Participating in a love show, this little guy is too down-to-earth

Chapter 376 He can’t hold it in any longer! Kissing by the lake is trending!

Pei Jingshu has known Gu Huaian for two years, but she has never seen Gu Huaian as "honest" as he is today.

As for where this "honesty" is embodied, it's not just everything during the day, but also at night...

When staying at his house, this old man refused to have a room by himself. For a few days, Gu's mother was afraid that he would delay Pei Jingshu's rest, so she discussed with Gu Zhun and asked Gu Zhun to sleep on the sofa to free up the room for Gu Huaian...

But even so, Gu Huaian could still touch Pei Jingshu's room at night.

He is such a person who will not be "honest" even if he is beaten to death.

However, when he arrived at Pei Jingshu's house, he was as honest as a student. He went to rest when the time came and refused to stay up late. He didn't say a word about whether Pei Jingshu should "leave the door open" for him. I went back to my room and lay down to sleep, as if this never happened.

Pei Jingshu was so happy that when she asked Gu Huaian if he had slept well the next morning, she specifically asked him why he didn't ask her to leave the door.

Gu Huai installed it like this, one by one:

"Why are you leaving the door open? What are you talking about? Why can't I understand?"

Pei Jingshu: "(¬_¬)Aim"

It's hard to imagine that the childish guy who was angry that he would go out and stay in a hotel on the first day of the new year if he didn't leave the door open for him that night could say such a thing.

What made Pei Jingshu even more dumbfounded was that Gu Huaian got up very early this morning, exercised for a while, and even went to help Pei's mother make breakfast...

That’s called diligence!

Pei Jingshu couldn't help but said:

"I really don't know you anymore."

Gu Huaian shrugged and said that it would be shameful for you not to be attentive to your girlfriend's parents when she came to her home for the first time...

As for Pei Jingshu, although she is not used to Gu Huaian like this, after all, this guy doesn't bother her anymore at night, and she can rest for a few days after a long time...

Otherwise, it will be the same as that time a year ago, sleeping late every night and feeling listless the next day.

Gu Huaian and Pei Jingshu have been staying at Pei Jingshu's house these days. They have no work arrangements before the fifteenth day of the first lunar month. Basically, the assistant comes to pick them up after the fifteenth day, so they can spend time with the two elders recently. .

It is worth mentioning that Father Pei likes Gu Huaian very much. Recently, he has time during the annual vacation. When he has nothing to do, he takes Gu Huaian out for a walk, playing ball or something...

Father Pei is a man who loves sports. His physical fitness is very good, which is not what he should be at this age. He is basically proficient in badminton, table tennis, basketball, and football. The temperature was not that low on the afternoon of the 13th. He also took Gu Huaian to a nearby swimming pool for a swim.

Winter swimming!

That is to say, Gu Huaian also exercises regularly, and he can't sit still. He has a good physique, otherwise it is not certain whether he can keep up with Father Pei's rhythm.

Sometimes Gu Huaian couldn't help but sigh, thinking that now that his uncle was old, he must be one of the most handsome old men even in the park.

In comparison, Pei's mother looks very elegant and luxurious. She reads books at home when she has nothing to do, occasionally goes out to meet friends for afternoon tea, and takes her daughter to shopping malls.

In fact, Gu Huaian also felt that Pei's father and Pei's mother looked like he and Pei Jingshu were from two different worlds, but they were very loving. Although Pei's mother often disliked her husband, their relationship seemed to be very good. Whenever Pei's mother is angry, Pei's father will bow his head and admit his mistake. He is also a "responsible" head of the family.

Speaking of Pei's mother, I feel that my aunt is really like a lady who comes from a big family. Gu Huaian was not very nervous when he met his uncle for the first time. When he first met his aunt, his hands were shaking so nervously that he almost made a fuss when he spoke. .

Of course, after a few days of getting to know each other, you will definitely stop talking. Gu Huaian gets to know people easily.

Although it was only for a few days, he got along quite well with his father and mother Pei.

Of course, they don't stay at home every day. Occasionally, Gu Huaian and Pei Jingshu will go to a party or something, such as Pei Jingshu's class reunion or friend's party.

