Pass Through 80s: A Notoriety

Chapter 184: Father Zhu lectures

  Chapter 184 Zhu father lectures

  After Zhu Chuang answered the phone, Zhu Weiyue went back to the bedroom.

   Still muttering in his mouth, he will change the room upstairs in the future.

  Zhu Chuang didn't speak in a hurry. After sitting firmly on the sofa, he put the phone to his ear, "Your wife is pregnant, why did you call?"

   "Yesterday was too late, today I worked all day."


   Zhu Weidong:

  The son didn't speak, and Zhu Chuang didn't want to get to the bottom of it, "Now that your wife is pregnant, do you know what is the most important thing?"

  Zhu Weidong looked blank.

  Silence means not knowing.

  Zhu Chuang said again, "Do you remember what your daughter-in-law looks like?"

  Zhu Weidong's heart was stabbed again.

"Look, in the past, no matter how you recognized it, your daughter-in-law didn't care about it. Now she is pregnant, and she has a big belly to go to the obstetric examination. You go to pick up people and bring others back. What does she think? It's not good for children's prenatal education. ah."

  Zhu Weidong, "No."

"If you can't guarantee something, don't answer it lightly." After Zhu Chuang's serious warning, he proposed the solution he thought of, "It's easy for me to say, do you have a photo of your wife with you? Are you free now?" You can draw a picture of her, and you will remember it if you draw a lot. If you can't remember, at least among the faces of everyone, you will feel that she is familiar."

  Zhu Weidong said, "Dad, I'm not sick. I don't think it's meaningful not to remember other people's looks."

   Heh, here we go again.

  Zhu Chuang provocatively said, "Okay, it didn't make sense before, but now that your daughter-in-law is pregnant, it must make sense, right? Tell me this to your daughter-in-law, so she can rest assured."

  Zhu Weidong, "You can wait for this one."

"What are you waiting for? Do you still have to wait to remember what you look like? You just remember it if you think it is meaningful." Zhu Chuang sarcastically said to his son, "If your daughter-in-law hears this, it makes no sense to marry you." , it only makes sense if you are pregnant, you are not marrying a daughter-in-law, you are inheriting the family."

   "He is a college student, but he is the number one in the college entrance examination."

   "You are still an engineer, and your thinking is very backward."

   "Your mother and I have always cared about the direction of your education and conduct since we were young. Why are you looking so wrong?"

  Zhu Weidong, "Dad, your suggestion is good. I use my spare time to draw more pictures of Xiaoling every day."

   "Well, this is a good way. Take the photo with you, and look at it when you have nothing to do. It's not ashamed to see your own wife. If others laugh at you, you say you miss your wife. A man who misses a wife is enviable."


"Then you should call back at seven o'clock. Xiaoling hasn't woken up yet. She is married far away and is pregnant. You have nothing to worry about. No matter how much your mother and I care, I can't say a word to you. You are husband and wife." ,Understand?"

  Zhu Weidong said, "She will go to the capital to go to school if she is not married."

   "You idiot, you are lucky to be able to marry a wife in this life."

   With a snap, Zhu Chuang returned to the bedroom in a good mood after scolding, and told his wife what he just did to take credit.

  Kong Siya nodded, then shook her head, "Does Weidong have any photos?"

   "How can there be no photos, unless it's a stupid accident? Our son is an idiot, yo, you pinch it lightly."

  Kong Siya sat up, then lay down again, "I'll ask Xiaoling later."

  In the morning, Ji Ling's biological clock kicked in, and she went to bed after six o'clock. She was lazy in bed for a while, and then got up.

The breakfast downstairs is ready, the father-in-law is reading the newspaper, the mother-in-law is in the kitchen, Zhu Weiyue and the three just came back from looking for basketballs outside, Ji Ling found that she was the last one to get up, couldn't help but blush, and hurried into the kitchen Help clean up the dishes.

   As a result, the things in his hand were taken away, Zhu Heping said, "Sister-in-law go to the sofa and wait, brother said to call you at seven o'clock."

   "That's not too far away, and besides, he won't be so accurate when he said seven o'clock." As soon as he finished speaking, the phone in the living room rang.

  Ji Ling answered the phone amidst the smiles of her brothers-in-law.

  As soon as she picked up the phone and heard Zhu Weidong's voice, Ji Ling couldn't help complaining in a low voice, "Why are you calling so punctually? Are you always on the phone?"

   "Are you busy now? Then I'll call back later?"

  Ji Ling:.Take a deep breath, so that I can say it calmly, "I'm not busy, I just want to eat, go ahead."

   "Then you eat first, and I'll call after you eat."

  Ji Ling: She bears it.

   "After dinner, I'm going to school, if you have something to say, tell me now."

   There was a beeping sound.

  Ji Ling: .

  Puff Chi~

"Ha ha ha ha"

  Zhu Weiyue couldn't help laughing, and the other two also laughed politely.

   Zhu Chuang shook his head, his stupid son.

  Kong Siya came out with the food, "Xiao Ling, eat first. Wei Dong cares about you, and is afraid that you and the child will be hungry."

   Then squinted at the three sons, "What do you three little guys know, you will understand when you have a daughter-in-law in the future."

   When the three of them sat down to eat, they were still laughing, complaining that his elder brother's way of caring for people was very novel, and they learned it.

  Kong Siya is not good at dismantling her son, so she can only warn the three of them with her eyes.

   Just as Ji Ling put down her chopsticks, the phone rang again.

  Ji Ling also groaned in her heart, this big brother can hurry up and talk about farting.

   "Congratulations." Zhu Weidong's voice was warm, like the sun in the morning, "Were you afraid when you first found out? Don't be afraid. When he doesn't listen to you after he is born, you will call him back."

  Ji Ling: This big brother is so far away, he was born directly.

  The child may still be a tadpole in her body at this time.

   "My side is about to finish. I'll go back as soon as possible and take you back to my hometown to hold the wedding." Zhu Weidong finally added, "Before the belly gets big."

   This sentence, he felt, was an explanation to Ji Ling.

  Ji Ling felt that he was making up for the knife.

   "I see, I'm going to be late for school." Ji Ling looked at the door. Although Zhu Weiyue and the three seemed busy, they were obviously eavesdropping.

   "Okay, pay attention to safety. I heard that you will go to the toilet more frequently when you are pregnant. If it is inconvenient for you to go to school, you can stay at home and walk back instead of riding a bicycle."


   "You live in the upper berth. Grandpa has already called the school to change you to the lower berth. You can go and pack your things in a while."

  Ji Ling didn't object, "OK."


   "I'm going to be late." For the first time, Ji Ling felt that this man was a nagging one.

   "Okay, be safe."

  Ji Ling hummed and went to put the phone down, thinking that Zhu Weidong had finished speaking, but there was another low voice on the phone, "Don't miss me too much, I miss you too."

  Ji Ling felt her face was burning.

  Puff Chi.

  Puff Chi.


  Even if there was no laughter afterwards, Ji Ling could guess what Zhu Weiyue and the others looked like without looking up, and her ears turned red instantly.

  (end of this chapter)

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