Participating in a love show, this little guy is too down-to-earth

Chapter 301 Sister Pei is uniquely beautiful! It's irreversible, at least apologize

Chapter 301 Sister Pei is uniquely beautiful! If it’s irreversible, at least apologize…


There was silence on the other end of the phone.

Gu Huaian had a small group of friends. When the accident happened, his friends and friends were very concerned about him. Especially this group of friends who were close to each other were actually quite concerned about him now.

They definitely wanted Gu Huaian to be the best man no matter what others said, and hearing him say that made them feel even more sorry for him.

After a while, one of the people on the phone said:

"You can come back first and then talk about it. When will you come back?"

Gu Huaian then chuckled and said the date of his return. He must be going back a few days in advance. At least he would go to someone's house to help out or something.

After filming and before the concert, Gu Huaian had almost no work arrangements. He originally planned to go home directly. He was really fed up with the "transparent" feeling of being followed wherever he went in the capital.

He is also quite tired.

After all, my hometown is not a first-tier city, and there are not so many paparazzi, so at least it can be a little more relaxed.

"Okay, let's go back and have a drink."

After a few brief words, Gu Huaian hung up the phone.

The plane was about to take off, and after turning off the flight mode, Gu Huaian closed his eyes and rested.

It was already afternoon when we arrived at the set. There was no Gu Huaian scene scheduled today. They were filming a dinner scene. Sister Xilin and two other actresses were eating rice noodles in the kitchen and almost vomited. There was a little actress NG. I tried it several times, and it was so helpless to give Xilin the treatment.

"I'm home?"

When the filming was finally finished, it was already evening. When Xilin saw Gu Huaian leaning against the door, she went over and called him to take a walk with her.

After eating so much, you have to digest it. Although my sister doesn't care much about her mouth, she will get fat if she eats too much.

Gu Huaian nodded and followed. As the sun set in the west, the orange-red sunlight fell on the stone road in Yunxi Village. The smooth path stepped on by passers-by occasionally reflected the light, which was really a bit dazzling.

Occasionally I meet local villagers when I go around, and they will say hello to Xilin, which is enough to show how famous Xilin is as an actor.

To be honest, Gu Huaian doesn't like staying here very much, so he should leave immediately after finishing filming, not only because of Youfa's young marriage, but also because...

While walking here, I can think of the days when "Crystal Love Season" was recorded, as well as Shang Zhuoyan and Pei Jingshu.

But now, what's funny is that Gu Huaian has cut off all contact with them.

One cannot be contacted, and the other cannot be contacted.

Only Sister Xilin is always by his side.

"You haven't eaten yet?"

While walking, Xilin suddenly asked.


Gu Huaian nodded. He couldn't think of eating lately. He usually forgot to eat without being asked.

"Let's take you to a famous local rice noodle shop."

Xilin smiled and actually took Gu Huaian to a nearby car rental agency to rent a convertible and go eat rice noodles.

She definitely didn't want to eat. She ate to full in the afternoon, mainly because she wanted Gu Huaian to eat.

What made Gu Huaian a little helpless was that the store Sister Xilin was looking for turned out to be...

It was the restaurant where he took Pei Jingshu to eat early in the morning.

"Sister Xilin, did you do it on purpose or accidentally?"

Gu Huaian was a little helpless and asked with a wry smile.


Xilin looked confused at the time, but after hearing Gu Huaian's explanation, she smiled helplessly and said:

"Feel sorry."

"It doesn't matter……"

Gu Huaian shook his head, he was really a little hungry, so he ordered a bowl of rice noodles in red soup casserole and grabbed a can of Coke.

He sat there eating, while Sister Xilin sat opposite and watched. Everything was normal, but for some reason, Gu Huaian suddenly couldn't eat anymore while eating.


Xilin didn't say anything at first, just sitting there with her cheeks in her hands.

Today, my sister is wearing a milky white dress. When the orange-red sunset light hits the hem of the dress and her hair, she looks very fairy.

But Gu Huaian always subconsciously had the illusion that the person sitting opposite was Pei Jingshu...

