"Phew...so exhausted."

After drinking the water, Gu Huaian threw the bottle to his assistant. When he returned to the stage, the camera on the big screen was still capturing him.

It is not difficult to tell that Gu Huaian is a little tired. Even though the temperature today is not high and it is already the twelfth lunar month of winter, his head still looks a little sweaty, as if it is hot.

He himself said that he was exhausted...

Many viewers don't feel sorry for him. Come on, this guy was having a lot of fun just now with the backup dancer. He was running here and there. He was so mean. Let alone the backup dancer, the audience wanted to hit him. !

Isn't it your fault that you are tired? !

Isn’t it normal to be tired when you’re running around by yourself? !

Crotch Ran, some viewers understand him, and may even be a little moved, because Gu Huaian has sang nine songs in a row from "Missing is a Disease" to the current "Ordinary Friends", and he has never stopped.

In the middle, he didn't even go down to change his clothes.

The older generation of artists are actually okay. Nowadays, many young talents hold concerts, so they prepare sets of outfits. Basically, they have to change into one set of clothes after singing one or two songs!

The crux of the problem is that their clothes are all flashy, and some of them are difficult to put on. Just getting dressed takes a lot of time.

The audience had to wait while they were changing clothes. Not everyone had a guest at halftime, and the time it took for them to change clothes was enough for them to sing several songs!

If you look at Gu Huai'an again, although this old man is a bitch, he sang nine songs in a row without changing clothes or taking a break. At most he drank water!

Do you think he is vain?

You sing nine songs in a row and only drink a few sips of water. Let’s see if you are tired!

There are only about ten or twenty songs in a concert. If he didn't catch up on the schedule and sing while changing costumes, he would have already sang half of it, right?

The audience is here to listen to the concert, to see the performance, not to see how long you drink, let alone to wait for you to change clothes!

At this point, Gu Huaian has done a good job, making everyone feel that it has been worthwhile so far...

When it comes to "dedication", Gu Huaian really has nothing to say.

It is worth mentioning that, probably because he was a little tired and kept standing and running, Gu Huaian wanted to sit down for a while...

At first, I wanted to ask the staff to bring a chair. Everything was prepared at the concert. It would be cool to get the high chair I used when I sang "Ordinary Friends" just now.

But when he raised his hand, Gu Huaian glanced at the edge of the stage, so he swallowed the words on his lips. He grinned, wiped a little sweat from his forehead, ran to the edge of the stage, and threw his butt Just sitting on the edge...


Those spectators in the front row of the infield were shouting like crazy. I tell you, if the security guy at the scene hadn't been pressing the guardrail with all his strength, they would have really been able to rush up and rush Gu Huaian. Do you believe it?

"Pfft...no, you guys..."

Gu Huaian, who was sitting on the stage, was so happy watching that scene that he couldn't help but ask:

"Why do you look like a bunch of zombies?"

As soon as these words came out...


Many people at the scene were happy.

Indeed, from Gu Huaian's perspective, looking at them blocked by the guardrail, they really looked like zombies in a doomsday movie!

"Okay, you guys have had enough fun, right?"

Gu Huaian sat on the edge of the stage, in close contact with the audience. Sitting there was actually more at ease than standing, and he felt less pressured.

He said:

"Then, how about we sing some new songs?"

The words fell...



"Of course!"

Various calls began to ring out from the scene.

Many people showed expressions of "expectation", and at the same time they were quite satisfied with Gu Huaian's arrangement.

Concerts should be lively and fun, with some big choruses, showing off your skills and changing the tune when singing...

In short, I want everyone to feel that it is worth coming.

Before you come, because "Pei Banzhu" has not gotten back together, many people feel that some of Gu Huaian's songs cannot be sung. Also because of the works in "Stranded", some people say that this may be an emo concert. Gu Huaian is a favorite. The "Melancholy Little Prince" who is emotionally wounded has to keep outputting some emo works to them...

But in this first half, you can clearly feel that there is no emo atmosphere at all. Even when singing "If You Can", the melody will induce fantasy rather than directly emo...

Needless to say, "Contentment" goes without saying. In the second half, the old man almost got into a fight with the backup dancer to pull his hair out!

Although, everyone can see some of his deliberateness...


He worked really hard in the first half and made everyone happy.

He knew that once the new songs came out, everyone might not be able to sing in chorus, and they might not be able to be as high and happy as before, so before singing those new songs, he planned to make everyone happy.

He really has avoided all the elements that would make everyone emo...

Now, everyone is already very satisfied with the midfield performance. So in the second half, even if he sings a new song or emoes, so what?

What's more...

When did Gu Huaian's new song stop being worth looking forward to?

"Come on, band teacher..."

Gu Huaian grinned, said hello to the band teacher behind him, and then shouted the song title:

"Suddenly I miss you."

I don't know if it was a coincidence or not, but while he was talking, the sky suddenly started to rumble, as if it was about to thunder.


