Participating in a love show, this little guy is too down-to-earth

Chapter 315 Since we are your boyfriend, let’s kiss him first!

"Everything, as long as you feel it's worth it."

This is the signature of Shang Zhuoyan’s V-letter circle of friends.

This was what Gu Huaian saw the night he landed in Chongqing.

Shang Zhuoyan used to be a girl who liked to post on WeChat Moments. She liked to show off. No matter where she saw anything interesting and delicious, she liked to post it.

She started posting less last year, but recently she started posting more and more. What’s funny is that even though she didn’t tell Gu Huaian that she was in Su Zhou, some of the geographical locations in the pictures she posted in her circle of friends were perfectly exposed. at this point.

It's just that Gu Huaian didn't choose to expose it. After explaining the work as much as possible, he squeezed out a day and flew to Chongqing in a low-key manner the next night.

Chongqing is the capital of hot pot, the birthplace of hot pot. When you land at the airport and exit the terminal hall, you can smell the faint smell of hot pot. Don’t worry, it’s not an illusion, because there are also hot pot restaurants in the airport.

It is said that Chongqing Hotpot and its franchise stores account for half of the domestic hotpot market, with tens of thousands of hotpot stores in the city.

The night he landed, he was a little tired from work and arrived a little late. Gu Huaian was alone, so he didn't go out. He just ordered a takeaway, ate something and went to bed.

Isn’t the highlight the next day?

The next day, Gu Huaian got up very early. To be honest, he was a little annoyed when he got up. He didn't like getting up early, but who told him to make an appointment with Shang Zhuoyan very early?

I don’t know if she cherishes this day very much, so Shang Zhuoyan made an appointment with Gu Huaian very early to meet at 7:30 in the morning...

Gu Huaian didn't care. It's simple for boys to go out. They just get up, wash their hair, face, and blow dry before going out. Gu Huaian, a rough guy, doesn't even need to do skin care. He gets up half an hour early, packs up, blows and blows his hair, and then goes out. .

Shang Zhuoyan, on the other hand, needs to put on makeup and dress up, so a girl will definitely not be able to go out if she has to go out for an hour or two. She is about 7:30, so why not get up at 4 or 5 o'clock?

After half a year, Gu Huaian's hair has grown back. It is said that he recently had to style his hair for a concert, so his hair is very long, like a long-haired monster, but to a certain extent, this hair can also become a kind of him. Disguise can reduce the possibility of being recognized.

Gu Huaian has a good sense of time. It was almost 7:20 when he arrived at the agreed-upon location near Jiefangbei. This area is actually a very commercialized business district. The neighborhood is quite prosperous, with various high-rise buildings dazzling the eyes, and the characteristics of the mountain city are at a glance. Wuyu, because it is very full, gives people a very prosperous feeling.

But Gu Huaian always felt...

A bit crowded.

It feels like many big cities are quite crowded, and it’s like you can’t see the sun among the high-rise buildings.

This time was actually very early, it was not yet the Master's time, and many stores were not open yet. Being in the center of a bustling urban area, it was definitely not a problem if there was no one there, but there were not many young people in sight.

Do your contemporary smelly young people go shopping at 7:30 in the morning? !

"I'm here, where are you?"

When it was almost past the agreed time, Gu Huaian sent a message to Shang Zhuoyan.

After a while, she recalled Huai'an's voice, her tone was a little hasty, and she said:

"I'll be there soon, please wait for me..."

Gu Huaian thought she was really arriving soon and replied "ok", but after nearly half an hour, he still didn't see Shang Zhuoyan.

I couldn't help but send another message to ask, but she still said she would be there soon and had already turned the corner.

But in the blink of an eye, half an hour passed!

Gu Huaian couldn't help but call and question him. He, a well-known celebrity, had been shopping in the middle of the most prosperous area of ​​the city for more than an hour. Is he really not afraid of being discovered? !

"Oh...I'm really going to be there soon..."

This woman said on the front foot that she was about to arrive, but on the back foot she actually said:

"If you are really anxious, come and wait for me downstairs in my hotel. I live very close."

"...Didn't you say you'd be arriving soon?" Gu Huaian rolled his eyes and almost rolled his eyes to the sky.

As a result, Shang Zhuoyan said to him with a backhand:

"When I look at you, you haven't gone shopping with a girl, you stinky straight man!"


