Participating in a love show, this little guy is too down-to-earth

Chapter 246 The biggest surprise: Pei Jingshu!

The head turning is really exaggerated!

Don’t you want visual effects and enjoyment?

When it comes to hip-hop dancing, there is nothing more killer than a head turn!

Just look at Gu Huaian in the center of the stage!

At first, he didn't turn very fast. He had to use his hands as a driving force to be able to turn. Later, his whole body simply rotated...

At first, my legs were still spread apart, but later I hugged my legs with both hands and formed an inverted cone shape!


At this time, the scene was already shouting like crazy!

Later, Gu Huaian's legs slowly came together and straightened out!

At the moment of straightening, his rotation speed reached the fastest!


"Oh my god!!"

"Pa bang bang..."

“Is this even a human being?!”

"Absolutely awesome!"

on site.

There were endless shouts and applause. Even if there were less than a hundred people present, the shouts were already deafening. Many people shouted until their faces were red and their throats were numb.

Teacher He no longer cared about the famous scene of being robbed of the microphone by Zheng Yunbin twice, and just shouted there!

"Ah! Gu Huaian, you are so handsome!"

"Absolutely! Absolutely!"

Sister Jiang Yao, Xiang Zi, and Shen Yuqi were shouting there, and even Han Xiangyi, who was a bit naturally dazed, actually jumped up!

"Brother Huai'an, I love you!"

Shen Qingqing, this little guy, doesn't even care about his position. He's just turned on, isn't he?

Even now, even Xu Shiyun, Chen Feng, Jiang Mi... these opponents started shouting too!

no way……

So burning!

Gu Huaian's sudden turn was so igniting that even his opponent would be set on fire, right?

Xu Shiyun was still able to hold her nerve at first, but later she followed her two teammates and shouted:

"Ahh! So handsome!"

He's so handsome, isn't he?

At this moment, both Xu Shiyun and Shen Yuqi understood why Shang Zhuoyan liked Gu Huaian so much, was so obsessed with him, and was willing to stay by his side even if she resorted to such shady means.

Such a boy is simply a treasure!

You never know how many things he has hidden in his body that he has not let you see!

Such a man is simply too charming, and his charm can captivate countless girls!

"So handsome!"

Even the barrage was being viewed wildly, with many girls saying:

"I was at the San Xiaozhi concert. My tickets have been refunded and I came to support Gu"

"I will be a fan of Gu Huai Anwei from now on. Sisters, if anyone wants to sign up, please come quickly!"

"Who will say that Gu Huaian doesn't have any female fans in the future? I'm worried about him!"

"He will be our family from now on!"


Even Gu Huaian's boss Jiang Dan stood up at this moment and cheered and clapped with excitement on his face.

She has known for a long time that Gu Huaian is a treasure, she has always known it!

But she still didn't expect that Gu Huaian could bring her so many, such big surprises!

The boy standing upside down and spinning at high speed on the stage should be the most enviable and handsome image of all boys, right?

Sharks are crazy!

The shark is really crazy!

"Whoa whoa!"

There were some staff who were watching the machine backstage, including the director, and none of them could hold back their exclamations.

"What's wrong?"

This made Pei Jingshu, who was preparing to appear, a little curious.

She had actually been preparing for it a long time ago. After Gu Huaian finished singing "Unconditional", she went to adjust the ear monitors and prepare for the appearance, so she was not very clear about what happened next.

She didn't quite understand. There seemed to be no more singing there, so why did those people suddenly scream like ghosts and wolves?

"They are dancing!"

The assistant just came over from the director and said excitedly:

"Teacher Xiao Gu is so handsome. He can even dance hip-hop so well!"

When I heard this, I saw Pei Jingshu. Her beautiful face was full of disbelief, and she subconsciously asked:

"Zun Du Fake Du?"

"The crotch is burning like a crotch!"

The assistant said excitedly:

"With that hat on, he spins so fast like a top!"

That is to say, Pei Jingshu was preparing to go on stage and couldn't go over to watch, otherwise the assistant would have dragged her to see the screen on the machine.

Pei Jingshu smiled, and there seemed to be stars shining in her watery eyes. From a distance, she glanced at the direction of the stage, and there was some expectation in her eyes...

