In May, Gu Huaian's solo tour kicked off in his hometown of Quancheng. The venue was not big, with less than 20,000 people in it, but the audience was very enthusiastic, and they were in high spirits almost from start to finish...

That is to say, from May until the end of the year, Gu Huaian basically held concerts.

Either I'm having a concert or I'm on the way to a concert.

In the meantime, they did other things. For example, in June, Gu Huaian and Pei Jingshu were invited to participate in the Golden Melody Awards. As the undisputed king of the domestic entertainment industry, Gu Huaian almost won the best composer, composer, and lyricist awards. , producer, best singer, best new artist...etc. all awards.

On the day of the award ceremony, a song by Gu Huaian really started playing every now and then. As soon as Gu Huaian went down, he came up again after a while, repeating the cycle several times!

At the beginning, the first time I went on stage to receive an award, I gave a convincing speech. The second time it was okay. The third time, I was a little bit confused about what to say. By the fourth and fifth time, I said one or two sentences. Just went down...

After that, I really have no words. I can only say "thank you" and that's it.

"Ha ha……"

Many colleagues and fans at the scene were entertained. He was the only one who had nothing to say in his acceptance speech, but Gu Huaian.

Tonight, that person is Gu Huaian. If anyone else wins so many awards, he will definitely be questioned as a shady person. It is said that it is the Golden Melody Award held by his family...

Of course, Gu Huaian did not round up all the works. For example, the Best Song Award was not awarded to Gu Huaian, but to Pei Jingshu and her "Meeting".

Well, yes, this song was also written by Gu Huaian, so strictly speaking, "Bao Yuan'er" is not wrong.

Fans couldn't help but lament that the only one who could defeat Gu Huaian was Gu Huaian himself or his girlfriend!

On the night of the Golden Melody Awards, Gu Huaian also made a lot of hot searches, mainly because this wave was really interesting. There was no such exaggeration in the history of the Golden Melody Awards that almost all the awards were won by one person...

The same goes for Gu Huaian. If you don’t win any prizes, there won’t be any. Once you win the prize, you will get so many...

In the past, when he went to various programs, some introduced masterpieces, some introduced people who won awards, but he always had nothing to introduce in the awards column; but since going to the Golden Melody Awards, every time he appeared on the program, if there were awards introduced, then I can’t even introduce them all.

What an exaggeration!

When the Golden Melody Awards came back, Gu Huaian's concert was held all the way back to Su Zhou. It is worth mentioning that Gu Huaian reserved tickets for each of his concerts for his family, friends, and Pei Jingshu's parents and friends. In this regard Father Pei was quite satisfied and praised Gu Huaian a lot.

During the local performance in Suzhou, Gu Huaian sang a relatively rock song called "Swing Together". This song was very rock-heavy and suited Pei's father's taste. After the performance, Gu Huaian was even invited to his home for dinner alone by Pei's father. This was the first time that Gu Huaian went to Pei Jingshu's house for dinner when she was away.

It is worth mentioning that because he drank too much that day, the high-speed rail time was delayed the next morning, so Gu Huaian was forced to buy a station ticket for the high-speed rail...

This must be Gu Huaian's first time buying a standing ticket, but it certainly won't be the last.

During the National Day in October, his tour went all the way to Shanghai. There were too many people during the tourist season, and he couldn't get a ticket at the moment, so he was forced to choose a standing ticket...

At that time, there was a video circulating on the Internet that was suspected of bumping into Gu Huaian in the aisle of the high-speed train. At first, some people said that this was definitely not Gu Huaian. The big star must have been in a business class seat on the high-speed train. No matter how bad it was, he had to have a seat. How could he be squatting in the aisle with him? Like begging for food?

But the fact is that it was indeed Gu Huaian. Afterwards, Gu Huaian posted a special post, lamenting the number of people traveling during the festival and lamenting his own misery...

The copy even says:

"I've never been this miserable before when I was a trainee!"

This matter even became a hot search topic...

"a ha ha ha……"

Countless fans and audiences are laughing their heads off. Who dares to think that a music king, a popular artist, and an A-list star who has been touring for nearly a year since the beginning, has no seat on the high-speed train and squats in the aisle? !

