Participating in a love show, this little guy is too down-to-earth

Chapter 236 He wants to fight against five! The little sister slave and big devil is on fire and pre

It's pretty cool to mess up.

Lying in bed, no one disturbs you, and you sleep all afternoon. There may be cameras filming, but who cares?

When Gu Huaian woke up, it was already about four or five o'clock in the afternoon. It couldn't be said to be evening outside and it couldn't be dark outside. It was still very bright...

In Hainan in May, it would be nice to get dark at half past seven.

In the afternoon, the window of the wing room where Gu Huaian lived was in a good position. The sunlight was refracted slantly through the window of the bungalow and fell on the wooden table in front of the window. It was inexplicably quiet...


The small courtyard is located by the sea, and the slightly humid sea breeze blows in, which is quite pleasant to you.

Gu Huaian was very glad that he did not turn on the air conditioner, otherwise he would not be able to feel the natural sea breeze...


He yawned, sat up and looked at the time. It was already three or four o'clock in the afternoon, and someone in the group was already talking about what happened at night.

After all, he was here to record the show, so he just needed to sleep for a while, but he couldn't really sleep until night, which Gu Huaian still had.

So he sat up and rubbed his messy hair and face, forcing himself to wake up.

Stepping on my flip-flops, I walked out the door leisurely...

Gu Huaian originally thought there would be no one outside, but it turned out that everyone seemed to be in the living room on the first floor of the two-story building.

Sister Jiang Yao, Shen Yuqi, Han Xiangyi, and Xiang Zi were all there, but something seemed to have happened. Jiang Yao, Shen Yuqi, and Han Xiangyi were surrounding Xiang Zi, saying something unknown, and then Xiang Zi...

Seems like crying?

"What's wrong?"

Gu Huaian went in sleepily, not knowing what was going on. Why did he cry while recording a show?

"'s okay, Brother Gu, it's okay."

The little sister shook her head stupidly, and looked like she didn't want Gu Huaian to worry about it.

She waved her hands and walked into the room and sat down, with her back to Gu Huaian, for fear that Gu Huaian would be embarrassed when he saw her crying.

"What's going on?"

Gu Huaian glanced at Shen Yuqi, but the little fox looked complicated and did not answer her, but pulled Han Xiangyi away.

"What's going on?"

Gu Huaian was a little confused. Why didn't these two people want to tell him?

"Sister Jiang Yao..."

Gu Huaian, who looked confused, could only turn his head to look at Jiang Yao.

Jiang Yao sighed helplessly and told Gu Huaian the whole story...

Isn't there a show tonight? Xiang Zi is very naive and wants to get a few girls to form a band together. At that time, Shen Qingqing and Xu Shiyun agreed to come, and Sister Qing also said that she could ask other people for help.

Originally Xiang Zi and Shen Qingqing went to ask everyone together, but Xiang Zi left temporarily because he had to take a business photoshoot, and Shen Qingqing went to ask everyone alone...

Sister Qing, she is also a bit cautious.

She felt that if Xiang Zi said she wanted to sing a song and others followed her and formed a band, wouldn't they all become Luye to serve as her foil?

How could they do it if Xiang Zi stole all the limelight of their performance?

So when our sister Qing told everyone about this, she omitted Xiang Zi and did not mention Xiang Zi. She said that she wanted to form a band and asked everyone if they were interested.

She is also a bit stupid...

A little clever, but not much.

Then she doesn’t want to be a green leaf herself, why does others want to be?

Others will definitely not be happy either!

Almost no one wants to play in any band with them...

After asking around for a while, Shen Qingqing was very depressed because of the thankless performance. She simply gave up and didn't want to perform any show.

After all, she was "accompanying" the family, and she had to make money at night. Xu Shiyun was so angry when she saw her in such a mess that she simply gave her an idea...

Let her change the plan, everyone sings a few lines, and makes some professional arrangements and so on. She can even call a few professional musicians to give them some advice on the arrangements and so on...


After hearing this, Sister Qing's eyes lit up and she almost agreed.

She may not have a chance to perform personally, but at least she won't have no chance to perform.

Xu Shiyun really has nothing to say. She really helped find a few first-line singers, very famous ones, to give advice on the arrangement, and she actually compiled a very good song.

One of them was on tour. How could she have the time and space to do this thing if it wasn't for her sake?

