Participating in a love show, this little guy is too down-to-earth

Chapter 306 Are you still afraid of heavy rain? Do you still have short hair?


The three words "I can only" were sung by Gu Huaian in a high tone that was almost like "death". At that moment, almost everyone had goosebumps on their bodies!

These three words give people a feeling of being pushed to the top of their skulls. The key is very high, as if they are screaming to the bottom of their lungs, as if they want to release all the suppressed emotions in their hearts!

Originally, many people would feel a little tired after listening to the two similar lyrics of "Stranded" from AB to AB, but the high pitch of these three words seemed to wake everyone up at once!

It also enhanced the emotional value of the entire song and the atmosphere of the scene to the extreme!

It is worth mentioning that Gu Huaian's expression when singing these three words is also slightly ferocious...

This makes people have to admire his timing of "taking off the mask". He really knows how to grasp it. Without his expression when singing these three words, there really is no feeling at all, okay?

And just when the high pitch of those three words came out, when his ferocious expression appeared in front of Pei Jingshu...

It might be frightening, it might be unexpected, in short...

at that moment!

Even though Pei Jingshu maintained her dignity and refused to cry.

But there was still a tear, uncontrollably falling down from the corner of the eye that was already full of tears.

At that moment, she felt so embarrassed, and she wanted to scold Gu Huaian.

What kind of song did this bastard sing...

Why...are you poking her like that!

Taking advantage of the fact that there was no camera filming her, she raised her jade hand in a hurry and quickly wiped away the tear from the corner of her eye, trying not to let anyone notice that she was crying.

may have……

There is.

She could deceive others and hide it from others, but she could not deceive herself no matter what.

Even though her tears would no longer flow like a dam bursting due to one drop of tears after crying for more than half a year, her heart was no longer as solid as a rock.

Yes, some cracks.

Gu Huaian's "Stranded" is like a hammer, forcibly and cruelly carving out a crack in this already petrified heart.

Let people understand the warmth inside.

"Oh ho!!!"

"Pa bang bang..."

"Come on Gu Huaian!"

At the end of the performance of "Stranded", there were all kinds of sounds, including cheers, applause, and encouragement.

Even though many people still dislike him because of his affair with Pei Jingshu, there is no denying that his performance has successfully conquered countless people.

Looking at the entire domestic entertainment industry, Gu Huaian is the only one who has the ability to "fix sound" with just one mouth...


After singing "Stranded", he seemed to have some mood swings. After Gu Huaian took a few deep breaths, he moved his hands away from the black and white keys.

After mentally preparing for more than ten seconds...

He finally stood up, turned around, faced the audience, and faced...

The woman in the audience has been staring at him.

I was playing and singing just now. It is best to play the piano while facing the audience. The angle will be more beautiful, so just now Gu Huaian has been facing the audience sideways.

Of course, he was also facing Pei Jingshu sideways.

To be honest, Gu Huaian was glad that in the first performance he sang "Stranded" from the side to Pei Jingshu. If he had to sing to Pei Jingshu face to face, he might not be able to sing it.

And after the foreshadowing of "Stranded", Gu Huaian was finally able to face Pei Jingshu...

Ironically, there have been countless times when they looked back at each other from two angles on and off the stage, and they were filled with sweetness.


The looks in each other's eyes became so complicated.

Tonight, Pei Jingshu is as beautiful as ever. On top of her tube top dress are her snow-white shoulders, collarbones, and jade neck. She is as skinny as ever and as cold as ever.

After the breakup, she became more cold. That should have been her "iceberg beauty" temperament, but Gu Huaian had melted it, and after leaving, she molded it out.

Under the stage, various voices were heard.

Pei Jingshu's eyes were always staring coldly at Gu Huaian.

She doesn't show any weak and pretentious little daughter gestures, and she doesn't even have a hint of weakness. She keeps strangers away like this, but no one knows how soft she is under the strength she has created.


It’s not like no one knows.

Gu Huaian knew.

Because he knew her gentleness, Gu Huaian could always see Pei Jingshu's "assertiveness"...

So Gu Huaian always had a bit of heartache in his eyes.

And just that bit of "heartache" made Pei Jingshu feel like she always had the urge to break her guard. At several moments, she couldn't help it, and her pretty face trembled slightly...

Sometimes she feels really helpless. Why does this bastard always seem to understand her so well?

In front of him, all of his disguises seemed to be "seen through" at once.

She thought that by acting cold, she could show that she didn't care about him. When the two of them looked at each other, she, who had the moral high ground, should have been the one looking down.

But why...

It seemed like he saw through her weaknesses all at once!

This has caused Pei Jingshu to lose control many times. Why does it seem like she has done something wrong? !


Because on stage.

Because there are still performances.

So Gu Huaian didn't stare at Pei Jingshu for a long time...

The staff came up with a high chair to plug in his guitar, and soon he was about to start his next performance.

But it was just a few seconds of looking at each other...


It also exposed many viewers’ defenses.

There will always be many "uneasy feelings" in this world, Gu Huaian and Shang Zhuoyan are the same, and Pei Jingshu is even more so.

