Participating in a love show, this little guy is too down-to-earth

Chapter 249 Sister Pei’s domineering husband-guarding: Come at me, don’t embarrass my boyfriend!

"Then I'll tell you in advance next time."

Pei Jingshu is always gentle, and she never likes to argue. Her personality is the same as her appearance, as gentle as water.

She used to be a cold beauty and rarely smiled in front of the camera, but it seemed that ever since she fell in love with Gu Huaian, there was always a faint smile on her lips.

When she and Gu Huaian were in the same frame, her eyes always seemed to be on him.


There were many people at the scene making noises, and I felt that every time Gu Huaian and Pei Jingshu were in the same scene, they could make everyone enjoy themselves.

Sometimes it's not about how well they did or what they said. You just look at Pei Jingshu's appearance now. Such a beauty is full of Gu Huaian, which is enough to be enviable.


Teacher He finally stopped holding on, coughed and walked forward and said:

"Um, let me remind you, there are quite a few people here. Is it okay if you two have anything to say in private?"

As soon as these words came out...

"a ha ha ha……"

It immediately made the whole audience burst into laughter.


Gu Huaian and Pei Jingshu were obviously only two people, but they made the nearly a hundred people around them feel "superfluous". Is it possible that the two of them isolated nearly a hundred people!

After laughing, Teacher He said formally:

"Let us welcome Pei Jingshu with the warmest applause!"

The words fell...


"Pa bang bang..."

There were endless applause and various calls at the scene.

"Wow! It's so beautiful!"

After the welcome, Teacher He's face was full of exclamation. He couldn't help but look Pei Jingshu up and down again, and said to Gu Huaian:

"Gu Huaian, tell me the truth, how many galaxies did you save in your previous life to have a girlfriend like Jing Shu?"


This sentence made many people laugh. Even Teacher He wanted to say this. It was enough to imagine how beautiful Pei Jingshu was tonight.

She is really crazy. Even though she is no longer performing, the lights are no longer focused on her. She is in the same frame as other female stars such as Jiang Yao, Xu Shiyun, etc., and it is a complete instant kill. .

"Hey hey hey..."

Gu Huaian chuckled, said nothing, and silently leaned over to hold Pei Jingshu's hand.

Some people noticed this, some booed, but no one said anything...

Because they are boyfriend and girlfriend!

Let alone holding hands, no one can find fault with the same bed at night!

Pei Jingshu just let him hold her hand, very naturally, and there was not even a hint of shyness on her exquisite and beautiful face.


We've been dating for almost a year, are you still shy about holding hands? !

They both wished they could be honest with each other that night, all they needed was a final touch. After experiencing such close contact, holding hands and everything was just little Karami, okay?

"Ah! I hate it so much!"

At the beginning of the barrage, some fans of Pei Jingshu's family couldn't help but express:

"How can this old man He De fall in love with my sister Pei!"

"I admit that he is excellent but... I'm so bitter!"

"When I think of Sister Pei being held by his hand and sticking to him, I..."

"I don't care, kill Gu Gou and rob Sister Pei!"

I don’t blame people for being bitter, I don’t blame people for hating me, I just blame Pei Jingshu for being so beautifully dressed tonight.

Can you believe that the scene where she was walking and singing along the beach just now has been regarded as a famous scene and went viral?

"Then I want to ask Gu Huaian..."

Amidst the cheers, Teacher He chuckled and handed the microphone to Gu Huaian and asked:

"Are you surprised or surprised?"

Gu Huaian smiled bitterly and answered the question incorrectly:

"You already knew she was coming, right?"

He thought that everyone knew that Pei Jingshu was coming, but he was kept in the dark.


"How can it be……"

"I didn't expect it just now!"

Jiang Yao, Shen Yuqi, Xu Shiyun, etc. all shook their heads. The guests must not know this.

"Only you and I know."

Teacher He smiled and said:

"Jingshu arrived in the afternoon, and we picked her up together."

While explaining, Teacher He happened to catch a glimpse of Shen Qingqing, who was wiping away tears. He couldn't help but point at her and said with a smile:

"Do you think if everyone knew, Qingqing would still sing "Under the Flying Clouds" with you?"

