Participating in a love show, this little guy is too down-to-earth

Chapter 385 See you again Shang Zhuoyan after three years!

In the blink of an eye, it has been a week since Gu Huaian arrived in Seoer.

Because this is the last show of this overseas tour, after this performance, Gu Huaian will return to China for the New Year. In addition, there are many trend-setting things in Bangzi Country, so in addition to rehearsals these days, Gu Huaian also goes out occasionally Buy something...

A friend in the industry asked him to buy some cosmetics and the like. When he went back, he also wanted to bring a gift to Pei Jingshu.

All in all, these two days have been quite busy.

In his spare time, Gu Huaian will also follow the local staff to eat here and there.

For example, I tried the local military hotpot, fried chicken and beer...etc.

This can be regarded as an invisible benefit. Gu Huaian has traveled to various countries and can eat delicious food from various countries.

What I like better is the taco and the hot dog that I had in Europe and the United States before. They always like to add some pickles. Gu Huaian really can't stand the stuffing...

I feel that every country has some disgusting things. Pickles can't be tolerated, and kimchi is not very acceptable to Gu Huaian. The taste is not very good, and sometimes Gu Huaian can't help but think that it is not as delicious as the sauerkraut from Northeast China!

Of course, if you want to talk about disgusting food, there is really nothing in the world that can compare with China. Let’s not talk about the preserved eggs that can scare the famous adventurer to tears. Just say that Gu Huaian’s hometown has a kind of pickled eggs in winter. The old people in the family love to eat these moldy pickles. It’s scary!

In the blink of an eye, the day before the concert has arrived.

I had been here for nearly a week and was about to leave after the concert, but Gu Huaian had not contacted Shang Zhuoyan until the day before the concert.

I was just a little hesitant. I picked up the phone and opened the chat interface with her several times, but never sent a message.

A few times I even edited it and then deleted it...

Their chat interface was still where it was three years ago. On the day of Chongqing, Shang Zhuoyan made him wait for several hours in the morning while he urged her to go downstairs.

Every time he saw the chat history and thought about what happened in those two days, Gu Huaian hesitated a little, wondering whether he should contact her.


It was almost his last day in Seoul.

No more contact...

There should be no contact, right?

To be honest, up to this day, Gu Huaian didn't really want to contact her anymore, mainly because she was probably quite busy at work. If you wanted to meet her sincerely, you would have to make an appointment a day or two in advance. We would meet on the same day at the last minute. Damn it. Do you know if she is here?

So Gu Huaian has actually given up...

At this moment, the chat interface with Shang Zhuoyan was open, and he planned to quit.

But at this moment, Gu Huaian suddenly saw a very strange prompt appear in the upper left corner:

"The other party is typing..."

Gu Huaian's heart skipped a beat when he saw this prompt. Before he could react, a long-lost message from three years later was sent to him:

"I've been waiting for news from you for a week. Are you sure you don't want to see me?"


When Gu Huaian read a message, he felt as if he had been caught. Maybe it was because he hadn't contacted Shang Zhuoyan for too long. Maybe it was too long. Some things about Shang Zhuoyan had gradually faded into Gu Huaian's memories. It's a little blurry...

But when she sent a message again, when she knew that the person on the other side of the phone was her, when their affairs were like flipping through a book again, scenes after scenes appeared in Gu Huaian's mind...

That feeling is really awesome.

Sometimes, Gu Huaian is really not as free and easy as Shang Zhuoyan. She always does what she wants and never hesitates.

For example, Gu Huaian edited the message many times, and it was estimated that "The other party is typing..." should be displayed on Shang Zhuoyan dozens or hundreds of times, but no message was sent.

On the other hand, Shang Zhuoyan, after editing, sends it out without hesitation and never withdraws it. She is always such an open and generous girl.


After a moment of silence, Gu Huaian edited a message and sent it:

"I want to see you."

In fact, before sending the message, Gu Huaian thought about whether he should be more polite and courteous with his words, but it seemed that there was no need to be so polite and courteous between them.

