Participating in a love show, this little guy is too down-to-earth

Chapter 243 Sitcom Jiang Mi’s ultimate move! It's hard for Xiao Gu to hold back his laughter!

"What do you mean by riding a hexagonal warrior?"

When "Unconditional" finished singing, the barrage went crazy:

"My brother is simply omniscient and omnipotent!"

"Cantonese, rap, Gu Laolu, how many things are you hiding from us?"

"It's an eye-opener for me to open my eyes. It turns out that there are really people who can do everything in music!"

Perhaps at this moment, Gu Huaian doesn't dare to say that he is omnipotent in music, but in the eyes of the audience, he can master both Cantonese and rap perfectly. He is simply a "god"-like figure, omnipotent!

In the comment area, more and more people began to call Gu Huaian a "hexagon warrior."

Nothing wrong!

Just tell him what's wrong with him!

It is said that this kid has been popular for almost a year, and this is the first time they know these skills. If it hadn't happened today, they felt that this kid could bring these top-notch skills to the coffin.

He doesn't like showing off too much!

Mother Jiang's evaluation of him is the best. This boy is usually too stubborn, okay?

"Pa bang bang..."

When Gu Huaian finished singing, the scene could be described as "thundering applause."

"Niubo Yi!"

"Oh my God, so strong!"

"Gu Huaian, you are my god!"


Various people at the scene were shouting crazy.

To be honest, before Gu Huaian sang "Unconditional", some people thought that Gu Huaian would go high and low. After all, the previous two performances of "Possessed" and "Listen to Mom" ​​opened the scene so well...

Who would have thought that instead of going high and low, Gu Huaian would conquer everyone's hearts again with his song "Unconditional"!

There is a saying, this kind of heart-wrenching Cantonese music is so awesome!

As soon as the chorus of Gu Huaian's "Unconditional" came out, everyone couldn't help but get goosebumps!

"Hexagonal warrior..."

Even the host, Mr. He, came on stage and said with admiration:

“I’ve never seen such an all-around musician.”

As the host of Orange Channel, Mr. He has seen all kinds of artists over the years. This is the first time I have seen Gu Huaian, who is so versatile, outstanding, unique and awesome in everything. A musician.

"I am over-flattered……"

Gu Huaian is still humble.

"I'm not afraid to tell you about Gu Huaian..."

Teacher He couldn't help but glance at Jiang Dan not far away, and said jokingly:

"Just now when you said you wanted to sing a Cantonese song, your Dan mother told me that you were going to give the other side a step down."

As soon as these words came out...


Many people at the scene were stunned at first.




Everyone laughed like crazy.

Barrage blast:

"No, Mother Dan, you don't trust Gu Huaian that much too?"

"No way, even Dan's mother doesn't know that Gu Huaian is so strong?!"

"You've hidden it too deeply, didn't you tell your boss?!"

"You hid it too deeply, Gu Huaian!"

A female staff member in the audience couldn't help shouting.


It elicited a burst of laughter.

Jiang Ma silently held her forehead and said nothing. Her rich experience prevented her from feeling embarrassed at this time. Instead, she was impressed by Gu Huaian's surprise.

She always felt that she was high enough to look after Gu Huai'an, but she never thought that she still looked down on her...

"Teacher Chen Feng..."

Teacher He laughed and teased Chen Feng and asked:

"As for you, what do you think of Xiao Gu's Cantonese song just now? Come and give me some advice."

Gu Huaian said before that when he prepared a Cantonese song, he raped it and asked Chen Feng to give guidance.

At that time, Chen Feng laughed and looked like he could give some advice...

What now?

"Don't dare, don't dare..."

Chen Feng looked bitter and said with a wry smile:

"Teacher Xiao Gu's Cantonese is very standard and his works are also very delicate. He doesn't need my guidance."

"Ha ha……"

His attitude and these words made many people laugh. Everyone laughed. They felt that Chen Feng's attitude was too straightforward.

These Hong Kong artists are actually quite good. They all rely on their strength. If you are not good, I will not think highly of you. I will admit that you are better than me.

This is quite calm.

Unlike Zheng Yunbin and others, it is better not to admit it...

"I am over-flattered……"

Gu Huaian still said the same thing, this guy is quite humble.

He was praised a lot tonight, and someone even made him a "praise, reward, reward" emoji.