As soon as these words came out...



Including the audience and countless netizens, everyone laughed like crazy.


Shen Qingqing is such a clown!

If she had known that Pei Jingshu would come, she would have sung a duet with Gu Huaian in the "Under the Flying Clouds" section. She wouldn't have even come forward to take the initiative to sing with Gu Huaian.

It’s so embarrassing, okay!

Just now, when Pei Jingshu appeared on the stage, all the lights, eyes, and cameras were all attracted to Pei Jingshu.

She wasn't even considered a foil or background, she was simply ignored!

Later, when Pei Jingshu came on stage to wipe Gu Huaian's sweat, she looked like an outsider and was chased with a shovel and slowly fed a mouthful of dog food!

Everyone is numb, okay?

At this moment, the camera showed Shen Qingqing, and the eyes of the little clip were still red...

The funny thing is that no one feels sorry for her.

Normally when a girl cries on a show, someone will comfort her, but for Shen Qingqing, everyone just sits there crying, with no one to comfort her.

To be honest, if they don't laugh, they are worthy of Shen Qingqing!

"Ha ha……"

There was constant laughter at the scene.

"So you've been watching from behind?"

Gu Huaian asked Pei Jingshu.

"Yeah, I've been watching."

Pei Jingshu nodded lightly. She had already put on Gu Huaian's coat. Her snow-white shoulders and collarbones were definitely invisible, but today's skirt exposed her thighs. Under the light on the stage, Pei Jingshu's pair The beautiful legs are white, long and thin, giving people a dreamy feeling...

She was already tall, and her high-heeled shoes and high-waisted skirt made her beautiful legs look ridiculously long and perfectly proportioned.

Some people's legs are a symbol of desire, which makes people want to touch, touch and ravage them severely.

There are also some people whose legs are pure desire, something that makes people want to preserve them preciously, but they should be viewed from a distance and not played with indiscriminately.

Obviously, Pei Jingshu is the latter.

Gu Huaian scratched his head and smiled. Unexpectedly, Pei Jingshu had been watching his performance...

At this moment, Gu Huaian was thinking that MD would have known how to sing a few songs to express love from a distance, such as "Together No matter how far away".

"So what do you think of Jingshu?"

Seeing that the conversation had reached this point, the host, Mr. He, also pointed at Zheng Yunbin and his companions as if making trouble and asked:

"What do you think after witnessing the whole process?"

Pei Jingshu's beautiful eyes looked sideways in the direction of Xu Shiyun and the others. In fact, she knew some of these people, such as Chen Feng, Shen Qingqing...

Take Zheng Yunbin for example. Zheng Yunbin pursued her for a while when she was working on "Singer of the Times".

But she just ignored it.

When Teacher He asked about this topic, she couldn't help but glance sideways at Gu Huaian, who was wearing a hat and was covered in sweat, and the chest area of ​​​​his shirt was soaked with sweat...

Recalling Gu Huaian's performances one after another tonight, especially the last dance scene, some distress began to appear in her eyes.

The jade hand holding the microphone tightened slightly. In front of the camera, Pei Jingshu picked up the microphone, pursed her lips slightly, and said softly:

"If something like this happens again in the future, you can come at me and don't embarrass my boyfriend."

Pei Jingshu's words fell.


The scene fell into an eerie silence.

It was obviously quite heated just now, many people were still making noises and were quite excited...

At this moment, Qian was silent.

Did Pei Jingshu say something wrong?

It’s not that…

What she said was so exciting that no one could react for a moment.

And wait until they react...



"Oh my God!"

"Sister Pei, you..."


The whole scene went crazy!

The barrage was even more violent:

"Sister Pei is a domineering protector of her husband!"

"Hey, sister Pei, are you so nice to Lao Liu?!"

"Ah! Sister Pei feels so sorry for Gu Huaian, I can see it!"

"Sure enough, only real couples are best at dating!"

"Pei Ban takes care of YYDS! I will always knock them!"

"Oh, it's so sweet! Oh my god! It's amazing!"

