"Okay, let's talk. It's all my fault. I'm leaving."

Gu Huaian had to go and see what was going on with the stewed ribs in the pot. The time was set, but you had to watch the stew in person, otherwise the pot would be useless if it burned dry.

Pei Jingshu: "(¬_¬)Aim"

Pei Jingshu's eyes were quite complicated, including speechlessness, helplessness, and a bit of resentment.

Originally, she called Gu Huaian over so that Gu Huaian could help her deal with the oral pleasures of the people in the live broadcast room.

At the beginning, everything was fine, but who knew that this old 6 would be kicked into a trap by the people in the live broadcast room. Now, everything was messed up...

He patted his ass and left, leaving her alone here. How to deal with these people...

What’s funny is that at this time, there are still people in the live broadcast room posting:

"Lao Liu is going to feed Sister Pei, right?"

"I knew I must have gone downstairs to feed Sister Pei!"

Pei Jingshu: "..."

Even though he had a good personality like her, he sent a message to his assistant in shame and anger, asking if he could ban those people.


This scene is quite interesting. Pei Jingshu and Gu Huaian like this are also quite rare. I always feel that she is a bit cute when she is shy, so Gu Huaian always likes to tease her.

But now, I still have to show her a clear path...


Gu Huaian coughed lightly and said:

"If not, just take everyone around for a tour, and we'll talk when I get back."

Gu Huaixin said that as luxurious as Pei Jingshu's house was, just walking around was enough to make these people marvel and forget what happened just now.

It wasn't that Gu Huaian wanted to leave her alone, it was mainly because they originally planned to start the show after dinner, but Pei Jingshu accidentally started the show early. Now Gu Huaian had to watch the pot and cook the meal before accompanying her.


Pei Jingshu was definitely not angry with him. Gu Huaian was still giving her food.

"I'm leaving."

Gu Huaian ran to the kitchen with a chuckle.

The ribs have been stewed for a while and will be ready in a while. Gu Huaian is ready to prepare the next thing.

Almost noodles and pork ribs come out together, a fragrant dinner, so exciting...

It was probably because it had been stewed for a while. The aroma of meat in the kitchen was very strong. When Gu Huaian walked in and smelled the smell, he felt a familiar feeling coming back.


My stomach is growling.

Gu Huaixin said to cook quickly. He would have dinner with Pei Jingshu later, and he could also watch the live broadcast for a while.

So Gu Huaian took the pot and ran to heat the oil...


The range hood installed in Pei Jingshu's house is good, the sound is not very loud, and the effect of extracting the range hood is quite good. When MD is turned on, Gu Huaian can't even smell the aroma of pork ribs...

Of course, no matter how quiet the sound is, it is easy to not hear the outside sounds in front of the stove.

For example, Gu Huaian had just fried the poached eggs, poured hot water into the pot and was waiting for it to boil. When he turned around, he found Pei Jingshu standing at the door, holding her cell phone and looking at him with a pretty face...

"I'll go...are you a ghost?!"

Gu Huaian held his forehead silently, as Pei Jingshu had shocked him before.

Pei Jingshu glared at him and didn't say anything back. She was not the kind of girl who liked to haggle over everything...

She just walked over, pointed to the live broadcast on her phone and told Gu Huaian:

"Why don't we... turn it off first and then turn it back on after we finish eating..."


Gu Huaian scratched his head and couldn't help but ask:

"No, what's going on?"

Judging from her flushed face, I must know that she can't cope again...

But it was clear that Gu Huaian had just asked her to take the group of people for a tour of the house. Pei Jingshu's house was so big, it was easy to pass the time by walking around, right?

"that is……"

Pei Jingshu's eyes were evasive, her pretty face was red, she held a pink fist in her jade hand shrunk behind her, and her lips were pursed tightly, making it difficult to speak...

But in the end, she leaned into Gu Huaian's ear and told what happened.

Just now, Pei Jingshu listened to Gu Huaian and took the live broadcast equipment to take a walk around the house. At first, everything was quite normal. As Pei Jingshu led everyone to divert their attention and visit the home, many viewers were gradually attracted by the luxury of Pei Jingshu's home. Surprised...

