Pass Through 80s: A Notoriety

Chapter 143: Which home to go to is a problem

  Chapter 143 Which home to return to is a difficult problem

  Ji Ling just left in the car, and didn't even have time to tell Wang Sanmei, so she could only think about where to find a phone booth to make a call.

   Then I saw the people driving back to the old house. Ji Ling knew both of them.

   Wei Kun and Yan Yunmei.

"I want to collect wind and clouds, and I want to see the autumn scenery in the north. He said that he was going to apologize, so he went with him." Yan Qumei explained to Ji Ling, "I thought that since I was going to your house, I would give Zhu Grandpa calls, Grandpa Zhu will let us pick you up."

  Ji Ling smiled and said, "Sister, do you know Zhu Weidong?"

  Yan Yunmei turned her head and winked at her, "We grew up in the same compound. Later, my family moved, so I didn't move around very often."

  Ji Ling was surprised. Hearing Wei Kun's cold snort, thinking about what happened on the day of the blind date, she exchanged glances with Yan Yunmei, and the two smiled in unison.

  Obviously Yan Yunmei knew her identity, and then teased Wei Kun.

  Ji Ling brought it up at the end, which can be regarded as a slap in the face of Wei Kun.

  The three of them set off all the way, Ji Ling sat in the back by herself, and could lie down when she was tired, and Wei Kun and Yan Yunmei drove alternately, because they were on the road, except for the convenience of eating, they didn't stop for the rest of the time.

  Ji Ling just didn't drive, and she shrunk down for two days, her body was sore and stiff.

   When we arrived in County H, it was the early morning of the 3rd, except for the street sweepers, there were only breakfast stalls.

  Wei Kun proposed to have a hot mouthful of Zaiyun Zhu's old house.

The three of them sat in front of the food stall and had a quick bite before going to Zhu's old house. Wei Kun asked where Ji Ling's house was on the way. This time Grandpa Zhu asked Ji Ling to come back with him because he was worried that she would be homesick and had already arrived in County H. , naturally send Ji Ling home first.

   It’s hard to justify not going home.

  Ji Ling pointed to the road, got off at the entrance of the street, and made an appointment with Yan Yunmei to hang out together at that time, and then separated.

  In addition to the things she packed at school, there was also the gift that Zhu Heping helped her prepare to take home. Ji Ling picked it up and looked through it. It was tea. Although there were only a few boxes, it could be seen from the packaging that it was very expensive.

  Ji Ling mentioned that if she didn't want to go home, she had to go back, so she said that everything is impermanent. She still thought about getting married so she wouldn't have to come back, and she went to school and was far away from home. For justified reasons, the plan turned out not to be as fast as changing.

   There was a creak.

   Pulling back Ji Ling's chaotic thoughts, she first saw her bag being hit by a bicycle, then moved her gaze upwards, and saw the person getting off the bicycle.

   "Sorry, it's foggy today, so it was too late to brake when I saw it. You see if something is damaged, and I will pay you."

  Ji Ling narrowed her eyes, squatted down obediently, turned over her bag, got up and crossed her hands in front of her chest, and said with a half-smile, "The watch is crushed."

   While speaking, she took a few steps back to create a distance between the two of them.

   "Ji Ling?" Zhu Weidong put the bicycle away, took two steps forward, sucked his nose hard again, and asked, "You just arrived? Where are Wei Kun and Yan Yunmei?"

  Ji Ling:.It has a dog nose.

   "They went to the old house."

  Zhu Weidong squatted down, lifted the bag from the ground, and put it on the back seat of the bicycle, "I'll take you home."

The two went to the Agricultural Machinery Family Hospital together. Zhu Weidong explained that he received a call from his grandfather at the work unit and told him the news of her return. After staying up all night, work can be put off for a while, and it is dawn, so he thought about going home first.

   Then I met Ji Ling who had just arrived in County H.

Ji Ling led the way, Zhu Weidong was talking, thinking about what his colleagues taught him, and he took the initiative to talk, "You have met Wei Kun before, and you are not unfamiliar. Yan Yunmei has a good temper and is not difficult to get along with, so along the way Pretty happy."

  Ji Ling raised her eyebrows, "Happy."

  Already outside the gate of the house, Ji Ling went to get the bag, but Zhu Weidong picked it up before her, "Bao Chong, I'll take you in."

  Ji Ling: Are two changes of clothes and four books heavy?

   But it can be seen that he is trying his best to be a perfect husband, Ji Ling didn't poke him, and thanked him cooperatively, but couldn't help joking, "Next time I will save two books."

   Zhu Weidong:

  Early in the morning, the door of Ji's house was knocked.

   It was Ji Yong who came out to open the door. He got up early and read a book in the yard.

Seeing his daughter who was outside the door, Ji Yong smiled and cracked the corners of his mouth, "Come in, why don't you tell me in advance when you come back, so that I can pick you up? It takes a few days in the car? Are you hungry? Are you tired? Go and lie down first, and wait for your mother to cook before waking you up."

Ji Yong spoke incoherently, and Ji Ling smiled and took his arm, "Dad, I came back in the car of Zhu Weidong's friend, and I'm not tired at all. I just had breakfast on the street. Don't make a fuss, sit down quickly." Bar."

  The three of them sat down on the chairs in the yard, and Ji Yong looked at his daughter, "I'm thinner, is it not acclimatized there? It's darker."

   "It's sunny over there, and I still pay attention to sun protection." Ji Ling smiled and said whatever her father asked, and Xu Fang from the room heard the movement and came out.

  After seeing Ji Ling, she was slightly taken aback.

   He greeted him with a blunt expression, "I'm back."

   nodded to Zhu Weidong again, turned around and entered the room again.

   "You should go back too." Ji Ling chased Zhu Weidong.

  Zhu Weidong, "Wait until the fog clears."

   "Yes, what to do in a hurry to go back, Weidong will save it for lunch before going back."

  Zhu Weidong responded, "OK."

  Ji Ling:

   Soon, Ji Ke also got up, and Ji's yard became lively.

  Except for Ji Ling, the other four had breakfast, Ji Yong asked Ji Ke to call Ji Jianhua, "It's a holiday, let him come back when he has time, just say your sister is back."

  Ji Ke smiled and went to make a phone call.

  Xu Fang still had to go to work, so she left after breakfast. Without her, Ji Ling felt much more at ease, but she didn't sleep well in the car for the past two days, and yawned frequently.

   When Ji Yong was chatting with Zhu Weidong, he also heard that he worked overtime until dawn, so he drove them to sleep for a while.

  Ji Ling did not refuse, and took Zhu Weidong back to her small north room. The room was the same as when she lived in it, and there was no change. She touched it and there was no dust, so it must have been cleaned.

   "Look, my room is small, do you want to go back to sleep?" Ji Ling looked back at Zhu Weidong.

  Zhu Weidong has already sat down on the edge of the kang, "It's good, I don't pick this one, I'm on the way to the project, and we often live in tents."

   Ji Ling looked at him with pity, and stopped thinking about driving him away.

   This person couldn't tell that she was chasing someone away, she was tactful, and he told him seriously that he was not afraid of hardship.

  The two of them were not talking on the same line at all, so there was no need to say more.

  Ji Ling was really tired again, so she took off her shoes and got on the kang, lying on one side, giving Zhu Weidong as much sleeping space as possible.

  As for whether Zhu Weidong would be embarrassed when the two of them slept together, Ji Ling felt that there was no need to worry at all, this person had no such awareness at all.

  (end of this chapter)

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