Participating in a love show, this little guy is too down-to-earth

Chapter 233 Jiang Yao: If you give me enough money, it’s not impossible for my sister to massage you

Maybe it was because the "immersive" experience of watching Gu Huaian mingle with the villagers was quite immersive. Many viewers subconsciously thought, Oh, it seems that celebrities can chat easily with ordinary people. How can they be so superior...

But it wasn't until Shen Yuqi and Xiang Zi appeared that they realized belatedly that it wasn't celebrities who chatted easily with ordinary people and could mingle with each other, but just...

Only Gu Huaian could do this.

Others will make people "drama" just by showing up.

"Tsk tsk..."

The audience was a little bit embarrassed, and many people on the barrage lamented this incident. "What are you doing here?"

The little fox Shen Yuqi came over in a funny way. She had heard Shang Zhuoyan say that Gu Huaian was quite down-to-earth, and she really saw it today.

When he first came to the village, Gu Huaian was able to get along with the old man who played chess at the entrance of the village, and there was no one else.

"I have nothing to do and take a walk..."

Gu Huaian replied. At this time, he was holding a cattail leaf fan given by Sister Zhou in his left hand and fanning it gently. He was holding a grilled sausage in his right hand. He had just been busy shouting with the uncle and forgot to eat it.

The little sister Xiang Zi's somewhat pure eyes couldn't help but glance at the greasy sausage in Gu Huaian's hand...

Yazi pursed his lips, a little greedy.

"Come on, sister..."

Gu Huaian handed over the grilled sausage, Xiang Zi's eyes lit up, and he reached out to take it, but...

"Ahem, Teacher Xiang Zi..."

Her camera teacher grabbed her and explained to Gu Huaian:

"Her team has repeatedly told her to go on a diet recently..."

“She’s still on a diet???”

Gu Huaian was full of questions at the time. Xiang Zi was actually a skinny girl. She was not tall and had no figure. She only relied on her face and hairstyle to survive. She was still on a diet. ?

"That's not the case, Brother Gu..."

Xiang Zi smiled wryly and waved her hands, explaining to Gu Huaian that she had recently accepted a movie, in which she played a girl with cancer, and that disease was supposed to be a skinny condition.

So in terms of "eating" these days, as long as I can maintain my daily life without getting sick, I'll be fine. I can be as hungry as possible.


Gu Huaian felt a little messy for a while. Sometimes I really had to admire these dedicated actors. They could really lose weight or gain weight for their roles.

Well, she said so. Gu Huaian definitely couldn't delay other people's work. But seeing the way Xiao Xiangzi occasionally looked at the sausage in his hand, she still felt a little distressed.

He really is a girl-controller...

The audience was also happy, and everyone said that you, Gu Huaian, are probably the only one who doesn't need to keep your mouth shut...

"I can eat it, Mr. Gu."

At this moment, the little fox Shen Yuqi suddenly shrugged and leaned over, licked her tongue with a smile and said:

"Why don't you know how to give way to me? She is also a younger sister..."

One thing is for sure, she looks pretty enough to begin with, and when she licks her tongue and winks, she is really alluring.

The crux of the matter is that even though her speech was a little greasy, her tone was not sarcastic, it was more like a joke, which was much better than the little clip Shen Qingqing.

However, when she said this, Gu Huaian had already taken a bite...

He grinned and said with a smile:

"Are you still eating?"

Shen Yuqi pursed her lips, rolled her eyes and said:

"You are so quick with your mouth..."

"Thank you for the compliment."

"...Is this called praising you?"

"Otherwise...are you scolding me?"

" could I scold you?"

"Then do you still want to eat? If you don't want to eat, I will."

"...Buy me another one!"


"Who told you to talk fast? It's not like you can't afford it. Go quickly!"

The two of them started to pull each other back and forth.

In fact, if there is no one in private, Shen Yuqi won't mind even if Gu Huaian takes a bite, just eat it.

The crux of the matter is that this is in front of the camera. If you really eat it, you will easily be scolded by the audience...

Gu Huaian had no choice but to buy two more sausages. One was given to Shen Yuqi, and the other was given to Xiang Zi when the camera was not filming.

