously, the new album was requested by the company. "Together No matter how far away" and "Meet" were because of Pei Jingshu. So what is the reason for this song "Sad People Don't Listen to Slow Songs"?

Gu Huaian thought for a while and explained:

"It was because of a friend. She was not in a good state at that time, so I just wanted to write a song like this to make her happy."

As soon as these words came out, people started to guess in the comment area which friend Gu Huaian was talking about...

During the Chinese New Year period, friends who were in bad shape...

"Shang Zhuoyan???"

as expected!

Someone thought of Shang Zhuoyan.

In fact, starting from the few months at the end of last year, Shang Zhuoyan's poor condition was no longer a private matter. It had been on trending searches and many people knew about it.

Fans feel very sorry for her. She received a lot of publicity online in the first half of the year, and she lost so much weight that Luren felt heartbroken after seeing her...

This time on the program "Hello Life Partner", all three teammates of their group came, but she did not come. There were people discussing it before, saying why there was almost no news about Shang Zhuoyan after the new year. ?

Now when Gu Huaian mentions friends who are in bad condition, everyone will naturally think of Shang Zhuoyan...

"It turns out it's for Shang Zhuoyan..."

Realizing this, some people will be a little moved. Shang Zhuoyan and Gu Huaian are the "hard feelings" of many people. They had almost no interaction after the concert. During that time, Shang Zhuoyan was in poor condition and he did not speak out. , although everyone understood that he had a girlfriend and needed to avoid suspicion, but she liked him so much and was in such a bad state at that time, so he had to speak out, right?

For this reason, some people have said that Gu Huaian...

But I never thought that Gu Huaian wrote a song for Shang Zhuoyan, which was about happiness.

As a person, he always doesn't like to talk about many things, but that doesn't mean he doesn't do them.

"Then you have a heart."

Teacher He nodded, and Jiang Ma smiled and said nothing, looking like someone who had been there before.

On the other hand, the little clip Shen Qingqing didn't feel self-conscious at all, she actually pouted her lips and said:

"So, Brother Huai'an, are you writing to me? I haven't been in a good state during the Chinese New Year..."

As soon as these words came out...


Just silence everyone!

Immediately afterwards...

The barrage exploded directly on the spot!

"What the hell..."

"I you..."

"I can't stand this woman! Ah!!!"

"Can she die?"

I have never seen such a mean woman!

The problem is that she can talk about other things, but she mentions herself when everyone thinks of Shang Zhuoyan...

Let’s just say, is Shang Zhuoyan comparable to Shen Qingqing?

No matter in terms of business ability, personality, appearance, figure, appearance, no matter how bad her condition is, Shang Zhuoyan can do tens or hundreds of seconds not only ten or eight seconds after her, right?

How can she compare with Shang Zhuoyan!

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