Generally, class reunions and hair gatherings will not be postponed until the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, but whoever keeps the big star Pei Jingshu away from home knows that she will come back this year, because it is worth the delay for her.

When he was in his hometown, Gu Huaian took Pei Jingshu to a party. Pei Jingshu would definitely not abandon Gu Huaian. Their relationship was already known to everyone...

Even classmates and friends really wanted to meet Gu Huaian, and they expressed a lot of good impressions of Gu Huaian during the group chat.

However, it turns out that Pei Jingshu still underestimated the "love" of Gu Huaian among her classmates and friends.

"Wow! Is it really Gu Huaian?!"

"Oh my god, he is more handsome in person than in the video..."

"Wow, I always like your songs, I play them on repeat every day!"

Several female friends surrounded Gu Huaian when he first arrived at the private room where he was eating. They were holding their mobile phones and taking pictures, asking for autographs and taking photos. They were chattering with excitement!

Do you think your male friends won’t be excited?


They are more excited than their female friends!

It's just that they can't push the girls away...


"Hello, hello, hello..."

"thanks, thanks."

Gu Huaian was quite flattered by this, but it was not like he had never met fans offline, so he could get used to such a scene.

One thing to mention is that Gu Huaian took Pei Jingshu to attend classmates and small gatherings at home. The big star Pei Jingshu was always popular, but it was him, because they were familiar with each other, so his friends didn't seem to be too enthusiastic...

This made Gu Huaian sometimes wonder if he was also a big star.

Then today, I attended the party with Pei Jingshu, which just highlighted this point. Gu Huaian also experienced a "star addiction"...

emmm... It seems that Gu Huaian also has this addiction. He is a well-known star in his own right.

It is worth mentioning that they welcomed Gu Huaian so much, but instead ignored Pei Jingshu, making Pei Jingshu feel like an outsider. At this moment, Pei Jingshu felt what Gu Huaian felt at that time.

Gu Huaian was also like the protagonist at the party. Several male friends kept staring at Gu Huaian during the meal, which made Gu Huaian jealous, but Gu Huaian could feel that there was no other meaning in their eyes, it was pure admiration...

You can tell who is the "true fan" here. There are often similar competitions below the comment area of ​​Gu Huaian's related videos:

"Gu Huaian is a female fan!"

"Fart, he's obviously a fan, that's my brother!"

Today we finally found out, men are still single-minded...

Because of their enthusiasm, Gu Huaian accompanied Pei Jingshu to the party without any embarrassment. He was just short of being "celebrated".

After having a few drinks, someone wanted to hear Gu Huaian sing, so Gu Huaian temporarily joined the class and sang "Tenderness".

There was a big chorus in the private room. During the meal, the brothers next door heard that Gu Huaian was here and came over to say hello and propose a glass of wine...

Then an interesting thing happened. When they went to check out after the meal, the friend who was in charge of the check came back and told them that the bill had been settled. It seemed that it was settled by the fan who came to toast just now.

So the meal became Gu Huaian's "invitation" for a long time, and Pei Jingshu's friends all benefited from it.


Gu Huaian and Pei Jingshu looked at each other and smiled, looking a little helpless.

In fact, this is not the first time they have experienced something like this being paid for by others. After all, they are well-known celebrities, and they can easily be recognized when eating in crowded places.

People in some places are just hospitable. For example, when you were in Gu Huaian's hometown, they had others secretly foot the bill at least five or six times...

There are many big brothers like this in Northeast and Shandong. They are the kind who can really pay for their favorite celebrities.

The key point is that people do good deeds without leaving their name. You can't even find their phone number. As for thanking you, you can only mention it casually when posting tweets, weibo updates, or editing copy.

It was evening when they returned from the party. They didn't drive when they went there. Pei's mother took them there on the way when she went out. When she came back, she was taken back by a female friend.

"It's a bit cold, be careful."

Gu Huaian drank again. Although Pei Jingshu was used to it, she still didn't like her boyfriend drinking.

"it's okay no problem."

Gu Huaian waved his hands carelessly. He drank red wine, so he actually didn't smell much.


