Participating in a love show, this little guy is too down-to-earth

Chapter 394 The king and queen who drinks sweet tea for one dollar! Eight famous sayings from Chines

The most famous ones in the area are the Bu Palace and the Jokhang Temple, but there are also a few temples that are niche, but quite efficacious. Some seek wealth, and some seek marriage.

At this stage, Gu Huaian and Pei Jingshu don't seem to be lacking these, but since they are here, they must go and take a look.

It is worth mentioning that when going to every temple, Pei Jingshu and her assistant will basically go to pay homage, burn incense, serve wine, etc.

There was no need to say anything about what the assistants asked for. As for Pei Jingshu, her father was in business, and it was common for businessmen to burn incense and worship Buddha. Although Pei’s mother had never liked this, she never stopped her. Pei Jingshu was influenced by it when she went to the temple. I often pay my respects.

After all, you have to make a good start.

In the past, when I went to some places for work, if there were famous temples nearby, I would often go and pay homage...

I remember one year ago when she was working in Suzhou and Hangzhou in the autumn, she went to Lingyin Temple to burn incense. The fallen leaves in the West Lake were very beautiful that autumn. It was the right season. She was photographed by passers-by while burning incense. It was uploaded to the Internet and received tens of millions of clicks. Coming...

Such a girl who looks like a Jiangnan woman, dressed plainly in a white dress and going to burn incense and worship Buddha, has a sense of familiarity in a novel praying for her husband who is fighting abroad.

The whole picture comes out right away!

Both the assistant and Pei Jingshu would go to worship, but Gu Huaian didn't seem to be interested at all. He just followed around, but had no intention of burning incense and worshiping Buddha.

Pei Jingshu asked him if he didn't want to bow down. Gu Huaian said that his faith did not lie in these so-called "Buddhas".

To be honest, Gu Huaian also thought about believing in Buddhism or something before, but they didn't give Gu Huaian anything. Gu Huaian was always a more realistic person. It was so difficult to be a trainee in those years, and the gods and Buddhas in the sky didn't say anything. Welfare……

Gu Huaian said, it is better to believe in gods and Buddhas than to believe in the system.

After all, everything he had today was given by the system...

In short, it is better to seek help from others than from yourself!

Pei Jingshu laughed dumbly when she heard this and didn't say anything. She always respected Gu Huaian and the two of them hardly imposed anything on each other.

The temples in the snow area are said to be quite efficacious. Gu Huaian saw many people worshiping near the Jokhang Temple. Some of them were holding hand-held prayer wheels. There are also golden prayer wheels everywhere here... …

It is said that there is "faith" in the snow area. Indeed, you can see many people holding rosary beads there who seem to have faith, but Gu Huaian always feels that this so-called "faith" is an illusion created by the local beauty in the brain.

Coupled with the lack of oxygen in the snow area, you can’t even think of many annoying things...

Naturally, you will feel "relaxed".

Speaking of which, there are indeed many people worshiping here, and some even bring their children to worship together. You can indeed see some devout faith in them.

Maybe their skin is dark and their clothes are dirty because they are constantly worshiping, but their eyes are really...

sparkling with light!

That feeling is something that many tourists who come to the local area cannot express.

Some people would take pictures of them with their mobile phones, but Gu Huaian never took a photo even though he passed by many worshipers with his camera in hand.

And he never walked in front of them, he always walked from behind...

I feel like I should give people a little respect.

"Hey, it's better to have a good evening..."

In the evening, Gu Huaian and Pei Jingshu came out from a Sichuan restaurant and wandered aimlessly on the street.

Gu Huaian couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

The weather was a bit cold, and Pei Jingshu's hands were icy cold as she was being held by Gu Huaian. She asked funnyly:

"Isn't it good during the day?"


Gu Huaian didn't want to mention the daytime for a while.

The day is definitely better than the night, but during the day...

There are so many people, so conspicuous!

