Participating in a love show, this little guy is too down-to-earth

Chapter 313 How about you be my boyfriend for a day?

This month, Gu Huaian was in Suzhou. He came very early, basically right after the New Year.

Anyway, I don’t have a job, so I might as well come to the concert early to prepare. After all, it is my first concert in my life, my first solo performance. Although the situation is not good, it still has some commemorative significance.

Many times, symbolic meaning is important to people.

It's like the benefits that the company gives out during holidays. Everyone else has them, but if you don't, you're very blue and thin.

Recently, Gu Huaian still has no job. In fact, he should have one. News about him has been spreading like wildfire on major platforms after the New Year. Basically, the negative impact of the "breakup incident" has been solved with the enthusiasm of fans, so he "comes back" The matter became a sure thing.

In addition, the blessings of these three songs, "Stranded", "Are You Still Afraid of Heavy Rain", and especially "Tenderness", which is popular in the streets and alleys...

Everyone knows that the superstar who once dominated the Chinese music scene is back.

So naturally, some brands, spokespersons, etc. that we have cooperated with before will come to him again.

Many big names who have never collaborated before also want to take advantage of this opportunity to create a wave of popularity.

So if Gu Huaian wanted to answer, he could actually go back to the days when he was so busy that he didn't even have time to call Pei Jingshu.

But it's a pity...

Gu Huaian didn't answer.

On the one hand, it's the company's arrangement. What Jiang Ma means is that it's easy to be diverted by others if you accept the notice now, and the price won't be too high. It's better to pick it up after a complete comeback, or to be precise, after the concert. At that time, Gu Huaian's popularity would have skyrocketed, and the announcements he could access at that time were far from what he can now.

On the other hand...

In fact, it was probably Gu Huaian's own wish.

Now Gu Huaian should devote himself to the concert and not be distracted anymore.

Now that Xianyu has turned over halfway, he is counting on this concert to be a complete success. If there are any negative comments because of mistakes in the work concert, it will not be worth the gain.

Except for emotional matters, this old man always knows what he should do. Sometimes, if she wasn't afraid of hurting him by saying it, Mother Jiang would say that it would be great if you were so emotionally sober, and we don't have to be like this. It took a lot of effort to fight this "turnaround".


This month, Gu Huaian has been focusing on the concert.

Not only some rehearsals of previous works, but also some new works prepared, and some...

Surprise part.

Those sessions left Jiang Ma and many of the live bands and producers dumbfounded, and they all felt that the audience would definitely love it.

As for the guests...

Not invited.

No one was invited.

On the one hand, Gu Huaian's current situation is not suitable for inviting guests, and on the other hand, it is also because this is Gu Huaian's first solo concert. How can he invite guests like this? !

Probably because Gu Huaian's reputation on the Internet has improved, the "breakup crisis" has almost been resolved, and because he is also preparing for the upcoming concert, the atmosphere here with Gu Huaian and the others has been pretty good recently...

When the house collapsed before, various people were always scolding them, causing Jiang Nuan and his assistants to be offline at work. In the meantime, Gu Huaian was out of work for half a year, but now he has finally adjusted with Gu Huaian.

Speaking of Jiang Nuan, as a front-line fan of "Pei Ban taking care of CP", after Gu Huaian and Pei Jingshu broke up, she once asked Ma Jiang to resign, but she was severely scolded by Ma Jiang. How can personal emotions be elevated to work? !

Jiang Nuan replied that she did not want to leave her job. After all, there were not many high-quality artists like Gu Huaian in the domestic entertainment industry. Sooner or later, he would come back and become famous again. These are the things that many people did when the "breakup crisis" was at its hottest. There was a consensus reached by several brands that did not choose to terminate their contracts with Gu Huaian. After all, his works were there...


Jiang Nuan said that every time she sees Gu Huaian, she can think of the things that led to their breakup because Gu Huaian was sorry for Pei Jingshu and betrayed Pei Jingshu. She feels like using a fruit knife to play the role of "Gu Huaqiang" that Gu Huaian once played. For the character, the white knife goes in and the red knife comes out, stabbing Gu Huai.

Gu Huaian's hand was injured at that moment, right? Gu Huaian's life would be really hard to guarantee if she attacked him!

