Participating in a love show, this little guy is too down-to-earth

Chapter 382 Want to get married? Two parents discuss life-long matters together!


Gu Huaian didn't say anything, he just pretended that nothing happened, as if he was taking care of Sister Xilin's face, and continued walking like this.

Even though he knew that if he was photographed like this, there might be another "storm", he still didn't let go of Xilin...

Xilin is a very face-conscious person, and Gu Huaian knows this very well. She can take care of everyone's feelings and always maintain her own face. Even if her feelings for Gu Huaian are so strong, she rarely expresses them face to face.

She really doesn't want much, just three meals a day, all year round, and a walk after meals, just like any couple on the street, living an ordinary life.

She was really good to Gu Huaian. She never asked Gu Huaian for anything, let alone any promises from Gu Huaian. She just paid silently and always said that she was always there...

It would seem too cruel for her to refuse just to hold hands with Gu Huaian.


Xilin, who noticed that Gu Huaian had noticed but did not expose it, seemed to let out a sigh of relief silently, and her whole body relaxed. Her body was so stiff just now...

Speaking of which, she didn't know what was going on with her. She was obviously no longer the kind of girl in her early twenties. She was already very familiar with Gu Huaian, and she could openly ask for his permission before doing this, but Gu Huaian She will definitely agree, she knows...

But she still secretly held his arm.

how to say……

Probably, she wanted to be more natural.

Asking for consent seems unnatural.

Although she is older than Gu Huaian, she is a little shorter than Gu Huaian, so when Xilin holds Gu Huaian's arm, she still feels a little bit like a little bird.

Quite a contrast.

But Xilin's heart was quite clear. Speaking of which, she really enjoyed the scene of the two of them walking arm in arm after dinner. It was a bit cold at Erhai Lake at night. She was not too thin, but her coat was buttoned. It doesn't look good, and it will be a bit cold if it's not buttoned up. She felt chilly all the way here just now...

But after holding Gu Huaian's arm, she felt much warmer, probably because of "joining the group to keep warm".

Gu Huaian is young after all. This kid is full of energy all day long, and he must have a lot of yang energy. At this moment, Xilin feels like a big furnace.

So warm!

Although Siren knew very well that she shouldn't think like this at this time, she still couldn't help but think that it would be nice if she could feel like this more often.

It was already late when he got home, around eight or nine o'clock. Gu Huaian thought that Xilin would clean up and go to bed when she got back. After all, he had the impression that Xilin would go to get ready for rest a little after eight-thirty...

But Xilin didn't seem to be sleepy at all. When Gu Huaian asked, she said that today was a bit unusual, she was in surprisingly good spirits, and she was inexplicably not sleepy.

She said this, but she knew very well in her heart that it was because Gu Huaian came to live here after a long absence...

They are quite busy at work. They came to stay this afternoon and will leave tomorrow morning.

Xilin has rarely seen Gu Huaian this year. As she originally thought, if they are not filming and have few activities, their offline contact will always be reduced.


It’s so easy to see each other once, it’s so easy for two people to stay together once, why not just stay a little longer.

Just for a while.

As for Gu Huaian, he wasn't sleepy anyway. Seeing that Sister Xilin had a guitar at home, he had nothing to do so he just practiced guitar for a while.

"Dong dong..."

The way he practiced the guitar was a bit showy. Xilin turned on the air conditioner, poured two cups of warm boiled water, placed one cup each for herself and Gu Huaian, and asked Gu Huaian in a funny way:

"If I ask you to sing a song now, does that mean you have to work overtime?"

The air conditioner next to the sofa is blowing hot air. There are many lights in the yard and it is shiny outside. In comparison, the light in the room is slightly dim. I just turned on a few yellow ambient lights...

Warm colors make people feel spiritually warm inexplicably.

"It depends on who you sing to..."

Gu Huaian shrugged and said sweetly.

For singers, after they sing every day and regard singing as a profession, whether they go to KTV with friends offline or are asked to sing a song at a party, it is basically a type of "overtime".

This is what happens when you turn your passion into a career.

But Gu Huaian, why has he ever been stingy about "working overtime"?

"Let me sing you an interlude from our company's new drama..."

Gu Huaian said:

"The song is called 'It's Always Quiet.'"

Mother Jiang, it was a big deal to catch Gu Huaian. Even if she was given a lot of scripts, she also asked Gu Huaian to write theme songs, interludes, etc. for the corresponding scripts...

Fortunately, when the system redeemed those scripts, it also gave away some OST. Otherwise, just redeeming those songs would have been a headache for Gu Huaian.


Xilin nodded, hugged the warm cup, wrapped the plush shawl around her body, and shrank slightly into the sofa, looking very casual.

It's evening, and I don't want to drink coffee or tea. It would be great to have red wine, but unfortunately I don't have any at home, so Xilin has no choice but to drink light water and listen to Gu Huaian's singing.

In this year, Gu Huaian didn't write many songs for himself. After the second album, this guy was just busy holding concerts. Occasionally, he was urged by fans, but he always said he would do it soon, but he didn't release new songs...

Xilin didn't expect that she could actually hear the first song of the new work.

