Participating in a love show, this little guy is too down-to-earth

Chapter 325: Pei Jing Shuwei fans ruin the scene: The beauty is tone-deaf? You are humiliating me, S

The stage was very big, and Gu Huaian started running around. He handed the microphone to the audience. There were very few of Gu Huaian's songs that were not popular and well-known, so almost everyone could sing them!

at that moment!

The whole audience sang loudly!

"When you're on the other side of the...crossing the mountains..."

"I'm on a lonely road with no end!"

What’s funny is that when Gu Huaian walked to the audience, he handed the microphone to a girl.

The girl was always excited, shouting and singing very loudly, just...

It’s out of tune!

The running was exaggerated!

I don’t know if I was too excited, but anyway, I sang...

It sounds so unpleasant!

"you go!"

Gu Huaian immediately ran away with a "disgusted" look on his face. Although he had heard that handing a microphone could lead to trouble, he never thought that the first time he handed a microphone to an audience alone, he would encounter a disaster!



The whole place burst into laughter.

[Ding, the host has successfully grounded himself and gained exposure, system points +91X20! 】

The system also came back online after a long absence, and Gu Huaian was notified.

Laughter, chorus, shouting, cheering...

All kinds of voices blended together at this moment!

Along with the red cheering sticks in their hands, they waved and rippled together!

The atmosphere is so good at this moment!

And just after the chorus...

"How long have you been standing here..."

"How long has it been since I said I love you..."

Gu Huaian repeated these lyrics while running around the stage.

In the original version of "Missing is a Disease", this lyric was not deliberately emphasized, it was just a very plain sentence, no different from other lyrics.

There are even too many lyrics in this song, so you won’t remember the lyrics very deliberately just by listening to it.

But at this moment, because of Gu Huaian's repetition, all the more than 30,000 spectators at the scene really got goosebumps because of this lyric!

Listen to what he sings!

"How long has it been since I stood here, how long has it been since I said I love you!"

Everyone knows what Gu Huaian has endured in the past six months!

Everyone who came here today, even on the day of grabbing tickets, was still sneaky and quiet, fearing that the news that they were grabbing tickets would get out and Gu Huaian would be in trouble...

After the "breakup incident", Gu Huaian was so criticized. He was scolded all over, and various marketing accounts said that he "lost his house." In the past six months, he not only had no job, but also did not publish any new works. Even when I go to a friend's wedding, I have to wear a mask and a hat, covering myself tightly for fear of causing trouble to others!

This year's New Year's Eve, he wore a mask and went to the backstage of Orange Channel by himself. He didn't bring an assistant, no make-up, no dress up, and he went on stage wearing his own drag jacket!

There was no rehearsal, no backup dancers, no lighting coordination, just his own monotonous piano, guitar, and his voice!

How could they not know how miserable he had been in the past six months? !

How long has it been since he stood here and sang openly like this? !

How long has it been since he sang the word "love" like this in all his works?

This lyric fully reflects the many turmoils he has endured in the past six months!


At this moment, many of his fans who had eye bags couldn't help crying, and goosebumps began to appear on their bodies as if they were worthless, and they couldn't get rid of them even if they wanted to.

"Dong dong..."

Today, Gu Huaian is no longer alone. There is a concert team of several hundred people behind him. There is an acapella vocal group on his stage. In this concert that can accommodate more than 30,000 people, In the stadium, he has lighting and stage equipment worth tens of millions!


He and these more than 30,000 fans and viewers came to support him!

at that moment!

That inspiring feeling...

That feeling of excitement!

Everything rushed into everyone's mind!

Audiences who are familiar with so many of Gu Huaian's works really didn't expect that Gu Huaian's song "Missing is a Disease" could be adapted to be even more inspiring than a song like "Stubborn"!

Probably because it has been repeated so many times, people started shouting the lyrics "How long have I not stood here, how long have I not said I love you"!

The dynamic melody, the "long time no see" Gu Laolu on the stage, and these lyrics are all deeply affecting everyone's hearts at this moment!

More and more people started singing along!

They didn't know how many times Gu Huaian would repeat it, but they really wouldn't get bored and wanted to sing along with Gu Huaian, forever!


Gu Huaian really wouldn't be in trouble for such a long time!

"How long have you been standing here..."

"How long has it been since I said I love you!!!"

His stage choreography was really spot-on. You could see him walking around on both sides of the stage and singing this line about eight times, rising from low to high, leaving everyone with a climax. Before, the most intense foreshadowing!

at the end!

He's back on center stage with his orchestra, and together they are, palms up!

At that moment, all the spotlights shined again!

They sang that line very loudly, almost in a shouting manner!

"While you're here!"

“The other side of the mountain crossing!”

"I'm on a lonely road with no end!"

“Always feel your breath behind my ear!”

"But I have never felt your breath in my heart!"

"Missing is a disease..."

"Missing is a disease..."

"A disease!"