Gu Huaian still remembers the last time he and Pei Jingshu were eating rice noodles here. At that time, she wore a pair of dark blue tight jeans, black Martin boots, a pure white knitted top, and a dark pink knitted jacket... …

Because of that illusion, Gu Huaian lowered his head to eat rice noodles and was always embarrassed to raise his head.

This tastes weird...

And just when Gu Huaian wanted to tell me to take a break before eating, Xilin suddenly asked:

"Are you sure you don't want to chase her back?"

At that time, Gu Huai'an was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously raised his head to look at Xilin. He saw something in his sister's eyes...

Unwilling to give up.

But what's more, it's water-like tenderness and... heartache.

To be honest, after Gu Huaian and Pei Jingshu broke up, there was a period of time when Xilin felt lucky and happy. She knew that this was wrong, but she still couldn't help but think so...

That means Gu Huaian is single again after breaking up. Is it normal to be with anyone?

Anyway, he has now lost contact with Shang Zhuoyan, so does his chance increase?

So she has been by Gu Huaian's side, and her relationship with him has become closer and closer during filming. Now she even dares to change any clothes other than underwear in front of Gu Huaian.

But she doesn't know why, she can always feel...

Gu Huaian was unhappy.

It seemed that since Pei Jingshu disappeared from his life, he seemed to have lost his soul. He looked quite normal, filming as he should, and joking with the cast and crew...

But his impression cannot be deceived.

Therefore, no matter how reluctant she is, Xilin still wants to make Gu Huaian happy...


Gu Huaian was silent for a moment. Ma Jiang had also asked him about this topic, but to Sister Xilin, he seemed unable to answer that way.

He just smiled, stared into his sister's exotic eyes, chuckled and said:

"I didn't expect Sister Xilin to say such things."

My sister pursed her lips slightly, raised her round and slender legs, and answered intellectually:

"People should always know what belongs to them and what does not belong to them. There is no sweetness in being too strong."

"...I'm not a melon." Gu Huaian said.


Xilin couldn't help but roll her eyes at him, charming and charming, and said:

"I guess you should be thinking now, if Shang Zhuoyan was as considerate as me, you wouldn't be in this situation today, right?"


Gu Huaian didn't say anything, just smiled, and then continued to eat rice noodles with his head down.

Sister Xilin really understands him. Her phoenix eyes seem to be able to see through Gu Huaian's heart. Gu Huaian rarely mentions Shang Zhuoyan in front of her, but in fact, both Pei Jingshu and Shang Zhuoyan will always be his pain. .

He wanted to recover, but as it was now, there was no room for recovery.


He also felt that he was somewhat unqualified to save it.


You can say that he has never done anything sorry for Pei Jingshu, and he even had an awkward relationship with Shang Zhuoyan because he insisted on the bottom line, but he and Shang Zhuoyan almost took that step in the end, it was just like that , it is irreversible.

I feel quite guilty.

Xilin shook her head, smiled, and said softly:

"No one does something wrong all his life. The ancients said: If you know your mistakes, correct them. There is no greater good. The Buddha said: Put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha immediately. You..."

"Wait a minute, Sister Xilin. I have always thought this is unfair. If a good person wants to become a Buddha, he has to go through nine or nine hundred and ninety-one hardships, but a bad person will just put down his butcher knife and become a Buddha immediately?"

"...You have to interrupt now, right? Slash?"

"Ha...Sorry, go on."

"...You make me don't know how to continue."

Xilin silently held her forehead, glared at Gu Huaian fiercely, stopped mincing words, and said bluntly:

"She likes you very much. I think if it were me, I might not be able to accept that kind of thing for a while. But if you really admit your mistake, I think if it were me, I would forgive you."

In fact, Xilin didn't want to say these words and didn't want to say them. She never wanted to be a listener or bystander. She had never been weaker than anyone in competitions, but it seemed that emotional matters could not be obtained through competitions. of……

Letting go is also a kind of tenderness.

Pushing Gu Huaian to others, her heart felt like it was being cut by a knife...

When she said this, her expression seemed normal, everything was normal, like a close sister coming to enlighten Gu Huaian.

