Participating in a love show, this little guy is too down-to-earth

Chapter 362 Sister Qing’s tall building rises from the ground! Red’s hardware facilities have also k

"Gu Huaian!"


"Sister Pei!"

"This way, this way!"

There are a lot of people at the backstage entrance of the main stage. Not only are there a lot of people, but there are also a lot of cars. Basically every artist who comes to participate in the lineup is brought to the door by car.

Fortunately, there were security personnel controlling the flow of people, otherwise Gu Huaian and Pei Jingshu might not be able to get in.

"Hello, hello, hello..."

When Gu Huaian got out of the car, there was a burst of cheers. It is worth mentioning that just now this group of people were crowding in front of a little fresh car on the other side. But when they heard that Gu Huaian and Pei Jingshu's car was coming, they all gathered around Come over here.

As a result, there was no one in front of Xiaoxianrou's car next door. When the brother got out of the car, he looked confused. He was a little doubtful about life and wanted to think that he didn't go out with a face today. Otherwise, why was there no one? Recognize him? !

When he saw it was Gu Huaian, he suddenly realized why...

What's funny is that instead of being angry or jealous, this brother even waved hello to Gu Huaian from a distance.

Young artists these days are really more qualified, polite and well-behaved than the last. Occasionally, Gu Huaian can't even pretend to be a slap in the face, and it's quite a headache.


The assistant got out of the car to help stop people. After Gu Huaian got out of the car and looked at the situation, he stretched out his hand to Pei Jingshu in the car.


As soon as Pei Jingshu came out, those people at the scene shouted...

Today, Pei Jingshu wore a long white patterned dress. Because it was just a rehearsal, she wore it simply, pure white flat shoes, and a light green long down jacket. It was just a simple daily wear.

Despite this, her unparalleled temperament cannot be hidden at all, even if she wears a mask, her white skin and eyes that are as if they were carved by God, immediately captured the souls of onlookers.

Sometimes, Gu Huaian also envies Pei Jingshu. She really doesn't have to do anything, just put her face in front of passers-by and she can be watched and cheered.

What a blessed person.



Pei Jingshu was still very polite to fans and passers-by, waving to them softly.


When looking at Pei Jingshu, the fans she greeted almost fainted from shouting...

Gu Huaian must be used to it, otherwise he would probably be frightened when he saw this scene for the first time.

Seeing that Pei Jingshu's popularity made him look like an irrelevant person, Gu Huaian silently raised his forehead and had no choice but to find his own "sense of presence".

"Okay, please give way..."

"Thank you, thank you, please give me a break..."

"Sorry we have to go in and can't sign, thank you..."

At this moment, Gu Huaian didn't look like the king of music who was shining on the stage. Instead, he looked more like a bodyguard. In other words, he was deliberately playing the role of a "bodyguard". He was walking in front of Pei Jingshu, supporting Pei with one hand. Jingshu's shoulder, the other hand is blocking the crowd...



This immediately made people around me laugh, and someone shouted:

"You're such an idiot!"

As soon as the words fell...

"a ha ha ha……"

The laughter at the scene was even deeper.


Pei Jingshu couldn't help but laugh out loud. Gu Huaian must have been serious about "embarrassing people", but once she said it, she did feel a kind of "honor".

Let’s just say who has the celebrity status to allow the music king Gu Huaian to be her “bodyguard”!

It’s just her Pei Jingshu!

Many viewers took photos and videos with their mobile phones while laughing, and they probably will post them online later...

By the way, the arrival of Gu Huaian and Pei Jingshu is actually not complete. In the middle, several groups of artists have come before, including first-tier, big-name, and top-notch artists. The audience is also quite enthusiastic, but they basically will not affect the ones in front. The path of an artist...

Only Gu Huaian and Pei Jingshu arrived, which attracted onlookers and could hardly walk.

It's enough to imagine how popular the two are now.

And as soon as they thought that Gu Huaian and Pei Jingshu would attend this year's Spring Festival Gala, the audience's enthusiasm for watching the Spring Festival Gala was aroused.