On the contrary, I am deeply honored.

"Dong dong..."

The melody of the guitar sounded, and Gu Huaian played it quietly and sang quietly:

"Empty street scene..."

"I want to find someone to express my feelings for."

"Making this kind of decision..."

"It's loneliness and me that are neighbors."

"our love……"

"Scenery like the one you pass by."

"Always marching..."

"But the steps never stop for me."

This song is quite quiet, just like the title, from the melody to the singing, it is not boring at all, it is like a quiet talk, and it is quite picturesque.

But I don’t know why, but as she listened, Xilin’s brows slowly furrowed…

Why do you feel that the lyrics of this song are written... a bit like yourself?

This was not an illusion. Although Xilin did not hear some of the lyrics clearly, a few of them made her feel that the song was sung by her.

For example, the sentence "Always moving, but the steps never stop for me."

Also like the sentence "Making this kind of decision means being lonely next to me."

"This kind of decision", what kind of decision is it?

Is it because she disdains all the high-quality male resources around her and decides to wait silently in a place where Gu Huaian might not even see her?

Or was it the decision she made that year to "freeze her eggs"?

A few lyrics reminded her of many images, and the originally tasteless water in her hand slowly turned sour.

The chorus further confirmed her suspicion...

Gu Huaian sang:

"My love for you has always been quiet..."

"In exchange for the... care you occasionally give me."

"It's obviously a movie for three people..."

"But I still can't have a name."

Xilin had to admit that Gu Huaian was really good at writing and singing. When she first heard the title of the song, she heard "It's Always Quiet". Because Gu Huaian said it was a song written for the company's new drama, she also I thought this song had nothing to do with me. As for the content, it might resonate with the theme of their company’s new drama.

But who would have thought that this so-called "Always Quiet" turned out to be...

The love I give you has always been quiet.

It was her who gave Gu Huaian her love, which was always very quiet, in exchange for the few cares he would only give when he remembered her occasionally.

Realizing this, Xilin didn't know why, but she burst into tears...

The eye sockets gradually became moist.

As a professional actor and well-known movie queen, Xilin has strict control over her tears. She often decides whether to cry or not.

Because she cried a lot during filming, she was almost able to control her tears.

But now...

She even couldn't help crying.

This feeling……

It’s really been a long time.

"My love for you has always been quiet..."

"I was determined...from the beginning."

"I thought what I wanted was once..."

"But I found that love must have...response."

It's quite strange to sing about others from your own perspective. Gu Huaian doesn't like to be sensational, but he feels that there should be a song about Xilin.

Gu Huaian has written songs for many people, including "Little Lucky", "Meeting" and "Like You" for Pei Jingshu, and "Your Smile", "Secret Code" and "Shanshan" for Shang Zhuoyan, but... It seems that she is the only one who has never written a song for Siren.

Perhaps the song "Always Quiet" was not written by Gu Huaian specifically for Xilin, but was included in the script exchanged by the system. But no matter who among them listens to this song, they will hear points that resonate with their stories.

"My love for you has always been quiet..."

"Except for the tears on my face...willful."

"It turns out that fate is used to...explain!"

"You suddenly don't love me...this thing."

"Dong dong..."

When the last few chords fell, Gu Huaian moved his hand away from the guitar and glanced at Xilin not far away...

As far as he could see, Sirin's eyes were red, tears were falling down, and there were tear stains on her cheeks.


The air conditioner is still sending warm air, which makes people feel warm. The floor-to-ceiling windows in the living room isolate the cold night outside, and the warm-toned dim lights also give people a very warm feeling.

The dim yellow light reflects Xilin's pretty face that is very high-end and full of mature flavor...

She sat up, put down the water glass, wiped the tears on her face with her hand, then forced a smile and raised her jade hand...

"Pa bang..."

Clap your hands and applaud Gu Huaian.

she asked:

"Is it determined who this song is for?"

Gu Huaian said that this song is the OST of a drama. Generally, you don’t have to sing it yourself.

"Not yet..." Gu Huaian shook his head.

"Sister, can you give it a try?" Xilin asked with a smile.

Gu Huaian couldn't help but laugh after hearing this. The two of them just joked, and neither of them said anything else.

This night passed quite quietly.

Xilin and Gu Huaian are both measured people. At this stage, they do not have excessive physical contact, and it is impossible to sleep together. Gu Huaian really feels like he went to a friend's house for a night after work.

The next morning, after saying hello to Aunt Hua, the two drove back.

Gu Huaian met up with his assistant and went to Hainan. Pei Jingshu and her family were on vacation there, so he was the only one missing. It also gave the staff who had been busy for a year a holiday. During this period, Gu Huaian invited Xilin and Xilin. Lin said that she might also want to go home to see her family, so she would not accompany her.

Before leaving, she told Gu Huaian to have fun and made an appointment to meet at the Spring Festival Gala in Beijing some time later.

When Gu Huaian arrived in Hainan, the person in charge of picking him up was Pei Jingshu. The separation was not long, only about a month. During the relationship, Pei Jingshu was always relatively high-profile. As a well-known star, She was actually waiting for Gu Huaian at the airport with a bouquet of flowers...