If he did that, Shang Zhuoyan would be unhappy.

Well, we meet, after three years, things have changed. Everything in the past has long passed, and now they are on the right track. It is just like meeting old friends who have not seen each other for a long time. Friends from China come here to hold a concert. As the host, Shang Zhuoyan invited him to have a meal, which was a common thing.

"Ding dong."

Shang Zhuoyan didn't say a word. She directly sent Gu Huaian an address and told him to meet at five o'clock in the afternoon. She was very direct and straightforward, as if she had already thought about how to entertain Gu Huaian.

Gu Huaian was not curious about how she knew he was in Seoul. On the one hand, the news that he was holding a concert here was not a secret and was quite public. On the other hand, his friends would probably tell Shang Zhuoyan.

What made Gu Huaian quite emotional was that the two of them had never deleted each other's friends.

It is worth mentioning that Shang Zhuoyan’s circle of friends seems to have not shared any updates...

This may also be what caused Gu Huaian's misunderstanding.

After making an appointment, there was no hesitation. Gu Huaian felt like a big stone had fallen in his heart, but before leaving, he still called Pei Jingshu.

"Why did you call me suddenly?"

Pei Jingshu was a little strange when she received the call. She had no work today and was resting in her apartment in Shanghai for the first time in a long time. She made an appointment with a beauty salon for a facial in the afternoon. Today was a rare break.

To be honest, she almost wanted to go see Gu Huaian. Gu Huaian was touring abroad this year and very few were in China. He should come back. She was busy again. The last time she saw Gu Huaian was more than two months ago. She definitely missed him. .

"Tell you something."

Gu Huaian pursed his lips and smiled, and told her that he was going to meet Shang Zhuoyan.


Pei Jingshu became slightly silent after hearing this, and the smile on her face stiffened slightly. Even so, her pretty face was still very beautiful. Through the screen, Gu Huaian could feel that she was not very happy, even a little sour...

But Gu Huaian was not worried at all, because Pei Jingshu was indeed a little unhappy, but she did not have any temper with Gu Huaian, but...

After digesting it for a moment, he said calmly:

"Since you are so frank, I can do whatever you want."

Pei Jingshu is very similar to her mother, and she always has a very sensible character. She knows that since Gu Huaian told her, it means that there is nothing wrong with him. He is abroad anyway, so he can go to see Shang Zhuoyan without telling her...

So even though she was reluctant and a little jealous, Pei Jingshu still didn't let Gu Huaian go.

Instead, she felt a little relieved because Gu Huaian told her so openly.

In the past, it was because Gu Huaian lied to her that they broke up, and it was almost irreversible...

"Just a meal, I don't know anyone else here..."

Gu Huaian and Pei Jingshu gave a symbolic explanation. In fact, there was no need to explain. Pei Jingshu believed him.

The past three years have been so smooth, they rarely quarrel, and they are basically a family. They are so familiar with each other, so they will naturally understand his thoughts and trust him.

"Take care of her and me."

At the end of the chat, Pei Jingshu said this.

Pei Jingshu didn't owe much to Shang Zhuoyan, but she somewhat sympathized with Shang Zhuoyan because she was scolded like that for their affairs and was forced to leave her hometown...

To this day, Pei Jingshu still remembers the scene when Gu Huaian met Shang Zhuoyan in a small restaurant before Su Zhou's first solo concert.

In the evening, Gu Huaian arrived at the place agreed with Shang Zhuoyan, which was almost near Myeongdong.

Gu Huaian is not very familiar with this place. It seems to be a place where some young people like to come. There are various duty-free shops and a snack street...

If you want to visit the duty-free shop, you can visit the snack street, because Gu Huaian glanced at it on the way here and actually saw the four characters "Iron Squid" inside.

Not only these things, but also stinky tofu. The domestic cultural export is really scary. Gu Huaian used to think that everywhere he went during domestic travel was stinky tofu and squid. Who would have ever wanted to go abroad? What the hell is this set of stuff!