It is worth mentioning that as soon as Gu Huaian and Pei Jingshu entered, they saw an acquaintance from a distance.

Su Yuntang.

When winter comes, the actor nicknamed "Walking Hormone" always wears a black turtleneck shirt, a gray suit jacket, a thick down jacket, and a combed hairstyle. He is meticulous and looks like a refined and charming image.

"Hey, long time no see..."

Best Actor Su's movie was released on the National Day schedule and did very well at the box office, so his traffic has been very good recently. Of course, he is not short of this traffic. In recent years, he has been in a semi-retired state, and he will film whenever he has a movie. , if there is no drama, take a rest, drink tea and ride horses.

Very carefree.

"Ah, brother, um, it's been... long time no see."

Gu Huaian scratched his head and greeted the actor Su Su, but the boy's expression looked a little strange.

Su Yuntang frowned, thinking that he had accidentally offended Gu Huaian. What was going on with this kid?

Thinking back carefully, during Gu Huaian's "breakup incident", although he didn't start with a helping hand, he didn't add insult to injury, and he almost never said any bad words, right?

That kind of thing is his own emotional problem, and Su Yuntang himself can't get involved...

How come...I haven't seen you for half a year, are you unfamiliar?

Su Yuntang originally thought Gu Huaian was strange, but after taking a look at Pei Jingshu, he found that Pei Jingshu was also avoiding his eyes, and just nodded politely and said hello.

"What's going on with you guys?"

Su Yuntang was stunned. He wanted to think that he could still offend these two people?

What the hell!

"No...nothing, cough, let's go in..."

Gu Huaian hugged Pei Jingshu, pointed inside, and tried his best to find topics to talk to Su Yuntang, such as how are you doing recently, are you busy, are you tired, are you filming, are you filming any new movies...

"...There was a movie on National Day, didn't you know?"

Su Yuntang felt despised for a time. His movies were quite popular. Gu Huaian asked him if he had any new works. Wouldn't this be embarrassing?

"Ah... the movie, I watched it, of course I watched it, brother, can I not support this?"

When Gu Huaian said this, Su Yuntang was slightly pleased and relieved. When he turned to look at Gu Huaian, his eyes dodged, and then he pulled him to talk about other topics, not talking about the new movie at all.

Su Yuntang was a little angry. The fear of being dominated by Gu Huaian once again enveloped his heart, and he almost fell out with Gu Huaian.


Pei Jingshu snickered from the sidelines. She certainly knew why both of them looked wrong when they saw Su Yuntang today. She also knew why Gu Huaian didn't want to talk about Su Yuntang's movies.

Just for that reason, neither of them could tell anyone else...

Could it be that they were watching Su Yuntang's movie when they were kissing on the sofa?

It would be weird if I didn’t feel ashamed to say it!

They just chatted awkwardly all the way into the backstage. Fortunately, other acquaintances came to say hello, otherwise Gu Huaian wouldn't know how to deal with Su Yuntang.

Speaking of which, this was Gu Huaian's first time coming to the main station to participate in the Spring Festival Gala. There were so many people present, even Gu Huaian could count them on both hands, and they were basically all well-known entertainers.

Of course, Gu Huaian is definitely considered a "household name" now, and his reputation, celebrity status, etc. are no less than those of many people present.

Even though it was his first time here, he still received a lot of respect. Not only the staff, but also many big-name artists, seniors, etc. would come over to say hello.

Gu Huaian is quite polite, he greets everyone politely...

Because the actor Su is by his side, and in terms of qualifications, the actor Su is really considered an "old-timer" in the industry, so occasionally he would help introduce people whom Gu Huaian didn't know who came over to say hello.

He was really nice, but the more he behaved like this, the more apologetic Gu Huaian looked at him...

This left Su Yuntang confused. He asked Gu Huaian several times, but Gu Huaian didn't say anything.

Pei Jingshu stayed with Gu Huaian at first, but then she couldn't hold it any longer, and some friends called her, so she said hello to Gu Huaian and Su Yuntang, and they became friends when they went aside.