"My teeth are about to fall out!"

A barrage of "Sister Pei is domineering and protects her husband" began to flash across the screen, and countless people were crazy about +1+1 and +1 again!

Listen to what she said!

If something like this happens again in the future, you can come to me and don’t embarrass my boyfriend!

How domineering!

The normal image of Pei Jingshu in front of everyone may be that of a cold beauty, but she is also soft and weak, with a rather indifferent character. She does not like to fight for anything, nor does she like to start fights with others. Conflict, and there is no such thing as "provocation".

But now, because of Gu Huaian, she said such words.

This contrast seemed to tell everyone how important Gu Huaian was to her!

the most important is……

What she said was very confident!

Not to mention Gu Huaian, Pei Jingshu's own strength can also be said to be "Demon King level"!

She is a powerful singer who won the crown of singer in last year's "Singer of the Times" competition with a group of seniors. There was a competition where even a senior couldn't beat her when singing in Tibetan.

Now she is a new love song queen in the music industry!

Gu Huaian has the ability to fight against five, do you think Pei Jingshu doesn't have it?

Even if she only knows how to sing, it would not be a problem for Pei Jingshu to wear not just one but five, as well as three or four!

She and Gu Huaian, no matter which one is excellent in strength, appearance, and reputation!

It is precisely for this reason that they are so desirable...

That's why she was so convincing when she said this!

To be honest...

That is Pei Jingshu!

If a weak female star said this, everyone would just think she was bragging...

Only if Pei Jingshu says this, everyone will think that she does have such strength!

"Love brain!"

This barrage began to flash across the screen again...

It's funny, the meme "love brain" is usually derogatory when used on other girls, but it becomes a compliment when used on Pei Jingshu.

no way……

Who makes Gu Huaian worthy of her love brain?

One thing to say is that many people always think that Pei Jingshu has a weak temper and is not the kind of person who likes to spread dog food. But looking at her and Gu Huaian all the way here, it seems that she is the one who spread the candy, right?

When she was in the singing competition of "Time Singer", she said in public:

"My boyfriend wrote this song."

Later, when Gu Huaian released a new album, she posted a thank you on her blog and said:

"Thank you everyone for forwarding my boyfriend's new album."

Now, here’s another sentence:

"Come at me, don't embarrass my boyfriend..."

Look at each of these!

Facts have proved that no matter how cold-hearted Bingshan is, he will do some contrasting things when he is in love.

A girl's character is never as reclusive as it seems on the surface. Most girls are quite weak. It depends on whether you have the guts to get in touch with them.

"Hey you guys..."

At the scene, Pei Jingshu's words made Chen Feng and Xu Shiyun dumbfounded.

Obviously after these five games, it was Gu Huaian who crushed them, making them lose face!

How could Pei Jingshu behave like they were bullying Gu Huaian?

Oh, your boyfriend is a human being, so we are not human beings?

If he works hard, we shouldn’t work hard?

Even if you spread dog food, you can't use us as shovels!

"a ha ha ha……"

When the camera was shown to them, the audience laughed like crazy.

The funniest thing is that when the camera showed Gu Huaian, the old man was grinning so hard that his lips were grinning to the base of his ears.

Every time he is in the same frame as Pei Jingshu, he always looks so mean and idiotic, making people dumbfounded.

"MD is so jealous of me..."

Many viewers gritted their teeth when they saw Gu Huaian like that!

That’s called hate!

I wish this old man would suddenly die suddenly the next moment, die quickly, quickly!

In laughter.

This farce also came to an end.

Tonight was actually quite lively, with Gu Huaian fighting against five in the front and Pei Jingshu domineeringly guarding her husband in the back. This couple really took the phrase "real lovers are best at fighting" to the extreme!

It wasn't even half an hour after they finished here, and there were already related entries on the hot search lists on the major platforms next door!

