Participating in a love show, this little guy is too down-to-earth

Chapter 303 Sharing the New Year’s Eve stage with Pei Jingshu! The concert tickets were sold out in

After attending the wedding, Gu Huaian stayed at home for nearly a while...

Three months.

On the one hand, he has no job, and on the other hand, he is actually preparing for a concert. After the Gregorian calendar year, he will leave for Jiangsu and Zhejiang to participate in live rehearsals. Then around this time, his first solo concert will be silent. Start releasing tickets.

It is worth mentioning that without any announcement or announcement, Gu Huaian’s first solo concert was sold out in just one minute after it was launched on various ticketing platforms!


After all, it was a concert in a stadium that could accommodate 30,000 people!

Excluding some internal tickets and unavailable locations, more than 29,900 tickets were sold out just one minute after they went online!

At that time, people on several platforms in charge of ticketing were confused. Didn't they all say that Gu Huaian's house collapsed? What kind of scolding has the entire Internet been scolding him for in the past few months?

Why are you so active when it comes to grabbing tickets? ?

Do you dare to tell me that the artist who sold out all the concert tickets in one minute is a bankrupt artist? !

Then the popular superstar must be like this!

This makes people doubt the authenticity of online comments, and also makes people admire the high viscosity of Gu Huaian's fans.

Since preparing for the concert, there have always been some doubts within Gu Huaian's company. Even the day before the ticket was issued, some people were worried about whether the tickets would be sold, what the attendance would be, and whether anyone would come to care for Huaian. concert……

As a result, when the tickets were sold out within a minute, they shut up completely.

Jiang Ma also took this opportunity to slap those people in the face again.

But these are all expected, so Jiang Ma is not very happy, and she has never been worried here. What she is worried about is...

Gu Huaian's situation.

In the past two or three months, this kid seems to have adjusted his condition a lot. Compared with the few months after the breakup and car accident, he is much better, and he can also have a bit of fighting spirit, but compared with his peak period...

Doesn't it seem interesting?


If this person can't adjust to his peak state during his first concert, then Mother Jiang won't be relieved.

Fortunately, she also made arrangements for Gu Huaian.

"New Year's Eve party?"

As the New Year is approaching, Gu Huaian has recently been planning to pack up his things and prepare to go to the concert to rehearse, but suddenly he received a notice from the company, saying that he was invited to attend this year's New Year's Eve party at Orange Channel.

Gu Huaian was confused at that time and asked funnyly:

"No, does anyone really dare to ask me to attend New Year's Eve?"

It’s funny to say that last year, although Gu Huaian did not participate in the official Spring Festival Gala that had been registered in advance, he almost visited all the satellite TV stations on New Year’s Eve in the Gregorian calendar.

There are recordings and live broadcasts...

Some people estimate that Gu Huaian earned tens of millions in appearance fees on New Year's Eve alone.

If those things hadn't happened, it stands to reason that Gu Huaian would be the first person to be invited to the New Year's Eve parties of various satellite TV stations this year.

But who made it happen...

So until the last few days of New Year's Eve, Gu Huaian had received almost no invitations to the "New Year's Eve Party".

Gu Huaian knew this well, so he didn't ask about it. In his current situation, everyone was rejecting him. It would be bad if he went to other TV stations to participate in the New Year's Eve and brought negative comments to others. He could have done it without inviting him. understand.

Anyway, his comeback will be at the concert, New Year's Eve or anything else doesn't matter...

But who knew that Chengtai would dare to ask him to attend the New Year's Eve on this "cusp of the storm"?

This is quite surprising...

The company didn't explain it, they just asked Gu Huaian to go. Compared to the past, the notification fee has not been reduced, but has even increased...

Originally, Gu Huaian didn't plan to go, but he accepted Chengtai's kindness. He had been taken care of by Chengtai a lot during the several turmoils in his debut, so he didn't plan to cause trouble to others this time.

Just like when he was not the best man at a small wedding and hid in a corner in a low-key manner, this time he still didn't want to affect anyone and just wanted to get through this quietly by himself.

But the company told him that Pei Jingshu would also go...