Gu Huaian actually knew a lot of people at the scene. He met Chen Feng and Wang Lei, but what made him a little confused was that MD Shen Qingqing was also there!

"Brother Huai'an!"

After a long time, Gu Huaian was frightened when he called him "Brother Huai'an" in a whisper, and hugged him with both hands without hesitation. Gu Huaian was startled, but because of his quick reaction, he immediately bent down and ducked away. Otherwise, people will really look at me strangely...

"Why are you here?"

Gu Huaian couldn't help but ask. For a moment, Gu Huaian suspected that he was in the wrong place. Is this the backstage of the Spring Festival Gala at the main station? How come Shen Qingqing is qualified to come!

"Why can't I be here?!"

Today's little clip Shen Qingqing is wearing a green and pink skirt. Her pair of slender long legs look very delicate under the bare leg artifact. The special girl really doesn't dare to compliment A, she is too Too thin and too short, this is a flaw...



Why is it not right? !

Gu Huaian discovered with a confused look that when he subconsciously glanced at Shen Qingqing's chest, he realized that it was no longer the pair of A's. It was a series of mountains, connected by mountains and rivers!

How come you are so fat? !

It was obviously a malnourished airport before, but now people are neither fat nor tall, so why the hell are they still...

Are tall buildings rising from the ground? !

How much padding is this?

Or are you going to have surgery?

I’m really willing to spend a lot of money!

"Who are you looking down on?!"

She stood in front of Gu Huaian with her hands on Liu's waist, pouting angrily, which reminded Gu Huaian of someone...

Shang Zhuoyan.

In fact, Shen Qingqing is somewhat similar to Shang Zhuoyan to a certain extent, especially in terms of personality. They are both very lively and cheerful. However, she is more teasing, and there is a huge difference between her and Shang Zhuoyan in terms of "hardware facilities". Don't.

There's no comparison!

Gu Huaian briefly chatted with her for a while, without any physical contact of course, not even a hug. Gu Huaian had to avoid suspicion, not to mention that Pei Jingshu was not far away, even if she wasn't there!

Gu Huaian was quite puzzled as to how this little clip was qualified to come here. He happened to have other friends around him. After asking around for a while, he found out that Sister Qing is now "not what she used to be"!

In the second half of the year, when Gu Huaian was deeply involved in the "breakup controversy", Shen Qingqing, a young man, successfully became popular all over the Internet with a comic-adapted ancient puppet show. With the characteristics of the characters in the play and the promotion of CP with the male protagonist, now She has been extremely popular for half a year!

I even have endorsements from several high-end luxury brands!

Very exaggerated!

Because of the traffic and popularity, the company found several online singers in the second half of the year to create a few saliva songs for her. One of them was particularly suitable for her singing voice, and it became a hit!

How popular is the song?

Just say it!

Before the release of the five new songs from Gu Huaian's concert, this song had been occupying the top of the new song charts on various platforms!

Of course, as soon as Gu Huaian's five new songs were released, she was immediately ranked on every chart on every platform...

I remember that there were people saying that when Gu Huaian was not at home, Shen Qingqing was the king. It was so shameful that a sensational song like this could occupy the top spot in the Chinese music scene these days...

It was at that time that because of her salivating songs, there were also some sounds of "looking forward to returning home safely".

It's probably because that song is very popular and everyone knows it. In addition, she herself is also famous and her celebrity status has risen, so she is naturally qualified to come here to participate in the Spring Festival Gala.

Of course, the program for the Spring Festival Gala was all set in the first half of the year, so she shouldn't be included. But she was so lucky that something went wrong with the female lead in a sketch. She was temporarily replaced by an old actress who performed in the sketch. The senior was a veteran in her hit drama, and he was in the same company as her, so he naturally recommended her.

"Time is also destiny!"

Gu Huaian held his forehead silently, never expecting that Shen Qingqing could become popular.

Thinking of this, Gu Huaian couldn't help but think that if Shang Zhuoyan was here and knew that she was famous, he could even come to the Spring Festival Gala. He would probably have to curse:

"God is blind!"