"Pei Ban Takes Care of CP" is the sweetest, most popular, most discussed, and most widely circulated couple on the Internet. Such a real couple reunites on the same stage after a long absence. No matter what the scene is, it can arouse death. The resonance of CP fans, okay!

It is worth mentioning that……

Since his debut, Gu Huaian has never interacted with the audience, and even his appearance was not formal. He came up wearing this down jacket. Those who knew he was a celebrity guest who came to perform, and those who didn't know were wondering about the staff who came to repair the equipment...

When he took off his coat and rolled up his sleeves to play the piano just now, it gave people the impression that he was just taking a walk and singing a song.

It’s more interesting now…

I was originally taking off my down jacket to play the piano, but I don’t know if I got cold after playing the piano in this open-air stadium. Before I picked up the guitar, I actually put my down jacket back on.

It gave some viewers a lot of fun. To be honest, even if Gu Huaian didn't take off his mask, everyone could recognize him by his words and deeds. Looking at the entire domestic entertainment industry, who else is so down-to-earth? !

[Ding, the host has successfully grounded himself and gained exposure, and the points are +91X20! 】


At some point, the sky turned gloomy.

Today is the Gregorian calendar year, but God is not kind and has not blessed people. The weather is not good.

But then again, if it snows, wouldn’t the so-called “auspicious snow heralds a good harvest” have more meaning?

No one knows this.

In short, to Gu Huaian, he felt that the gloomy sky felt sorry for him, and he was playing the guitar and singing to accompany him.

He shook his head and smiled bitterly, no longer thinking about it, and quietly sat on the high chair.

The lights gradually dimmed...

On the huge stage, he was still a person and an instrument, sitting in the center like that.

A song title and several subtitles appeared on the big screen behind him, including the screens of all the viewers watching the show.

""Are you still afraid of heavy rain?"

"Lyrics written by: Gu Huaian"

"Composer: Gu Huaian"

"Singing: Gu Huaian"

It is always a standard "all-inclusive" style, from lyrics to music, from composition to arrangement, everything is done by himself!


The shouts at the scene gradually became louder. It seemed that because the aftertaste of "Stranded" was still there, everyone always had absolute expectations for Gu Huaian's works.

As for the title of the song, the audience couldn't tell anything. They just thought it might be another love song written by Gu Huaian to Pei Jingshu, which was similar to an apology.

But the moment she saw the title of the song, the pupils in Pei Jingshu's watery eyes shrank slightly...

My heart trembled slightly at that moment.

She pursed her lips tightly, and if the camera showed her at this moment, her masseter muscles could be found to be trembling obviously...

Apparently, she gritted her teeth.

And the way she stared at Gu Huaian on the stage was even more resentful.

Gu Huaian knows this song title very well, only they understand...

"Dong dong..."

The sound of music gradually eased the heaviness in people's hearts.


It also made the chaotic and noisy crowd gradually calm down.

"Under the dark clouds..."

"I look at the sky, it really looks like a splash-ink painting."

"I want to walk and don't want to go home..."

Compared with "Stranded", the main song of "Are You Still Afraid of Heavy Rain" cannot be said to be very catchy, but it just follows the melody and is even a bit harsh...

For the live audience who had just listened to "Stranded", they probably weren't very complimentary of the song.

"no way……"

"Just on the side of the road, let's have a cup of coffee..."

"Thinking of your year..."

"Standing in the rain and saying I'm afraid."

At first, Gu Huaian raised his head.

As he sang, his eyes slowly began to look around.

It's like looking at the audience, it's like watching the performance, it's more like looking at the camera.

But as he sang, he finally turned his attention to the direction of Pei Jingshu...

He sang:

"Where are all those dear memories... gone to now?"

"I'm not living a very good life..."

"But I want to ask how you are?"


Many people shed tears when they heard this.

Even Pei Jingshu in the audience began to have more and more tears in her eyes, more and more, to the point where she could hardly control it!

Listen to what he sings!

"I'm not living a very good life, but I want to ask how you are..."

Gu Huaian is quite strong. Everyone knows how well he has been in the past six months. Almost everyone who surfs the Internet knows how much he has been scolded. You can also imagine how much his career and life have been affected.

But even so, he never said a word. Regardless of whether the things on the Internet were true or false, and whether everyone's discussions were based on actual evidence, he never uttered a refutation. He gritted his teeth and took it all.

You can say that he was selling badly at this time, but even if he was selling badly, he was really successful...

Especially Pei Jingshu, at that moment, she really almost couldn't hold herself any longer...

She didn't accept Gu Huaian's apology to her, and she felt it was ironic to express his apology to her. She was really hard-hearted in these matters.


He really, don't say that he is not doing well!

Once he said that he was not doing well, she would feel very distressed and blame herself, because it was all her fault!

She is not a soft-hearted god, but with Gu Huaian, she will never be hard-hearted, okay!

Perhaps this song "Are You Still Afraid of Heavy Rain" is definitely not as popular as "Stranded" in the hearts of many viewers, but its straightforwardness is more poignant to a certain extent!