The trend of "catching" him online has become more and more intense in the past two days. I really don't know which Xiu'er mentioned it. MD Now, if Gu Huaian goes out for a few steps and is watched even slightly, he will be "caught" by a group of people in less than half an hour!

The brothers don't have any evil intentions, they just want to join in the fun and ask for a photo or something along the way, but the problem is that they are surrounded everywhere they go, which makes it impossible to have fun!

Gu Huaian doesn't dare to stay in one place for too long now. He basically moves around at any time. It would have been nice to take a relaxing and romantic walk in the city to feel the atmosphere of the city, but in the end he was forced to run around!

The key question is...

Those brothers all wanted to arrest him, not Pei Jingshu!

This was like Gu Huaian dragging down Pei Jingshu. Later he even asked whether he and Pei Jingshu should play separately, otherwise they wouldn't be able to play well...

Pei Jingshu will definitely not agree. Then why is she here if Gu Huaian doesn't accompany her?


The two of them were forced to run around.

That is to say, Gu Huaian is in ruins now, so he needs to use oxygen directly, otherwise the high reflex would cost him half his life...


Just look at this moment, even though it is night, Gu Huaian is still holding a bottle of oxygen and sucking it.


At night, not many people came to "catch" Gu Huaian.

Most of the people who came to the local area were tourists, and those who "caught" Gu Huaian were also mostly tourists. The tourist tourists wandered around all day long, but they really didn't have the energy to "match wits and courage" with Gu Huaian at night.

And at night, there seem to be fewer people who recognize Gu Huaian...

Of course, there were still many people who recognized Pei Jingshu. Gu Huaian sometimes wondered, how could anyone recognize her no matter how tightly she was wrapped? !

This damn good looks and temperament...

"Shall we go have some sweet tea?"

I just happened to pass by a sweet tea house here. Gu Huaian had seen the video on the Internet before. It seemed to be the kind of restaurant that many locals go to. A cup of sweet tea costs 1 yuan. You can just find a place to sit with a cup and put the change. Put it on the table, and soon someone will come over with a pot to pour you tea.


Probably no one would have thought that so-called big stars and public figures like Gu Huaian and Pei Jingshu would drink sweet tea for 1 yuan a cup, right?

But then again, it was Gu Huaian who did it, so that doesn’t seem to be surprising...

There are quite a lot of people in the sweet tea house. The furnishings are mostly of the bench type. It can’t be said to be clean. It feels dark inside, but what can I say...

It has quite an atmosphere.

There were a lot of people inside, including young people, but it seemed like more of them were locals.

It's pretty easy to tell the difference between locals and tourists. You just have to look at your skin color. The local ultraviolet rays are very strong, and the locals, both adults and children, are basically quite dark.

Of course, it can also be seen from the attire that almost all tourists have a "jacket". Jackets are very popular recently. Just like the north back in the day, they were standard for college students...

In order to keep a low profile, Gu Huaian and Pei Jingshu didn't even wear brightly colored clothes. Although they had just had dinner, Gu Huaian still ordered two bowls of Tibetan noodles while taking the cups.

The Tibetan noodles here seem to be made from highland barley noodles. It's delicious... but that's really unscrupulous. The white noodles we can eat now are actually the best noodles, but because we eat them so often, they become less so. It's just a rarity.

It’s not necessarily delicious, but if you’re here, why don’t you take a bite?

Don’t Chinese people have those eight famous sayings?

For your own good, it’s good to get used to it, it’s not easy. I’m still a child, I’m older, I’ve come here, I’m older and there’s no one left...

If you mention it casually, it will give you the moral kidnapping you want.

So now many people have learned to give up their personal qualities and enjoy a life of immorality.

The sweet tea is actually average. Gu Huaian always feels that this sweet tea smells like milk powder. It is the same wherever you drink it. But for a dollar of sweet tea, what do you want for a bicycle? It’s too exclusive...

So Gu Huaian didn't choose either.

It’s time to drink a cup of sweet tea to warm up your body when it’s cold at night.

Although the place here doesn't feel very clean, the cups are quite clean and the store seems to be a time-honored one with always a lot of people.