The little sister wanted to refuse, but Gu Huaian was very enthusiastic and claimed that he would let her eat it secretly when no one was around. In the end, she refused the "sausage temptation".

Some netizens commented harshly on this, saying:

"How do you think this guy Gu Laolu won my sister Pei's heart?"

I remember that when they first met, he let Sister Pei take a bite of his ice cream. If it hadn't been for that, how could Sister Pei have been so impressed by him?

It is worth mentioning that before the little fox Shen Yuqi ate the sausage, she specifically faced Gu Huaian's direction when the camera could not capture it...

He stretched out his pink lilac tongue and licked the grilled sausage head a few times.

Gu Huaian quickly looked away, not daring to look, not daring to look at all...

Let’s just say, is it necessary to eat grilled sausage like this?

Gu Huaian suddenly understood why she insisted on eating a sausage...

A few people were walking back eating grilled sausages. On the way, Gu Huaian saw a coconut seller and bought a few coconuts.

One thing to say, this coconut water is really not that delicious, but at least it is pure natural and much better than the drinks sold outside. Gu Huaian usually buys drinks on the roadside to drink. The team has told him how many times he said that stuff is unhealthy... …

This coconut water won’t say anything, right?

There were many guests, so Gu Huaian bought one for everyone, which was a bit much. Fortunately, Xiang Zi and Shen Yuqi came, otherwise Gu Huaian might not have been able to carry it himself.

Even so, Gu Huaian carried nearly half of the five or six items himself, and let the two girls grade the rest. For this, Shen Yuqi praised him and said that he was old and manly.

Gu Huaian said that a man must have this kind of strength. You'd better not compare yourself to someone who can't even hold an actress weighing less than 100 pounds.

These words caused Shen Yuqi to laugh sweetly, and they chatted all the way back.

Because we were in a group, we happened to chat with Shang Zhuoyan on the way. Gu Huaian asked casually and said:

"Why didn't she come?"

In fact, Gu Huaian is not very shy about mentioning Charlene in front of the camera. The main reason is that the impression they gave to the audience is not bad. It seems that they have become friends instead of lovers.

The audience was also quite curious about this. Three of the four members of their group came, why did Zhuoyan not come?

Of course, Shen Yuqi would not say bad things about Shang Zhuoyan's poor condition in front of the camera. They are in the same group after all, and saying bad things will make people say that they are not in harmony within the group. She just said:

"She is busier than us and doesn't have much time to be a permanent guest. But if she has time later, she will probably be a flying guest for one or two issues, right?"

This is indeed true. No matter how much abuse Shang Zhuoyan suffered from online newspapers last year, the resources she had access to were not comparable to those of Shen Yuqi and Xu Shiyun.

Shang Zhuoyan did take a break at the end of last year. At that time, the three of them shared Shang Zhuoyan's resources for a while, but since Shang Zhuoyan came back last month, well, all kinds of good things have come back. She...

Shen Yuqi and the others also complained about this, but to be honest, sometimes they had to admire Shang Zhuoyan. She was very popular. After her return, she accepted an interview about her sudden weight loss, and took the opportunity to hype it up. The "poor" character design has attracted both old fans and new fans...

Plus a few more shows this month…

Shang Zhuoyan belongs to the type who can make a fortune with a twist of her waist. It is not difficult to imagine that after a few performances, she will become famous again.

Some money should be earned by people and not envied by others.

"Oh, all right."

Gu Huaian was relieved after hearing this. He had been too busy recently to pay attention to the news on the Internet. He thought that Shang Zhuoyan hadn't adjusted well yet. After hearing this, it seemed that he was already at work.

Yes, she is just like what she said, how can she be defeated so easily?

"Teacher Xiao Gu..."

When talking about Shang Zhuoyan, Shen Yuqi said as if she was causing trouble:

"Why do you care so much about her?"

In fact, she wanted to ask Gu Huaian what happened in the room with Shang Zhuoyan that day...

They originally thought that if they had both of them drunkenly and stuffed into a room, then it would be natural for them to do everything?

Therefore, when they sent Gu Huaian away that day, the three of them looked at Gu Huaian in a strange way...

But later...

Things didn't seem to be what they thought.