This made many viewers look to the sky while cheering.

Their stadium was an open-air stadium. Gu Huaian didn't put up a roof because he didn't think it would rain.

But it seems that whenever anything related to Gu Huaian comes up, the weather is not very good recently...

The weather was not good on the day when Gu Huaian participated in the New Year's Eve at Chengtai and shared the stage with Pei Jingshu. The weather was also not good when he and Shang Zhuoyan went to Chongqing. I felt that Gu Huaian was really at odds with "Rainy Day" when he came here. MD Gu Huaian They were all curious, had they offended the Dragon King? !


When the camera showed Gu Huaian, Lao Lu looked helpless and looked up at the sky. Many viewers laughed like crazy.

"Smile, smile, smile, smile!"

Gu Huaian rolled his eyes and said angrily:

"Did you bring an umbrella? You'll get wet in the rain later, but you're still laughing..."

Then a female audience member shouted:

"You act like you're not even wet!"

They are all in the same open-air stadium, no one can say who is not protected from the rain!

"I'll make you mad if I hold an umbrella! Just a little bit..."

Gu Huaian once again made many people laugh like this, and the audience was dumbfounded. Have you ever seen a singer who fights with his backing dancer by licking his hair and quarreling with his fans at a concert? !

Hey, this awesome thing!

"Dong dong..."

Amidst the laughter, piano, string music, etc. began to be played from the band teacher, and then passed to the ears of every audience through the speakers.

Gu Huaian, sitting as close as possible to the audience, on the edge of the stage, swaying his legs in the air, sang quietly:

"What I'm most afraid of is that the air suddenly becomes quiet..."

"What I'm most afraid of is the sudden concern from my friends..."

"The memories I'm most afraid of...suddenly rolling and cramping! It won't calm down..."

"I'm most afraid of hearing news about you suddenly..."


Many people at the scene had goosebumps the moment Gu Huaian spoke.

It's funny, just now Gu Huaian was exchanging words with the fans, and the fans were still saying that he had bags under his eyes. The atmosphere was extremely cheerful, but the moment he opened his mouth, you will find that he and the audience all fell silent.

There is no longer so much ridicule and playful embarrassment on Lao Liu's face. He almost "gets into the show in a second." You can't even imagine that the squinty eyes just now and the powerful singer now are the same person!

The audience members who were quarreling with him in the infield were also very funny. MD just scolded Gu Huaian for having bags under his eyes. When he turned around and opened his mouth, they all got goosebumps and collectively exclaimed!

And you have to ask them how they managed to fall out of favor faster than turning over a book?

They will tell you:

"Love is deep, hate is deep!"

How unpleasant it is to scold him in ordinary times, but how "life-threatening" it is to love him!

"I miss you, if there is a sound..."

"No, that's a sad cry..."

"Now that things have happened, I finally let myself belong to myself..."

"Just tears..."

"You can't fool yourself yet."

Gu Huaian sang this song "Suddenly Miss You So Much" with a smile as much as possible. Of course, he smiled "as much as possible".

One thing that the vast majority of the audience at the scene should have heard many times is that those musical talents should be tortured severely so that they can write a lot of good quality songs!

Indeed, this is best reflected in Gu Huaian...

The lyrics of this song "Suddenly Miss You So Much" are really simple. There are no fancy words, just the most vernacular language. But I don't know why, this song is very poignant.

From the four "most afraid" words in the first line of the lyrics to the tears before the chorus that still can't fool myself, this song "Suddenly Miss You So Much" really vividly interprets the state after a breakup.

After the breakup, he was afraid of silence and the sudden concern from his friends. Of course, he was even more afraid of recalling the memories and hearing the news about her...


Just thinking about these, many viewers couldn't help crying.

Gu Huaian is really cruel. Back then, they made "Pei Ban takes care of CP" known to everyone on the Internet, and because of the "breakup incident", they caused a storm in the city. They let everyone know their story, and then wrote about them The song is related to the story. When everyone listens to it, they can think of their past...

Then, I burst into tears.

At this moment, many people are thinking, no wonder so many people are scolding him, this old 6 really deserves to be scolded!

"Gulu gulu..."

It is worth mentioning that before Gu Huaian sang the chorus, the sky started to gurgling, as if it was going to rain.

He was probably caught up in the drama, but Gu Huaian didn't care about the weather at the moment...

He sang the most touching song:

"Suddenly I miss you!"

"Where will you be..."

"Live happily or feel aggrieved?"

"Suddenly I miss you!"

"Sudden sharp memories!"

"Suddenly blurred...eyes!"

During the chorus, even though many people laughed loudly at the effect of Gu Huaian's show, they still couldn't help but shed tears.

In the words of Shang Zhuoyan, that is...

Gu Huaian, this stinky bastard, why do you always have to sing so sensationally and deeply into people's hearts?