The director was very sensible. At that moment, he gave Pei Jingshu the big screen shot.

On the stage, there are three big screens, one on each side and one in the middle.

Now, what the audience can see is that on the left is Gu Huaian playing the piano and singing, on the right is Pei Jingshu sitting in the audience with tears in her eyes, and in the middle are the countless audience members.

At that moment, that emotional resonance was brewed to the extreme!

At that moment...


The guitar melody in Gu Huaian's hand suddenly disappeared.

His hand suddenly took away from the guitar...

But his voice, in the next moment, accurately echoed in everyone's ears through the microphone and speakers!

"Are you still afraid of heavy rain?"

He finally, not very manly, stared straight at Pei Jingshu with his slightly red eyes.

In those eyes, there is guilt, sadness, and most of all, heartache...

"Do you still have short hair?"


I can't stand it any longer.

No matter what, at this moment, Pei Jingshu couldn't hold back any longer.

She raised her beautiful hand and covered her mouth, but her tears were like bursting out of a dam, flowing crazily down her cheeks and corners of her eyes, and kept flowing, as if she wanted no money!

After the breakup, she was very cold. Once such a beauty starts to cry, she will give people a "full of brokenness" feeling.

She had returned to her previous state, like a fairy from heaven descending to earth, without any emotions...

Now, with just a few lyrics, Gu Huaian stuffed all the emotions back into her head!

It is worth mentioning that when singing those two lines, Gu Huaian's voice also had some crying...

It was those cries that allowed the audience to experience all the emotions contained in these two lyrics!

But at this moment!

The audience's experience is secondary; Pei Jingshu's experience is the real one...

carve! bone! Ming! Heart!

Pei Jingshu really wanted to scold Gu Huaian, what kind of bad song did he write... Why should he make her so sad and so... moved? !

When others listen to these two lyrics, the focus may be just "should I still have short hair?" because Pei Jingshu has short hair now...

But the key point Pei Jingshu heard was always the sentence "Are you still afraid of heavy rain?"!

To be honest, when the song title first came out, she could tell something was wrong.

Of course she remembered the scene when she went to Zibo to secretly surprise Gu Huaian. It rained so hard that day. She hated the rain and was afraid of thunder. She remembered that if the thunder hadn't scared her that night, she might have died. Eaten by Gu Huaian that night...

That night, she told Gu Huaian that she was afraid of rain and thunder.

Only she and Gu Huaian know those things...

That is their own story.

But now, this bastard has written those things into a song.

It turns out that their past, what she said, every bit of them...

He has never forgotten it?

Then why does something like that happen? !

His affectionateness even made her wonder, was it all fake?

Was everything that happened in the hospital and the conversation she heard between him and Shang Zhuoyan all her fantasy? !

He clearly made her feel that he loved her so much!


Tears rolled down her cheeks and landed on the expensive tube top dress. Pei Jingshu even forgot to wipe them away.

As an "internal entertainment beauty", even if she starts to cry, she will never have anything to do with being "ugly".

And the picture shown to her on the big screen was the picture of her crying with a sense of brokenness...


"Sister Pei!"

At the scene, distressed voices could be heard one after another.

Everyone can see Pei Jingshu's "stubbornness", and everyone can see that she has been trying not to cry...

It is precisely because of this that when she breaks the defense, everyone will feel even more uncomfortable!

"I especially like to talk about boring afternoons..."

"A fairy tale of love!"

People who have broken up have a heavy rain that can't stop falling in their hearts. While feeling the rain of their hearts, they are looking for a place that can warm you and not be caught in the rain.

The earth is spinning, no matter where you are or where he is at this moment, you will still remember each other, and you will carefully hide everything in your heart. Time has passed, and each of us knows his own situation. I really want to know his current situation, and also miss his appearance, his smiling face when he is happy, his laughter, and the time when you held his hand...

The past memories in my mind are still stuck in the past.

"Are you still afraid of heavy rain?"

"I still remember……"

“It was very windy on the day we broke up!”

"But I can't remember anymore..."

"What I said then."

The wind that day was far stronger than what was sung in the song, blowing away the relationship between Gu Huaian and Pei Jingshu, and everything around Gu Huaian...

It's also like what was sung in "Sunny Day", but unfortunately, the wind gradually became so strong that I couldn't see you.

"Stranded" is about guilt, and "Are You Still Afraid of Heavy Rain" is about unwillingness. When Gu Huaian listened to the original song, the system explained that the latter was about "relief", but if he was really relieved, this song should not exist.

So to interpret it in Gu Huaian's way, it would be "unwilling".

Why should two people who care about each other, love each other, and miss each other have to part ways like this?

He was indeed sorry for Pei Jingshu, and he was indeed shameless to win her back, but that didn't mean that he didn't want to win her back.

If it's hard to express it in words, then Gu Huaian's emotions are all in this song!

It has been here for a long time, and I feel that many people may not have thought of it. Many friends said it was "Unfortunately No If", haha, the story background of this song does not fit here, so I have no choice. I will use it if I have the chance. Anyway, take your time. come on.

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