Gu Huainan wants to meet you, and if I don't pinch your face to pieces, it's all for nothing!

"Oh, okay, okay, right away."

Shang Zhuoyan didn't say anything nonsense. After hanging up the phone, she sent Gu Huaian the location. Gu Huaian silently held his forehead and went downstairs to the hotel helplessly.

This time Shang Zhuoyan did not keep him waiting for long. She came down from upstairs almost as soon as Gu Huaian arrived.

Today, Shang Zhuoyan wore a pink sweater with a white lining, giving off a whole first love feeling.

It is said that she always likes to wear clothes with long sleeves that can hide her hands. In her words, she doesn't need to wear gloves and her hands don't get cold.

The lower body is a standard underwear with no wind. She may be wearing shorts underneath, but because the sweater is very long and can cover her buttocks, she can't see it at all. She can only see two round and jade legs wrapped under the bare leg artifact.

It is worth mentioning that she wore two very tall white boots, the kind that reached below the knees and were similar to the previous knight boots.

Because the shoelaces are very high, they can tighten the calf, very flattering the shape of the legs, and they can also keep you warm!

I just can’t guarantee whether my feet will be smelly...

But steaming is very healthy!

After losing weight last year, Shang Zhuoyan's legs felt better than before. Not to mention how attractive her legs were after wearing these boots. To be honest, Gu Huaian never thought that Shang Zhuoyan could wear her legs so well in winter. have a feeling.

How about today’s outfit, a proper sweet girlfriend outfit?

Located in the south, the temperature in Chongqing in January is not low and it is wet and cold, but after all, just wearing a sweater is not enough, so Shang Zhuoyan wore a scarf and brought a coat, and when she came down with her bag on her back, she looked It was a bit hurried to go up, as if he had really been busy and not deliberately delayed Gu Huaian's time.


When they met, Shang Zhuoyan ran. She jumped on Gu Huaian like a sloth, put her arms around his neck, and clamped his waist with her feet...

Hug him tight.

Shang Zhuoyan, dressed so beautifully, attracted a lot of attention along the way. When she threw herself into Gu Huaian's arms so eagerly, Gu Huaian noticed a lot of sour looks.

"It's nine o'clock."

It's a pity that the imaginary atmosphere was eventually destroyed by Gu Huaian's words, "It's nine o'clock."

The appointment was to meet at 7:30, but now it's 9 o'clock, and it's been delayed for an hour and a half!

"...Do you think girls can just wash their faces and blow their hair like you boys when they go out? I spent more than half an hour just choosing clothes!"

Shang Zhuoyan got off Gu Huaian's arms, not retreating at all, and angrily argued with Gu Huaian.

"Then you can't make an appointment later or get up early?"

Gu Huaian said without hesitation:

"Do you still have a sense of time?"


Shang Zhuoyan was going to be furious. It was pretty good just now, but why did she become like this when talking to Gu Huaian? !

Resisting the urge to beat Gu Huaian into a pig's head with her fists, she rolled her eyes, put her hands around her chest, and said with a sweet groan:

"Someone has agreed to be my boyfriend for a day, is that all he wants to do?"

Gu Huaian shook his head and stopped being that "shrimp-headed man". He shrugged and said:

"as long as you are happy."


Shang Zhuoyan smiled, then hugged Gu Huaian's arm. When Gu Huaian looked over, she pointed to her mouth where she was wearing a mask and said:

"Since we are your boyfriend, let's kiss him first."

As she said that, she looked around to see if no one was paying attention to them, and then carefully lifted up her white mask, revealing her delicate and red lips.

The funny thing is that because she had to pull the mask up, the mask covered her eyes.

With her eyes covered and her mouth exposed, Shang Zhuoyan pouted, looking a little silly, but also inexplicably cute...

Gu Huaian smiled, raised his hand and touched her red lips lightly.

"Huh? What is this? Isn't this a mouth? Hey!"

When Shang Zhuoyan noticed it and pulled down the mask covering his eyes, Gu Huaian laughed and ran away.

" stinky bastard! Don't run! Stop!"

If it weren't for this being on the street, and they were both big stars and it was inconvenient to call him by his first name, Shang Zhuoyan would have chased him by calling him names.

She's always been like this.


After chasing for a long time before finally catching up, Shang Zhuoyan angrily hit Gu Huaian several times.