When Gu Huaian came out, she handed the flowers in her hand to Gu Huaian. She was a little reserved and did not take the initiative to hug Gu Huaian, but Gu Huaian very enthusiastically bent over and hugged her... "Ahhhh!!!"

The crowd at the airport was much older, and there were many people watching Pei Jingshu. When they saw Gu Huaian hugging Pei Jingshu, the crowd shouted exaggeratedly.

In fact, in this scene, let alone them, even people who don't know Gu Huaian and Pei Jingshu will think that this young couple is so sweet...

"Okay...Okay, everyone is watching..."

Pei Jingshu was a little shy after being hugged in front of so many people, while Gu Huaian said ruthlessly:

“You’re not afraid of being looked at when you come to pick me up, but you’re scared after just hugging me?”

Then kissing in public has never been done before...

Pei Jingshu is wearing a white mask, and her long black hair is casually clamped by a hairpin. She looks gentle and virtuous, although she does not completely expose her so-called "beautiful face". In terms of temperament, , she also grasped it steadily.

He raised his beautiful hand and patted Gu Huaian angrily a few times before Gu Huaian finally put her down. The two left the airport chatting and laughing, not caring about the photos taken by passers-by. They were so generous and enviable...

Although, due to the popularity of "Go Where the Wind Is" recently, Gu Huaian and Xilin's "Looking to the West CP" has shown signs of resurgence, but fans are just in the show, and they will not take it outside the show. Who doesn't know Gu Huaian has a girlfriend?

In addition, Gu Huaian and Xilin are mostly promotional dramas, with little speculation about CP, and the popularity of the drama has not been brought to reality.

Therefore, Gu Huaian and Pei Jing Shutian are still sweet to them.

After leaving the airport and getting on the bus, on the way to the resort hotel, Gu Huaian asked Pei Jingshu how their uncle, aunt and uncle were doing these past few days...

Pei Jingshu replied that they got along quite harmoniously. After all, she was mediating and the parents of both families were sensible people, so there would be no problems.

This guy Gu Zhun has been talking about wanting to go wake surfing since he got here...

Parents, at this age, you don’t really like to play these exciting projects. Pei Jingshu has to take care of the parents, so he should go alone. Mother Gu is worried...

"It's okay, I'll whip him when we meet later."

Gu Huaian said calmly.

Even if it didn't happen, Gu Huaian would still slap him. Just tell him to come over here today, and Pei Jingshu will come to pick him up. Of course, Gu Huaian won't ask his elders to pick him up, but you, his younger brother, won't come. Do you want to take another call? !

"It's not like..."

Pei Jingshu giggled and told Gu Huaian that later her father heard Gu Zhun's thoughts. This "old naughty boy" secretly took Gu Zhun to play, and was later caught by Pei's mother. If Gu Huaian's mother hadn't been there, If you want to give Father Pei some face, you must give him a few words of training.

She also said that Gu Zhun and Pei's father got along very well, and often said that he was the replica of Gu Huaian...

Laughing all the way, we soon arrived at the resort hotel by the sea.

It happened to be noon at that time, and when it was lunch time, Gu Ma, Gu Zhun and Pei Jingshu's parents were all there, which saved Gu Huaian from having to look at each other first, so the two families had lunch together...

Oh, yes, it’s not all together. Pei Ya is not here. Her sense of presence is actually not very high. Gu Huaian is always easily forgotten by her. As for why she is not here, it is because the company has been a little busy recently. Pei Jingshu’s Some work needs to be done.

Although Pei Jingshu's personal studio is now merged into "Jing'an Media" and is part of the company, they are still relatively intact. Jiang's mother did not let her be responsible for many of the company's businesses, nor was she responsible for other artists. , just responsible for Pei Jingshu.

Even so, because of the rapid development of Pei Jingshu's career this year, she is also very busy...

The two families were so ruthless that Gu Huaian thought of her and played a video for her temporarily...

This move made Pei's mother a little happy. She felt that Gu Huaian was a really good kid and could take care of everyone.

After dinner, Gu Zhun was gibbering and asking Gu Huaian to take him to do some offshore activities. Gu Huaian didn't talk nonsense...

"You come out with me first..."

If you drag this kid out by his ears, he will be shocked!

When he came back, he was treated honestly. Mother Gu felt sorry for her youngest son and thought Gu Huaian was too harsh. Father Pei also said that children should be naughty, but Mother Pei, on the other hand, smiled and drank tea, looking a little comfortable by the side.

"Ahem...Mother Huai'an..."

After a while, after Mother Gu finished feeling sorry for her son, Mother Pei put down the tea cup and said softly:

"Look at the two children now. Are their affairs about to be settled?"

The words just fell...


Pei Jingshu blushed, frowned and shouted.


At that time, Pei's mother still had a question mark on her face. She thought that Gu Huaian and Pei Jingshu invited the two families to come here for vacation this year just to discuss life-long matters.

Before she came here, she even discussed her daughter's wedding dress with Father Pei.

But why do you think your little daughter's reaction... doesn't seem like this?

Don't you want to get married? !

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