Pass Through 80s: A Notoriety

Chapter 146: good heart will have good luck

  Chapter 146 Only a good heart will bring good luck

   Obviously Tian's family was hosting a wedding, but who would have thought that Ji's family would attract everyone's attention when they came over.

  Li Hua has a bright temper and doesn't care about these things, Li Kui is honest and honest, and Tian Jing's brother Tian Liang is also honest and honest, and he is even more curious about Zhu Weidong. After asking where Zhu Weidong works, there was an uproar in the yard again.

  Railway engineer, such a person is actually the son-in-law of the Ji family.

  At first everyone could restrain themselves, envious of Ji Yong's daughter's good marriage, but now everyone can't care about the face, curious about the railway construction, and asked around Zhu Weidong in a hurry.

In the yard, Ji Ling was sitting in the front seat, beside Ji Ke, Dong Manhua and Ma Hui were also there, they were very happy to see Ji Ling, and they pulled her to talk, talking about things in the university, Ji Ke couldn't intervene Mouth.

  Tian Jing also sat aside in embarrassment. After so long, she has not recovered from the shock.

  Ji Ling's own changes, Ji Ling's husband's family background and appearance, no matter which point is compared, Tian Jing is the weaker side.

  She thinks she has snatched away the son of the manager of the agricultural machinery company, and is dominating Ji Ling in the marriage. Although she didn't go to college, she was admitted to a button factory, which is a formal job.

  In the county, no one would be envious.

  Her arrogance and confidence were completely broken after Ji Ling appeared.

   It seems that it has been like this since she was a child. Ji Ling will only be coaxed by boys, and the boys just like to hug her. She is not good at studying and has no self-motivation.

   Repeating the college entrance examination, in Tian Jing's opinion, she would not pass the exam even if she kept repeating it. As a result, she was slapped in the face very quickly. Ji Ling passed the exam, and became the top student in the exam, and went to the capital to go to university.

  She was not reconciled, and wanted to overwhelm Ji Ling in terms of marriage.

   What Ji Ling didn't want was the one that was snatched, she didn't care, after thinking about it for a long time, the high and the low would be distinguished.

   There is no time now, the truth is in front of her eyes, she will never be able to suppress Ji Ling.

  The food was already on the table, and Ji Yong came back with Zhu Weidong.

   Ma Hui and Dong Manhua were a little cautious, and Ji Ling introduced them to them with a smile.

  Zhu Weidong seems to be a thousand miles away from others, but as long as he speaks, he is gentle and elegant, making people feel like bathing in spring breeze.

   Ma Hui's eyes were shining, and she blinked at Ji Ling, as if she was saying that she is amazing, to find such a good husband, her mouth is even sweeter, and she directly calls Zhu Weidong brother-in-law.

   Zhu Weidong smiled back. During the meal, he had Ji Yong on one side and Ji Ling on the other. Everyone at the table could see him serving Ji Ling's food.

   Ji Yong couldn't close his mouth with a smile, and the eyes of the others were full of envy.

  Ji Ke ate with a sullen head, not knowing what he was thinking, Tian Jing smiled stiffly, and she didn't know how to persist in finishing the meal.

  Ji Yong's family left after eating and drinking, and Zhu Weidong was drunk by Tian Liang.

  Ji Ling only asked him when he went back, "Are there any more?"

  Zhu Weidong looked at her straight with his eyes, and leaned forward. It happened that Ji Yong turned his head and saw this scene. He smiled awkwardly and turned his head away, calling Ji Ke again.

   Ji Ke thought to herself that she had already walked fast enough, why did her father dislike her walking slowly, and then when she turned around, she saw her brother-in-law and sister almost getting together, it seemed that the brother-in-law wanted to kiss her sister.

  Ji Ke's face flushed instantly, and he hurriedly turned around.

  Ji Ling: .