"I'm thirsty, go buy me milk tea!"

She angrily looked like she couldn't be coaxed, and pointed to the milk tea shop not far away and asked Gu Huaian to buy milk tea.

At this time, there were more people on the street. Gu Huaian did not refuse, lowered the brim of his hat, and went to buy two cups of milk tea for her.

In fact, as a celebrity, if you don't really look like Pei Jingshu and hide a little in private, you really won't be discovered so easily...

Back when Jiang Yao was working in the capital and went shopping, a passerby asked for her V letter.

Gu Huaian often goes out to eat, drink and go shopping secretly, and he really doesn't get recognized every time.

Isn’t this?

Throughout the whole process, he looked like an ordinary person and was not recognized by anyone at all.

After getting the hot milk tea, Shang Zhuoyan took a sip and became less angry. It is worth mentioning that she accidentally got a few drops on her lips while drinking the milk tea. She didn't seem to notice...

"do not move."

At this time, to her surprise, Gu Huaian held her face with both hands, and before she could react, Gu Huaian came over.

He stuck out his tongue and gently licked away the few drops of milk tea on her lips.

His movements were understated, as if they were normal, but he moved very quickly, as if he was afraid that he would feel greasy if he was slow for a second.

"Wow you...hey...hey!"

At that moment, Shang Zhuoyan's face turned red. Even though she was wearing a mask, she could still see the rapid redness visible to the naked eye, which directly reached the roots of her ears, okay!

At the first moment, her brain was confused. She could only feel the itchy touch on her lips just now, and the cool feeling in the winter, which was probably due to saliva.

After reacting, Shang Zhuoyan was thinking, does this overwhelming wealth really belong to me? !

Is this really true? !

Am I dreaming? !

She even raised her hand and pinched her jade leg wrapped under the bare leg artifact. hurt. This was not a dream, this was real!

"Are you so good at it?!"

Even though she was wearing a mask, knowing that Gu Huaian couldn't see the corners of her mouth that reached to her ears, Shang Zhuoyan still raised her hand to cover her mouth. She was so shy that she thought Gu Huaian was a stinky straight man, but it turned out like She has always underestimated him!

Sure enough, Gu Huaian's nickname "Gu Laolu" was not just a boast!

This guy hides so well!

Just now, Shang Zhuoyan felt that her body was getting warm, okay?

I can’t even sweat anymore!

Who would have thought that Shang Zhuoyan would one day be turned into such a bear!

This is not many times better than direct kiss! ! !

Gu Huaian just laughed and said nothing. Shang Zhuoyan looked around and saw that no one was around, secretly put down the milk tea, and then sneaked up to Gu Huaian. When he turned around...


She hugged him and kissed him.

There is no reason for him to flirt with her, she can't kiss him!

It's funny, after kissing Shang Zhuoyan, she was a little shy and forgot to hold hands with Gu Huaian...

It was Gu Huaian who reached out her hand, and she handed it over blankly.

Shang Zhuoyan's heart was pounding as the two of them walked on the streets of Chongqing, heading towards Hongya Cave.

It is a relatively famous local attraction. Although the best time to take pictures is when the lights are on at night, their time is limited and they may not be able to wait until night. The scope of activities is also limited, so they can only go closer and not easy to be seen. Discover the place.

It just so happens that Hongyadong is very close to the Liberation Monument.

It is said that Hongya Cave is full of people inside and outside at night, and it is easy to be recognized if there are too many people.

It is worth mentioning that there is smog in Chongqing today, and it is very serious.

At the intersection of two rivers, Chongqing, a mountainous city, is known as the "Fog City". There is a lot of fog, and the exhaust gas is not easy to escape. In the past, coal was used for various industries and domestic uses, so there will be fog all year round.

In winter, the season when smog occurs most frequently, and today is not a sunny day, there is no telling when the smog will dissipate on a cloudy day without the sun.

Carrying a white bag, carrying milk tea in her left hand, and being held by Gu Huaian on her right hand, the two of them walked on the streets of Chongqing like the most ordinary couple. This feeling made Shang Zhuoyan very satisfied and enjoyed it.

"Hey, take a photo for me..."

Shang Zhuoyan likes to ask Gu Huaian to take photos for her when she goes to a place that she thinks looks good, or a relatively representative building.