"Then let's vote..."

After the laughter, Teacher He also officially started to go through the process and the voting process...

as I thought.

Gu Huaian once again "off the cliff" to take first place.

In fact, when Chen Feng's performance ended, many people really didn't expect this ending. Chen Feng was actually very strong, and it was terrifying that Gu Huaian was able to take first place in the battle with him.

Someone said: "Gu Huaian becomes stronger when he is strong!"

I feel that Gu Huaian is usually too secretive, too hidden, and too private, which leads to some deviations in everyone's expectations of him.

It can't be said that you become stronger when you meet someone stronger. It should be said that this kid will only bring out what he has hidden deeper when he meets someone stronger.

The audience and fans were also dumbfounded by this.

"I'm willing to admit defeat."

Chen Feng was convinced of the defeat.

However, it is a bit difficult for them to "accompany" the family...

Chen Feng has lost!

They have lost three games in a row!

Gu Huaian said he wanted to wear one to five, but now he has to wear three. The remaining two, Jiang Mi and Shen Qingqing, only have that little strength. Jiang Mi can still take a look, but Shen Qingqing is worse than almost everyone else. This dead trap is a tough one. Don't count on cheap goods.

So where is their hope of victory?

"Brother Xiao Gu is so awesome!"

Xiang Zi, Jiang Yao and the others were cheering for Gu Huaian. Gu Huaian was so amazing tonight, and even Shen Yuqi and Han Xiangyi wanted to cheer him on.

You're so proud, okay?

"I said, who of you will come next?"

Teacher He chuckled and asked Xu Shiyun about their family.

He had thought about giving their family a step down before, but Zheng Yunbin refused to accept it. Now he is honest, right?

You know how powerful Gu Huaian is!

The expressions on the faces of several people were uncertain for a while, just when Zheng Yunbin gritted his teeth and planned to stand up again and show his trump card...

"I come!"

That Tyrande's little fresh meat Jiang Mi stood up at this time.

In fact, winning or losing is not that important now. They don't think they can win anyway, but if they lose, they don't lose. They have to go up and show off.

"Pa bang..."

"come on!"

After all, Jiang Mi stood up now, so Zheng Yunbin, Chen Feng and others still cheered him on.

"What song has he prepared?"

Xu Shiyun flipped the fan's hair and asked Zheng Yunbin curiously.

"I do not know……"

Zheng Yunbin scratched his head and said:

"He spent the whole afternoon mysteriously practicing in a deserted place. He told me that he had prepared a big move. He didn't speak Chinese well and I didn't communicate with him much."

In fact, it feels like it’s very difficult to chat with someone who doesn’t speak Chinese well. You have to explain a few words to him, otherwise he may not understand.

Our country's language and culture are vast and profound, and the various vocabulary words in Mandarin alone are not that easy for foreigners to understand, let alone all kinds of strange dialects.

"Ultimate move..."

Xu Shiyun was really looking forward to it after hearing this.

Maybe Jiang Mi is as secretive as Gu Huaian, hiding it very deeply?

Maybe even Gu Huaian, who they haven't dealt with yet, can Jiang Mi be dealt with?

"come on!"

Thinking of this, Xu Shiyun couldn't help but shout and cheer for Jiang Mi.

Even Shen Qingqing is cheering him on...

Compared to Zheng Yunbin, Jiang Mi seemed less aggressive. After he went up, he shook hands with Gu Huaian and Teacher He and said hello in a very friendly and polite manner.

Not angry at all, but very kind.

"Come on Jiang Mi..."

Teacher He quite likes this kid. In fact, these foreign artists are sometimes more polite than those in domestic entertainment, and the basic skills of foreign artists are also more solid, otherwise they would not be able to become popular in domestic entertainment like this.

Gu Huaian consciously made room for him.

"I bring you a song today..."

Jiang Mi received a guitar from the staff and played it a few times as a sound check. He said:

"This song was recommended to me by my friend. It's a fairly new R\u0026B style song. I thought it sounded very good the first time I heard it. It's very...well, I should say It’s amazing, I have been practicing this guitar score for more than thirty days..."

This brother looks silly and quite innocent, but his creamy yellow hair looks awkward.

"Oh ho!"