" # Gu Huaian versus five! I'm standing here, if you can pick me down, you win! # "

" # "Listen to Mommy" gentle rap: everyone sings the songs I wrote! # "

" # "Unconditional": When the trend is new, others love labels! # "

" # Hat trick, one-elbow throw, head turn! Gu Huaian can also do hip-hop?! # "

" # Gu Huaian, hexagonal warrior! # "

" # Gu Laolu, how much else do you have hidden? # "

" # Pei Jingshu, the goddess of beauty has arrived! # "

" # People just want to fall in love with Pei Jingshu again and again every time they see her! # "

“ # Sister Pei is domineering and protects her husband: come to me if something happens, don’t embarrass my boyfriend! # ”

" # Pei Jingshu's same skirt, shoes, hairpin, imitation makeup... # "

Tonight, the world is destined to be the "husband and wife" of Gu Huaian and Pei Jingshu again.

On the hot search lists of each platform that night, almost the top ten most discussed entries were the two of them.

There is a saying that Gu Huaian and Pei Jingshu don't usually get together, but when they get together, it is enough to bombard the entire domestic entertainment industry.

The last time the two of them were on the hot search together was when Gu Huaian, Xilin, and Su Yuntang were recording "A Food Guest" in Zibo. At that time, the lipstick mark on Pei Jingshu's neck was discussed by the group of people for who knows how long.

Now, the two are sharing the same screen in Gu Huaian's latest variety show "Hello Life Match". This fact in itself is a big enough gimmick, not to mention that the two of them are so eye-catching tonight!

Let's talk about Gu Huaian first. On the show, it's a one-on-five show, rap, Cantonese and hip-hop. In every show, everyone thinks this is Gu Huaian's last trump card. Good guy, he will show off another update in the next show, and it will be even more exciting. I’ll show you a strong trump card!

Every time everyone thought he might have no hope of winning, but every time he conquered everyone with his strength and slapped everyone in the face!

Some netizens commented harshly on Gu Huaian’s performance throughout the night, saying:

"Every time, I feel like he is going to lose. Every time, this kid steals the Storm Dragon and comes back!"

"You never know how much this old man has hidden in front of you!"

"This is the legendary Hexagon Warrior!"

Gu Huaian got a nickname tonight, called "Hexagonal Warrior"!

too strong!

Whether it's rap, Cantonese, or hip-hop, there's almost nothing he can't do.

The key is that he not only knows it but is also very proficient!

The pronunciation of Cantonese is very standard, and the song he wrote is also very thoughtful; the hip-hop dance is even more amazing, and he can even turn his head!

If you can turn your head, you are almost at the level of a hip-hop dance master!

It’s hard for everyone to imagine how one person can be so versatile, know a little bit about everything, and be proficient in everything!

These are the most popular stage performances these days, and Gu Huaian knows all of these categories. Isn’t he the legendary “Hexagonal Warrior”? !

Of course, while getting a new nickname, the old nickname "Gu Lao Liu" was also consolidated.

In the beginning, Gu Huaian got this nickname because he hid it deeply. Today, he revealed so much at once, making everyone aware of it again, and more and more people called him "Gu Laolu"!

There are many people commenting on the comment areas of his accounts on many platforms:

"You are really that old 6!"

"I call you brother one by one. Is this how you treat your brothers?"

It's so funny.

It is worth mentioning that the live versions of the three songs he sang in the first three performances of this night, "Possessed", "Listen to Mom" ​​and "Unconditional", were edited and directly released on major music platforms. It’s in the top three of the new song charts!

"Listen to Mom" ​​is firmly ranked first, "Unconditional" is second, and "Possessed" is third.

There is no doubt about this ranking. There is no way. The meaning of the song "Listen to Mom" ​​is too good. Gu Huaian used rap, the most rebellious method in everyone's impression, to sing the most contrasting song "Listen to Mom", which is enough in itself. Eye-catching, he writes so well and is so catchy...

It must have been that night, because the song was very popular. As an 8G surfer, Gu Huaian's younger brother Gu Zhun listened to the song and ran to show it to Gu's mother.

Gu's mother was so pleased after hearing this that she actually took the song to the store and played it on a loop the next day!

This matter later became a hot search topic...

Of course, in recent days, Pei Jingshu’s fairy look that night has been the one that has rocked the girl community and the entire beauty industry.

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