The corner of Jiang's mother's mouth twitched, and she had no choice but to give Jiang Nuan the first holiday. To be honest, even if Gu Huaian resumed work, if he hadn't heard that he wanted to get Pei Jing Shulai back, Jiang Nuan would not have wanted to come back.

When Gu Huaian heard these allusions from Jiang Ma and other staff members later, he couldn't help but twitching the corner of his mouth and said:

"This Ta Ma is a true fan!"

True fans always reveal their AJ, not their chicken feet.

It is worth mentioning that Jiang Nuan is also from Suzhou. Because she came to her hometown this time, she took Gu Huaian to eat a lot of local delicacies, such as Dongpo meat, squirrel mandarin fish, Suzhou braised duck... etc.

Some tasted a little sweet, but in the end they were all rich in oil and red sauce. Gu Huaian didn't know if he couldn't taste it, but he always felt that it was no different from their Shandong cuisine.

If you talk about sweet and sour, there are Shandong cuisine and sweet and sour carp and sweet and sour pork loin!

There is a rather special dish called barbel lung soup. The soup tastes quite fresh, and Gu Huaian likes it quite a bit. But later I heard that the raw materials are mainly the viscera, liver and skin of the fish. At that time, Gu Huaian almost squirted and gave up the idea of ​​"getting another bowl".

Some people just have mysophobia. No matter how delicious the food is, they can't eat it when they think of the raw materials.

At that time, Jiang Nuan teased Gu Huaian and said, "Why do you really like to eat the nine-turn large intestine, a famous dish in Shandong cuisine? That thing is not as disgusting as this!"


Gu Huaian was speechless for a moment and didn't know how to answer. He was actually choked!

"Ha ha……"

The fellow staff members laughed.

Recently, the laughter has gradually increased, and it seems that it has really returned to the past.

In fact, as long as Gu Huaian can get Pei Jingshu back, nothing will really change.

The "breakup crisis" of the past six months is like a dream. Although I am still very moved after waking up for a long time, it will eventually pass and will eventually be forgotten by everyone as time goes by.

Internet, no memory.

Those who have memories are living people in reality.


After eating, Gu Huaian was waiting for the bus on the side of the road. The weather was so cold. They said it was warm in the south. Gu Huaian didn't feel it at all. He still had to wear a down jacket. Fortunately, there was air conditioning in the hotel, so he wouldn't feel cold when he went back. I heard that this Many homes nearby did not have heating, and Gu Huaian felt that he would not be able to sleep if he stayed in a place like that.

At that time, Gu Huaian couldn't help but think, do you think people here don't have heating and can they light the stove in winter?

It's a honeycomb stove or a coal stove.

When Gu Huaian was in his hometown, when he lived in the village before buying a house in the county, he had a coal stove at home. Gu Huaian can still recall the smell.

People on the Internet always say that in the south, the temperature is not low in winter but there is no heating. What if it is too cold and the stove is not lit?

He asked Jiang Nuan curiously. Jiang Nuan glared at him speechlessly and said that indeed only you can think of such a question!

"You just say a few words and that's it. Why is there so much nonsense?"

Gu Huaian had a displeased look on his face and felt that the assistant was a bit too arrogant.

"have no idea!"

Jiang Nuan said:

"Catch Sister Pei back and ask her yourself. She will definitely know."

After saying that, she walked away angrily.

"I you..."

Gu Huaixin said, I will replace you sooner or later!


The cool wind blew from afar, ruthlessly catching the few remaining stubborn leaves on the bare tree by the roadside that had lost all its leaves.

Gu Huaian couldn't help but zip up his coat and looked at everything in the city. He thought of Pei Jingshu. He came to her city and experienced the feeling of this season and weather since she was a child.

But there is no her around...

It's quite sad.

Everyone around me may be thinking of Pei Jingshu...

But for some reason, at this moment, Shang Zhuoyan also appeared in Gu Huaian's mind.

Everything now shows that he can turn over, and his relationship with Pei Jingshu can be eased. Everything can be treated as if it has never happened in the future, and both his career and relationship seem to be able to recover. Get on track.

