Participating in a love show, this little guy is too down-to-earth

Chapter 364: It’s shameful to end the Spring Festival Gala, and the lucky audience brings

The day of the Spring Festival Gala performance.

Live broadcast.

Countdown to about five minutes.

"Hey, it's finally started..."

After saying hello, Gu Huaian returned to his seat and held his forehead silently. Today he was wearing a festive red suit with a black shirt and black pants. He looked slim inside and festive outside, which was quite suitable for today. For late occasions.

Many male celebrities dress like this, but the suit styles are different.

"It's the Spring Festival Gala after all."

Pei Jingshu gently pulled back her short hair and whispered.


It’s the Spring Festival Gala after all!

During this period of time, Gu Huaian participated in a total of five platoons, and every time everyone showed up collectively.

Then there are all the first-line, top-notch, and big-name artists out there. They all have to be on time and attend the event obediently. No one is missing.

"Drink some water."

Pei Jingshu took the thermos cup from the assistant and poured Gu Huaian a glass of warm water. She started recording shortly. Not to mention drinking water, she had to put away her phone and hand it to the assistant.

This is a program that people all over the country will watch on TV, so you can’t make any mistakes.


Gu Huaian took a sip from the water glass, took out his cell phone from his pocket, and replied to a few messages.

Isn't it the New Year? There are a lot of things for people. There are all kinds of gatherings and blessings everywhere. Gu Huaian has attended several gatherings of old friends recently. He hasn't even returned to his hometown yet. There are not only various reunions of classmates there. , there are still a few young people who are getting married.

So recently Gu Huaian can't even reply to messages...

Of course, what Gu Huaian was mainly returning to at this moment was news about no one else but his brother Gu Zhun.

Didn't he know that his brother was going to attend the Spring Festival Gala this year? This young man who had never seen the world asked Gu Huaian to take some live photos or record a video for him...

Gu Huaian said, can't you see it when you watch the live broadcast? So, is there any difference between recording a video and watching a live broadcast? !

Gu Zhun said that the perspective is different, and even if you don’t take the scene, you still have to take group photos with your sister-in-law, right?

Gu Huaian was really stunned when he mentioned the "photograph" thing. It seems that he and Pei Jingshu have taken many photos together for such a long time...

Although that face has the ability to crush a female star, Pei Jingshu is not the kind of girl who likes to take pictures. As for Gu Huaian, why should a man take pictures if he has nothing to do?

Usually when I see beautiful scenery, for example, when it snowed a few days ago, I take pictures outside the window, and basically don’t take pictures of anything else...

Because of this, it seems that there really aren't many good "photos" of the two of them together.

"Let's take a photo..."

Gu Huaian thought for a while, then took his mobile phone and approached Pei Jingshu. Pei Jingshu was quite new when she heard this, so she couldn't help but pursed her lips and smiled slightly, her red lips parted slightly:


With that said, she approached Gu Huaian...

"...Can't you come closer? I won't eat you?"

Gu Huaian held his forehead in silence. Sometimes he felt helpless towards Pei Jingshu's "sense of distance" and shyness. She was really not the kind of girl who was very clingy. Even if she was taking a group photo, she wouldn't stick to her directly.

Pei Jingshu's pretty face blushed slightly, she glanced at Gu Huaian, and then moved slightly closer to Gu Huaian.

Well, just a little bit.

Gu Huaian couldn't stand it anymore, so he reached out and hugged Pei Jingshu's shoulders...

Tonight, Pei Jingshu was wearing a pure white evening dress with a tube top because she had to perform, with her shoulders almost completely exposed.

"Don't...someone is watching..."

Although the live broadcast hadn't started yet, there were staff calibrating equipment everywhere, and everyone was talking about their own affairs and no one paid attention to others. However, it was such a formal occasion, and Pei Jingshu suddenly became shy.

"What are you afraid of?"

Gu Huaian shrugged and said:

"Who doesn't know about our relationship?"

