Pass Through 80s: A Notoriety

Chapter 168: implicated and beaten

  Chapter 168 implicated and beaten

  Wang Sanmei smiled when she saw Ji Ling blushing.

  Although Ji Ling seldom mentioned her husband, during Wang Sanmei's stay, she could see that he cared about her and her husband's family valued her.

  Ji Ling can also see the happiness of her marriage.

In the evening, Ji Ling designs the interior layout of the pavement in the bedroom, and lives longer than others. You don’t have to think about these things, just use the good ones. She will also write down in detail how to fix each place. Just do it, the money from the eldest brother will be remitted tomorrow, and the balance will be handed over to the landlord tomorrow.

After finishing all these, Ji Ling took out her professional courses. It has already entered October, and the exam will be on holiday at the end of October. There are still many professional things to sort out by herself. She plans to go to XJ after the holiday, and the time is very tight .

  Wang Sanmei has been reviewing the college entrance examination. In the past, she wanted to rely on part-time jobs to earn money to beat her sister, but now it is different. With Ji Ling's help, she can start all over again.

  Because there is Wang Sanmei at home, Ji Ling lives at home on weekends, and only goes back to school on Monday morning, going directly to class.

  She walked to the school gate by stepping on it. Coincidentally, as soon as she got here, she saw Gao Jing flirting with a man. There were students passing by in all directions, and they all looked over, but no one stopped.

  If there were no incidents last week, Ji Ling would definitely ask, and now she wants to stay away.

   It's just that she wanted to hide, but things came to her.

   "Ji Ling." Gao Jing yelled, and then shook off the man pulling her hard, "It's time for class, what's the matter next week?"

   "Damn woman, stop for me." The man saw her running, and strode after her.

He chased, Gao Jing was even more afraid, and ran faster, rushing in front of Ji Ling, Ji Ling hurriedly stopped her feet so as not to bump into her, and at this time the man also caught up, Gao Jing instinctively hid behind Ji Ling, The man was getting angry, and he slapped him. He didn't expect Gao Jing to hide, and the slap was not biased, and it landed on the face of Ji Ling who had just stopped her feet.

   There was a snap.

   For a moment, everything was quiet.

Ji Ling only felt that half of her ears were buzzing, and the other half was Gao Jing's screams. Gao Jing was yelling at the man. Ji Ling's head was buzzing, and she couldn't hear it clearly. She only saw him pointing at the man. Say you're done, her in-law's family is very powerful.

  The man panicked and ran away, and soon disappeared on the bus.

   "Ji Ling, are you okay? I'm sorry, it's all my fault. I didn't expect this to happen." Gao Jing wiped her tears and bowed to apologize.

  The dizziness in her head passed away, and the burning sensation on her face replaced the humming in her head. Ji Ling looked coldly at Gao Jing who kept apologizing, and walked away to school without saying a word.

Gao Jing was stunned for a moment when she saw the person leaving, and after realizing it, she immediately chased after her. There were many people after entering the school, and Ji Ling walked quickly, and half of Ji Ling's face was swollen from the beating, which attracted a lot of attention. Gao Jing couldn't bear this strange gaze, and slowed down after Ji Ling's footsteps.

  Ji Ling's appearance attracted a lot of attention after entering the class.

  Even Jiang Zheng also looked over. Seeing Ji Ling's embarrassed look, he didn't look away, and looked at her for a long time, which was a bit provocative.

  Ji Ling was in a terrible mood and didn't have the heart to talk to her. After entering the class, she found the three of Miao Man who were beckoning, walked over and sat down.

   "Who hit you?" Miao Man looked closer, "It's very red and swollen, do you want to get some medicine?"

   "No need." Ji Ling said.

  As soon as she opened her mouth, the three of them felt that she was holding back the fire. Miao Man raised her eyes at this moment and saw Gao Jing walking into the class like air, and she didn't have the mood to gossip.

  The three of them didn't know how to ask.

   Asking if it was the in-law's family who hit Ji Ling, this is too embarrassing, if you don't ask, you won't be able to guess who can hit Ji Ling.

   Fortunately, when the class time came, everyone looked away when the teacher came.

   Throughout the morning, Ji Ling was extremely silent, and the three of Miao Man also stayed beside her quietly during get out of class.

To be honest, there are many students in their class, but there are not many girls. Several girls in the class are growing well, and the most attention-getting ones are Ji Ling and Jiang Zheng. Gao and Gan come from a family.

  This is all about appearance.

Gao Jing talked to Jiang Zheng about what happened at the door outside while class was over, "I didn't expect Ji Ling to be implicated by me, I thought it was going to be late to catch up with her, but I didn't expect him to catch up and fight back I apologized to Ji Ling, she ignored me, she must be very angry, I don't know what to do to calm her down."

  Jiang Zheng was surprised that Ji Ling was beaten because of Gao Jing's involvement, but she also had doubts, "Who is he?"

   Gao Jing lowered her head so low that she couldn't lower it, "My fiance."

   "Fiance?" Jiang Zheng was taken aback again.

"I'm sorry, I haven't told you about it. My family is poor. In order to go to school, I promised an old bachelor in the same village that as long as he pays me to study, I will marry him. I chased after him and forced me to marry him. I kept avoiding him. I didn't expect him to wait at the school gate. He stopped me from going to school this morning, and I happened to meet Ji Ling."

"Since you admit that the other party provides you with education, you should marry the other party. If the other party has done it, you should do the same. You can't keep your promises." Jiang Zheng frowned. She sympathized with Gao Jing, which she disagreed with. The most important thing between people is trust and commitment.

  Gao Jing's face turned pale, she bit her lower lip, the tears in her eyes swayed slightly, like a little white mouse placed on a laboratory table, she dared not move, showing panic and fear.

"Jiang Zheng, it's not that I didn't keep my promise, but he was with the widow in the village during this period. The widow was pregnant, and he asked me to marry him. He wanted me to work after graduation and support him and the widow's family. Including their children. I don’t think he’s older than me, but I can’t accept emotional infidelity and betrayal. I promised him that after I work, I will give him half of my monthly salary, but he still refuses As long as I think of the unbearable life I will face when I marry him, I feel that life is full of despair."

   "Scum, such a person doesn't have to keep his promise." Jiang Zheng immediately felt sympathy for the student again, and forgot the dislike just now, "I will ask my brother to help you with this matter, he must have a way."

"Forget it. Ji Ling just met me today and was beaten. You are my only friend. I don't want to hurt you because of these things, and I don't want to lose you as a friend. Just let it be like this, let me fend for myself " Gao Jing bit her lip, "I've made up my mind, if he forces me again, I will die with him."

   Honest people, if they can be forced to come out and die together, what kind of bullying will they have to do?

  (end of this chapter)

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