In short, in the end, what was originally the simplest idea of ​​"forming a band" was made extremely complicated by Shen Qingqing and Xu Shiyun.

But the female guests were quite satisfied. Shen Yuqi and Han Xiangyi both agreed that they could have some fun and perform more shows to earn more money at night.

There must also be competition in the program.


When Xiang Zi came back from filming a business trip, she received a notification from Shen Qingqing that the band might not be formed the way she did, and asked her if she wanted to play with her sisters. If she wanted to, we could, but if she didn't want to, then...

Well, you can play it yourself.

We won't take you with us.

Xiang Zi's original intention was to sing a song by herself, but she would definitely not be happy if they manipulated her like this.

This little girl is so innocent that she doesn't have much thought at all, and she doesn't even think about singing and forming a band for someone else to be a green leaf for her...

If she really thought about this, she might just play the accompaniment, but it's not impossible to play it.

She just wanted her sisters to play together and communicate with each other on the first day of recording the show together.

Who knew that Sister Qing would go through such trouble...

Fortunately, the idea she proposed turned out to be a show for others to perform, but she couldn't participate in it.

Shen Qingqing and the others, on the other hand, used other people's suggestions and didn't even play with them...

Then can Xiang Zi not feel aggrieved?

This little girl looked naive, but she actually had a pretty strong personality. Shen Qingqing wanted her to compromise so that everyone could play together. She could actually compromise, but she just wasn't happy, so she simply said she was quitting.

I was happy to quit at the time, but when I think about it later, I get angrier. My proposal was used by others, and I was kicked by others. What is this?

So she cried immediately after coming back...

In front of the camera, Sister Jiang Yao, Shen Yuqi and Han Xiangyi naturally wanted to comfort them.

They only knew it was her proposal when they heard Xiang Zi tell her about it, and they all thought it was Shen Qingqing who started it.

"Qingqing is really too much."

Sister Jiang Yao couldn't stand it anymore. If it wasn't in front of the camera, she would have gone to Shen Qingqing to talk.

How could anyone bully someone else’s little sister like this?

At this time, the barrage is being displayed:

"Shen Qingqing is such a green tea. I've really disliked her for a long time. That's enough!"

"She's so disgusting. It was obviously someone else's proposal, but they played with it and kicked her out..."

"Emmmm, to be honest, Xiang Zi is right. What she means is that others will accompany her as a green leaf to accompany her. They are all celebrity guests. Who wants to be a green leaf to others?"

"If you don't want to form a group, the worst thing is not to form one. As for using someone else's proposal to kick someone out to disgust people?!"

"I think both sides are wrong..."

"The most disgusting thing is Xu Shiyun. What kind of idea does this woman have? Damn it, I just don't like her and Shen Qingqing. Sure enough, these two cups of green tea..."

Gu Huaian was asleep and didn't know what happened.

But netizens witnessed the whole process...

Because of this, netizens are still filled with indignation.

They can say anything, and they all make crazy comments from the perspective of a "third party's moral high ground."

You can say that everyone is wrong, but Shen Qingqing didn't even tell everyone that this was Xiang Zi's proposal. No matter how you scold her, it's an understatement.

And the most unexpected thing...

The worst thing is not the two protagonists Xiang Zi and Shen Qingqing.


Xu Shiyun.

She had forgotten that she brought this matter up to Zi. The reason why she proposed to help Shen Qingqing start a band was because she and she were a family. For the sake of the collective, she still had the collective spirit of being an idol group. of……

Who knew our sister Qing had been tricked into a trap by her!

Now everyone is complaining about her, saying that she is nosy, and calling her some top-tier singer she knows, just like showing off how popular she is...

Xu Shiyun also looked innocent!

"That's it..."

After hearing the complete story of this incident, Gu Huaian was quite angry.

Turning his head to look at where Xiang Zi was in the room, the little sister was still holding a tissue to wipe her tears.

"OK OK……"

Han Xiangyi and Shen Yuqi could only continue to comfort them, but there was nothing they could say.

On the one hand, they and Xu Shiyun are teammates, so it’s hard to say what’s wrong with Xu Shiyun, right?

On the other hand, they are also afraid of being dragged into trouble if they say the wrong thing.

