Following Gu Huaian's "Young China" and Pei Jingshu's "As You Wish", the song the two will sing together is called "Because of Love"

The subtitles are introduced like this:

""Because of love""

"Lyrics written by: Gu Huaian"

"Composer: Gu Huaian"

"Arranged by: Gu Huaian"

"Singing: Gu Huaian, Pei Jingshu"

Looking at Gu Huaian's name in a row is always quite shocking, but it seems that both the audience and fans have long been accustomed to his "all-powerful" nature, so they are not surprised.

The title of the song makes people feel comfortable, even though it is very simple, and even as Gu Huaian mentioned it to Pei Jingshu, it is somewhat vulgar...

However, many things are a return to nature.

For example, Kamen Rider knows that no matter how many forms the main rider uses, no matter how awesome the fancy forms are, if he uses a circle of forms in the end, he will basically use the original form in the final battle. .

Well, that's pretty much the same feeling.

Therefore, many people always maintain the most basic expectations for Gu Huaian's song "Because of Love".

Speaking of this song, Pei Jingshu couldn't laugh or cry. When Gu Huaian told her that the Spring Festival Gala wanted them to sing a song together, Gu Huaian casually said that they should write a song "Because of Love". At that time, Pei Jingshu thought he was joking. How could anyone choose a song title so casually?

Never thought that he was really so casual!

You could say that the title of his song is casual. His whole song is sung around this title, and it shows his seriousness in every aspect, not casual at all.

Therefore, sometimes Pei Jingshu also admires Gu Huaian...

It is worth mentioning that before the performance, Pei Jingshu went backstage to change her clothes.

She was wearing a white dress, but before singing this song, she changed into a red dress.

The corset style perfectly accentuated her slender waist and perfectly highlighted her oriental feminine temperament.

In comparison, Gu Huaian seems a bit casual...

And their performance was just like that.


When it came to the song the two of them sang together, according to statistics, the peak ratings of the night came quietly.

The comment area of ​​the live broadcast room is buzzing with comments:

"I'm so exhausted that I have to stay up late during the Chinese New Year. Is it easy just for the two of them?"

"Who wouldn't? When I saw the program list, I knew I wouldn't get enough sleep tonight..."

"No, who's nice enough to go to bed before ten o'clock on New Year's Eve? I'm still playing mahjong here!"

"I'm playing cards!"

"The labor and management are swimming!"

"Did I say anything about labor and management's outdoor winter swimming?!"

"Compared to that, right? Let's go swimming in the winter in Harbin, which is dozens of degrees below zero!"


The Xiu'er crowd was very reluctant, but the studio at the Spring Festival Gala live broadcast was quite quiet.

After Gu Huaian and Pei Jingshu's performance numbers were announced by the host, the lights gradually dimmed, creating a sense of atmosphere. When the camera zoomed in, Gu Huaian's figure appeared in the center of the stage.

At this moment, Gu Huaian took off the festive red suit jacket he had worn before, and was wearing black trousers and a shirt. It is worth mentioning that he tucked the hem of the shirt into his trousers, and also tied a pair Wearing a pure black tie, the cuffs and collar were not open, which made him look very formal and business-like.

Of course, it's also very neat.

On the dark stage, there was only a spotlight on him, which made him feel quite impressive.

It is worth mentioning that Gu Huaian didn't look like he was suffering from the "Social Bullshit Syndrome" like in the previous two games. All the restlessness seemed to have left him at this moment. He seemed very calm, able to sink into the atmosphere of the scene.

To be honest, if Gu Huaian was as excited as before and shouted "Friend on the left!", then it would be really inconsistent, right?

"Dong dong..."

The melody entered the main song node, and Gu Huaian sang softly under the guitar melody:

"Give you a CD from the past..."

"Listen to back then."

"Sometimes I suddenly forget..."

"I'm still in love with you."


"Pa bang bang..."

All I can say is that he is indeed Gu Huaian. The moment he opened his mouth, many in the audience couldn't help but raise their hands and applaud, applauding and cheering.

This is Gu Huaian's first time attending the Spring Festival Gala this year. Basically, the audience here is not ordinary people. For such a "new face", even if Gu Huaian is famous, they may not be very supportive.

But there is no way, who made Gu Huaian's song "Young China" just so shocking? He sang the youthful vigor and sharpness vividly, and also conveyed the strong sense of national pride and the spirit of home and country to many people. people……

In the scene just now, he has conquered everyone, and "Wishful" was also written by him. Who knows, everyone who realizes this, can they not support him at this moment?

What's more...

Gu Huaian's singing is really solid!

Mingming just sang "Young Chinese Story", his voice was so loud, it seemed like it could penetrate the sky...

Now I'm singing "Because of Love". It only has a few choruses, but it's so low and magnetic that it's very attractive!

Absolutely amazing!


Even more amazing is Pei Jingshu who comes next...

"I can never sing a song like that again..."

"When I hear it, I will blush and avoid it."