Pei Jingshu couldn't help but refute these words. Indeed, no one would object even if they saw the two of them getting intimate here, because everyone knew their relationship. "Pei Ban takes care of CP" from beginning to end. It's a big hit.

"Come on……"

Seeing that Pei Jingshu was silent and just blushing, Gu Huaian smiled and took a photo with his mobile phone.

"Click, click, click..."

Although it was a death shot from a "straight man's perspective", the phone was held high enough, and the two people's looks were good enough, so the photos taken were really pretty.

"You are so photogenic."

Gu Huaian looked at a few photos and couldn't help but sigh. Pei Jingshu's face really seemed to be born for the camera. It was so shocking to see it normally. The camera made it look inexplicably cinematic.

"Thank you. I appreciate the compliment."

Pei Jingshu chuckled lightly, but there was no trace of pride or pride on her face. She seemed to be used to other people's compliments.

"Do you mind posting a weibo?"

The more he looked at those photos, the more satisfied he became, and Gu Huaian planned to post a message.


Pei Jingshu nodded, thought for a while and then said:

"Send me the photos too."


Gu Huaian nodded and took advantage of this little time to send them to Pei Jingshu. At that time, Gu Huaian thought that Pei Jingshu just wanted to take a look at these photos as a souvenir or something. Who knew...

Just a few minutes later, after he edited a post and posted it, Pei Jingshu followed up by posting one.

Gu Huaian's caption was very simple "Happy New Year", while Pei Jingshu captioned:

"May all go well with you."

Although it is just a simple blessing, these two sentences seem to echo each other...

At this moment, many netizens were waiting for the Spring Festival Gala to start, and they went crazy when they saw the two people's dynamic...

"Good guys, you two are so free?!"

"You still want to take a group photo to show your affection?!"

"Giao, you are going to let your labor and management eat dog food during the Chinese New Year. That's enough for you two!"

"Why don't you prepare for the performance and post a selfie here?!"

"Ahhhh! Can you two stop trying to tease me? You're both hooked!"

"I have never been so looking forward to the Spring Festival Gala..."

The news between the two before the broadcast quickly became a hot topic. It’s funny to say that Gu Huaian and Pei Jingshu are about to take on the popularity of this year’s Spring Festival Gala. According to statistics, nearly half of the young people watching the Spring Festival Gala tonight are Ben. Came with them both.

Of course, this is also indispensable for the recent marketing. What Gu Huaian found funny was that when they participated in the second and third rehearsals, the chief director of the scene met with them and secretly hinted that they could be more high-profile...

To put it bluntly, let them carry the heat!

But then again, the expectations are high, so many people are staring at them, if the performance tonight is not good, if the crotch is stretched, it will be really embarrassing...

Amid such anticipation, the Spring Festival Gala officially started at around eight o'clock!

Entering the official recording, Gu Huaian, Pei Jingshu and everyone around them immediately got into the mood. The assistant took away their mobile phones and other things. When facing every camera position, you can see their "starry" stars. state.

As soon as the live broadcast started, excited netizens rushed in instantly, and barrages flew up:

"It's started, it's started!"

"I just came from weibo. I'm reporting someone who just posted a photo showing their affection without doing their job!"

"I second the proposal!"

"Report with real name!"

There are many brothers who make memes. Gu Huaian is very glad that the popularity of the "eating noodles" meme has passed. It would be really embarrassing if someone made fun of the "eating noodles" meme in the Spring Festival Gala live broadcast room.

If the fans of Gu Huaian's family call him "eye bags", then there is really nothing wrong with him.

What's funny is that before Gu Huaian had time to say that the fans were showing off their eyes, this "eye-catching boss" was already humiliating himself in his first performance!

This is what happened...

Gu Huaian had an opening performance where the stars sang together. There were four people in that performance, and it was Gu Huaian's first public appearance. The other three artists were a little smaller than Gu Huaian, standing next to each other, and Gu Huaian stood in the C position.

Then the funny thing happened, that is, during the festive performance, when the four people sang the song, Gu Huaian didn't know what he didn't understand, and it seemed that he was suffering from the "Social Bullshit Syndrome" , the whole person looked so happy!