They were also a little angry, and wanted to talk to Shen Qingqing, but this was in front of the camera, and their program was live broadcast...

These artists, those who are famous, still have basic emotional intelligence, and they all know how to take care of themselves.

When most artists encounter this kind of thing, they hope not to get involved, so who would jump into it?

It's none of your business, just worry about it!

All they could do was comfort Xiang Zi.


Gu Huaian sighed silently. Sometimes, he actually wanted to be like most celebrities and artists, a person with high emotional intelligence and someone who knew how to assess the situation.

But it just so happens that his character is relatively straightforward and sincere.

I'm angry and don't want to hold it in.

"You really want to show off, haha..."

Gu Huaian shook his head and smiled bitterly, thinking that there was no way he could break it.

"younger sister……"

After hearing the complete story, Gu Huaian walked in silently.

He walked up to Xiang Zi and squatted down gently. When Xiang Zi wiped his tears and looked at him with red eyes, he said:

"First of all, you have to remember that no matter what happens, don't blame yourself, okay?"

Xiang Zi was stunned when he heard this, and then nodded blankly...


Gu Huaian smiled, then raised his hand to rub Xiang Zi's head. The little sister's hair was quite clean, but Gu Huaian's rubbing made it a little messy.

"Okay, stop crying..."

Then Gu Huaian took out a piece of paper and wiped the tears on her face and said:

"How about my brother helping you vent your anger tonight?"

Xiang Zi was stunned for a moment, not understanding what Gu Huaian meant.

On the contrary, Shen Yuqi, Han Xiangyi and Sister Jiang Yao faintly sensed something was wrong...


The audience's eyes lit up after hearing this!

"That man, is he serious about it?!"

"Ah! He looks so handsome when he says this!"

"He is really good at comforting people!"

There is a saying that Gu Huaian stood up at this time and was really manly, especially the words he comforted Xiang Zi just now, "Don't blame yourself", which made people feel quite warm.

Some people say that Gu Huaian came out of the hard days of being unknown. It was because he had been exposed to the rain that he would hold an umbrella for others. These words resonated for a while...


Jiang Yao stretched out her jade hand and gently pulled Gu Huaian, her eyes signaling him not to get involved blindly. Others were eager to hide from such a bad thing, but it was better for him to dive right in.

Plunge it in like a vertical onion!

Gu Huaian grinned, not taking it seriously at all, but instead said to the family including Han Xiangyi and Shen Yuqi:

"Let me make a suggestion. How about we follow what Dan's mother mentioned at the beginning and let the two families PK? What do you think?"

As soon as this statement came out...


The small living room immediately fell silent.


Jiang Yao silently held her forehead, a little helpless...

Okay, this is good. Even after trying to stop him, this kid still dived in on his own.

Shen Yuqi and Han Xiangyi's expressions weren't very good either. If it was really a battle between the two families, wouldn't their dance with Xu Shiyun this afternoon be in vain?

Is it realistic to ask them to put on another show temporarily?

"You should consider our feelings at least, we..."

Shen Yuqi also wanted to say, we rehearsed the dance all afternoon because they couldn't dance. Is this ridiculous?

Unexpectedly, before she finished speaking, Gu Huaian turned around and interrupted:

"Then why don't you stop performing and I'll do it myself."

As soon as these words came out...



The barrage exploded!

"What's the meaning???"

"Gu Huaian, what do you want to do?!"

"Don't tell me you want to fight against five!"

"I giao! It's on fire! It's on fire!"

""Boruto": I should be more conscious and be more powerful than me!"

"Where's Gu Huaian? Oh woc, I asked why you can't see it, it turns out it's just pretending!"

"Hahaha... I really like watching this kind of plot!"

Maybe in the eyes of many people, Gu Huaian was a bit stupid and stupid for doing this. People just care about things that have nothing to do with him. Why the hell is he just messing around in this muddy water?

But there is no way, Gu Huaian is such a person with a sense of justice, but he just can't bear to see the people around him being wronged...

Even though it was the first day they met Xiang Zi, Gu Huaian felt that this little sister was quite innocent and had no bad intentions.

Gu Huaian himself was somewhat of a "sister slave", and since his sister had been so wronged, he felt that it would be wrong if he didn't do something.

In addition, they are now a "family". Even though they are a family on the show, they still have to have some collective spirit, right?

