Pass Through 80s: A Notoriety

Chapter 188: What do you know?

  Chapter 188 What do you know?

  Xu Fang never imagined that she would be competitive all her life, and even hold her daughter in her palm all the time, would end up holding her back like this.

  Xu Fang didn't speak, but Ji Ke kept crying, explaining himself, and apologizing.

  Ji Yong got a headache when he saw it, "Okay, you go back to the house first, your mother is not angry with you, it's just that she didn't turn around for a while."

   "Dad." Ji Ke stood there with red and swollen eyes, not daring to move.

   "Your mother wants to save face and refuses to bow her head. She doesn't want to be known about your sister. Now that you find the Zhu family, she will feel that the Zhu family has seen it as a joke. Well, be careful in the future."

  Ji Ke just turned around and walked away.

Ji Yong looked at his wife, "You have always loved Xiaoke. What she did today has something to do with you pampering her. She lives too innocently. People who have already passed the college entrance examination are still like children. This matter I've already told her, and she said she won't do it again in the future, so don't take it to heart, the Zhu family is not that kind of family."

"The Zhu family is not that kind of family, but what Ji Ke did doesn't prevent others from thinking that way." Xu Fang turned her back, not wanting her husband to see her cry, "It's already like this, you don't need to persuade me anymore, I understand why Something happened."

  She has been deceiving herself, thinking that if she doesn't tell, people outside will not know that the relationship between her and her eldest daughter is tense, and she can even deceive the Zhu family.

   She thought too simply, how could such a thing be hidden.

   This is a buried landmine, always walk from here, one day you will step on the mine.

  Ji Yong didn't persuade him much. During the night, he felt his wife turn over from time to time while he was half asleep and half awake. He knew that she was insomnia, but she was too sleepy, and finally fell asleep again. When he woke up the next day, he saw no one.

  Ji Ling was in class at school, and she saw Wang Sanmei during the class break. She left the class in surprise, took people away from the door of the class, and walked to a place where no one was talking.

   "Your mother called, and the call went home." Wang Sanmei looked nervous, "I didn't expect it to be your mother. After answering, she called my name. I think it's too late to admit it."

  Ji Ling frowned, "Why is she calling so urgently?"

"Just said there was something urgent, and asked you to call the store at noon, but didn't say anything." Wang Sanmei was a little worried, "Could it be something happened to your family? I called your elder brother, and your elder brother said he didn't know. But I heard your mother's tone is not good at all. Also, she won't tell the story of me in your house, right? Why don't I go out and hide first, they say that if there is no daughter like me, then there is no me If you know where I am, there will definitely be trouble, especially if you are in good condition now, what if they blackmail you?"

   "It's okay, they are really coming, it's not too late for you to hide, besides, it's your family members who are afraid, they let you and your sister change identities, it's really their guilty conscience."

   "That's good, you are kind enough to help me, I'm afraid I will cause you trouble again." Wang Sanmei couldn't help worrying about her after her own affairs were settled, "Why don't you take a leave of absence and go back and make a phone call?"

  Ji Ling shook her head, "No, no matter how urgent you are, it won't be a morning."

  The class bell rang, and Ji Ling told Wang Sanmei to go back, saying she would be back at noon.

  The two were separated.

  After Ji Ling returned to the room, Gao Jing from the corner came out slowly, looked at the direction Wang Sanmei left, and then walked back to the class.

   After school at noon, Miao Man heard that Ji Ling was going out to do some errands again, and Miao Man became anxious, "You are hiding from Gao Jing, right? She and the teacher in the dormitory asked her to change the bed. What does it matter to you?"

   "I'm really in a hurry." Ji Ling explained with a smile, "Someone came to look for me this morning, and you all saw it. It was my family who called me. There must be something wrong. I'll call back."

  Miao Man was relieved, "That's fine, I thought you were hiding from Gao Jing."

Miao Man came over and saw that the bed had been changed, but Ji Ling didn't come back, and they didn't know what was going on, even Gao Jing wasn't in the dormitory. Later, they asked the dormitory teacher to find out that Ji Ling had changed the bed. What Gao Jing agreed to.

  Ji Ling returned to her home, and Wang Sanmei knew that she had come back, and had already prepared all the meals, "You make a phone call, wash your hands and eat."

   Ji Ling thanked her and went to make a phone call first.

After the call was connected, he picked it up immediately, but it was Ji Yong's voice, "Xiao Ling? You must be in a hurry? It's nothing. Isn't this about your wedding at the end of December? I want to ask you Which students should be notified."

  Ji Ling smiled and said, "Dad, I don't have any good friends. Dong Manhua and Ma Hui will inform them when they have time, but they all live in the same compound. They should come without notice."

   "Okay, then I know." Ji Yong told her to take care of herself, and hung up the phone.

   After Ji Ling hung up the phone, her face slowly sank.

   Dad is lying.

  But through her father's actions, she could also guess that Xu Fang was looking for trouble again and was stopped by her father.

  Reminiscent of Zhu Heping asking her to call home to inform her of her pregnancy yesterday, combined with Xu Fang's actions today, Ji Ling also made a wild guess.

  Wang Sanmei called her out for dinner, and seeing her like this, she worriedly asked, "Is there anything wrong at home?"

  She took the initiative to call Ji Jianhua, worried that what she did was too reckless, and felt that she would not tell her if something happened to Ji's family, so she ran to inform Ji Ling.

   "It's okay, my mother probably made a fuss again, and then it came to me." Ji Ling stood up, "Let's eat."

  Wang Sanmei scrambled eggs and leeks. There was only one dish, but there were too many eggs. She kept adding eggs to Ji Ling during meals, and said that she should eat more if she was pregnant.

  Ji Ling also asked her to eat more, "The weather is cold, you should buy some thick clothes for yourself in the street these few days, it's not like you won't pay back the money you borrowed from me, so don't be mean to yourself."

   "No, it's not that cold now."

   "Seeing that it's snowing, it's not cold." Ji Ling took out 20 yuan from her pocket and put it on the table, "Buy a cotton coat and two more clothes."

  Wang Sanmei was no longer polite to her, "Okay, then I will keep the account."

  Ji Ling smiled and nodded.

  Wang Sanmei has strong self-esteem, she wants to rely on herself, Ji Ling is very supportive, if the other party is really greedy all the time, she really doesn't like such a person.

   What she gave was given, but it was a different feeling when the other party asked for it.

   After lunch, Ji Ling went back to school. She didn't notice Gao Jing's figure behind her. She looked at the direction Ji Ling left, and then looked back at the neighborhood where Ji Ling lived, and then walked slowly towards the school.

   Time came quickly, Ji Ling went back to the dormitory.

  Jiang Zheng is in the dormitory, but Gao Jing is not. On the way to school, I heard from Miao Man that Gao Jing came back very late yesterday and was the first one to go out in the morning. I don't know what she is busy with.

  (end of this chapter)

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