He was full of excitement and excitement, clapping his hands and stamping his feet, waving to the audience next to him...

She was so excited that she even shouted:

"Friend on the left!"



Those who watch TV may be better off, but those who are older and don’t know Gu Huaian just think that this young man is so lively;

Among the young people, especially the netizens watching the show in the live broadcast room at that time, Gu Huaian almost laughed!

Barrage blast:

"No, bro, what are you doing?!"

"Then it's the Spring Festival Gala, not your offline performance!"

"Look at those three people next to me, how grand they are. Look at you!"

"Why the hell do you act like a lucky spectator selected by the Spring Festival Gala?!"

"You have ADHD, please stop moving your feet, it's so embarrassing!"

"...I'm so embarrassed that I'm so embarrassed. I feel embarrassed to say that I'm the Gu Huai'an family's cheating when I go out."

Even though the barrages were flowing wildly, and even though it was a live broadcast, it was a pity that Gu Huaian couldn't see a single bit of the audience's comments. He was singing so excitedly, and he was followed by shaking his legs and twirling around, with more interesting expressions and full of emotion. Expressions are more powerful than singing!

Everyone laughed like crazy, and some even commented:

"No, your Spring Festival Gala was too kind to him. You should teach him the rules!"

Although everyone knows about Gu Huaian's "eye-catching bag" attribute, and the words "eye-catching bag" have been used hundreds of thousands of times in the comment area at this time, but who dares to think that he can be so embarrassed that he can be embarrassed until the Spring Festival Gala? Go up? !

[Ding, the host has successfully grounded himself and gained exposure, and the system points are +91X666! 】

When Gu Huaian was performing, he received a wave of large-scale system critical attacks. At that time, Gu Huaian was so confused that he thought it was because his performance style was so popular among the audience...

Then he went even crazier!

Even when I was dancing with the dance teacher from behind, I followed him and twisted twice.

In other words, this is the Spring Festival Gala, otherwise look at how wonderful Pei Jingshu's expression would be if the camera were to show her...

"Ah ha ha……"

The people under the stage are said to be the audience, but in fact they are mostly performers and seniors who have contributed to the country. The scene is actually quite solemn, which in itself will make many guests uncomfortable...

But Gu Huaian is like a different kind of person and doesn't care at all. He will get high on this festive day first!

However, the seniors didn't pay attention. Instead, they thought this young man was very lively and interesting...

It's just that some of the staff backstage wanted to scold me, because the lip-syncing of the Spring Festival Gala was all pre-recorded, so it was inevitable to make mistakes and be rigorous.

When Gu Huaian was recording, his voice was very quiet. Now he was jumping up and down so happily and it was completely inconsistent with his voice!

And I don’t know if he himself feels that this voice cannot keep up with his current state, so his expression is always "intoxicated" when singing!

It seems like I want to use my expression to keep up with my state...

Fortunately, the audience knows that the Spring Festival Gala is strictly recorded in advance without opening the mic to lip-sync, otherwise it would be a huge embarrassment.

"Hahaha... I'm laughing so hard!"

At that time, both the audience and fans laughed like crazy. In just three to five minutes of performance, Gu Huaian successfully made everyone remember him. Some people were curious:

"I don't know what Sister Pei's expression is..."

Just curious, Pei Jingshu should be watching Gu Huaian's performance in the audience right now. What should Pei Jingshu's expression be like when she sees such embarrassing Gu Huaian?

Then a funny scene came, that is, when the host came to the scene later, the camera happened to show Pei Jingshu's side face again.

Pei Jingshu, who was wearing a white evening dress and a red festive coat, was holding her forehead silently, making a "shameless" expression, lowering her head and not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

"a ha ha ha……"

Even this little scene was successfully discovered by netizens. Many people even took screenshots, saved them, and made them into emoticons!

someone said:

"Sister Pei: Don't say I know him, I don't know him!"

"Sister Pei feels so embarrassed!"