[Ding, the host's grounding energy has been exposed, and the reward points are +10086! 】

The tour lasted from the beginning of the year to the end of the year, and the finale was back to the capital. At that time, it was almost the end of December in the solar year, and the damn weather in the capital had returned to below zero. After the tour, Gu Huaian felt like It's quite tiring, but speaking of enthusiasm, it hasn't cooled down with the weather...

He visited many cities along the way and met many people and fans. The fans in several cities were so enthusiastic that he was forced to temporarily add a show the next day, and there were countless things like encores. There were several times. They were even fined for exceeding the time limit.

That is to say, Jing'an Media, where he works now, is his own company. Anyone who is still affiliated with the company will have to let the company cause trouble for him...

Of course, the reason why Gu Huaian remains enthusiastic is also because this last scene is in the Bird's Nest!

The Bird's Nest is a venue that can accommodate 100,000 people. It is actually a bit exaggerated to say 100,000 people. The location of the stage requires space and enough aisles. The official data is only 91,000 people, let alone In reality.

That's probably more than 80,000 people.

But even so, this is the most crowded place along Gu Huaian's journey!

And this day, he chose New Year’s Eve!

New Year's Eve, a tradition that has only gradually emerged in recent years, is actually the Gregorian New Year. Young people like to celebrate this festival, go shopping, and count down to the new year...

And if I could count down to Gu Huaian's concert on New Year's Eve, then I would be truly happy!

It is worth mentioning that the tickets for the concert at the Bird's Nest were sold at an exaggerated price and were sold out within 10 seconds!

Maybe it's because of the good reputation he has accumulated along the way. Gu Huaian's concert tickets have never been worried about selling. They are basically sold out in seconds, and almost every venue is full. The attendance rate of each concert has reached 100%, which is terrifyingly high. .

Even though the tour has been going on for a year, there are still many fans online saying that they didn’t get enough to see it, they didn’t get tickets, and so on.

What's more, it directly stimulated Gu Huaian and said:

"Who is Gu Huaian? Some unknown and unpopular star? If you have the ability, come to the opening concert to see your capabilities."

That was the abacus. Gu Huaian heard it when he was squatting in the high-speed rail aisle!

So recently, Mother Jiang has really been telling Gu Huaian that if it doesn't work, she can continue touring next year.

Domestic this year, maybe go abroad next year. Mother Jiang did a survey in the middle of the year and found that Gu Huaian is also very popular in foreign markets. Many Chinese students among them also want to watch Gu Huaian’s concert. If they drive there, I guess I won’t have to worry about selling tickets.

"talk later……"

Gu Huaian waved his hand and said that he had been singing for a whole year. To be honest, he was a little tired. Whether he wants to go on a foreign tour depends on how well he rests next year.

Go when you're well rested, and take a break for half a year if you're not in good shape.

Anyway, after this whole year of touring, Gu Huaian also made a lot of money.

And the last scene must be sung well...

On New Year's Eve, Gu Huaian and more than 80,000 spectators gathered in the Bird's Nest stadium as scheduled.


"Gu Huaian! Gu Huaian! Gu Huaian!"

The whole audience had been shouting Gu Huaian's name before he came on the stage. Having held so many concerts, Gu Huaian also accumulated rich experience. In the past, he would worry about which song to open with. He was always reluctant to open with a good song and wanted to save it. The exciting part in the middle, I don’t have to think about it a lot of the time, just use it casually...

For example, today, Gu Huaian was directly at the beginning of "Reverse War".


As soon as the sound of the electric guitar came out at the scene, the whole place immediately became excited!


Then Gu Huaian jumped up on the lifting platform in an "Ultraman appearance" manner!

Let me tell you something, although Gu Huaian has many excellent works nowadays, "Reverse War" is still the best song to ignite the scene, okay!

It was the last performance. Even though his singing voice was a little tired, Gu Huaian still tried his best. He basically sang all the popular songs and was full of sincerity.

Occasionally joking with the audience in the front row of the infield is quite interesting, so that everyone who comes to watch his concert during the Chinese New Year will not suffer.