Zheng Yunbin helped his brothers, and Chen Feng, Xu Shiyun and others were also thinking that Jiang Mi had practiced the song for more than thirty days just by practicing the score, so it shouldn't be a bad work, right?

This guy has been mysterious all day today. No one else knows what he is going to sing. At this moment, many viewers are really excited because of the suspense.

Some of his fans are even saying that he is also secretive and might be able to continue to work for Gu Huaian.

Gu Huaian is going to be here!


You can say anything.

Jiang Mi didn't say anything. This brother was quite calm. At this moment, he actually gave people the same feeling as before Gu Huaian sang "Unconditional" just now, a very confident Yazi.

"Dong dong..."

Just when everyone was talking crazily, he started playing the guitar.

It's just that this brother didn't know whether he forgot or not, but he didn't mention the title of the song.


As soon as the guitar sound came out, many people at the scene fell silent, whether out of respect or not.

"Dong dong dong..."

What is very surprising is that the melody of the song prepared by Jiang Mi is very rhythmic and somewhat cheerful. It really made many people's eyes light up when it came out.

Jiang Mi also had a confident smile on his face. He felt that his song must be the best. Even if he loses to Gu Huaian, the big devil, he won't lose too badly. At least he won't be like the previous ones. Cliff-like crushing.

It can be seen from the intro of his song and the reactions of some people at the scene.

But what makes Jiang Mi confused is...


Many people at the scene listened for a few seconds after their eyes lit up at first, just a few seconds...

He immediately fell silent.

No one said anything.

There’s not even any discussion left…

Everyone was a little confused and stared blankly at him who was playing the guitar...

Jiang Mi: "???"

Jiang Mi was still confused at that time, but why suddenly there was no movement. Also, why do these people look at him like this? Is there something on his face?

If you put on makeup and dressed up before coming here today, you can't suddenly become ugly and lose your virtue, right?


Not to mention that he was confused, the audience in the audience, including Gu Huaian, Jiang Ma, Teacher He, Zheng Yunbin and his family, as well as all the netizens watching the show, were also confused!


Because the intro melody of Jiang Mi’s song...

It sounds so familiar!

Many people have heard that melody, so it’s widely spread, okay!

The reason why they haven't raised any questions yet is that they just feel that the intro sounds very similar to the song they were thinking of. Maybe Jiang Mi sang another song?

So they were all calm for the time being, just looking at Jiang Mi with confused expressions and a bit of expectation in their eyes. It was not that they were expecting his work, but that they wanted to wait for him to speak and hear whether what he sang was the song they wanted. Song!

We were performing at this time, and maybe the audience's reaction wasn't right. Jiang Mi didn't dare to think too much, so she could only sing first...

It just so happened that the prelude was about to enter the verse, so he sang:


"I'm waiting anytime, anywhere..."

He just sang two lines!


Strictly speaking, I should have just sung the word "wait"!



Many people at the scene laughed like crazy.

"It's so true!"

Barrage blast:

"Good guy, I thought I was holding back some big moves. The song I sang for a long time was "Ordinary Friends" by Gu Huaian?"

"Hit Gu Huaian with Gu Huaian's songs, brother, are you really stupid or are you pretending to be stupid?!"

"Hahaha... I am laughing so hard. Look at the expressions on Zheng Yunbin and the others!"

"Gu Huaian's expression is even happier!"


Zheng Yunbin, Xu Shiyun, Chen Feng, and Shen Qingqing raised their hands and slapped their foreheads almost at the same time, with expressions of "not seeing". They even wanted to find a hole in the ground to crawl in if possible!

Shame on you!

How embarrassing!

This kid Jiang Mi, pretending to be real, couldn't see anyone all afternoon, and even before he came on stage just now, he said he was holding back a big move...

Chen Feng, Zheng Yunbin, Xu Shiyun and others also have great expectations for him!

When this kid was holding the guitar on the stage just now, his calm and confident look really made people think that there was a possibility that Gu Huaian could kill him.

The results of it?

It turns out that the song prepared by grandson (zei) turned out to be "Ordinary Friends" by Gu Huaian!

When he just said that this song is a new song with R\u0026amp;amp;amp;B style, some people did think of Gu Huaian's "Ordinary Friends". After all, in terms of R\u0026amp;amp;amp;amp;B style, in recent years, Of all the Mandarin songs, none is more outstanding than "Ordinary Friends" by Gu Huaian.