"Although I often forget..."

"I still love you."


Somehow, when Pei Jingshu raised her voice, many people subconsciously got goosebumps on their bodies.

Looking back later, they will find many details from Gu Huaian...

Pei Jingshu has a very bright voice. When singing this song "Because of Love", she also used weak voice, breathy voice, nasal resonance, cranial resonance... and other singing techniques. Because of this, the voice will be very loud when it comes out. Attractive.

But Gu Huaian's singing was so low that he could just be a green leaf, perfectly setting off Pei Jingshu's voice.

Just like you were looking at a piece of green grass and suddenly discovered a beautiful flower, the feeling will be very different!

It is worth mentioning that Pei Jingshu was standing behind Gu Huaian. Because the lights had just been turned off and the only spotlight was on Gu Huaian, many people did not notice her.

When she sang, the lights would also shine on her. The gorgeous dress she wore was very beautiful. With the lighting, her flawless face and slender figure were perfectly displayed in an instant. In front of all the audience!

At that time, the barrage was full of comments:


Many people are always impressed by Pei Jingshu's beauty!

Every time she changes her clothes, she creates a trend. The words "The God of Beauty Comes" really seem to be tailor-made for her!

Of course, there is another point that must be mentioned here, that is, Gu Huaian was originally in good condition, but when Pei Jingshu sang, the corners of his mouth involuntarily raised, and he almost stopped talking!

"Ah ha ha……"

"Gu Huaian: I'm holding it in very hard!"

"I feel like he really wants to laugh. Either he thinks it's funny, he just feels happy..."

"Ahh! I admire you so much!"

Singing with Pei Jingshu seems to be a very happy thing for Gu Huaian, but the singing atmosphere of "Because of Love" requires a more serious atmosphere, and the Spring Festival Gala stage is more serious, so he can't laugh...


It’s very funny for the audience!

Of course, envy is real envy. Who doesn’t know about the relationship between Gu Huaian and Pei Jingshu, and who doesn’t know that they sang on the same stage...

have! many! sweet!

I just feel a little sorry for Gu Huaian. Some people couldn't help but say:

"I don't know how this stage is designed. Why are they one behind the other? Can't they sing duet?"

At this time, someone came out to explain and said:

"This is the Spring Festival Gala, not their wedding!"

As soon as these words came out...



A group of people were literally laughing to their death.

Yes, the Spring Festival Gala is all about performances. It would be nice to arrange the same performance for the two of them, but what about bicycles!

"Because of love, you will not be sad easily..."

Pei Jingshu started to walk and started to move forward.

Wearing a red dress, she slowly walked down the steps set up on the stage. It would be an exaggeration to say that lotus flowers bloomed every step of the way, but her steps were indeed small, and even when she walked, she looked like a goddess.

"So everything looks happy..."

He probably couldn't hold back any longer. Gu Huaian always suppressed laughter and the corners of his mouth trembled easily, making it look like he had a twitch in his mouth. He didn't want the "Crooked Mouth Dragon King" to be on the hot search tomorrow...

So simply, Gu Huaian grinned.

And when he sang the lyrics "The Look of Happiness" with a grin, it unexpectedly fit the scene quite well.

"Because of love, simple growth..."

Pei Jingshu's voice tonight is really amazing. You can feel that her voice is very delicate, like silk threads, wrapping around your heart one after another.

"I can still go crazy for you at any time!"

Gu Huaian was still standing there, and after Pei Jingshu walked down the steps, she was slowly walking towards him.

Maybe because he knew Pei Jing would come over, the smile on Gu Huaian's face became stronger, and the lyrics he sang were indeed quite romantic, so...


Although this is not a place for sugar-coating, countless netizens in the comment area are still in a mess!

The banner of "Pei Ban takes care of CP" has been raised again!

someone said:

"Gu Huaian walked towards Pei Jingshu like this before!"

Many people don't understand this, but most of the old fans of "Pei Ban takes care of CP" know it.

Many people remember when Pei Jingshu invited Gu Huaian as a guest singer during the singing session of "Singer of the Times". When they sang the popular song "Under the Flying Clouds" together, Gu Huaian walked towards Pei Jing from behind like this. Lady.

Now, the positions of the two people may have been reversed, but they are still moving towards each other!

Even though so many things happened, even though they fell into a deep whirlpool this year and almost couldn't get out, no one of them was far away from each other.

As Gu Huaian sang:

"I can still go crazy for you at any time!"


Realizing this, many viewers couldn't help but get goosebumps.

This is not because I moved myself, but because this song "Because of Love" moved them so deeply.

No one is more suitable to interpret this song "Because of Love" than this year's Pei Jingshu and Gu Huaian. In this song, everyone can hear their attitudes towards each other.

Although this song is not as ups and downs as any of Gu Huaian's previous works, and is even a bit dull, but sometimes, isn't it true that plainness is the truth?

Who stipulates that love must have its ups and downs? !