Xu Shiyun looks down on Shen Qingqing so much, but still helps her find someone to arrange and form a band, why? Can't he, Huaian, help his sister vent her anger?

Didn't Xu Shiyun call on several professional musicians and first-line singers to arrange music for Shen Qingqing?

Then let's see if Gu Huaian, who is now the new king, can compose an arrangement that can beat them!

Who is not a professional musician or a first-line singer?


Shen Yuqi was dumbfounded at the time. The little fox knew that Gu Huaian had always been a very gentle person. He was even drunk by them when he went to their concert before...

She also likes to tease Gu Huaian when she has nothing to do, sending her a picture of her legs and so on. Gu Huaian's answer is so naive that it gives people the impression of a straight man.

But today, Gu Huaian was tough, which surprised her.

Listen to what he said!

He said that they didn’t need to perform, and he would challenge five of them by himself!

Before, everyone said he was a big devil and he was still modest, but now it’s better to stop pretending!


Shen Yuqi silently held her forehead, suddenly having a premonition that Xu Shiyun and Shen Qingqing were going to be in trouble.

In the evening, Gu Huaian directly said in the group @Jiang Ma, Teacher He and the two elders that they would change back to group play and that our family did not plan to cooperate with their family.


When I saw in the group that Gu Huaian said that he wanted to change the "individual battle" back to the "group battle", the "accompanying" family members were a little confused.

The others were second best, and Xu Shiyun especially had a big head.

She had been rehearsing the dance with Han Xiangyi and Shen Yuqi all afternoon!

If there is a group battle between two families, it means that the three of them cannot perform together, because they are from two families...

In other words, they can no longer dance after rehearsing all afternoon!

She wants to perform alone!

"What's going on..."

Shen Qingqing also pouted her little mouth and said coquettishly:

"Then I won't be able to form a band..."

She originally ordered a girl's band. There are only two girls in their family, she and Xu Shiyun. The other four girls are all "taking care" of Gu Huaian's family. If they are separated, they cannot be together. She and Xu Shiyun Two people forming a band? !

"...What you should be thinking about now is not the band!"

Xu Shiyun couldn't stand it anymore and couldn't help but glare at Shen Qingqing.

People say that Xiong is brainless, and she often says that Shang Zhuoyan is brainless. Even Shen Qingqing is not that big, and she can't afford even A. Why is she so brainless? !

"You made Xiang Zi cry. Are you sure you don't want to comfort her?"

Chen Feng happened to come over to drink water and said something casually.

"Then she won't come even if I call her. If she doesn't come, she just cries. Do you blame me?!"

Shen Qingqing pinched the willow waist and pouted her little mouth, looking like "I have nothing to lose".

"...I think it's because of this that their family suddenly wants to have a family war again."

The little sweet girl raised her beautiful hand and licked her pink hair. She looked tired and felt that she had been working hard all afternoon.

"You're protesting, but you can't just say what he says, right?"

At this time, Zheng Yunbin also came over. He didn't like Gu Huai'an in the first place, not only because of what happened in the morning, but also because...

Well, maybe because of Pei Jingshu.

He used to really like Pei Jingshu, but Pei Jingshu didn't even look at him, but she started having an affair with Gu Huaian at the beginning of "Time Singer", and later the two made a high-profile official announcement.

This matter has not yet been resolved with him.

On the surface, it seemed that he was quite polite to Gu Huaian and even gave him a rap salute when they first met. After all, it was in front of the camera, so you had to pretend to show it to the audience.

Now it was Gu Huaian who was causing the trouble anyway, so he simply stopped pretending and said it directly.

"Yes, won't your two teammates protest?" Chen Feng said again.

Xu Shiyun had been rehearsing the dance all afternoon, so why not the two of them? Because he was worried about Huaian and his words were invalid. Who would be willing?

"Of course I protest, but..."

Xu Shiyun held her smooth forehead with a jade hand and said with a headache:

"But Gu Huaian said that they don't need to play, he will do it himself."


Upon hearing this, these people were stunned.

For example, Zheng Yunbin and Chen Feng both have skills...

Feeling insulted!

What's the meaning?

Who do you look down on?

He, Gu Huaian, is the big devil, but he can't fight against five, right? !

This kid is too arrogant!

Are you really kidding me?

This is too contemptuous and arrogant!

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