But they felt that Jiang Mi wouldn't be so stupid to really use Gu Huaian's songs to fight against Gu Huaian, right?

That’s the original song!

But the facts prove...

This brother is not pretending to be stupid, he is really stupid!

So stupid!

He was just here to be funny!


Gu Huaian was also trying his best to hold back his laughter at this moment, but he really couldn't hold it back...

He actually recognized the song when he heard the intro to "Ordinary Friends". This song is also a "prelude killer" to a certain extent, and the intro is very recognizable.

It's just that Gu Huaian thought that this brother wouldn't really sing his own song, maybe it was just that the intro was very similar...

But as soon as he said the word "wait", Gu Huaian really didn't hold back!

Gu Huaian still doesn't understand. How on earth could this brother want to sing his song?

When the camera showed Gu Huaian, netizens laughed like crazy and said:

"Gu Huaian: I have received professional training. Unless I can't help it, I won't laugh... Hahaha!"

"My brother has thought about the most painful thing in his life and still can't hold back his laughter hahaha..."

"Gu Huaian: I even thought about my baby passing away. I was really holding it in very hard!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha……"

"No, you...why are you laughing?"

Because everyone in the audience was laughing, Jiang Mi couldn't sing anymore. He was forced to pause after singing only two lines, and then asked everyone with a confused look on his face.

He felt something was wrong from the prelude just now, and he didn't play the melody wrong. He practiced all afternoon this afternoon. This guitar tab is always difficult to practice...

Why did everyone laugh when he opened his mouth?

"Brother, come down! Stop singing!"

Zheng Yunbin couldn't stand it anymore, he shouted, his expression looked like "it's embarrassing", which was always funny.

It’s really embarrassing!

Originally, the three of them were killed by Gu Huaian one after another. Jiang Mi kept saying that he was holding back his big move, and they were all waiting for him to go up and amplify it. Who knew that he was singing "Ordinary Friends" by Gu Huaian!

This mystery sells out the loneliness, okay!

If he had said it was this song, Zheng Yunbin would not have let him go up even to death!


Zheng Yunbin's words once again made many people laugh, and everyone in the audience laughed like crazy. Who would have thought that this would turn out to be a funny game!

Netizens all wanted to say: "What kind of sitcom are you doing here, bro?!"

Jiang Mi: "???"

Poor this brother, he still doesn't understand why things developed like this.


As the host, Teacher He tried his best to hold back his laughter, walked up to the stage, took the microphone and asked Jiang Mi:

"Do you know who the original singer of this song is?"

Jiang Mi scratched his head after hearing this and said:

"This is a song my friend sent me. I really haven't read the original song carefully..."

Many people usually don’t remember the original song or who the original singer is when listening to a song. Many people only wake up when they hear the original singer singing on stage, oh, it turns out this is his song!

Jiang Mi is not good at Mandarin. Foreigners watching our Mandarin songs are actually just like us watching foreign language songs. Many of them are unrecognizable.

In addition, he didn't have the habit of memorizing original songs, so he focused on this song, so he didn't care that this song was actually sung by Gu Huaian...

The result was such a joke!

"Ha ha……"

Teacher He really didn't hold back. He originally wanted to tell Jiang Mi that this song was sung by Gu Huaian, but who knew...

"Teacher Ho!"

Gu Huaian suddenly called Teacher He, then asked for a guitar from the staff, and trotted over with it on his back...

He told Jiang Mi:

"In this way, I will play and sing a few lines. Do they sound familiar to you..."

He was holding back a laugh when he said this. At this time, Zheng Yunbin and Xu Shiyun's family members wanted to dig a hole in the ground and get in. Gu Huaian was so taunting them!

It’s so embarrassing, okay!

They even wanted to pull Jiang down and tell him not to be embarrassed!

Jiang Mi is still confused and looks at Gu Huaian with a confused expression...

Gu Huaian didn't delay either...

"Dong dong..."

Directly in front of Jiang Mi, in the center of the stage, he held the guitar and started playing.

He sang:


"I'm waiting anytime, anywhere."

"Be your emotional dependence..."

"I don't have any doubts..."

"this is Love."

Gu Huaian sang a few simple lines...

Jiang Mi’s two 24K titanium alloys are so ugly!

That's a huge stare!

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