At first, some people asked Pei Jingshu what the various things in Pei Jingshu's house were used for. They wanted to take a look at the window, and asked her how many floors it was...

These are quite normal.


Until Pei Jingshu took the camera and led everyone to the floor-to-ceiling window to look at the scenery outside the window, a Xiuer asked Pei Jingshu, the scenery here is so beautiful, have you and my brother (Gu Huaian) "eat noodles" here? ?

As soon as those words came out...



A group of people in the live broadcast room understood it almost instantly and laughed out loud!

Because we have talked about the topic of "eating down there" many times, almost no one in the live broadcast room where Gu Huaian and Pei Jingshu are reuniting can take the topic of "eating noodles" seriously!

I always think wrong!

There is really no way...

"Wha... why have you eaten noodles before... here? It must have been in a restaurant..."

At that time, Pei Jingshu was still trying to pretend to be stupid and pass the test. She really rarely broadcast live broadcasts and would not ignore such words at all.

Usually professional anchors would ignore such sensitive remarks, but she was just the opposite. Because the words caught her attention, she actually answered them!

Although she knew it was a joke, Pei Jingshu still answered seriously...

But the problem is, those people are so stubborn!


Someone said in an exclamatory tone:

"It turned out to be in the restaurant..."

"You two were eating noodles in a restaurant!"

"That place is nice. Eat at the dining table, tsk tsk..."

"Pfft... Obviously there's nothing wrong with what you said, why can't I just look straight at it?!"

Many Luren viewers in the live broadcast room who did not participate in the comments were dumbfounded at this moment and found that they really could not look directly at the topic related to "eating noodles" no matter what.

Obviously all the "rhythm" people are talking about "eating noodles". There is nothing wrong with carrying these two words alone anywhere, but at this moment in this live broadcast room, anything related to these two words is It makes people think crookedly!

Even just saying the word "eat" alone feels wrong!

In this live broadcast room...

The building is crooked and its color has changed!

"You... you..."

Pei Jingshu was really embarrassed. To be honest, she really thought she didn't understand what these people were talking about, but having experienced those topics just now, she really understood what they meant by "eating noodles"!

She doesn't know why either...

She was thin-skinned, and because she understood instantly, she soon became shy and blushed unconsciously, which made it impossible for her to pretend not to understand!

And the blusher she blushed, the more fun the gang had and the more they had to tease her!

For example, Pei Jingshu really didn't want to continue the topic just now, so she tried to change the topic and took everyone to visit elsewhere...

As a result, when you ran to the bathroom, someone asked you two if you "eated noodles" on the toilet?

When I ran to the bathroom, someone else said that you two must have been "eating noodles" in the bathtub!

Needless to say, when you get to the sofa in the living room, those people will directly ask you how many times you have eaten noodles on the sofa!

It really doesn’t work anymore…

I can't hold it any longer...

Pei Jingshu could still answer questions at first, but later she didn't dare to look directly at the barrage. She even asked her assistant if she could turn off the barrage in the live broadcast room!

However, the assistant replied that the barrage cannot be turned off, and we have to rely on these people to liven up the atmosphere, otherwise the live broadcast will be boring...

But even if it’s not closed, Pei Jingshu can’t hold on!

at last……

have no choice……

He had no choice but to come to Gu Huaian for help.

She thought, she was thin-skinned, but Gu Huai'an was thick-skinned!

At least she should find someone to help her share the burden, she really can't hold it anymore...

"Ah this..."

After hearing the "full story", Gu Huaian was a little confused at the time and couldn't help but turn his head and glance at the live broadcast room on his mobile phone.

At this moment, there are still people in the live broadcast room frantically watching:

"I guess you two must have eaten noodles in the kitchen?"

"Gu Huaian: No need to ask! I eat noodles like crazy!"

"Ahahaha...that's so interesting!"

"Let me tell you, I have a hunch that after this live broadcast, the 'eating noodles' meme will definitely become popular!"

"You guys..."

Gu Huaian stopped what he was doing, took the phone, and raised his hand to hug Pei Jingshu...

His hand gently rubbed Pei Jingshu's head, as if to comfort her.