After hearing the news, Gu Huaian was silent for a while, and his eyes suddenly seemed to understand Jiang Ma's intention.

Although Gu Huaian has had almost no work in the past six months, I have heard that when Pei Jingshu's studio accepted the notice, there was one more taboo than before...

That means they will never share the stage with Gu Huaian, and they will never go where Gu Huaian is.

In fact, even if they didn't mention such a taboo, they would not share the stage with Gu Huaian. After all, except for a few long-term endorsements, Gu Huaian's work has been almost completely stagnant in the past six months.

The reason why they did this was to express an attitude to those around them and Gu Huaian...

This time, Gu Huaian and Pei Jingshu will be on the same satellite TV for New Year's Eve, which speaks for itself.

It's normal for Pei Jingshu to go there. Like Gu Huaian, she has a close relationship with Chengtai. After all, she won the title of "Singer of the Times" there, so she has no reason to choose another company for New Year's Eve.

And Gu Huaian went...

I guess it was because Jiang Ma left and was with Director Qin Tao.

Chengtai has always been willing to take risks, and Gu Huaian can be considered a "problem artist". Several problems have been solved by his comeback at Chengtai, so this time is actually like any other time, it is like a "problem artist" A big gamble.”

Of course, it's also because Gu Huaian is qualified to let Chengtai "gamble" like this...

The 30,000 tickets for his concert were sold out in one minute, which is enough to explain everything.

"Okay, I'll go."

After a brief thought, Gu Huaian agreed.

Staying at home for more than three months also allowed Gu Huaian to clarify his thoughts. He felt that he should apologize to Pei Jingshu and explain clearly if possible.

Even if it is a breakup, the separation should be clear.

In a blink of an eye, it’s time to go to Chengtai to participate in the New Year’s Eve.

That day is still the 31st, not a few days earlier...

In fact, it stands to reason that if you want to participate in the New Year's Eve, you have to go to the rehearsal a few days in advance, whether it is the positioning on the stage, or whether you want to have the sound track fully or half-on the mic in advance, or the lighting and stage design. Wait, these all need to be rehearsed.

But it seems...

Chengtai kept the secret from Pei Jingshu and did not tell her that Gu Huaian was going. If she had known in advance that Gu Huaian was going during the rehearsal, she might not have gone directly.

Therefore, we had to temporarily "grievance" Gu Huaian and ask him not to attend the rehearsal. Then he would go directly to the rehearsal during New Year's Eve and give everyone a surprise.

Director Qin Tao’s speech was really nice, he said it one sentence at a time:

"I trust Teacher Xiao Gu's singing skills..."

It’s really easy for ordinary people to praise themselves to the point of being confused.

But this is true. Gu Huaian is famous for his good singing skills. He has basically recorded songs within three times before. Even if he sings live without rehearsing, I believe there will be no problems.

As for Gu Huaian, although he was helpless, he had no problem. When Chengtai asked him about his stage needs, he just said that he would prepare a piano and a guitar for himself, and two performances would be enough.

Simple and crude.

Let's get on the plane. Because he wanted to exchange songs, Gu Huaian opened the system for the first time in a long time...

Speaking of the system, Gu Huaian was so busy during this period that he almost forgot about the system.

The sense of existence of this system is indeed not very high...

By the way, Gu Huaian worked crazily on "Good Life Matches" before, and the points he earned were basically useless. In addition, in the past six months, there seemed to be occasional system points coming into his account. Now when Gu Huaian looked at the balance of points, he could actually There are nearly...

More than 100,000!

So scary!

Changing songs is more than enough, and it even makes Gu Huaian have the urge to add something else...

Anyway, more than 100,000 points are quite a lot of money, so it doesn’t matter if you spend a little.

Thinking of going to Chengtai to participate in a performance, which was his first event in six months, and a concert coming next, Gu Huaian once again targeted [singing skills] and [tone].

The two talents are already at LV6. To increase the level, each requires 12,000 points. If he hadn't accumulated a lot of points without using the system for a long time, Gu Huaian would not dare to be so wasteful.