The most exaggerated thing is that on the way Gu Huaian came, he saw a...

Mixue Ice City!

That's right, Snow King came to Bangzi Country and stepped onto the international stage earlier than Gu Huaian.

Gu Huaian may not know the Korean on their store sign, but he definitely knows the standard Snow King!

That is to say, some fried rice cakes look good and fresh. There don’t seem to be many such things made in China, so forget about others...

Alas, in short, there is basically nothing to be curious about. The catering industry has been following the "gimmick trend" for a day or two. Foreign products are imported, and domestic products are naturally exported. It is commonplace.

It is worth mentioning that, after all, it is known as the largest country in medical beauty. There are really many handsome men and beautiful women here, and many of them are very good at dressing up. When Gu Huaian walks on the street, he can see those who know how to dress up almost everywhere. men and women...

Because of this, even though he is a big star, Gu Huaian walking among this "group of handsome guys and beauties" is somewhat "hidden in the city".

It’s really not that outstanding…

Speaking of which, one good thing about touring abroad is that you don’t have to be surrounded by people like you did when you were in China.

Perhaps because of his "embarrassing" behavior in the two Spring Festival Galas, Gu Huaian later recognized him even if he was not a young man on the street, and some uncles and aunts recognized him, which made it difficult for him to go out to eat several times...

On the contrary, after going abroad, I can finally go shopping on the streets as easily as before, which is quite pleasant.

Occasionally, there are foreign students or foreign friends who can recognize him, but there are not many.

For example, in Bangzi Country, Gu Huaian didn't get much attention. He took the subway all the way here...

"There are so many people..."

Gu Huaian was wrapped in a down jacket, wearing a hat and a mask as usual, and stood at the intersection agreed with Shang Zhuoyan.

It is worth mentioning that today he is wearing a pink and white scarf.

Gu Huaian, who usually wears black, white and gray and hates girly colors like pink, rarely wears such a scarf. If someone he knows is nearby, it will definitely be quite strange.

I don’t know if it’s because the land resources are not very abundant, but the streets here are not very wide, and the intervals between the houses are relatively small. Although it is compact and beautiful, it also looks a bit petty.

Myeongdong is a relatively popular place, so there are people everywhere. There are queues in front of many stores, and you don’t know what to buy.

Oh, yes, Gu Huaian also saw some idol-themed restaurants on the way here. The idol culture here is really developed. It is said that offline singing stages can be seen everywhere.

This made Gu Huaian couldn't help but think of the time when he was a trainee. At that time, someone seemed to suggest that he come here to practice for a few years...

There must be a reason.

Today's weather is not too warm. Girls on the street basically wear pantyhose, bare-legged items, etc., and when paired with a small skirt, they look quite beautiful.

There are also colorful posters posted at the entrances and walls of many stores. This makes Gu Huaian couldn't help but think, Shang Zhuoyan should be at ease in a place like this, right?

She is a colorful girl who always likes weird things...

This one just fits her style, quite open-minded.

At this moment...

Many thoughts passed through Gu Huaian's mind, and it seemed that every thought was related to Shang Zhuoyan. In the past three years or so, Gu Huaian's mind had never been filled with Shang Zhuoyan as it is now.

She really did it, making her stay with Gu Huaian unforgettable...


At this moment, when Gu Huaian was stunned, someone suddenly tapped him on the shoulder.

Gu Huaian was startled. When he turned around and looked over, he saw a girl wearing a pure white fluffy woolen hat and a white mask, standing behind him.

The girl has a slim figure and doesn't wear many clothes. She wears a pink sweater on her upper body and a white plush jacket. Because she has her arms open, her proud curves and uneven waist are clearly visible.

The lower body is relatively simple, just a pair of light blue jeans...

Even so, this proud figure that is wide and tight at the top also looks very attractive.

To be honest, Gu Huaian didn't dare to recognize this girl when he first saw her. After all, she was wearing a black and white woolen hat. The hat was so big that it basically covered the top of her eyes...

As for the mask, it covered the lower half of his face.

