Participating in a love show, this little guy is too down-to-earth

Chapter 275 Fire Blue! The strong return of the ghost horse girl! The little wild horse of your drea

"...Let's wait for another day."

After hearing the conditions, Gu Huaian didn't dare to stay for a second, so he turned around and ran away.

To be honest, emotions in this era are really cheap. For example, Gu Huaian and Jiang Yao seemed to have only met last week, and then tonight...

Jiang Yao dared to take advantage of being drunk and drag Gu Huaian into the room to play house.

Although he has long known that men and women of this era are like this, Gu Huaian still disagrees and does not want to adapt.

When he returned to the room, Gu Huaian's mind was still in a mess. He had never imagined that he had experienced two impressive things in less than an hour that night...

The words Shang Zhuoyan said are still echoing in Gu Huaian's mind, and he can still occasionally think of the scene of being pressed against the wall by Jiang Yao and being forcefully kissed.

Those scenes kept Gu Huaian awake from tossing and turning.

Obviously this old man usually falls asleep, but today he couldn't fall asleep, which is rare. It's quite funny.

I feel like what happened today is really messy. I originally wanted to tell Shang Zhuoyan about playing games and not talk about it in front of the camera, but in the end, not only did Shang Zhuoyan get a haircut, but she also let Jiang Yao get the handle. On...


What the hell is this!


The next day, the "veteran actor" who had the same high attendance rate as Gu Huaian's gray peaked cap appeared again on a rainy day. When Gu Huaian got up in the morning, he opened the curtains and saw a drizzle outside. It seemed like he was in a normal mood. .

"Did you sleep well, Mr. Gu?"

Today's broadcast started relatively early. In order to take a picture of the guests just waking up, the program team had the door of some guests knocked on at five or six o'clock before they could grab their makeup.

"Do you think I slept well?"

Gu Huaian scratched his head. At this moment, the old man's hair was messy, his eyes had no light, and he looked lackluster.

It was probably the effect of Gu Huaian and Pei Jingshu’s intense sugar-splitting last week in “Pei Ban Takes Care of CP”. As soon as the show started airing, hundreds of thousands of people flooded into the live broadcast room in just a few minutes!

Barrage blast:

"I'm coming!"

"First! Come to Android CP!"

"Ah! I haven't seen Shang Zhuoyan for a long time. I miss her so much!"

After scrolling for a while, someone saw the listless Gu Huaian, and Xiuer couldn't help but say:

"Why do you feel like Gu Laoliu looks like a man whose body has been hollowed out?"

"Did your boy sleep with Sister Pei last night?"

"Wow, I didn't expect that Sister Pei, who looks so cold, would want so much..."

"??? This is not a bus going to kindergarten! I want to get off!!!"

I just can't see the barrage. If I could, Gu Huaian would really have to curse.


Yawning, he found a hat and put it on. Gu Huaian put on a simple short-sleeved shirt without putting on makeup, and went downstairs to have breakfast first.

He was really the first to arrive without makeup. The restaurant downstairs was deserted, maybe because of the rain. The temperature was not that high. Gu Huaian sneezed and felt his throat was itchy, like he had a cold... …

In fact, compared to winter, Gu Huaian really doesn't like summer very much. He has caught colds more frequently in summer than in winter since he was a child. Because summer is very hot and the quilt is light, he often cannot cover himself with quilt.

During the meal, the other guests came downstairs one after another. It is worth mentioning that Shang Zhuoyan appeared side by side with her three other teammates Xu Shiyun, Han Xiangyi, and Shen Yuqi.

As the captain and C position, Shang Zhuoyan wore a rainbow-colored hip skirt today. You can also think of it as a stepmother skirt. This kind of skirt is very figure-flattering and can perfectly integrate the waistline, hipline, and chest line. highlighted.

Compared with the period of "Crystal Love Season", Shang Zhuoyan has lost a lot of weight, and there is not so much meat on her legs. Now it is impossible to see any buttocks when patting her butt...