It seems that Shang Zhuoyan was quite sad that night, and she started to go downhill from that point on...


After all, he was facing the camera frequently, and he was asked about such topics in interviews not once or twice. Gu Huaian already knew how to answer.

He simply said:

"I heard that she is not in good condition. Please take care of her."


Shen Yuqi was still a little unwilling to get anything out of her.

" talk a lot."

Gu Huaian was happy and said with a smile:

"Look at my sister, she doesn't talk much."

He pointed at Zi, and the little sister followed him obediently, carrying the coconut, and didn't interfere with anything.

When Gu Huaian pointed it out, she smiled innocently. Her big innocent eyes felt very clear. It was very hot without shade on the beach. Xiang Zi had some sweat on his forehead. Gu Huaian was still shaking his fan. Fan her.

“I talk too much???”

This was the first time in Shen Yuqi's life that someone said she talked too much. Black lines appeared on her forehead and she couldn't help but say:

"I finally understand why Shang Zhuoyan always likes to chase you. You are really..."

It would be nice for a beautiful lady like her to hang around Gu Huaian and chat with him actively, but he thinks she talks too much? !

Are you satisfied?

"Ha ha……"

The audience was happy when they heard this. Don't tell me, they really miss the days when Shang Zhuoyan chased Gu Huaian to fight.

The beach is quite empty. If Shang Zhuoyan really chases Gu Huaian, he can chase her for a long time.

Shang Zhuoyan may not be here, but maybe because her three teammates are here, the audience can always think of her.

After all, there is only one little wild horse for domestic entertainment.

When Gu Huaian and the others went back, Mother Jiang was tired of waiting. To be honest, this was Gu Huaian. If it was anyone else, she would have designated him to give him a scolding first...

The others were okay. After all, they were in an air-conditioned room, in front of the camera, and some of them had not seen each other for a long time. They were chatting with each other, which was quite lively.

"Come and drink coconut!"

Gu Huaian attracted some people's attention when he came back. Don't tell me that this kid has his own tricks. He knew that he made others wait, so he came back with gifts.

"What are you doing, kid?"

When Jiang Ma asked, he even said confidently:

"I saw there was a coconut seller over there. I went to buy coconuts for everyone."

You're lying, this old guy didn't even type up the draft, okay?

"Ah ha ha……"

The audience was all happy and wanted to say, do you think we are blind? !

Xiang Zi suppressed a smile, but Shen Yuqi directly exposed his glare without hesitation and said:

"You must have gone to play chess with the uncle at the entrance of the village, right?"

Gu Huaian: "(¬_¬) aim"

"Ah ha ha……"

Everyone burst into laughter.

"Where did you get this cattail leaf fan?" Teacher He asked curiously.

"It was given by an elder sister in the village." Gu Huaian replied.

"Hey... ok."

Teacher He couldn't help but look at him with admiration. One thing he said was that Gu Huaian was really familiar with himself and could mingle with the local villagers wherever he went.

During the laughter, no one blamed Gu Huaian. On the one hand, Gu Huaian didn't know that there was a meeting when he went out. On the other hand, didn't Gu Huaian bring coconuts back for everyone?

"Hey hey hey, Dan Ma..."

Gu Huaian put a coconut in front of Mother Jiang and said:

"I picked the best one for you, come and try it."

He even had the straw inserted.

Netizens were amused by that swishy look. How could they have thought that this kid had such a bad side?


Jiang Ma rolled her eyes and said:

"Sit down quickly, I've been waiting for you..."


Gu Huaian took a seat and everyone was finally here. Jiang Ma began to explain various program procedures, precautions, etc. to everyone.

The first is to divide the houses. The largest house "Tiannian" is where the two elders live, and the remaining guests in the other two courtyards are decided by drawing lots and divided into two families. Those who disagree can be replaced and it depends on how they decide.

Secondly, there is the program flow. Strictly speaking, there are no rules in their program. They just live together and usually nothing happens. The program team will have some entertainment facilities. It depends on how they want to play. It’s all casual. Just be happy. good.

As for food and drink, the program team will make arrangements for it, but they need to make money to buy it.

As for how to make money, the program team occasionally arranges tasks such as picking up garbage at the beach, helping fishermen count fish, or following fishermen out to sea to make money.