Gu Huaian looked hard enough to see that her eyes were still looming on the lower edge of the woolen hat. It was strange to recognize her!

What's more, she has black hair...

But when Gu Huaian lowered his eyes and saw the familiar Xiong Daxiong Er...

Well, I dare to admit it now.

Looking at the country and abroad, I have seen so many beauties, some of which are more recognizable than Xiong Daxiong Er of Shang Zhuoyan's family, but Gu Huaian has basically never seen them.

Pei Jingshu is always recognized by her face and temperament, while Shang Zhuoyan is always recognized by her "two bodyguards".

This is not an exaggeration. It’s not just female celebrities. Nowadays, many girls are crazy about losing weight and have no concept of “thinness”. And many girls lose weight and lose their buttocks as soon as they lose weight. This It’s a normal thing. After all, it’s all made up of fat. Isn’t it just fat that you lose when you lose weight?

Only Shang Zhuoyan, no matter whether she is fat or thin, has never made her Xiong Da Xiong Er feel wronged.


Very easy to recognize.

"Ahem...guess who I am?"

It is worth mentioning that Shang Zhuoyan was still deliberately showing off her mystery. Carrying a white satchel, she lowered her head and pressed her hat, and asked Gu Huai'an in a low voice.

Gu Huaian shook his head and smiled, having no intention of complying with her damn mystery...

But he saw him raising his hand, hooking the crook of his arm around Shang Zhuoyan's neck, pulling her head and walking forward.


"Hey, what are you doing!"

"I'm going to fall!"

Shang Zhuoyan never thought that Gu Huaian would dare to hug her so intimately!

emmm... It doesn't seem to be called intimacy, this is more like a "friendship gesture" between brothers.

She almost fell down, she picked up a pink ring with her beautiful hand and hit Gu Huaian on the back many times!

what the hell!

This long-lost meeting three years later is not romantic at all!

But there is one thing to say, at that moment, she suddenly felt that they were like a long-distance couple who had not seen each other for a long time. The girl was joking with the boy, and the boy directly pulled the girl's head to prevent her from succeeding, and then the two of them beat each other. Noisy...

Quite interesting.

There is also no distance between them.


It’s been more than three years since I last saw you.

"You stinky straight man, if I don't look for you, will you beat me to death and not look for me?"

Finally released by Gu Huaian, Shang Zhuoyan tidied up the scattered hats and clothes, and stretched out her jade hand from her sleeves complainingly, stretched out a green jade finger and poked Gu Huaian's chest several times...

"I'm afraid you don't want to see me..."

Gu Huaian shrugged. In fact, when you say a lot of things on your mobile phone, it is easy to think a lot and interpret them blindly. But when you say it in reality, it feels like a very understated and relaxed sentence or two.

"I don't want to? I..."

Shang Zhuoyan pointed her finger at her face. Even though she was wearing a mask, Gu Huaian could see some cute look in her eyes that seemed to be holding her breath.

"I really can't speak, huh!"

She snorted and almost revealed that she really wanted to see Gu Huaian and had long been looking forward to Gu Huaian sending a message to ask her to meet.

In the end, he just wrapped his hands around his chest and turned sideways.


Gu Huaian obediently took out a cup of hot latte from his bag and handed it to Shang Zhuoyan. Gu Huaian made it himself and didn't buy it from outside. He usually doesn't like to drink latte, but it is undeniable. The thing is it's really refreshing.

"You know how to make coffee?!"

After hearing this, Shang Zhuoyan's pretty, doll-like face was filled with disbelief.

"...Is it that exaggerated?" Gu Huaian scratched his head.

Shang Zhuoyan gave him a look that said, "Don't you know something about yourself?" Her impression of Gu Huaian was probably still three years ago. The impression she had of this guy was purely a realist who didn't even bother drinking tea. I know how to use a tea set, but if I find it troublesome, I just use a tea cup.

Hey guys, it’s been three years since we last saw each other. Do you know how to make coffee?

It seems that he has changed a lot in the past three years.

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