But the word "front and back" still seems to be tailor-made for her. In terms of scale, her Xiong Daxiong II can't be compared with any female guests at the scene. Shen Qingqing has dozens of airports. They stack buffs together and dare not challenge Shang Zhuoyan.

"Ahhh! Shang Zhuoyan!"

When she appeared, the number of barrages obviously increased.

In terms of celebrity status, traffic, popularity, and fan base, Shang Zhuoyan is definitely the most popular person on the scene besides Gu Huaian. Even Pei Jingshu from the previous issue can't say that she is more popular than Shang Zhuoyan.

And she is popular for a reason. You can look at the three teammates Xu Shiyun, Shen Yuqi, and Han Xiangyi who appeared with her. It is obvious that the three of them were also very eye-catching in the previous show. Sweet girl, Cool girl, little fox...

But as soon as you stand next to Shang Zhuoyan, you feel that in the collision situation, Shang Zhuoyan almost crushed them as if they were pushed flat.

Any female idol should not try to compare with Shang Zhuoyan. No matter in terms of figure, appearance, or strength, she is the top one.

After all, she is the captain and the C position. Once she appears, others seem to be nothing more than that.

It is worth mentioning that……

Today, Shang Zhuoyan specially dyed her hair.

She has not dyed her hair since she dyed it back to black last year. When she was attacked at that time, the color of her hair was often used as an issue. Many people said that her hair looked bad. Girls can easily lead a group of young girls into bad situations...

If Gu Huaian remembered correctly, even last night, Shang Zhuoyan still had normal black hair, right?

Although most of her hair is still black at this moment, she has done some light pink and dark blue highlights on her bangs, temples, including some hair tips and hair rooms.

The two colors themselves are an excellent match. The so-called "fire blue", when spread out and put on the shoulders, there will be one blue and one pink, it looks so good!

It gives people a very trendy feeling and is refreshing to see.

After all, this is Charlene Shang. She has never taken a normal route in terms of hairstyle. You can go through all the photos of her in the past. If you can find a picture of hair that is not unique in dyeing, I will lose.

It was probably because of the return of her hair color that, suddenly, that uncanny and confident girl seemed to be back in everyone's sight.

"Oh my God, her hair..."

"Ahhh! I really want to have it!"

"I'm going to find Teacher Tony to help me make this color today!"

When the barrage reached her hair, it started brushing wildly!

I don’t know how many girls are chirping in the comment area, shouting that they want to dye “the same hair color as Shang Zhuoyan” and buy “the same clothes as Shang Zhuoyan”!

This scene is quite exaggerated. Even when Pei Jingshu appeared, the barrage didn't say much about wanting to imitate it.

The reason is not complicated. The main reason is that many of the clothes Pei Jingshu wears must match her temperament to support them. Most of them are expensive and belong to big fashion brands, and not everyone can afford them.

But the clothes that Shang Zhuoyan wears focus on a fashion trend, and the price may not be cheap, but they are relatively close to the people, and they will look...

Very spicy!

very nice!

In the eyes of many girls, Shang Zhuoyan is the spokesperson of "fashion" in the true sense.

Just look at the coat she is wearing today. It has a texture like a silk scarf, a gray-blue tone, and is embroidered with some national fashion patterns. When draped on her body, when pulled down, she can even reveal her skinny skin. shoulder……

It's too spicy!

What’s funny is that when many girls in the barrage section said they wanted to find Teacher Tony to dye their hair “the same hair color” as Charlene, one person mercilessly added insult to injury:

"You also need someone with that hair volume!"

As soon as these words came out, they directly touched the hearts of many bald girls.

Really, Shang Zhuoyan’s hair volume is what many girls envy the most!

In such a bright hall, you can't even see the slit of her hair when the camera is pointed at her!

She used to wear double ponytails or double buns. Someone asked her why she didn't wear a bun with a bun, but Sister Shang just said something and silenced a group of bald girls!

she says:

"When I put a bun on my head, it's like having a big watermelon on top of my head. It's always ugly."

At that time, you didn’t even know what the expressions of the girls on the show were like. I was so envious!