But everything about Zhuoyan seems to be irreversible...

Because of his "breakup incident", Shang Zhuoyan's work has come to a standstill in all aspects. Her endorsement posters have been removed from various large shopping malls, and her program footage has been "cut away". She finally went to an event and was still spotted offline. scold……

The members of the group went solo a few months ago, but she, like Gu Huaian, slowly faded out of everyone's sight.

The company and team also tried to save it, but unfortunately the original "real hammer" was too harsh and the place could no longer be cleaned.

No one is like Gu Huaian. He has a system and works. Even if he is suppressed or his house collapses, he can still come back.

Do you think she still has true fans?

There must be!


True fans cannot play any role in the "major trend".

Do you think Gu Huaian can make an album for her to help her get back on track?

That's ok too.

There are so many works suitable for her in the system mall that Gu Huaian can easily find a lot of them. It won't be a problem to put together two or three high-quality albums.

But he couldn't do it.

After deciding to pursue Pei Jingshu, he had no reason or qualification to be soft-hearted towards Shang Zhuoyan.

Although he was very irresponsible, he still chose to let go of Shang Zhuoyan's hand. In the past six months, he had not contacted Shang Zhuoyan once, and he didn't even care...

It's not that he doesn't want to, but that he is afraid that if he contacts her again, he will fall into the same situation again and be unable to get out.

After the Shura field in the novel, it depends on how the male protagonist can handle two or three female protagonists.

It's a pity that the Shura Field in reality is never a novel. The nine-year compulsory education makes it impossible for any girl today to accept polygamy. It is extremely cruel...

Either all those female protagonists will leave you, or you must make a ruthless decision to choose one and make a "just cut" with the other.

So in the end, Gu Huaian chose Pei Jingshu...

Shang Zhuoyan should feel very uncomfortable and distressed, but Gu Huaian didn't dare to care about it, because it seemed that the closer he got to Shang Zhuoyan, the deeper he would hurt her.

Now, he can only occasionally think of her and worry about her at certain moments.

Boss Cao is not just a rice bowl, nor is he just a thief. There is also a saying that everyone often says:

"Say Cao Cao Cao Cao is here!"

I just thought of Shang Zhuoyan, and before Gu Huaian could feel sad for long, suddenly...

"Ding dong dong..."

The phone rang in his pocket. When he took it out, Gu Huaixin trembled. It turned out to be a video call from Shang Zhuoyan?

Although he didn't know why she suddenly broadcast the video, Gu Huaian immediately excused himself to go to the bathroom. Instead of getting in the car, he went back to the restaurant and found a quiet place.

Connected, Shang Zhuoyan’s video.

"Deng Deng! Did you miss me?"

What surprised Gu Huaian was that Shang Zhuoyan who appeared in the camera lens of his mobile phone was not in a bad mood as he imagined, but seemed to be very happy...

One of her white and tender hands was slightly bent, and she put the back of her hand on her chin, making a gesture of holding her face, and winked at Gu Huaian with a smile.

Her eyes are very lively, and they seem to sparkle whenever she looks at them.

Gu Huaian was stunned for a moment, then couldn't help but smile bitterly and said:

"It's a shame you can still laugh..."

"Life has all kinds of flavors, so you need to smile right!"

Shang Zhuoyan smiled and was no longer so artificial. She was afraid that Gu Huaian would say why she was such a girl...

She didn't show off to Gu Huaian. In fact, she would never be able to pretend to Gu Huaian like she did to Pei Jingshu.

She giggled and said:

"Gu Huaian, if I were you, you wouldn't be able to get through it if you didn't kowtow three times and thank me properly. Do you know who I just went to see?"

She was chirping, as if she was quite happy, and it seemed as if the cunning girl from back then had never changed. She should have always been so heartless.


Gu Huaian did not expose her disguise, he just followed her words and asked. In fact, he did not need to expose her.


Pei Jingshu's last name was blurted out, and Shang Zhuoyan only thought of asking Gu Huaian to guess. She herself felt a bit stupid, and couldn't help but raise her jade hand and hit her forehead as if she hated the iron.

Winking, yet quirky.

"...You're not going to see Pei Jingshu, are you?"