"Oh...what did you take a picture of?"

But it's a pity that every time Gu Huaian takes a photo, she will collapse. She feels that she is dressed very beautifully and looks beautiful in the mirror. If she takes the photo by herself, she will also look beautiful...

But why do Gu Huaian always shoot those... death angles? !

Gu Huaian would occasionally explain that it was because he was too tall. Facts have proved that it is really not easy for tall boys to take photos of others, because their perspective is always very different from that of short ones, and the photos taken are easier... …


And if they were asked to squat down to shoot, it would be difficult for them to find the angle because they have never experienced the feeling of a low angle.


Girls who are looking for a boyfriend and like tall boys, please note, don’t have high expectations when it comes to taking photos.

It rained when we arrived near Hongya Cave. It didn't rain heavily, but it would make our clothes wet, so Gu Huaian bought two transparent umbrellas sold on the roadside for 10 yuan each.

Shang Zhuoyan didn't fight, but insisted that Gu Huaian help her fight. Gu Huaian asked why, and she scolded her for being a straight man because I want to hold an umbrella with you, so that we can be closer!

She never forgets anything that could make her call Gu Huaian a "smelly straight man".

Hongyadong is not fun here. It is well-known and fresh to outsiders. It has a lot of various things to eat, drink and play. But those things are available all over the country, so they are really not that rare. .

Gu Huaian thought he could find some local specialties when he went in, but when he saw the standard sizzling squid, fried skewers, stinky tofu... and other snacks that were available everywhere, he lost any interest.

Oh, yes, there are Chongqing noodle shops everywhere, but I don’t know if it’s authentic or not until I’ve tried it.

It’s worth mentioning that they didn’t take the elevator down at first. The elevator floor confused Gu Huaian and Shang Zhuoyan...

When they went down the elevator on the 9th floor, they originally thought about the ground. Seeing many people going to the 3rd floor, they thought the 3rd floor was the ground floor, so they went out from the 3rd floor.

It turned out that the third floor was not the ground floor and was a bit high. When they went back, they saw many people going to Basement 1. From upstairs, it felt like there were several floors away, so they followed them to Basement 1.

Underground 1 has a nice view, very close to the khaki river, but it's just an underground parking lot.

This time, Gu Huaian firmly chose the first floor, firmly believing that the first floor was his ideal "ground floor." However, when he went out, he found that it was not, but a snack street on the floor below his ideal "ground floor."

In the end, Gu Huaian had no choice but to take Shang Zhuoyan up the stairs to the second floor, reaching the ideal "ground floor".

That's it, I spent a long time looking for an elevator when I went back...

"It's really not easy..."

Gu Huaian almost lost the concept of "ground floor" when he walked around Hongyadong. If he really went to the famous Kuixing Tower, where you thought you were on the 1st floor but actually you were on the 22nd floor, it would really confuse him. Here.

"Ah...I'm so tired!"

After shopping for a long time and taking pictures for a long time, Shang Zhuoyan was so tired that her feet hurt from walking, so the two of them had to find a seat to sit down and rest.

"Gu Huaian, why don't you find a place where you can massage my feet for me?"

Shang Zhuoyan raised her little feet wrapped in white boots and said.

Gu Huaian almost spit out his milk tea when he heard this. He wiped his mouth, looked at Shang Zhuoyan's white leather boots, and couldn't help but say:

"If you don't press it, your bladder will smell."

"...Your feet are the ones that stink! How can you say that a girl's feet are smelly!"

The angry Shang Zhuoyan gave him another small punch.

I don't know if she mentioned it, but Gu Huai'an took a few more glances at her boots. Of course, it would be unconscionable for you to say that you were just looking at the boots. He must have looked up along the boots...

"What are you looking at, pervert!"

Shang Zhuoyan glared at him, but her tone was not serious, and her pretty face even turned slightly red.

"No, I'm just curious. Are you wearing pants under your sweater?" Gu Huaian asked.


Shang Zhuoyan subconsciously wanted to say that she must have worn it, but after thinking about it, it seemed a bit unsentimental to say so, so she blushed slightly, stuck out her pink tongue at Gu Huaian, blinked her big watery eyes gently, and said with her white lips Jade's hands grabbed the pink sweater and hugged the edge of her buttocks, and said with a smile:

"Why don't you lift it up and take a look?"

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