Many of his recent works have always been somewhat controversial, such as "Code", which does not sound like it was written for Pei Jingshu. Although the voice is small, there is always doubt.

But the song "Suddenly Miss You So Much", no matter who it is or what it says, it is definitely written for Pei Jingshu!

Listen to what he sings!

"Suddenly I miss you so much, where will you be, happy or miserable!"

He is really using the shortest lyrics to sing the most poignant feeling, okay!

Compared to the chorus, the verse of this song is more like writing about them...


"We are like the most beautiful song..."

"It turned into two sad movies..."

"Why did you take me through the most unforgettable trip..."

"Then stay!"

"The most painful souvenir!"

Maybe they were touched by this song. Maybe this song was so touching. Many people were so absorbed in the breast story and Gu Huaian's singing that they didn't notice when Gu Huaian left the edge of the stage and stood up. Center stage.

Not to mention when, he had an electric guitar handed to him by the staff...


Logically speaking, electric guitar should not be used for such an emotional song. After all, the first thing many people think of when it comes to melody related to electric guitar is that it is very irritating and boring!

For example, "Reverse War", or "Possessed"...

But at this moment, Gu Huaian was using practical actions to explain that an electric guitar can also be very affectionate!


Many people were really crying and shouting at the same time!

There is no doubt that this song "Suddenly Miss You So Much" is comparable to "Sunny Day" to a certain extent.

Look at that lyric!

The sentence "We are like the most beautiful song, turned into two sad movies", how it seems to be written by him and Pei Jingshu!

There is no need for them to tell you how sweet they were in the past. You can go and review every scene and picture of them in the same frame, from "Crystal Love Season" to "A Gourmet" to "Hello Life Partner", Which candy in the same frame as "Pei Ban Takes Care of CP" doesn't pry open your mouth and stuff it into your mouth. Even if you don't open your mouth, it will go into your nostrils!

They were not what they sang in the song, it was really like "the most beautiful song"!

But now?

Now and after the breakup, neither of them is doing well, and both of them are abusing each other.

And similarly, the countless viewers who witnessed their journey were the main targets of abuse!

They went from "one" the most beautiful song to "two" sad movies!

This description is very suitable for the entertainment industry that Gu Huaian is engaged in, and it allows everyone to understand this metaphor most intuitively. It is really appropriate and beautiful!

At that moment, many people felt the same aggrieved and depressing feeling they had when listening to "Stranded".

I feel like I want to scream and ask them to stop abusing me and ask them to get back together as soon as possible!

Fortunately, this song "Suddenly Miss You So Much" is not as boring as "Stranded"...

Gu Huaian then sang out all the thoughts in their hearts!

He put his hand on the microphone on the stand and sang loudly:


"So sweet, so beautiful, so trusting!"

"There was a time when it was so crazy and so passionate..."

"Why us!"

"We still have to run towards our own happiness and regrets and grow old!"

"Suddenly I miss you so much, where would you be! Live happily or feel aggrieved!"

"Suddenly I miss you……"


When Gu Huaian sang that "we", the clouds that had been gurgling for most of the day finally brought a lot of rain.

The lights on the stage were very strong. Under such light and effect, the rain fell in the dark night, and it was as if it was setting the scene for Gu Huaian.

He sang such passionate songs in the wind and rain, soaring high notes. The stage speakers brought all the music and his singing to the ears of every audience!


Many people at the scene were shouting crazy, and the goosebumps could even make a pot of goosebumps soup, right?

Some people didn't shout during the last few songs, and they kept their voices just to wait for this moment!

It is true that many people come here for high-quality songs that can be used in chorus, but there are also many people who come here for works like "Suddenly Miss You So Much", performed by Gu Huaian, that can sing the story between him and Pei Jingshu ah!

What’s funny is that some audience members broke their light sticks!


Too full!

The feeling this song gives people is really...


To the fullest!

From the arrangement, to the lyrics, to the connotation, to the story, to the love affair that Gu Huaian as a singer is "well-known" to!

It vividly interprets all the stories, all the feelings between them, and all the expressions that can be sung from Gu Huaian's perspective at this moment to everyone!


At this moment...

Many people were crying and thinking, why is Pei Jingshu not here today?

Today, she deserves to be here more than the twenty or thirty thousand people present!

If she were here, she would be the one who cried the most, and she would also be the one who resonated most deeply with the story of "Suddenly Miss You So Much"!

Because she is the heroine in the story!

But why...

She is not here!

Many people really feel that it is a pity. Pei Jingshu should be here, and Gu Huaian should sing this song in front of her. There is really no girl who can refuse Gu Huaian who sings this song.

At this moment, even though many people knew that it was Gu Huaian's responsibility for "Pei Ban's care" to leave, they also wanted to forgive Gu Huaian...

The idea that Pei Jingshu should be here probably appeared in many people's minds at this moment.

Gu Huaian, how could he not know?

And that surprise is about to be given to everyone present.


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