After spending 24,000 points, he directly increased the two talents of [Singing Skills] and [Tone Color] to LV7. For a moment, Gu Huaian felt that it would not be a problem for him to sing dolphin music now.

At this time, the system gave another vocal prompt.

"Ding, unlock the [Emotional Resonance] talent!"

A little understanding of Gu Huaian will make it clear that this seems to increase the emotional resonance during singing...

Gu Huaian smiled and shook his head. He did not choose to increase this talent and just put it on hold...

Now, he sings some songs, and because he has enough experience, he doesn’t need the system to add emotional resonance to him at all!

This day is the end of December in the Gregorian calendar year, the New Year's Eve day.

New Year's Eve is a day that has become popular in recent years. It is not traditional, but it is very trendy. On this day, young lovers will take to the streets and count down together in the square to spend the last few seconds of this year. It feels very ritual. Sense, very meaningful.

It's true that it's quite cold.

Therefore, there will also be many couples nestling warmly at home, waiting to watch the New Year’s Eve parties of various satellite TV stations.

On this day, major TV stations will invite some well-known singers and artists to perform for everyone and send New Year blessings.

At this stage every year, the "New Year's Eve guest lineup" of major TV stations has become a highlight.

Countless fans will spend a few days before New Year's Eve checking out the New Year's Eve guest lists and repertoire of major TV stations to decide which TV station they want to watch on that day, or which TV station to watch at which time.

This year, major TV stations are also using tricks. Almost every channel has a few kings and queens in the finale. Orange TV, for example, invited the new little queen Pei Jingshu as the finale guest.

It just makes people feel a little regretful. Unfortunately, the two songs Pei Jingshu chose to perform were neither "Little Lucky" nor "Meeting", but a masterpiece from the previous album and a new single that will be released soon. song.

Obviously, those two songs should be the most famous and popular among her works, and the ones everyone wants to hear the most...

Thinking of this, I have to mention a name that has been scolded for more than half a year.

"Oh...didn't you take care of Huai'an this year?"

Some netizens will think of Gu Huaian at this time. Even those who have scolded him have to admit that at this time, Gu Huaian really shines.

Last year, Gu Huaian visited various satellite TV stations. During the New Year's Eve countdown, he participated in a live broadcast on Orange Channel. His song "Reverse War" blew up the audience, and he lip-synced to all kinds of little fresh meat half-on-mic, making the audience suspect that the stage speakers were broken. When the time came, he went directly to "fix the sound".

At that time, he was really free and carefree...

Who would have thought that last year, Gu Huaian, who visited almost every major TV station for the New Year's Eve, this year, his name did not appear on any stage performance list for the New Year's Eve party.

He hasn't had any job for a really long time!

In the past six months, even though everyone was scolding him, there was very little news about him...

The most popular one was actually two or three months ago, when he returned to his hometown to attend his wedding.

Even that time, some people actually said that he was "selling out"...

Obviously, he is already so low-key.

As there has been no discussion of the topic in recent months, and there has been no marketing or publicity, the name "Gu Huaian" seems to have slowly faded out of the audience's sight.

If it weren't for the news about his first solo concert being sold out some time ago, some people might really think that he was going to quit the entertainment industry...

What is helpless and sad is that now whenever news about Gu Huaian is mentioned, someone will scold him, so even some fans who have grabbed tickets to Gu Huaian's concert do not dare to show off.

It’s not easy to watch a concert secretly...

But as long as they thought about seeing Gu Huaian again, they were quite happy.

It’s just that this year’s New Year’s Eve without him feels a bit boring...

Just talk about Chengtai. As usual, we invited a group of young people. I won’t say how the young people sang. If you don’t yell and rap, it will give you face. It’s more important if you can listen or not. Needless to say…

As for the veteran kings and singers, when they reach middle age, their condition declines, and they are basically half-played...

So in the first half of the performance, the audience had a headache.

Just like last year, many people wondered if Te Niang’s stereo was broken? !

This caused the ratings of Orange Channel to drop at the same time, lagging behind several satellite TV stations...