The cold wind kept blowing. After the New Year, the temperature in the Suzhou area has warmed up, but it will still be cold after the sun goes down. Because the local temperature is not too low, Pei Jingshu was wearing very thin clothes, and she couldn't help but shiver when the cold wind blew. Shivering.

Gu Huaian took off the scarf and tied it around Pei Jingshu's neck...

Pei Jingshu naturally held Gu Huaian's arm, and the two walked from the gate of the community to home. This section of the road was actually a bit far. The red wine had a strong stamina, and Gu Huaian wanted to take a rest halfway through...

So they sat on a seat near the artificial lake in the community.

In winter, even here in Suzhou, not many people come out at night. There are no people in the community, except for the occasional security guard who passes by on patrol.


Seeing that no one was around, Gu Huaian lay down on Pei Jingshu's lap out of boredom. Even though he was wearing pants, it was quite comfortable to lie on his girlfriend's lap.

Pei Jingshu chuckled, raised her slender white hands to pinch Gu Huaian's face, and said:

"Don't pretend?"

At home these days, Gu Huai has put on the appearance of a "good son-in-law", let alone a scumbag, he rarely touches her.

In the past, even if we were at his house, we would sneak into the room to sleep together at night, but these days we have been separated...

In front of friends, he always maintains the image of "Big Star Gu Huaian" and always pretends to be like that.

There is no one around now, and this guy finally stopped pretending...

"What is pretending..."

Gu Huaian closed his eyes and enjoyed the softness of Pei Jingshu's legs, and also lightly smelled the body fragrance on her body. Just lying down on his back felt unsatisfactory, so he simply turned over...

He leaned his face towards Pei Jingshu's belly.

"Don't... itch."

Under the pale street light, Pei Jingshu's delicate and pretty face suddenly turned red. Even though she was separated by clothes, she was surprised that this guy pressed against her belly and she didn't feel itchy.

Gu Huaian pretended not to understand anything and rubbed it a few more times...




Pei Jingshu wanted to stop her, but she didn't have the strength in her hands. When Gu Huaian looked at her face, he found that she was blushing terribly...


Maybe it was alcohol. Gu Huaian swallowed, then sat up and slowly moved closer to Pei Jingshu.


When the mouth touches the mouth, there is only a touch but no sound.

Pei Jingshu did not widen her eyes because she knew very well that Gu Huaian would kiss her. Speaking of which, they had not kissed since they were sent home, and she was not used to it for a while...

Gu Huaian finally showed his cards and stopped pretending...

Look at his hands?

He just kept digging into Pei Jingshu's clothes, completely ignoring whether there would be air-conditioning entering with his dirty hands.

This late at night, right next to the artificial lake in this community, two A-list stars, kings and queens kissed passionately...

"Click, click, click..."

In the distance, on the mountain, the light of a camera flashed.

Early the next morning, the two of them were on the hot search:

“ # Gu Huaian and Pei Jingshu secretly kissed under the streetlight when no one was around! # ”

Gu Huaian doesn't have a long memory. He was photographed every time he went out in anger on the first day of the new year. Not to mention that last night he and Pei Jingshu were seated by the lake in such an empty place without even a cover. Chair kissing!

They are celebrities, and paparazzi may take photos of them at any time. How can they kiss just by saying they are kissing outside? !

What’s funny is that the paparazzi’s copy actually said this:

"I heard that Gu Huaian was pretending to be a son-in-law at Pei Jingshu's house recently. He was playing ball and shopping with his uncle and aunt. He must have suppressed it now and stopped pretending to show off."

After reading this copy, Gu Huaian looked like this:

"I really bought a watch for you (beep beep beep beep)...(╬ ̄ dishes ̄)"

It's really hard to curse people directly!

"Ah!!! So sweet!"

In comparison, the netizens in the comment area went crazy, and the following related hot searches were full of hot comments:

"As expected of my most hated companion, Pei takes care of CP!"

"You two are serious about spreading sweets offline!"

"Ahhhh! It's a real couple and they're so cute!"

"Gu Huaian, have you always been this good?!"