"Wow, I really envy you..."

It is worth mentioning that after Gu Huaian sang a popular song "Summer" in winter, he sat on the piano, holding the warm baby in his hands, looking like he was shivering from the cold, and he did not forget to interact with the audience.


The audience burst out laughing. Gu Huaian, no matter how famous he is, has never changed. By the way, this is the first time they have seen a celebrity holding a warm baby...

At that time, the big screen showed a lot of people, including many couples. Some of the people who came to watch the concert did come by themselves, but they were very few. Many of them came with their female (male) friends.

"Why are you all in love with each other?"

Gu Huaian was holding a warm baby in his hand, wearing some exaggerated clothes, sitting in front of the piano that he had spent a lot of money to rent, shivering from the cold...

MD On New Year's Eve, the coldest night in Beijing was over ten degrees below zero. It must have been below zero by now. Gu Huaian was wearing thin clothes. Just like that, the whole audience sang without being out of tune or out of tune, except for the slightly heavy vibrato. Outside of control, there is almost nothing wrong with it.

Not bad, okay!

"Ha ha……"

The audience laughed, and some even gloated and cheered.

This year, Pei Jingshu seems to be in her "flowering period". From the beginning to the end of the year, whenever she appears in the audience's field of vision, she must look like a "god of beauty has come". Therefore, her career has ushered in a period of full-scale explosion. All kinds of high-end endorsements are available, and any guest appearance on a show can lead to skyrocketing ratings!

In the second half of the year, Gu Huaian created a personal album tailored for Pei Jingshu. Several songs in it, such as "Lost Sandbank", "Short Hair", "Forever Young", "Clouds and Smoke Turn into Rain", and "A Dream" are all popular. The fire is a mess!

Because of this, Pei Jingshu was forced to start a concert in the second half of the year, because the fans were so enthusiastic that news calling for her to hold a concert even topped the trending search...

Because of this, Pei Jingshu was so busy in the second half of the year, which made her complain to Gu Huaian every time they met, saying that it was because he wrote his songs so well that she was so busy and tired.

Gu Huaian, who took the blame, looked unjust. Why the hell is there anyone who dislikes the song? ? ?

Having said that, although they were both very busy, the two of them met frequently, mainly because Gu Huaian had to fly to Pei Jingshu's place whenever he had some free time after a concert.

He even went as a guest at the first stop of Pei Jingshu's tour in the second half of the year, when he was in the magical city of Shanghai.

The song "Stubborn" was being sung at that time. When Gu Huaian opened his mouth, the whole audience was shouting so loudly that they became inhumane. It is said that several people even fainted...

Of course, Pei Jingshu doesn't just like Gu Huaian going there, it's mainly because she is tired from her usual work. When Gu Huaian goes, she will definitely not have a good rest in those few days...

Later, she even avoided Gu Huaian, and once she played a trick and invited Gu Huaian to come when her relatives came, so as to satisfy Gu Huaian's resentment.

If there was a resentment value system, he would definitely have contributed a resentment value of 91X10086 at that time!

Ahem...that's too far off topic.

Let’s go back to the concert scene.

Pei Jingshu didn't have a concert today, but she probably wasn't there either. She was very busy, where would she have time to come?

During the Chinese New Year, Gu Huaian sang alone on the stage. Looking at the crowds below, there were probably tens of thousands of couples making love to each other. "Pei Ban takes care of CP" who usually spreads dog food like crazy, but Gu Huaian also had a day of eating dog food. It was really It made many viewers laugh...

"bring it on."

Gu Huaian shook his head and started playing the piano...

"Dong dong..."

Together with that silky and familiar melody...


The whole audience suddenly burst into cheers.

Because that song is called "Together No matter How Far Away".

It's a song from when Gu Huaian and Pei Jingshu were in a long-distance relationship...

At this moment, the audience suddenly understood why Gu Huaian suddenly mentioned Pei Jingshu just now. It turned out to be to make everyone think of it and sing this song.

"Ding ding dong dong..."

Gu Huaian was playing the piano in his hand, and the orange-red warm baby was placed on the white piano, which looked a little funny.