After thinking about it, she told her assistant:

"Get me some tissues."


The assistant didn't think much and thought Pei Jingshu was going to wipe something. Who knew that after taking the tissue, Pei Jingshu just folded it and held it in her hand without saying anything.

"What is this for?"

The assistant was a little curious seeing the way she put away the tissues.

Pei Jingshu pursed her lips and smiled, then said softly:

"He should be sweating a lot from dancing. Wipe him down later."

As soon as these words came out.


The assistant immediately silenced Qian.


This mouthful of dog food!

A shovel was poured directly into her throat!

She wants to say that you two are too sweet!

"We've been so excited tonight. If you show up again, I really don't know how happy they should be..."

The assistant smiled while helping Pei Jingshu tidy up.

Pei Jingshu just smiled and didn't speak. She never cared much about whether others were happy or not. She only cared about whether Gu Huai'an Gao was happy or not.

Just in time.

on the stage.

After a burst of high-speed rotation, Gu Huai stood firmly on the ground. To be honest, he was a little dizzy when he first landed, but fortunately, he had good adaptability and did not fall to the ground.


When he stood there perfectly, the crowd shouted again.

In fact, the most difficult part of a head spin is the last landing. Many head spin b-boys will get dizzy because they spin at high speed, so many of them fall directly to the ground at the last landing, and they still land firmly on the ground with their feet. There are quite a few, this step is quite difficult...

But Gu Huaian did it!

Just from this point of view, you can see a lot of skills!

"Pa bang bang..."

There was constant applause and shouts at the scene.

"Gu Huaian! Gu Huaian! Gu Huaian!"

The host, Mr. He, is usually a fair drinker, but today he couldn't help but favor Gu Huaian. He actually took the initiative to shout Gu Huaian's name!

Then everyone in the audience followed Teacher He and shouted Gu Huaian's name!

The whole place was shouting!

In fact, it doesn't matter about winning or losing now. Gu Huaian has used his heat to turn the scene into a pot of soup, and everyone is boiling together.

Even if Zheng Yunbin was still unconvinced, he couldn't help but raise his hand to applaud Gu Huaian...

A single elbow throw and a head turn were enough for Gu Huaian to knock him out, not to mention that Gu Huaian landed safely in the end!

This is something only a great god can do!

Strength is sometimes the best way to speak. Gu Huaian never talks much, but he can always convince others with his strength.

"So handsome!"

Barrage blast:

"This is my brother, he deserves to enjoy the Ancestral Temple!"

"Okay, don't use this joke. Some idiots don't want to see it. Don't bring trouble to Gu Huaian!"

"My brother yyds! This is the head office!"

"Haha... look at what they have done to the children, using old tricks..."

It feels like everyone is very excited tonight, and they are all ignited. People backstage can’t help but remind Teacher He and Pei Jingshu through their headphones...

"oh oh……"

Teacher He almost forgot that they also arranged a surprise session for Gu Huaian.

It has been said that Pei Jingshu has been here for a long time, and she has not appeared, which is a grievance for her.

Of course, before inviting Pei Jingshu out, we still have to decide the outcome.


At this time, Gu Huaian was still out of breath and tired because he had just finished dancing.

Dancing is really exhausting. Gu Huaian's head was covered in sweat, and even the short sleeves on his chest were wet.

The weather in Hainan in May cannot be said to be particularly hot. It will be cooler at night without the sun. For Gu Huaian, who has experienced 40+ degrees in Quancheng, it is actually a small Kalami...

But I can't help but the weather has been a bit boring these two days.

In the stuffy weather, it's strange that you can do strenuous exercise like dancing without breaking out in sweat.

Gu Huaian worked really hard tonight, singing and dancing, but the results achieved were quite good. It can be said that he conquered them all, including the live audience, netizens in the live broadcast room, guests... and so on. Got it!

When the camera showed Gu Huaian, surrounded by everyone, even though he was very hot, tired and out of breath, Gu Huaian still grinned quite innocently...

"Ha ha……"

When Teacher He came over, he laughed first, then called Zheng Yunbin and said:

"Let me ask Zheng Yunbin first, what do you want to say about Gu Huaian's performance just now?"