Maybe it was true that she was too helpless by these people. Pei Jingshu stretched out her hands and wrapped them around Gu Huaian's waist. She leaned obediently on Gu Huaian's left side, above his chest and below his shoulders, and buried her head completely, looking like " "Shameless to see people".

Of course, it seems like I was bullied...

I feel pity for Pei Jingshu like this.

Gu Huaian also felt a little sorry for her. For such a shy person, it was hard for him to imagine what Pei Jingshu must have been like when she told him what happened just now...

It’s really explosive!

No wonder she could actually bring up the matter of "Don't broadcast it yet".

Gu Huaixin said that this would at least cast a psychological shadow on Pei Jingshu. If this was just a test, it would be hard to say whether it could be opened again tonight.

"You go and have a rest first, I'll just broadcast it."

It was not convenient to put a mobile phone in the kitchen, but Pei Jingshu figured out that she would have to let those people talk nonsense, so Gu Huaian put the mobile phone holder in the kitchen and let Pei Jingshu go out and take a rest.

To be honest, he also wants to shut down the broadcast, but the problem is that the number of people in the live broadcast room has exceeded one million. It is really not appropriate for you to shut down the broadcast at this time.


Pei Jingshu Zhen nodded, obediently got up from Gu Huaian's chest, and walked outside.


Throwing the phone away and leaving the camera, she finally felt much more relaxed...

On the other side, Gu Huaian:

"You kid, don't act like a good boy when you get an advantage!"

The water friends didn’t feel at all that they had done anything wrong, and even said:

"If it weren't for us, would Sister Pei allow you to hold her like this?"

"If I were you, I would have to thank us very much!"

"Haha... Although the angle is strange, there's nothing wrong with it!"

"Tell me, where are you two going to have noodles tonight?"

Gu Huaian was obviously not as thin-skinned as Pei Jingshu. This old man was as thick-skinned as a city wall. He put his cell phone there and ignored it completely. He turned back to look at the pot...



"Good guy, you are ignoring us, aren't you?!"

"Cold treatment, right?!"

"Cold violence, right?"

"Okay, we usually talk to each other as brothers, but now we are engaging in cold violence?!"

Those people didn't stop at all and continued talking.

Gu Huaian would occasionally glance at it and couldn't help but smile bitterly and said:

"I'm not afraid to tell you the truth. It's not yet our official broadcast time. To put it bluntly, it's a welfare time. I haven't even eaten yet. I was thinking of letting you watch it with Sister Pei. After a quick look, it turned out that you insisted on teasing her, now it’s fine, I don’t have to visit anymore, you can only accompany me and cook here.”

As soon as he finished speaking, he turned back to cooking noodles, completely ignoring the millions of people online at the same time...


It makes a lot of people very angry at once, but if you say something to refute, they don’t seem to be able to express it well.

After all, Gu Huaian's speech was quite clear and coherent. After the call ended, he was stunned and didn't let the netizens find anything wrong!

If you think about it now, it's true. It's not yet time for the broadcast of the two of them. It was originally broadcast in advance as a benefit, but they didn't cherish it. Now they are cooking with Gu Huaian and they can't ask for anything. After all, Gu Huaian and Pei Jingshu The live broadcast does not accept gifts, does not bring goods, and does not advertise, and I do not owe them anything...

With that said, it seems like they really did something wrong?


Not "all of them", but "some"!

"It's all because of you guys who like oral pleasure!"

They started to taunt each other:

" @*** lsp, this is good, you have gone too far!"

"Good guy, you act like you didn't fart just now!"

"You were just following Lehe, now you are calling us lsp? Okay, okay..."

The two sides started working like this.


Gu Huaian glanced at them occasionally, but didn't care and let them spar each other.

You said that they are always in debt. It would be great to visit Sister Pei's house. You must come and cook with him...

Speaking of which, Gu Huaian is quite luxurious. If an anchor has more than 100,000 yuan in the live broadcast room, he has to thank God and beg his grandfather to sue his grandmother. With such an attitude, he wishes he could support all these people as his parents!

Only Gu Huaian could easily put aside millions of people and let them watch him cook...