Perhaps for Gu Huaian and Pei Jingshu, who had just reunited after experiencing such a big storm this year, their love was indeed a bit too tortuous, so the artistic conception of this song became a kind of expectation for them.

One, expectations for the future;

Looking forward to the continuation of their love.

This is what impresses everyone the most!

"Because of love, how can there be vicissitudes of life?"

At this time, Pei Jingshu had already walked up to Gu Huaian. Gu Huaian, who was neatly dressed in a black suit, and Pei Jingshu, who was extremely beautiful in a red dress, gave people the feeling at this moment that...

Talented man and beautiful woman!

Golden boy!

It’s so right!

They, under the watchful eyes of the whole country, sang this song "Because of Love"!

"So we are still young..."

Gu Huaian stopped pretending and showed his cards directly. Not only did he look at Pei Jingshu, he also held her hand.

"Because of love, in that place..."

Winter in the capital is very cold, and this is the first time Pei Jingshu has spent time with Gu Huaian.

Being held by him seems to have become a habitual action, at least Pei Jingshu is used to it.

Before the performance, whether it was rehearsals, rehearsals, or even at home, they had rehearsed the song "Because of Love" many times. They were completely familiar with the song, so no matter what they did at this moment, they would not forget it. Mistakes like words...

You can hold hands and look at each other casually.

It is worth mentioning that even though they have rehearsed countless times, as far as Pei Jingshu and Gu Huaian are concerned, they have never felt as good as they did today.

They were all looking into each other's eyes, and their eyes were full of love!

"There are still people wandering around there..."

Gu Huaian and Pei Jingshu held hands and looked at each other, almost word for word. They sang those words together:



"Pa bang bang..."

One stage came to an end, and all kinds of shouts and applause continued.

Many colleagues at the scene looked at Pei Jingshu and Gu Huaian on the stage with some admiration.

It is said that Gu Huaian is the new king of the music world, and Pei Jingshu is the new little queen. They have been famous for a long time, but there are still many people who have not heard their live performances.

Listening to their concerts live is clearer than watching live broadcasts on mobile phones and TV, and the shock it brings will be more intuitive.

At the scene, you can clearly feel the love in their eyes when they look at each other, and you can also fully feel the compatibility of their voices and the sensory stimulation brought by the high-intensity sound pressure!

At this moment, all the audience members had the same feeling:

"This king of heaven and queen deserves her reputation!"

Of course, the song that deserves its name is "Because of Love". I feel that this song will definitely become the best song of this year's Spring Festival Gala... no, a golden song!

It’s funny to say that the three songs Gu Huaian contributed to the Spring Festival Gala tonight are really better than the last!

Many people originally thought that "Young Chinese Story" and "Wishful" were of high enough quality, but this song "Because of Love" actually subverted their perceptions again!

Sure enough, Gu Huaian always hides so deeply!

"Give you a CD from the past..."

"Listen to our love at that time."

"Sometimes I suddenly forget..."

When the prosperity ends, when the singing ends, when the applause and shouts fade away.

Gu Huaian and Pei Jingshu held hands, holding microphones, facing the camera and the national audience.

They sang:

"I'm still in love...with..."


The most detailed part of a song is always the ending. When the voices of Gu Huaian and Pei Jingshu overlap again, the last word "you" really resonates in the heart.

And at the end of their performance...

"Pa bang bang..."


The scene was filled with applause and cheers.

I have to say that Pei Jingshu and Gu Huaian really conquered all the audiences with their strength tonight!

The barrage is also crazy:

"I love this song so much!"

"Not just me, my parents also say it's nice to be old!"

"It's not hard to imagine that tomorrow's hot searches will be all about them..."

Gu Huaian's songs often have an audience. Currently, the audience for many works is young people. There are also many fans of a certain age, but there are not as many as young people.

Young love is not what many middle-aged people like.

On the other hand, the three songs tonight, "Young Chinese Story", "As You Wish", and "Because of Love", the styles of the three songs are really suitable for all age groups.

There is no need to say much about the first two songs. There is no choice in terms of connotation, meaning, lyrics, melody...etc.

On the contrary, it is "Because of Love". Although this song is about love, the feeling of quietly "telling love" makes people feel very mature and warm.

On the contrary, it can evoke the feeling of love between some parents and even grandparents.


It is not difficult to imagine that starting tomorrow, Gu Huaian and Pei Jingshu will dominate the headlines on various platforms again!

Of course, after tonight, their "nationality" will definitely improve!

But to be honest, Gu Huaian is not lacking in the aspect of "nationality". After all, during "Crystal Love Season", he became popular by relying on his "down-to-earth spirit", and he has always adopted this persona.

On the other hand, Pei Jingshu will definitely benefit a lot from this...

Speaking of which, Pei Jingshu is more like a winner in life than Gu Huaian tonight.

The two songs "As You Wish" and "Because of Love" simply don't make her look like a "little diva". She is a proper "complete heyday" diva who can control the scene by herself!

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