However, Shang Zhuoyan disagreed and said that every time the hairstylist cuts her hair, the first thing she says is to thin it out. When summer comes, it feels like wearing a plush hat. She even asked the host what Are there any tips for hair loss...

The host was silenced!

At that time, someone almost scolded Shang Zhuoyan, but fortunately she explained in advance that she had too much hair, and sometimes it was difficult to style her hair, especially her hair, which is hard. Without softening, the whole head would look square. !

She really has this trouble!

But how did she know that her troubles were the dreams of so many people!

Therefore, it’s not that fans don’t want to imitate many of Shang Zhuoyan’s hairstyles, it’s because the hair volume really doesn’t meet that requirement!

It’s really hard to achieve her effect!



When Shang Zhuoyan appeared with three teammates, the guests and some staff who had already arrived applauded.

It is worth mentioning that today Shang Zhuoyan did not appear unhappy as Gu Huaian thought. Instead, she confidently twisted her sexy waist and waved hello to everyone...

She had a familiar smile on her Barbie doll-like face. While waving, she confidently raised her arrogant neck and turned in a circle. Her movements actually looked a bit artificial, but she was so beautiful. After a lap, I feel not only sunshine but also confidence!

After the pretense, her face returned to a familiar smile, and she laughed and greeted the people around her.


Many fans couldn't help crying and had goosebumps watching this scene. Some said:

"The familiar her is finally back..."

The former Shang Zhuoyan was such a confident and bold girl. She was hot, bold, and sunny.

But after what happened last year, she felt like a different person. From the second half to the beginning of this year, many people had no news about her. Some time ago, there were even rumors that Shang Zhuoyan was depressed.

After the storm passed, real fans finally began to surface. Fans still felt sorry for her. This was her first appearance in a long time since "Crystal Love Season", so everyone naturally came to support her.

Before the broadcast, many people were afraid that Shang Zhuoyan was different from the confident girl they knew, but now they are really happy to see her like this.

She is still the little wild horse Shang Zhuoyan who likes to dress very hotly and dress up in a weird way, and doesn't care about other people's eyes!

"Hey, long time no see..."

"Oh my God, you are so beautiful today!"

"Why have you lost so much weight..."

The guests were polite to Shang Zhuoyan one by one. Gu Huaian almost couldn't help laughing after seeing it. Except for Jiang Ma and Teacher He, most of the people in this group had dinner with Shang Zhuoyan last night. Today But he acted like "Long time no see", and there was no one left...

A bunch of actors!

Jiang Ma really feels sorry for Shang Zhuoyan, she has really lost a lot of weight!

My waist is almost as thin as a tree pole...

I don't know if it was a coincidence, but Shang Zhuoyan finally sat next to Gu Huaian.

The two looked at each other. Shang Zhuoyan was originally unwilling to talk to this guy, but considering that he was in front of the camera after all, he was afraid of spreading rumors, so he chuckled, waved and said:

"Long time no see, did you miss me?"

Gu Huaian had a cold this morning and his nose was not feeling very well. He had been sneezing just now. He had just finished wiping his nose when Shang Zhuoyan came over.

Gu Huaian, who was wearing a gray peaked cap at the time, was stunned when Shang Zhuoyan greeted him. He looked at Shang Zhuoyan with a silly expression and asked:

"Didn't we just meet last night? Why haven't we seen each other for a long time?"

As soon as these words came out...


The expression on Shang Zhuoyan's delicate, doll-like face suddenly froze.

The other guests were laughing and waiting to see the two "Android CPs" come together, but as soon as Gu Huaian said these words, they fell silent.

In comparison...



The audience laughed like crazy.

"Gu Huaian, you stinky straight man! Won't you cooperate!"

In fact, everyone knows that they met in the hotel before recording the show. Many of them were on the same flight. Isn't that just for the sake of the program's effect and to give the audience a sense of immersion?


Everyone cooperated!

Just take care of Huai'an...

What we're saying is, can't you be so sincere?