It's funny to say that even though Gu Huaian was like this, they didn't leave. Instead of decreasing, the flow of people continued to increase!

The excitement in the live broadcast room was not low, because both sides were slandering each other, and there was a lot of back and forth...

This was such a grand occasion, it was the first time that the anchor ignored anyone and the two sides exchanged insults.

What Gu Huaian didn't expect was that some Xiu'er made a correction:

"This old man is trying to provoke you, can't you tell?"

As soon as these words came out, the two sides who were exchanging insults suddenly realized, why should they accuse who is right and who is wrong? The audience is right, whatever you do is right!

If you want to blame, blame Gu Huaian for sowing discord!

"You old 6 you (beep beep beep...)"

As a result, a "holy war" against Gu Huaian began in the live broadcast room!

When you open your little mouth, you can hear the singing of birds and the fragrance of flowers!

As for Gu Huaian, he didn't have time to pay attention to them because the meal was ready...

"It's time to eat!"

He turned on the rear camera of his phone, put it on a stand on the side of the dining table, and then went to serve the food.

Now, at least while they are eating, they can't see what the audience is saying...

"I'll help you……"

Pei Jingshu, wearing fluffy white slippers, walked into the kitchen unhurriedly to help serve the dishes.

There weren't many dishes, so Gu Huaian stewed some pork ribs, one bowl stewed alone, another stewed with cabbage and vermicelli, and two bowls of soy pot noodles.

The braised pork ribs are so tender that the entire plate is filled with ribs. It’s so tempting no matter how you look at it.

Needless to say, the bowl of cabbage vermicelli simmered in pork rib soup next door is so full of soup that it is sauce-colored, and the heat is rising, making your mouth full of food.

Of course, if you ask Gu Huaian what he likes most, it is actually the bowl of hot pot noodles...

This needs no introduction. Gu Huaian's "standard delicacies" have almost become his endorsement. After recording "Crystal Love Season", many viewers can almost think of Gu Huaian when they think of hot pot noodles.

The food made by Gu Huaian is indeed a more "down-to-earth" meal. The appearance may not be as good as the specialty shops and Western restaurants outside, but if you want to talk about the taste, it is not bad at all!


Pei Jingshu added a mouthful of noodles and stuffed it into her little mouth. After all, she is a lady. She always eats slowly and calmly, appearing very quiet. She eats noodles in small bites, taking her time and not being in a hurry...

Are you going to look after Gu Huai'an again?

The old man picked up the boss's lump with his chopsticks, swung it in the air and blew it hard, cooling it down a little, and then stuffed it into his mouth!

Two people...

Just like people from two worlds!

The water friends next door couldn’t stand it anymore.

"Hey, hey..."

"Shame on you!"

"No, I changed my waistcoat. I'm embarrassed to say I'm a Gu Huaian fan."

"This eye-catching bag is really... embarrassing!"

Even the fans of Gu Huaian's family can't stand it anymore. Being his fan is really embarrassing all the time, okay!

But let me tell you something, this guy’s way of eating is really down to earth...

Because a lot of people do eat noodles, and he likes to eat them this way!

It’s really cool!

Gu Huaian's brain system also beeped at the right time, but Gu Huaian didn't pay much attention.

"Try this..."

It is worth mentioning that Gu Huaian was very considerate and put meat into Pei Jingshu's bowl.

"Okay...I can't eat anymore...it's too much..."

Pei Jingshu waved her hands repeatedly. She had a small appetite and didn't eat much at night.

"It's okay, you've lost so much weight, it doesn't matter if you eat more." Gu Huaian said casually.

"Ding dong dong..."

As a result, the phone rang at this time. Gu Huaian picked it up and saw that it was Pei Ya calling.

As soon as the call was connected, Pei Ya was heard saying in a suppressed angry tone:

"You let her eat so much at night because you're afraid she won't gain weight, right?"

"emmm..." Gu Huaian didn't know how to answer for a while.

As a result, Pei Jingshu grabbed the phone at this time and said:

"It's rare for him to cook me a meal. I...I'll be fine if I eat more."

These words really almost made those fans melt!

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