Fortunately, before the New Year's Eve countdown, Pei Jingshu appeared on the stage and saved Orange Channel's ratings with two perfect performances. Otherwise, it would be really difficult for them to explain.

After half a year, Pei Jingshu now stands on the stage again. Even though she still has short hair, she looks much better than when they broke up.

Even though some people would still say that "the light in her eyes is gone", but she is not Ultraman, so how can there be light in her eyes?

It's actually good to restore her previous "iceberg beauty" persona. As long as she wants to, she will still be the same "white moonlight" and "internally entertaining face" at any time.

In the two performances, the singing skills were as stable as ever. Last year, it was Gu Huai'an who repaired the sound system. This year, it was Pei Jingshu's turn. Her two songs were like slaps in the face of all the guests who performed before. I can't help but sigh, he is worthy of being the king of singers in "Singer of the Times" who beat many seniors to win the championship.


However, at the end of the performance and when she came off the stage, she felt tired for a moment between her brows.

Of course, those fatigues were well hidden by her when the staff came over. She smiled, took the coat from the assistant and put it on, chatting all the way out.

After the performance, it was time for her to sit outside at the main venue, where the director relied on her face to boost ratings.

As we all know, during the quiet period, when the director shows Pei Jingshu the camera, everyone online and offline will be excited...

This is an exquisite face that can make people excited instantly.


The exit of the stage and the entrance of the stage are not in the same place, but the middle passage is connected to each other. At this time, there are many people in the passage, who are very well-known artists in the eyes of the outside world, but at this time, they are crowded together with their own staff. In the passage, they were chatting and joking with each other.

When I saw Pei Jingshu coming off the stage, someone would occasionally wave and say hello to her, and she would respond with a polite smile. Everything was business as usual.


When she was about to walk to the exit to the main venue, she passed by a figure, which stopped Pei Jingshu in her tracks.

A familiar feeling came to her heart, causing her to subconsciously look back...

She saw a very familiar figure from behind. The figure was wearing black casual trousers, a gray down jacket, and a hat. He didn't look like a celebrity, because basically every artist present today counted one. , all dressed up brightly...

This person is more like a staff member.


For some reason, this back view gave Pei Jingshu a familiar feeling that touched her heart.

Her delicate eyebrows were tightly knitted together, as if she was thinking about something she didn't want to think of...

"What's wrong?"

The assistant asked, interrupting Pei Jingshu's thoughts.


When her thoughts returned, Pei Jingshu's dark eyebrows relaxed, she shook her head gently, her short hair swayed slightly with her head, and she said:

"It seemed like I saw a familiar person, but I seemed to have made a mistake."


The assistant glanced inside a few times, but didn't see anything strange. Pei Jingshu waved her hand and said she must have admitted her mistake, and took the assistant out to the main venue.

Only occasionally, she would still look back, always feeling that that figure gave her a very familiar feeling...

And the background at this time.


Seeing Pei Jingshu walking away, Gu Huaian breathed a sigh of relief.

God knows how fast his heartbeat was when he just passed by Pei Jingshu...

If she really recognized him backstage, that would be a really big problem.

Hiding in the corner, looking at the short-haired, skinny back, Gu Huaian couldn't help but feel a little distressed...

This was really the first time he saw Pei Jingshu after the hospital, more than half a year later.

He sighed silently and shook his head. There was not enough time, so Gu Huaian took off his mask and walked into the backstage entrance crowded with stars without thinking too much.

Originally, it was quite crowded there, with many celebrities and entertainers chatting about their own affairs. Each of them looked glamorous and in excellent condition, wearing gorgeous clothes and heavy makeup...

When Gu Huaian entered the venue, many people did not recognize him at first, but as people slowly noticed him, more and more people began to cast their eyes on him, who was simply dressed.


Many people's eyes were filled with dullness, as if they had never thought that Gu Huaian would appear backstage at the Orange Channel New Year's Eve party at this time.

Gu Huaian, who was walking in the crowd wearing a down jacket, didn't look like a star, but at this moment, all the stars' eyes were focused on him alone.

At this time, he was definitely more like a star than a star.

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