Of course, everyone can also discuss their own "business types" with each other, such as cooking dishes for themselves, putting on makeup, etc., and making money from their own hands. This is easier.

"Oh, for example, if someone massages my feet or something, I will give them money, right?"

Hearing this, Gu Huaian said casually.

He didn't mean to talk to anyone, but Sister Jiang Yao happened to be sitting opposite him. His words were like asking Jiang Yao to press his feet. After saying this, he just raised his eyes to look at Jiang Yao, and the two of them looked at each other...

"Pfft... No sister, let me give you an example. I didn't really ask you to press my feet." Gu Huaian said.


Everyone was happy, the table burst into laughter, and it felt like Gu Huaian was responsible for the lively atmosphere and the effect of the show!

The sister in a floral dress didn't care at all. Instead, she gave Gu Huaian a wink and said with a smile:

"If you give me enough money, my sister can't help you pinch your feet."

As soon as these words came out...


A wolf howled in the room.

Zheng Yunbin and the brother named Jiang Mi were like the two "atmosphere groups". They were indispensable for making noises about anything.

Jiang Yao chuckled. My sister is quite open to conversation. She is actually more open than Xilin. She even dares to talk about this kind of topic!

Gu Huaian felt that at least Sister Xilin would not discuss such topics with him...

After all, I have experienced divorce and everything...

"Okay, everyone, just be quiet."

After the laughter, Teacher He came out to control the situation. After all, he has been a host for many years and has first-class control skills. The room quickly became quiet. Then Teacher He stepped back and handed over the control of the topic to Jiang Ma.

Jiang Ma smiled and nodded. She really likes Teacher He, he always knows how to measure things!

"I'll tell you a few things to pay attention to, and we'll start drawing lots to allocate rooms."

When Mother Jiang said this, some people had not noticed the seriousness of the matter and were still holding a coconut and smashing it and drinking it.

Who knew that Jiang Ma would immediately click on that “someone”!

"Gu Huaian, you kid!"

With all the cameras shooting and everyone watching, Jiang Ma named Gu Huaian in public and said:

"First, you are not allowed to run around casually. You cannot fail to find someone when they look for you. It is best not to leave the recording range of our program at any time!"

"Second, you kid, don't buy me those snacks and other random things. Especially try not to buy anything that is not sponsored by this show. If you want to eat and drink, use the sponsors!"

"Third, you can communicate with the villagers, but you cannot go out with them casually. If you go, you must report in advance, otherwise you are not allowed to go!"

“Fourth, don’t touch anything dirty or disgusting!”

"Do you understand?"

As soon as Jiang Ma said a few words...


Everyone at the scene was stunned at first.

Immediately afterwards...



Almost all the guests and the audience burst out laughing in unison.

Barrage blast:

"I thought I should pay attention to something. I have been making trouble for a long time because I need to pay attention to Gu Huaian!"

"As the biggest star in the show, he deserves this treatment hahaha..."

"You're wrong brother, he is clearly the biggest star in domestic entertainment!"

"Mother Jiang understands him so well, hahaha..."

"Look at Gu Huai'an's expression. His laughter has made his family rich!"

At that time, Gu Huaian was drinking a coconut with a straw in his mouth. When he heard this, his expression was stunned. His mouth was open, but the straw had not been taken out. He stared at Jiang Ma with an incredible expression on her face. It was always funny.

"What are you looking at?"

Mother Jiang didn't feel anything was wrong at all. Instead, she pointed at Gu Huaian and said:

"I am talking about you!"

The above points are all based on her previous experience when recording "Crystal Love Season".

When he was in Yunnan, this kid liked to run around when he had nothing to do. He couldn't find anyone all day long. He was either playing ball or visiting other places. When he saw Ayao and his uncle going to the mountains to collect mushrooms, he followed them on a whim. Why? This also caused Xilin to sprain her foot...

Gu Huaian is really like a wild child with his bad eyesight. You really can't control him if you don't set some rules for him!

These are all pretty good, except that the camera teacher is a little tired at most. What really gives the entire program team a headache is that he likes to buy all kinds of strange snacks all day long...

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