Gu Huaian couldn't help but smile when he thought of this. Speaking of it, he really hadn't thought of Shang Zhuoyan for a long time.

The weather has been cold recently. I heard that the temperature in Bangzi Country is even colder than in the capital. Gu Huaian, who was in the capital, wished she could go out wrapped in a quilt. She didn't know if it was cold over there.

It was at this time that there was a loud noise from the door, which seemed like an uproar. When everyone heard the news and looked over, they saw Xilin wearing a pink and white coat, taking off her mask. While walking in.

That coat seems to be a popular item in her brand, with a price of more than 10,000 yuan. It is said that at the end of this year, nearly 10,000 pieces of this coat were put on the shelves and all were sold out.

It is indeed quite good-looking, and the pattern really highlights the proportions. Xilin is not tall, about 1.65 meters tall.

But wearing this dress, he looks like he is over 1.7 meters tall.

"Hey, Siren..."

"haven't seen you for a long time……"

People around her went over to say hello. Xilin was very popular in the industry. No matter where she went, many people said hello to her.

The mature royal sister Xilin has big waves. Today she is wearing a pair of rimless eyes. With full makeup and these glasses, she is really "completely equipped". Let's kill it!

"I'll go over there for a moment..."

The actor Su was originally with Gu Huaian and others. The first time he saw Xilin, he said hello and came over.

Even the whole world can't save his deep affection!

Gu Huaian held his forehead silently, and then took two quick steps to disappear into the crowd. It wasn't that he didn't want to say hello to Sister Xilin, but it was mainly because there were so many people. If Sister Xilin came to his place, she would be easily watched.

It’s okay to be watched by fans and passers-by, and it’s okay to be watched by colleagues, but there are many seniors at the scene, and Gu Huaian can’t stand it if they all look over...

What's more, the actor Su Gang went over to say hello, and he felt sorry for Su Yuntang today. Gu Huaian didn't want to hurt him anymore.

Originally, he wanted to find Pei Jingshu, but he couldn't find anyone for a long time. The backstage is not big, and there is no rest room prepared. The front desk is not used to you being a big name or not. You have to talk to the backstage when you come. Stand and wait.

Of course, there will be seats available when you enter later, but not now.

"haven't seen you for a long time……"

Here, the actor Su has already met Xilin.

This year Xilin and Su Yuntang don't have much time to meet each other. On the one hand, Xilin is working on her own brand this year and is quite busy at work. She often goes abroad to participate in some fashion exhibitions and occasionally holds her own exhibitions. She spends all her time in China. Not much, let alone meeting.

On the other hand, Su Yuntang is also busy filming this year. Although he is now semi-retired, occasionally there will be some challenging roles that give him enthusiasm to work hard.

Because of their busy schedule and because Xilin avoided Su Yuntang before, the two rarely met this year.

Just a few months ago, when Xilin held an exhibition in Shanghai, Su Yuntang went to visit the exhibition, and it was still on the hot search list at that time.

Actor Su's "deep affection" is actually known to everyone. Even now, he is still alone. Everyone knows that he is still waiting for Xilin.

In terms of face, Xilin will never lose sight, so she will hug, say hello, and chat with Su Yuntang. They have been old friends for many years. Even if they cannot become lovers, they will still be more familiar with the people around them.

What made Su Yuntang a little sad was that after Xilin hugged him and said hello, she glanced in the direction behind him...

Just now, Gu Huaian was standing there.

At that time, Xilin's phoenix eyes happened to catch a glimpse of Gu Huaian walking into the crowd. She frowned involuntarily, then quickly relaxed and went back to dealing with the people around her.

But even if he frowned for a few seconds, he was still noticed by the actor Su Quanquan...

At that moment, Su Yuntang's heart, which was already broken like glass, was crushed again and again by the rolling pin...

Although Gu Huaian had already disappeared into the crowd, thinking he could avoid Xilin, before entering the venue, a familiar voice still sounded in his ears:

"Avoiding me?"

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