Let's just say that Pei Jingshu and Gu Huaian have known each other for so long, and she has never expressed her disdain for Gu Huaian in front of the audience, and she feels it is embarrassing.

The label of "husband sings, wife follows" has been with her for a long time. She also followed Gu Huaian when he ate steamed buns!

But today, even she, Pei Jingshu, felt that Gu Huaian was embarrassed...

It's enough to imagine how embarrassing Gu Huaian was tonight!

"Take off your powder!"

The comment area is full of comments:

"It's so embarrassing, I lost my fandom..."

"I will no longer be embarrassed to say that I am a fan of Gu Huaian..."

"Gu Huaian, the first collapse artist in history whose fans collectively lost their fans because he was too embarrassing!"

"Ah ha ha ha ha..."

Who would have thought that a celebrity artist could have his house collapsed just because he was "embarrassed"!

So funny!

But then again, although Gu Huaian's opening performance was embarrassing, it also made everyone remember him...

It’s a C position, and it’s so eye-catching that it’s hard not to remember it!

This caused many netizens to have no memory of the following performances. After three or four performances, people were still discussing how embarrassing Gu Huaian was...


Just a few minutes later, Gu Huaian was trending on Douyin, Weibo and other platforms!

Do you know what the hot search topic is called?

I can laugh to death just seeing you!

" # Gu Huaian is embarrassed until the Spring Festival Evening! # "

Even Gu Ma and Gu Zhun, who were watching the Spring Festival Gala at home, had a sense of déjà vu when they saw that scene.

Absolutely awesome!

Of course, there are other topics, such as:

" # Gu Huaian is acting like I was when I attended the Spring Festival Gala for the first time! # "

" # Gu Huaian acted like an ordinary person was chosen as the lucky audience of the Spring Festival Gala! # "

" # MacArthur: His performance is more interesting than the sketch! # "

Although everyone was laughing at Gu Huaian for being "disgraced" and embarrassed until the Spring Festival Gala, some people said that Gu Huaian should be like this during the Spring Festival Gala.

This year's Spring Festival Gala is too rigid. Everything is decided in advance. Because it is rigorous and because no mistakes are allowed, whether it is a sketch performance or a singing performance, it must be planned in advance so that people can do what they want at that time. Like a machine, no mistakes can be made.

This is true in itself, but it just lacks a little...human touch.

Do you think the singer's lip-syncing on stage can be the same as his real singing? !

You said that everyone follows the predetermined way, is it any different from a robot performing?

Before the Spring Festival Gala, many "famous scenes" were improvised. It is precisely because of improvisation that "famous scenes" are achieved. Many people think that the current skits and other programs are not interesting. The reason is actually that they gradually stop making mistakes. Already...

People all make mistakes, because mistakes make us more human.

The Spring Festival Gala should have more of a human touch, rather than being robotic.

Gu Huaian may indeed be suffering from the social badass, but equally, his appearance and liveliness should be the spirit that should be conveyed to everyone on this festive day.

So when people talk about "losing fans", everyone is joking. Not only will Gu Huaian not lose fans this time, he will even become more popular among passers-by!

Some netizens commented like this:

"My grandma just watched Gu Laoliu's performance and asked me who this person is and wants to give him a reward, haha..."

Gu Huaian was very high, so he brought joy to many people. Maybe everyone was "joking" that Gu Huaian was "embarrassed at the Spring Festival Gala", but at the same time, they were also made happy by his liveliness and activity.

Everyone loves to see jokes.

One very funny thing is that the next few performances continued, with sketches, singing, and dancing. The atmosphere of singing and dancing was quite good...

But until Gu Huaian's second performance was about to take place, no one had been discussed more than Gu Huaian.

You said it was his own enthusiasm?

No, this wave is really not the case. Even if Gu Huaian is not as popular as the king himself, it would be the same for another star as high as he is.

someone said:

"Gu Huaian's appearance is what we want to see in the Spring Festival Gala!"

And amidst such laughter and discussion...

"Let's invite singer Gu Huaian to bring "Young China"!

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