Zheng Yunbin's face couldn't be said to be pretty, but it wasn't actually too ugly, because it was actually not embarrassing to lose to Gu Huaian's killer move like turning his head.

It's funny. When he used his killing moves before, many people thought that it was not a field that Gu Huaian was good at and it would not be embarrassing to lose to Zheng Yunbin. However, now it turns out that Zheng Yunbin would not be ashamed to lose to Gu Huaian...


Zheng Yunbin coughed lightly to cover up his embarrassment. He was also sweating, but he still wanted to say that:

"Be convinced."

The words fell...


Many people started to boo again at the scene.

To be honest, for a person with Zheng Yunbin's character to say "convinced" is enough to show how wonderful Gu Huaian's performance tonight was!

In fact, there are only two things Zheng Yunbin is good at, one is rap and the other is hip-hop. Now his two best fields have been crushed by Gu Huaian. Unfortunately, these two are not Gu Huaian's best fields!

That's it, what else can he say?

There is no point in being harsh anymore.

It is worth mentioning that at this time, Gu Huaian laughed and came over to Zheng Yunbin and extended his hand...

Zheng Yunbin nodded and smiled, shook hands with Gu Huaian, gave him a very manly hug and bumped their shoulders.

Many viewers watched this scene with warm emotions. In fact, one good thing about Gu Huaian was that he never laughed at his opponents.

Whether it was Jiang Mi's own incident in singing his "Ordinary Friends" or Zheng Yunbin who provoked him several times and lost to him, he did not add insult to injury and ridicule him. Instead, he communicated with the other party in a friendly manner.

He clearly had the right to add insult to injury and the ability to ridicule, but he did not do so.

This is quite admirable.

Fans of Gu Huaian's eye bag in the comment area said:

"Who says my family has low emotional intelligence and is uneducated? I'm going to risk my life with it!"

This Gu Huaian has really gained a lot of popularity among passers-by, okay?

"I think we don't have to vote in this one, right?"

Teacher He laughed and asked everyone...

Everyone laughed helplessly, and even Zheng Yunbin didn't speak. Yes, do you still need to vote?

If Gu Huaian wins, he must win!

"Okay! I announce!"

Teacher He directly grabbed Gu Huaian's arm and shouted:

"Gu Huaian successfully defended the ring, one versus five, achieved!"

As he spoke, he raised Gu Huaian's arm, just like the people in the boxing ring who raised the gold belt of the boxing champion.

Gu Huaian in the camera was sweating profusely and a little embarrassed. Fortunately, there was no makeup and there was no such thing as makeup.

His smile was innocent, but it was the most radiant.

This moment for him should be the most enviable and shining moment for everyone.


"Pa bang bang..."

All kinds of applause and cheers rang out again.

"Brother Gu is so handsome!"

Jiang Yao, Xiang Zi, Shen Yuqi, and Han Xiangyi gathered around, and Xiang Zi gave Gu Huaian a bouquet of wild flowers she picked in the afternoon.

Gu Huaian smiled, rubbed her head and said with a smile:

"How are you? Are you relieved?"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah!"

Xiang Zi nodded repeatedly as if pecking at rice. She actually wanted to hug Gu Huaian, but she was a little embarrassed. She was actually quite shy.

To be honest, it’s quite exciting right now…

When Gu Huaian said before that he wanted to "vs. five", many people still thought it was unrealistic even though they knew he was a big devil.

After all, Xu Shiyun and the others are not weak.

Today, whether it was Chen Feng's Cantonese performance or Zheng Yunbin's killer hip-hop dance, no matter who it was, no matter who it was, looking at the entire domestic entertainment industry, no one would be able to say that they would definitely win.

But not only did Gu Huaian win, he also defeated and defeated him in Cantonese, rap, hip-hop and other areas they were best at!

It's quite shocking.

The most noteworthy thing is that he won over his opponents. Even if it was a one-on-five match in the ring, which was full of gunpowder and hurtful atmosphere, he still turned everyone into a piece of iron with his wonderful performance.


Chen Feng and Xu Shiyun were applauding him.

It's quite interesting.


The hustle and bustle ended.