Some were harmonizing, some were shouting, Gu Huaian's voice was the main voice, and the others' voices were auxiliary. The shocking voice and the brightest lights on the stage were so deeply rooted in the hearts of the people!

Of course, it is also very popular!


Everyone, at that moment, couldn't help but get goosebumps!

It is said that Gu Huaian is the "devil of arrangers", and this is really vividly demonstrated in his own works today!

Even people who don’t know Gu Huaian’s story, people who don’t know him, and people who were just dragged to watch the concert by their friends today were really shocked by the most touching vocals in live performances!

In these lyrics, Gu Huaian sang the feeling of finally turning over after many twists and turns and feeling proud and proud!

In the past six months, so many people have scolded him, so many people have belittled him as useless, as if he shouldn't be in this world...

But look at now? !

Do you see this scene? !

Look at the stadium for this solo first concert with more than 30,000 people, and the seats are all packed!

They helped Gu Huaian prove everything!

And precisely because they have the same feeling, everyone can resonate so much when listening to the explosive chorus of the adapted version of "Missing is a Disease"!


Many people's voices were hoarse as soon as they came up. This is just the beginning, and they don't know what will happen next...

I just want to give all my support to Gu Huaian at this moment!

His opening today was so sincere, wasn't he?

He is truly a well-deserved king of the Chinese music scene!

"My brother! That's my brother!"

Off stage.


In the best seats, Gu Huaian's younger brother Gu Zhun shouted loudest. This kid was even more awesome than Gu Huaian. Seeing that the whole audience was excited, he also shouted...

Shout to the people around you!

As if he was afraid that others wouldn't know that Gu Huaian was his brother!

This kid likes to show off. When Gu Huaian first became famous, he bragged a lot to the people around him, so he must have attracted some jealousy...

Later, after Gu Huaian was deeply involved in the "breakup storm", those jealous people naturally added insult to injury. The boy's life has not been easy in the past six months, and he was a little bit involved by Gu Huaian.

And at this moment, when Gu Huaian sang the song "Missing is a Disease" like a shout, not only he and his fans were proud, but Gu Zhun was also proud together.

He took a lot of photos with his mobile phone, and he would definitely show it off to the people who had made trouble before!



"My brother! My brother!"

He would pull on the people around him and shout wildly.

"Blow it and you just..."

"He's still my brother, what did I say?"

"I even said he was my husband!"

The people next to him didn't believe what Gu Zhun said at all, and even said that he was bragging, which made Gu Zhun very angry.

It is worth mentioning that Gu Zhun came with a little female classmate. Originally, Gu Huaian gave him two tickets to ask him to come with his mother, but it was approaching the New Year, and there were all kinds of favors at home and in the store. She was also very busy, and Gu's mother really couldn't spare any time, so she took advantage of Gu Zhun's little female classmate.

What’s funny is that Gu Zhun pulled him here, but when he came to the scene, the little girl shouted:

"Ah ah! Gu Huaian, I love you! Ah, I love you so much!"

Gu Zhun's face darkened...

In fact, this kind of scene doesn't just appear here. Maybe it's because the stage is so contagious, so many people shout exaggerated words.

Especially some girls.

At this time, the boyfriend's emotional intelligence will show up. Those with low emotional intelligence will definitely be unhappy, but those with high emotional intelligence...

They will shout louder than the girls!

Oh, you like Gu Huaian, do you think I don’t like it anymore? !

Gu Huaian is a male fan, no matter what!

No male college student can refuse Gu Huaian, he is their youth, okay!

So some funny scenes appeared on the scene, that is, some couples came together. The girl shouted Gu Huaian, I love you, and the boy shouted I love you to death, shouting even louder!

It's so harmonious. You say this...

"That's really my brother!"

This kid Gu Zhun is quite serious. He keeps saying that Gu Huaian is really his brother. Everyone around him is paying attention to the stage. Who has the time to be serious with him?

Many ignored him.

And at this moment, a woman wearing a hat and looking very elegant who was sitting in front of Gu Zhun suddenly turned around and glanced at him.

Then he held the light stick and waved to him.

At that time, Gu Zhun was stunned for a moment and didn't recognize who the person in front of him was. It wasn't until Xilin quietly took off her mask, revealing her exotic and delicate face, and smiled at him, that he realized that this was The famous movie queen Siren!

They had met before. When Gu Huaian was hospitalized in a car accident, Xilin took care of him in the hospital. Gu Zhun and Gu Ma had met Xilin before.

I still need to take a group photo!

There was always a sense of intellectual elegance about her sister, and just a smile made Gu Zhun calm down.

It is worth mentioning that she seemed to have noticed Xilin smiling at Gu Zhun and saying hello, so the few people around her who didn't believe that Gu Zhun was really Gu Huaian's brother also became interested...

Several girls dressed very coquettishly came over to get close to Gu Zhun, asking for their contact information. Gu Zhun knew a few of them, and they seemed to be some celebrities.

This is normal. To be honest, many of the seats they are sitting in cannot be bought with money. They are almost all "relationship tickets". It is normal to arrange them together.