It gets dark relatively late here, almost around eight o'clock. Gu Huaian and the others arrived very late. It is said that the store here can be open until the early morning.

It is worth mentioning that Gu Huaian and Pei Jingshu were sitting together with some local Tibetan friends. Gu Huaian had those social bad habits. He saw a Tibetan brother playing the guitar and took it over. Played it a few times...

It wasn't very noticeable at first, but it immediately became noticeable as soon as I played the guitar.

"Click, click, click..."

Isn’t this? Someone immediately recognized them and took pictures with their mobile phones.

In less than half an hour, someone immediately posted the video...

The topic is: " # Gu Huaian takes Pei Jingshu to drink sweet tea for one yuan a cup! # "

Many people in the comment area were offended:

"No, brother, where are you taking my sister Pei?!"

"I've been to that place. It has quite an atmosphere and is unique, but it doesn't feel like a place where Sister Pei should go, does it?"

"...As expected, it's you, Gu Huaian!"

"This kid hasn't been caught enough during the day, and he still has the heart to take Sister Pei out to drink sweet tea at night..."

"He is a good social cow. He plays guitar with my Tibetan brother, haha..."

"He really hasn't changed at all, he's still so embarrassing!"

"Spring Festival Gala: I'm familiar with him being embarrassed!"

"Sister Pei: Do you know why I haven't given him a title for so long?"

Nearly five years have passed since "Crystal Love Season". Today, Gu Huaian is no longer the amateur who just debuted, who was said to be a "clownish clown". He can also be regarded as a well-known superstar.

But this kid still talks and does the same things as before...

We’re not saying there’s anything wrong with the one-dollar sweet tea. Many people go there because of its special features, but the problem is that Gu Huaian and Pei Jingshu don’t look like people who go to such a place!

You two are so different!

Gu Huaian is better, especially Pei Jingshu, how does she seem to be related to a one-dollar sweet tea!

Everyone finally knows why Pei Jingshu has not given Gu Huaian a title...

He is always so embarrassing!

This eye bag!

After all, Gu Huaian's "down-to-earth attitude" has always made everyone very happy.

No matter where he goes, even though he has been touring abroad for a whole year now, Gu Huaian is still the same as before, going to places where ordinary people would go and doing things that ordinary people would do.

She has no celebrity baggage or idol airs at all. Even though she was disturbed by being "caught" on the road, she has never lost her temper.

In this regard, it still makes fans, passers-by, and audiences quite satisfied.

[Ding, the host has successfully grounded himself and gained exposure, and the reward points are +91X666! 】

Gu Huaian was a little surprised when he received the system prompt. It was so easy to get the points!

It is worth mentioning that because some people lined up for them and some people paid attention to them, there were more people in the store, and people started coming over to ask for photos...

It feels like Gu Huaian has almost become an "Internet celebrity check-in point" for tourists visiting Tibet in the past two days.

Just as the sweet tea and Tibetan noodles were finished, Gu Huaian took Pei Jingshu and left...

Wandering on the street, it was night, so at least I wouldn't be surrounded by people.

Gu Huaian and Pei Jingshu were very casual, just wandering around, basically not looking at maps or anything, and not having any particular destination they wanted to go to, so they just wandered wherever they wanted.

When you get tired of shopping, just send the assistant your location and he will pick you up.

Today is the last day to go. Tomorrow they will go to high altitude areas and basically go back after playing.

In the past few days, either Gu Huaian has rebelled, or Gu Huaian has been "caught". It is quite helpless to have so many troubles on a private trip...

Walking on the roadside, the street lights are dim, and the shops in the city close very late, but the lights are bright, and it feels pretty good.

The houses here are not high, many are only three or four stories high. They don't have the crowded feeling of a big city, and it's quite pleasant to walk in this place.

It's just a bit cold.

At the beginning of the year, the temperature has not yet risen, and the climate environment in the snow area itself is harsh. It may not be as cold as in the north at this time, but you still need to wear a down jacket.

"A Diao..."