Gu Huaian looked at Shang Zhuoyan in the mobile phone video strangely. He couldn't relax and was even a little nervous...

Why did she go to see Pei Jingshu? !

"Oh...can't you guess someone else first and let me show off for myself?!"

Shang Zhuoyan pouted her little mouth, looking like she was angry that Huai'an, the stinky straight man, didn't understand her. She knew she had spilled the beans, but if she was a person with high emotional intelligence, she would have followed her and guessed others first!

What a stinky straight man!


Gu Huaian: "(¬_¬) aim"

"...Is now the time to talk about this kind of topic?"

Gu Huaian is a serious person, always has been.

"'s so boring!"

Shang Zhuoyan pouted her mouth with a look of disgust and said:

"Okay, I just went to see Pei Jingshu. I didn't want to tell you..."

"Why did you see her?"

Gu Huaian frowned. Although he didn't want to use a serious tone towards Shang Zhuoyan, his tone was somewhat serious.

"What else can I do? I'll explain it to you!"

Shang Zhuoyan pouted. She didn't care at all about Gu Huaian's seriousness and was not scared by her at all. Just kidding, can grandma scare this old man?

"Tell me the truth, have you never explained to her what is going on between us in more than half a year?"

She questioned Gu Huaian without hesitation, and her tone was very relaxed, as if the matter she was talking about was never something difficult to discuss, it was just a private matter between them, but a casual chat after dinner.


Gu Huaian was silent and didn't know how to answer for a while. Many times, Gu Huaian always felt that Shang Zhuoyan understood him better than Pei Jingshu. Shang Zhuoyan always knew what he would do and whether he would do it.

"Hey! I knew it! You stinky straight man!"

Shang Zhuoyan finally cursed out the three words "smelly straight man". The scolding was so relaxing. Gu Huaian was so confused that he wanted to say that I didn't explain why it had nothing to do with you. As for the scolding, Is the tone so strong? !


She immediately felt happy and happy, you are so sweet, you...

"You called me all of a sudden just to piss me off?" he said helplessly.

"How can it be……"

Shang Zhuoyan rolled her eyes. When she rolled her eyes, her big eyes were really white and scary. She said:

"Of course I'm here to ask you to thank me. I've done things for you that a straight guy like you wouldn't be able to do even if I beat him to death. Why don't you thank me properly?"


Gu Huaian was a little silent for a moment. In fact, he wanted to ask Shang Zhuoyan how he explained it, but he couldn't open his mouth. He always felt that it would be difficult for her to answer such words.

But judging from her relaxed state, this "explanation round" should not be difficult. She seemed to have really solved this "difficulty" for Gu Huaian.

Who cares about the process after knowing the ending?

So, Gu Huaian just said:

"How do you want me to thank you?"


Shang Zhuoyan stretched out a green jade finger, gently poked the edge of her red lips, and thought for a while as if chewing her finger.


After a moment, she actually smiled and said:

"Just forget about the mundane things like inviting me to dinner, otherwise..."

Gu Huaian thought that even inviting her to dinner was tacky, and the conditions she proposed must be quite easy. At this moment, Gu Huaian even took out his thermos cup to drink water.

Who knows, the next moment, she actually said:

"Otherwise, you can be my boyfriend for a day!"


As soon as a mouthful of warm water entered his mouth, Gu Huai safely squirted it out before he could even swallow it!

"Cough cough cough..."

Old 6 coughed for a long time. While coughing, he stared at Shang Zhuoyan at the other end of the video and said in disbelief:

"You are angry with me, right? I cough cough...I cough..."

"Haha... Look at you like that, hahahaha..."

Gu Huaian was so angry that Shang Zhuoyan was so proud. In the video, she was laughing so hard that she looked like a naughty girl who had succeeded in teasing others.

at this moment……

Gu Huaian's ears were filled with Shang Zhuoyan's smile;

And Shang Zhuoyan's ears were filled with the sound of Gu Huaian's cough.

The sound is noisy and messy.


And just when the laughter and choking coughs slowly quieted down.


Shang Zhuoyan took a deep breath, finally being serious, but pretending to be relaxed and smiling, she said to Gu Huaian:

"Gu Huaian, I have to leave."

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