When Shang Zhuoyan passed by just now, there were still some dead "Android CP" CP fans planning to "reincarnate", but just halfway through the reincarnation, Gu Huaian slapped her back into the coffin with just one sentence. !

Just give these people a hard time, okay?

[Ding, the host has successfully grounded himself and gained exposure, and the points are +91X20! 】


Shang Zhuoyan really didn't expect this stinky straight man to be so uncooperative, and she didn't know what to say for a while.

What’s even more funny is that Gu Huaian not only didn’t feel anything was wrong at all, he even said helplessly while taking out paper and blowing his nose:

"Didn't you scold me last night? Did you forget?"

As soon as these words came out...


Shang Zhuoyan didn't know how to scold him at first, but now she was immediately angry.

"What the hell are you doing!"

She was so embarrassed and angry that she raised her beautiful hand and slapped Gu Huaian several times. She never thought that this old man could use it to make fun of her!

She was obviously very sad last night, but this old man really dared to tease her, what a stinky bastard who is not afraid of death!

Her face was full of disgust. To be honest, Shang Zhuoyan had never been stingy about her dislike of Gu Huaian. When she first bought ice cream, this old lady didn't buy the 10 yuan Zhong Xuegao but wanted to buy her 2 or 3 yuan. I was disliked in public.

She is such a girl who expresses her joy and anger. When she dislikes something, she really dislikes it, and when she likes it, she really likes it. This is not a contradiction.

"Hey...hehe, okay, okay..."

"Stop shooting..."

"...Are you finished?"

She was never finished filming, and Gu Huaian didn't even have time to avoid blowing her nose.

"Slap you to death, you stinky bastard! You deserve it!"

Shang Zhuoyan pouted her mouth angrily, wishing she could slap Gu Huaian on the wall until it was sticky.

"Okay! Just wait..."

Gu Huaian directly resisted Shang Zhuoyan's slap, then picked up a tissue to cover his nose and blew his nose...

"Come on……"

Take it and go to Shang Zhuoyan.


Shang Zhuoyan now knew she was afraid, and waved her hands repeatedly and shouted:

"Go away! Why are you still so disgusting!!!"


Many viewers enjoyed it, and one netizen commented:

"Gu Lao Liu, Gu Lao Liu, you are so special. The scar has healed and you have forgotten the pain. Have you forgotten about the fried cow dung? Are you still playing disgusting things here? Are you afraid of being said that you don't respect women again? Are you not well-educated?"

This remark caused a burst of laughter.

The "cow dung explosion incident" was a turning point in Gu Huaian's career, and many fans still remember it clearly.

In the last episode of "Hello Life Partner", when Mother Jiang made "three rules" to Gu Huaian, she also said not to play with disgusting things, especially not to play with gold...

Okay, this old 6 will do this again in this issue!

And it’s for Shang Zhuoyan again!

The audience was also convinced, and some said:

"Are you really familiar with Shang Zhuoyan to do this with her, or do you think you won't mind it only if she can afford it?"

All said and done, most fans and viewers are quite happy to see Gu Huaian and Shang Zhuoyan playing and having fun again.

After the confession session at the end of "Crystal Love Season", many people thought that they would never see Gu Huaian and Shang Zhuoyan in the same frame again. It turned out that they were in the same frame at the concert, and now they are in the same frame on "Hello Life Partner" In the same frame...

They themselves are "difficult to calm down" for many people. Many people are quite satisfied to see them in the same group again. It is really happy to see them having fun again.

In the comment area, those "Android CP fans" who were already bes have started their "reincarnation in dirty land" again!


The guests at the scene also laughed and watched this scene. In fact, the "happy enemies" relationship between the two of them is really quite enviable.

Because of the two of them, this program will probably have many interesting highlights...

However, Mother Jiang in the crowd still looked thoughtful and worried.

She was thinking that she needed to remind Gu Huainan about her hi-step, but she really couldn't play with those disgusting things again!

Similarly, Jiang Yao looked at them a little strangely. She couldn't understand this little man Gu Huaian...

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