"Living somewhere in XZ..."

Gu Huaian and Pei Jingshu, who were walking and chatting, suddenly heard someone on the roadside playing a familiar melody and singing a very familiar song.

This attracted the attention of the two people, making them stop and turn around to look...

The snow area here focuses on "faith". People are quite free, so you can see street singers on the street no matter day or night...

Some people will display the QR code to collect rewards, but there are also many people who just like it and sing along.

What Gu Huaian and Pei Jingshu saw was probably the latter, which was a rather young boy sitting in front of a closed door, holding his own acoustic guitar, playing and singing to himself.

There are some people gathered nearby...

The song this guy sings is quite famous, it's called "A Diao", and it comes from the music king Gu Huaian.

Haha, that’s right, Gu Huaian’s song.

The song "A Diao" is probably Gu Huaian's debut. It was the first song he sang in public when he was in "Crystal Love Season".

I remember that before singing this song, Gu Huaian was criticized as a clownish clown because of his crazy "down-to-earth" attitude.

After singing "A Diao", I felt like I slapped a lot of people in the face...


Times have changed.

Five years later.

On the street, Pei Jingshu and I heard someone singing this song...

That feeling is really amazing.

"A Diao" is indeed very well adapted to the snow area. The lyrics in it are also written about the snow area. Listening to this song in this hypoxic environment, you will feel very emotional...

In addition, many people know that Gu Huaian is here recently, so singing this song is easy to attract attention.

This guy's voice is a bit similar to Gu Huaian's, and he seems to be imitating Gu Huaian's singing style. Many people thought Gu Huaian was singing here, and that's why there were so many people.

"Want to sing?"

Gu Huaian and Pei Jingshu stood behind the crowd and watched. Pei Jingshu asked Gu Huaian in a low voice. She saw that Gu Huaian wanted to go.

Gu Huaian is a person who likes to join in the fun. When he was recording a show with Xi Lin and Su Yuntang and having barbecue, when he saw someone singing "Sunny Day" at the barbecue restaurant, he would sing along.

"it's not good……"

Gu Huaian scratched his head. He didn't care. The worst he could do was get recognized and run away. The key was that Pei Jingshu had been "hiding and fleeing" with him for several days. He was a little embarrassed.

Seemingly sensing his concerns, Pei Jingshu chuckled understandingly and said:

"It doesn't matter."

She was wearing a mask, but Gu Huaian seemed to be able to see her smile through the mask. In fact, she was really gentle. She supported Gu Huaian unconditionally no matter what he did.

Gu Huaian smiled slightly, and then hugged Pei Jingshu...

It just so happens that what I'm wearing today is the gray peaked cap that fans call "the old actor".


Gu Huaian lowered the brim of his hat and walked out slowly.

"Unfortunate fate..."

"Obsessed and indifferent..."

At the right time, the street singer was still singing with his guitar.

There were people watching, but they only kept a "safe distance" and few moved forward.

And just then...

In the crowd, a boy wearing a gray hat walked out.


At that time, many people still had questions about what this person was going to do, but soon...


"Hey, is that Gu Huaian?!"

"Damn it! It seems to be true!"

"Hey, I know that hat!"

"Oh my god, it's really him!"

Who would have thought that Gu Huaian would come out at this time.

In the past two days, people in the neighborhood were "catching" Gu Huaian everywhere. Everyone thought it was too late for him to hide, but who knew that he actually stood up openly!

Stop talking about them...

The street singer was also a little silly. When he was nervous, his voice trembled a little, and it was actually a little off-key!


"Oh ho!"

There was booing nearby.

Then Gu Huaian raised his hand to comfort the little brother and took off his mask.

When he took off his mask and revealed that familiar, naive face...


The people nearby were boiling.

And hearing the movement here...

More and more people gathered here.

Pei Jingshu was watching this scene with a smile in the crowd. At this moment, she was very proud of Gu Huaian. Her boyfriend was very good and very popular with everyone. He always had the ability to ignite everyone with his mouth.

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