Gu Huaian was about to answer...


Silin suddenly stood up and said:

"I just saw a nice flower seller over there. I want to go over and have a look. You eat first and come to me after you finish."

After saying that, she turned around and left. After taking only a few steps, she paused, turned around and said again:

"Tomorrow is the last scene to be finalized. It's... the scene that hasn't been finished yet. You can think about how you want to shoot it."

After saying that, my sister turned around and walked away.

The sky was dark, the setting sun gradually disappeared into the horizon, the street lights slowly turned on, and there were some tourists coming and going in the ancient city. Fortunately, it was a remote location, so there were not many people, and no one recognized them.

Under the night, Sister Xilin's back gives people a feeling of loneliness and loneliness.

After turning her back and walking away, her tears finally flowed down...

It's really hard to let go.

But she never wants Gu Huaian to be like this, ever!

The next day was the finalization of the scenes, one of which was the kissing and sex scene between Gu Huaian and Xilin, which was the unfinished scene at the start of filming.

At that time, the two of us had just joined the team. We were not familiar with the characters, the environment, the plot, etc. Everything was based on the script, so we couldn't get into the roles very well. We had no basis for feelings and just kissed each other on the bed. Touching randomly will always be a little embarrassing.

So the director pushed this scene to a later stage...

I didn't expect that this push would go to the last round.


When I turned on the camera, when I saw Xilin once again put on the familiar OL professional skirt, black stockings, and high heels, the whole audience still howled like a wolf.

Compared with last time, Gu Huaian was not so cramped during this filming and his acting was very natural.

It is worth mentioning that for some reason, Xilin was very involved. Even when she was pressed on the bed by Gu Huaian, she still looked emotional, her pretty face flushed, she responded enthusiastically to Gu Huaian's kiss, and her two jade hands wrapped around Gu Huaian's neck. As if trying to squeeze him into her body.

Those who know it is filming, but those who don’t know are still thinking about fake acting and actually doing it...

While filming, Gu Huaian felt some of the suppressed emotions deep in her heart that her sister wanted to release through this scene.

He responded but not much. As for why...

It's because my hand is injured and I can't stay on the bed for too long...

Although after three or four months of recovery, it was no longer a serious problem and I could do anything without delay, but I still couldn't do heavy work. There was a faint feeling of pain, and it was naturally uncomfortable to hold my whole body up.

After the scene was filmed, Xilin said nothing and walked outside alone to relax for a long time.

It was obviously a passionate kiss scene, but she gave people a rather sad feeling, and some people watching it were a little confused.

That afternoon, after filming the last scene, Gu Huaian finished filming, and so did the entire crew. The director sent flowers to the leading actors and took a group photo together. The entire crew was quite lively.

At night...

The crew held a celebration banquet, and almost everyone was present, but Xilin was not seen.

Gu Huaian asked the staff and said that because of work reasons, she hurried to the airport to catch a plane after finishing filming in the afternoon to attend a film festival abroad.

This makes Gu Huaian think it's quite a pity. It feels like Xilin left very suddenly, and for some reason, Gu Huaian always has a feeling of deja vu that he doesn't know when he will see Sister Xilin again.

It's probably an illusion, I think I can still see him anytime I want.

The filming was wrapped that night. Because of his good arm, Gu Huaian also drank some wine with the crew, but he didn't get drunk. He had a good capacity for drinking, but he drank a lot.

I slept until about ten o'clock the next day...

Fortunately, the flight was scheduled late, in the afternoon, otherwise we wouldn't have been able to catch the plane in time.

After leaving the crew, on the way to the airport, to be honest, Gu Huaian felt quite relaxed, because it seemed that what was going to happen next was really...

There are no jobs left.

It's good to live in a collapsed house. He doesn't have to keep busy with all kinds of jobs like before. The money he earned this year is actually enough to spend in his lifetime. Sometimes Gu Huaian thinks that it seems good to just enjoy life like this. of.

While waiting for the plane, Gu Huai came to browse videos for nothing and came across some news related to Pei Jingshu...

Doubling is annoying and always knows what you want to see.