  Seeing that the perpetrator was still leaning forward with an innocent face, Ji Ling glared at him bitterly, stretched out her hand, and put it in front of his nose.

   Smell it, smell it, the daughter-in-law has to smell it to recognize it.

  Ji Ling held her breath secretly, insisting that Zhu Weidong realize that this is not a good way to recognize people, and the problem of face blindness must be cured.

   After Zhu Weidong confirmed, he said in a low voice, "You are beautiful today."

  Ji Ling deliberately made things difficult for him, "Does that mean I'm not usually pretty?"

  Zhu Weidong didn't seem to expect such a question, and was momentarily stunned by the question.

  Ji Ling teased him, proudly raised the corners of her lips, and walked forward with a smile.

  She found that Zhu Weidong was a little dazed after drinking.

   Arriving at the alley where Ji's family lived, Ji Ling stopped, with her back behind her, she turned and looked at Zhu Weidong, "Go home."

  Zhu Weidong hummed, but stood still.

  Ji Ling twitched her mouth, "Want me to see you off?"

   Zhu Weidong hummed again.

  Ji Ling: She is just being polite!

  Zhu Weidong looked at her seriously, without saying a word, he was waiting for Ji Ling to leave first.

  If he didn't know that he has face blindness, Ji Ling would really let him go back by himself. Now that he knows that he might lose himself when he walks back, he drank again today.

   After hesitating for a moment, Ji Ling said, "You wait here for me."

  She lifted her skirt and ran forward quickly, caught up with Ji Yong, greeted him and ran back.

   "Let's go."

  Zhu Weidong looked at his wife who was running to him, and felt that his nose was filled with fragrance, and he became dizzy for a moment, and everything in the world was gone, only him and her.

  Ji Ling walked a few steps, and when she turned her head, she saw that she was still standing there, with burning eyes, looking straight at her.

  Ji Ling glared at him, "Let's go."

   The shy and angry little eyes fell on Zhu Weidong's eyes, and he was ashamed and angry, and his whole body was crisp.

  He took a deep breath, walked up to him in a few strides, and said solemnly, "Don't stare at people in the future."

  Ji Ling: Just about to scold me for being stingy, I heard Zhu Weidong's blunt and straightforward provocative words.

   "Others will misunderstand that you are seducing him."

  Ji Ling felt that her face must be as red as a monkey's ass, and she wanted to teach him that she couldn't describe it. What is seduction? Wouldn't it be attractive?

   She didn't want him to see her blushing face, so she simply walked ahead with her head depressed.

  In the alley, when Ji Yong arrived at the door of his house, he still couldn't help turning his head to look at his eldest daughter. Ji didn't want to be good, but couldn't help being curious.

   Looking at it, my heart was pierced again.

   I saw Ji Ling walking in front furiously, followed by her brother-in-law who looked like an angry daughter-in-law.

  Before seeing this scene, Ji Ke always thought that her brother-in-law was excellent, with a good family background, a good background, a good job, and a good appearance. She was perfect and could not fault her. How could such a person fall in love with her sister.

  She observed with curiosity, but found nothing.

  But she thinks she thinks everything too well.

  Brother-in-law is not that good either, he is honest and obedient in front of his sister, like... like a dou who cannot be supported.

   Ji Yong withdrew his gaze and shook his head again and again, "Your sister is sometimes too strong, so you have to worry about a man's face."

   She was talking about her daughter's faults, but the smile in her eyes was so brimming that she couldn't hide it at all.

  Ji Ke:. When did Dad become so duplicity?

  On the other side, Ji Ling walked down the street wearing a cheongsam, which attracted a lot of attention. Department stores are the busiest place and the fastest news flow.

   And this news was brought by Xiao Liu.

  She was off work today, and she almost didn't recognize Ji Ling when she saw Ji Ling on the street.

   Wearing a tender pink cheongsam, there is a handsome and extravagant man beside him, that is the walking sun, who can not see it.

  (end of this chapter)

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