Everyone was originally looking forward to singing the song "Together No matter how far away" with Gu Huaian, but what was a little strange was that when the main song was about to come, Gu Huaian didn't seem to have any intention of opening his mouth to sing... …

And just at this time!


On both sides of the stage, from the stands on the high platform, a burst of screams suddenly erupted!


Many spectators in the "rich seats" in the infield were really confused, thinking to themselves, what do these poor people call themselves? !

How did they know that from the "poor position" they looked down on, from the high stands on both sides of the stage, they could just see the slim figure gradually rising on the stage!

It was at that time...

"I want to listen to the music you have heard..."

"I want to read the novel you have read..."

"I want to collect every moment, I want to see the world through your eyes."

The voice of a very recognizable female singer rang out from every speaker in this huge stadium, and accurately echoed in the ears of every audience!

Just the next moment!


The crowd of more than 80,000 people screamed crazy!

Because that voice is Pei Jingshu's voice!

"Good guy, I'm just a good guy!"

"So your kid is waiting here!"

"I said, why are you mentioning this all of a sudden?"

"It turns out we're going to show off our affection!"

"Haha... who just said that Gu Huaian eats dog food?"

This "surprise" came suddenly. Gu Huaian's tour lasted for a whole year. During this period, he also found some guests, but his "family member" Pei Jingshu was the only one who never came once.

There is no way, she is too busy, even if the two of them see each other often, it is difficult to get together at work.

They really didn't expect that at the last show of the tour, on this day in the Gregorian calendar year, at the Bird's Nest, Pei Jingshu would come to Gu Huaian's concert as a guest!

"Pei Ban takes care of CP" It's been a long time coming together, do you think they can't be excited?


Many people shouted until their voices became hoarse.

It is worth mentioning that today Pei Jingshu chose a white long dress with gold rims. More than a year has passed, and her long black hair has long since grown out. She is not fat this year. She is not thin, her body is still so well-proportioned, but for some reason, her temperament gives people a feeling of "reborn".

It seems to be getting more mature, and the delicate flowers have entered the real "flowering period".

Pei Jingshu in her Huaguduo stage was a well-deserved "famous face for domestic entertainment", and now it goes without saying. Just the appearance of that face on the big screen is enough for everyone to shout for several minutes without stopping.

"Let's welcome my girlfriend..."

At that time, Gu Huaian had a bit of a "treacherous plot succeeded" smile on his face, and he raised his hand while playing the piano...

No need for him to say anything, everyone in the audience shouted:

"Pei! Jing! Shu!"

Then, there were all kinds of ghosts crying and howling.

It happened to be the chorus, and Gu Huaian sang a "big chorus", and the whole audience sang together:

"I can get used to the long...distance."

"Love is always something you can't...have by yourself."

"I would rather, in another way, at least I can still love you from a distance..."

"Love overcomes distance!"

"No matter how far away we are...together!"

"You no longer exist in my world..." "Please don't leave, my... memories."


Many audience members got goosebumps while singing. Gu Huaian and Pei Jingshu on the stage sang two versions of "Together No matter how far away" respectively. Both were very nice, so they felt very satisfied and hearty when they sang together. !

"Ha ha……"

It is worth mentioning that I don’t know if it was because the atmosphere was so good that when I started to sing, I didn’t need to play the piano in the second half. During the interlude of the two sections, Gu Huaian stood up, took out the microphone and ran to Pei Jingshu’s side...

Momentary excitement!

He directly hugged Pei Jingshu's face and kissed her from the side!


At that time, the whole scene just exploded!

Pei Jingshu could still sing, but when he kissed her like this, her delicate and pretty face suddenly turned red, and she could only cover her mouth and turn her back to hide from the camera...

What's even worse is that someone filmed the scene when Gu Huaian kissed her face, and her expression was a bit ferocious!

Later, this matter became a hot search topic, called:

" # Gu Huaian transformed Pei Jingshu's face! # "

Hot comments from fans:

"Sister Pei: This is the only time in my life that I have been called ugly..."

"Gu Huaian's true fan said that he has sent him a washboard worth 100 yuan."

"I sent durian!"

"Ah ha ha……"

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