After three or four months of adjustment, it seems that Pei Jingshu has recovered. She has lost a lot of weight since returning from abroad, but her mental state seems to be much better, and her eyes are no longer as dull as before. On the contrary, it is faintly...

Restored some of the cold feeling of the previous "Ice Mountain Goddess".

Her hair is no longer as long and straight as before. It is still short as before. Perhaps it is longer than before, reaching her shoulders, but it cannot be compared with the "white moonlight, long and straight hair" before. .

Pei Jingshu now gives people a feeling of "cutting off love" and "being light without love", as if she has completely come out.

Fans in the comment area are also saying:

"Sister Pei, please forget about that bastard!"

"I, Sister Pei, should always be alone and beautiful, no need to fall in love!"

"Don't be fooled by love in the future!"

Pei Jingshu seems to have started to resume work recently. She gives everyone the feeling that she has completely come out, can live her life how she wants, and has completely severed any relationship with Gu Huaian.

As the only "victim" in the whole incident, Pei Jingshu's work and career will definitely not be affected. As the same saying goes, "the face is where the country is". As long as she comes back, she will still be the person everyone knows. "Entertaining the beauty inside".

But Gu Huaian is in a miserable situation. Under every video of "Sister Pei is uniquely beautiful", there is a Gu Huaian exposed on the Internet.

If the concert cannot be turned around in the second half of the year, it may not be possible for many years, right?

Sometimes Gu Huaian would think so hard that he couldn't just be a salted fish, fuck (a kind of plant)!

The flight was delayed for more than half an hour, and it was already evening when we arrived home. To Gu Huaian's helplessness, there was no one at home. After a phone call, he found out that his mother had gone to the store.

The turmoil on the Internet was quite big and has not stopped until now. Gu Zhun was quarreling with his classmates at school, not to mention Gu's mother.

So Gu Huaian always said that his mother should rest at home in the past few months, since there was no shortage of money anyway.

But this middle-aged woman who has been busy for most of her life has never been idle. If you ask her to close the store and just stay at home, she really can't stay.

So just two months ago, when the public opinion turmoil was not so big, Gu Ma reopened the store...

In her words, not opening a store makes us feel guilty.

Even if Gu Huaian does something wrong, it doesn't matter to his family, right?

To be honest, this matter...

It seems that Gu Huaian blames himself the most.

Since his debut, no matter what happens, no matter how he is scolded, it doesn't matter to Gu Huaian, but what he can't stand the most is hurting his family.

His mother had always been an upright person, gentle and kind-hearted, and had never done anything harmful to the world. Her relatives and friends also had a good relationship with each other. No matter who was implicated, she should not be implicated by Gu Huaian.


Sitting in the living room at home, Gu Huaian said nothing. He didn't even pack or pack his luggage when he came back. He was not in a daze, just thinking.

After breaking up with Pei Jingshu, he had been quite depressed for the past four or five months, with almost no fighting spirit. When he went to the company, he had an attitude of "I don't care" and "I don't understand, so I won't work anymore".

Being scolded by so many people, coupled with his own self-blame, made him not want to stand up for a while, he just wanted to be a salted fish...

I don’t want to get Pei Jingshu back, I don’t want to be an artist anymore, I don’t want to do anything anymore, I don’t want anything else…

But when he returned home and saw the impact he had on the family, considering his mother's feelings, that kind of fighting spirit seemed to fill Gu Huaian's heart again.

Being a star is very glamorous. Relatives, friends, neighbors at home, etc., all will compliment you and praise you, as if becoming a star is a great thing.

But once something goes wrong, this identity will also turn your family members who have no background into "street rats" overnight. The little things about your family will be talked about everywhere in the corridors and at the entrance of the village, even if they are not in front of you. Mian'er said, he will also stab you in the spine from behind.

So, no matter what, Gu Huaian had to change his mind even for the sake of his family.

As for Pei Jingshu...

Even if it couldn't be undone, at least Gu Huaian would have to apologize to her.

So far, he still owes Pei Jingshu an "sorry".

After thinking about this...

The motivation is here.

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