Netizens don't know whether he is pretending to be a son-in-law or not, but they will definitely not miss the sweet message of "Pei Ban takes care of CP" and they will always keep talking about it.

The two of them are really sweet. Pei Jingshu went skiing with Gu Huaian and fell with him, which made many netizens go crazy. This time, they were directly photographed kissing!

There was even a discussion in the comment area that maybe "Little Gu Huaian" will come out in the future.

A group of people online are having fun eating melon...

But offline, Gu Huaian and Pei Jingshu were not having a good time...

Didn't that matter become a hot search, and the popularity was not low. Father Pei and Mother Pei also saw it, and the next day, which was the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, Father Pei and Mother Pei looked at their daughter and her boyfriend. Satisfied.

Pei's mother always smiled, but Pei's father was more direct. Gu Huaian helped serve the dishes during the meal. He hinted that it was normal for young people to be energetic...

One word almost made Gu Huai An's dish fall to the ground without holding it steady.


Pei Jingshu blushed so much that she wished she could find a crack in the ground and crawl in.

Father Pei is also a smart man, saying one by one:

"I said Xiao Gu is diligent, what's the problem?"


Pei Jingshu was really ashamed. As soon as she put down her chopsticks, she turned around and left without even eating breakfast.

But Gu Huaian, this old man is so thick-skinned, he really had the courage to finish the meal...

But to be honest, it was a bit embarrassing. After all, the online paparazzi said that he was "pretending" to be a good son-in-law at Pei Jingshu's house, okay?

"I won't let him block me..."

Gu Huaian almost made him angry.

It is worth mentioning that Pei Ya, the sister of Pei Jingshu’s manager, did not say much. On the one hand, she is used to it, but on the other hand, she is also...

Alas, she really didn't have the mind to care about Pei Jingshu recently.

During the Chinese New Year period, her parents were urging her to go on blind dates every day!

At first I saw one every few days, then one every day, and recently one every morning and every afternoon!

Sometimes she is helpless, even if her parents have such good connections, sometimes it is not a good thing...

Fortunately, after today, they will leave tomorrow on the 16th.

Maybe it was time for her departure. Even though she was shy about being photographed in the hot search for kissing, Pei Jingshu still didn’t get angry with her parents. In the evening, they all had a reunion dinner together and looked at the moon. Early the next morning, she was ready to leave early. .

"Say hello to your mother for us."

Before leaving, Pei's father and Pei's mother sent them to the car, and Pei's mother said this.

"Will do."

Gu Huaian nodded. Jiang Nuan and another assistant were taking his things. When his staff arrived, Gu Huaian looked like a star.


At this time, Father Pei came up and coughed slightly. Gu Huaian understood instantly and said:

"If we start a tour in a while, we will give tickets to my uncles and aunts. If you have time, you can go and play."

A man is a teenager until he dies. Father Pei is a person who loves music and occasionally follows trends. He likes Gu Huaian's music very much. Taking his wife to watch a concert with a young man seems to be a very romantic thing, so before I have expressed my desire to watch Gu Huai'an's concert...

In the next year, Gu Huaian will go on tour. This is no secret. Gu Huaian doesn't understand his uncle's hint?


Pei's father had an expression that said "a child can be taught", nodded and said to Pei Jingshu:

"Jingshu, when you have nothing to do, take Xiao Gu here to play."


Pei Jingshu glanced at her father helplessly, wondering why her father and Gu Huaian seemed to have a lot in common?

She had talked about this with her mother before, but her mother didn’t comment on the two of them with a “common language”, but with:

"We smell like each other!"

Pei Jingshu wanted to laugh when she thought of this...

But now I couldn't laugh very much, instead I was a little teary.

Girls have stronger empathy. After all, before leaving, she is busy with work and does not stay home often. She may be gone for a year and a half, and sometimes she will not be able to come back for the New Year. Of course she will be sad before leaving.

She was feeling better before getting in the car. After getting in the car, after the car started and drove away, her tears flowed out uncontrollably...

Pei Jingshu felt so broken when she cried, which always made people feel distressed. Gu Huaian had no choice but to hug her and rub her head as if to comfort her.

This year...

It's finally over.

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