A junior high school student has never experienced this. Just saying a few words will make Tiao's face turn red...

Sometimes, Gu Zhun would also envy his own brother. How could he be so prosperous? !

There are famous female stars everywhere!

"When you are on the other side of the mountain..."

"I'm on a lonely road with no end."

As the last lyrics fell, and as the strong shock swept across the audience, the scene once again erupted into a wave of shouts and applause like a mountain roar and a tsunami.

The fluorescent sticks kept waving...

Many people are shouting:

"My brother! This is my brother!"

"Ahh! Gu Laolu really has you!"

"You know how to sing!"

You can shout anything!

"Ha ha……"

To be honest, Gu Huaian was quite happy at that time. When the camera on the big screen showed him, he was holding a blue microphone with a smile on his face.

Everyone, I really don't know how long it has been since I saw Gu Huaian look so happy.

After the "breakup incident", he seemed to have disappeared. The only way for anyone to know about him was through information occasionally exposed on the Internet...

He said he couldn't be the best man when attending a friend's wedding and didn't even dare to show up, so he had to wear a mask and a hat; he said he had to wear a mask when attending Orange Channel's New Year's Eve party, and even didn't dare let his name appear on the program list.

How miserable!

Obviously he used to be so happy, so joyful, so carefree!

Now, just seeing him look so happy, just seeing him still standing on that stage, many people are already satisfied, right?


Gu Huaian knew that he should say something at this time, but he was a little short of words when the words came to his lips.

"Come on Gu Huaian!"

Then the girl who just happened to be handed the microphone by him used a shout that was almost broken, like a roar, and directly broke his guard.

"Pfft... you're not a beauty. You're such a girl, why do you have a mouth?"

As soon as these words came out...


"a ha ha ha……"

The whole audience burst into laughter.

Gu Huaian added:

"The old lady who just took over the singing job sounds like her. Are all beauties tone-deaf?"

What he said was an impromptu expression. It was called "hanging up" in the way of cross talk, just to liven up the atmosphere.


You see, the atmosphere at the scene is good. Originally, the atmosphere in the audience was very good because of "Missing is a Disease". Everyone is very supportive at the moment, and they will support you no matter what you say.

It is worth mentioning that Gu Huaian, the old lady, is very emotional. He did say that her singing was ugly, but he also said that she was a beauty.

that is……

One thing that Gu Huaian never expected was!

After the beautiful woman in the front row laughed, she actually shouted:

"Pei Jingshu is not tone-deaf!"

As soon as these words came out...



"a ha ha ha!"

The scene started to boo like crazy, okay!

All kinds of booing could be heard all the time, all kinds of people, all kinds of shouting:

"Gu Huaian!"

"It's your turn now!"

"a ha ha ha……"

"The way of heaven is so easy to reincarnate, who will God spare!"

"If you come out to fool around, you will have to pay back sooner or later!"

This is just the infield. People in the outfield didn't hear it and don't know what happened. It will take time for it to be passed on. When they all know it and there are 20,000 to 30,000 people in the audience booing, then Gu Huaian really can't get off the stage!

One thing to say, these words are really exciting!

Who would have thought that Gu Huaian's first solo concert would be so exciting from the beginning!


Gu Huaian on the stage was so angry that he couldn't control the roar of the whole hall.

At this moment, Gu Huaian was scolding herself in her heart. Why did she have to show off her high emotional intelligence and say "Are all beauties tone-deaf?" Not saying that, she didn't say "Pei Jingshu is not like that" Tone deaf!”

This one is really self-inflicted!

The key problem is that Gu Huaian has no way to refute...

You talk about beauties, looking at the entire domestic entertainment industry, is there anything more beautiful than Pei Jingshu's face?

You say that all beauties are tone-deaf. That person, Pei Jingshu, is the king of singers on Orange Channel's "Singer of the Times". Now she is having her solo concert at a stadium less than two hours away from you. !

Aren't you slapping yourself in the face? !

The most important thing is that Pei Jingshu is very special here with Gu Huaian!

There is a saying that this woman is really brave. Everyone knows that Gu Huaian and Pei Jingshu have not reconciled yet, and everyone knows what their current relationship is...

Generally, after a breakup in the entertainment industry, it is somewhat taboo to mention each other in public.

So this girl is also a...

Close your face and open it up!

Gu Huaian really doesn’t want this big guy!

"No, are you my fan?"

What’s funny is that old man Gu Huaian was still very dissatisfied and even asked:

"You are a fake fan!"

Are they saying that their "eye-catching bags" are so embarrassing? !


There was constant laughter at the scene, but what Gu Huaian and all the audience never expected was that the girl didn't even flinch and shouted:

"I'm Pei Jingshu's fan!"

As soon as this statement came out!


At the scene, I just couldn’t control it!

This is the only fan of Pei Jingshu’s family who is here to cause trouble!

Gu Laoliu, what are you going to do?

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