Jiang Ma coughed and finally came out to control the situation.

she says:

"Tonight's performance is a friendly match. As I said before, don't hurt the harmony."

"Ha ha……"

Many people laughed when these words came out. In fact, it means that Gu Huaian has a good personality. If Gu Huaian was Zheng Yunbin, he would definitely not have such a harmonious picture.

"Then there's this... Shen Qingqing."

Speaking of this, Mother Jiang couldn’t help but name Shen Qingqing and said specifically:

"Whenever you use your brain in the future, use your brain more, or don't use it at all, eh?"

As soon as these words came out...


Everyone at the scene was stunned at first.



"Ah ha ha ha ha..."


Everyone burst out laughing!

Many people laughed out loud!

In fact, looking at everything that happened tonight, it was all caused by Shen Qingqing's care in the beginning.

She always belongs to the type who is a little scheming, but not too much. Just like tonight, she always wants to play tricks, but in the end she is self-defeating and slaps herself in the face...

Jiang Ma's words sounded a bit convoluted. Use your brain more when you use your brain. These words sounded like nonsense, and it was weird no matter how you heard it.

But you taste it, you taste it carefully...

Isn't it Shen Qingqing you're talking about?

When the camera showed Sister Qing, Shen Qingqing pouted and looked like a "wronged" Yazi who had been "unjustly accused".

In fact, if someone else said it, she might have refuted it, but who asked Mother Jiang to speak? She didn't have the guts to talk back to Mother Jiang.

Of course, no one would care about her grievances.

"OK OK……"

Teacher He stood in the center of the stage, smiled and summarized a few words, then thanked the sponsors of the show and talked a lot...

Finally, he said something funny:

"Actually, to be honest, I didn't watch enough tonight. Have you all watched enough?"

Many people at the scene didn’t know what Teacher He meant at first, but if you want to ask them if they have seen enough...

You must not have seen enough!


"Didn't see enough!"

"another one!"

Many of the audience members were members of the program team. They all understood what Mr. He meant and started to cheer. The main theme was singing and harmonizing.

At this time, Gu Huaian had not yet realized the seriousness of the matter. He had just been taken back to his seat by Jiang Yao and Shen Yuqi and sat down. Jiang Yao wiped his sweat with a tissue, and Shen Yuqi handed him water...

The fragile little girl who usually couldn't unscrew the water bottle now opened the bottle without batting an eye.

At this time, Teacher He nodded at Gu Huaian and said:

"Do you want to hear Gu Huaian sing another song for you?"

As soon as these words came out...


The scene that had finally calmed down after Gu Huaian's hip-hop dance ended was once again ignited.


When the camera showed Gu Huaian, Gu Laolu was drinking water and squirted straight away.

He looked at Teacher He helplessly, with doubts and innocence in his eyes. He wanted to say that you didn't do this, right? !

Gu Huaian has performed five times in a row tonight. The first four performances were fine, but the last hip-hop performance felt like he was completely drained. He still hasn't recovered yet...

The one-on-five arena battle has been won. To be honest, Gu Huaian has no fighting spirit anymore. Why is he still showing off at this time?

Even many fans in the live broadcast room began to feel sorry for Gu Huaian, saying:

"No, are you still acting?"

"Caught a sheep and plucked it to death? Are you asking my brother to perform continuously knowing that no one else can?"

"Those who know it is a group performance, but those who don't know are still thinking about my brother's solo concert!"

"Teacher He, you are too..."

Many netizens are curious, Teacher He is not usually like this, so why would he let Gu Huaian perform at this time?

Even Xu Shiyun and the others don't quite understand...

Perhaps only Mother Jiang and Teacher He on the stage understood the scene.

They wanted to give Gu Huaian the biggest surprise!

Of course, this surprise is also for the audience!

At this time, Pei Jingshu was ready.

She was wearing a green and blue A-line fairy dress, and a pair of diamond-encrusted high heels with bows on her feet. She had a slender figure, her skin was so white that it seemed to glow, and her pretty face with full makeup looked like an elf.

At this moment, she was looking up at her swan-like white and proud jade neck, holding a microphone and preparing to appear.

I believe that face that can be called superior will turn those Yingying Yanyan into scum in an instant as soon as it appears on the scene.

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