Chapter 193 Royal VIP

  Kong Siya was worried about the slippery road. She was a mother-in-law and supported her daughter-in-law. The car couldn't get into the alley, so Kong Siya asked her son to carry the things. She helped Ji Ling and carefully sent him back to Ji's house.

  Ji Yong had been notified from Zhu Weidong a long time ago, and when he saw his daughter coming back from a distance, he hurried up to meet her.

   "My mother-in-law, thank you for your hard work."

Kong Siya smiled gently, "You are being polite, my relatives. I will trouble you in the next few days. I will send Xiaoling back, so I won't bother you. I will take the children back first. The old lady is still waiting. "

   "Okay, okay." Ji Yong saw that there was still something he didn't understand, and took his daughter over from his in-laws.

  Looking at the actions of the Zhu family, one can tell how much the Zhu family values ​​their daughter now.

Seeing that the person was being supported, Kong Siya looked away, and greeted Xu Fang who had just come over, saying that she would come to visit again tomorrow. Xu Fang smiled and said a few words of courtesy, and took the bag from Zhu Weiyue's hand , and then watched the Zhu family leave.

  Kong Siya turned her head three times at every step, urging Ji Ling to go back to the house to avoid freezing.

  Seeing how the Zhu family is doing, Ji Yong couldn't help expressing that he took the bag from his wife, supported his daughter, and asked Xu Fang to send it off. He took his daughter home first.

   At this time, people from the neighbors also came out, and as soon as the Zhu family left, they all gathered around.

   Talking about congratulations in a hurry.

  Ji Ling smiled back and thanked, while Ji Yong invited everyone to come to his house as guests, and Ji's house became lively all of a sudden.

Ji Ling sat on the kang in the east room, and Ji Yong hung up his clothes. He often ran outside, and he knew the value of his daughter's coat just by looking at it. So after entering the room, his daughter sat on the kang. Hang up your clothes for a while.

There were a lot of people coming to the house, and they asked incessantly, and Ji Ling replied one by one, with an amiable attitude, without showing any impatience, and in the eyes of everyone, they felt that Ji Ling was a good character, even after she was married. Look down on them.

  Now that Ji Ling is pregnant and has another two days to go, everyone knows that they didn't stay too long and left together.

   After sending everyone away, Ji Ling let out a sigh of relief.

  Ji Yong said with a smile, "Today only some neighbors from the compound came. Tomorrow, relatives at home will come over one after another, and they will be even busier."

  Ji Ling smiled and said, "Dad, thank you for your hard work."

   "What to say, what a parent should do."

Xu Fang just came back after sending her away. Because of what happened last time, she and her husband had been in a cold war. It was because the eldest daughter was getting married that her husband came home. They didn't communicate with each other when they were together. Most of them talked about the wedding. thing.

   In just over a month, Xu Fang became so thin that she lost her appearance, as if recovering from a serious illness.

   It looks pitiful.

  Xu Fang said, "You father and daughter talk, I will cook."

   Same as before, Xu Fang hid again.

  Ji Ling watched his father go up, Ji Yong shook his head, and said, "Ji Ke and Jianhua are both in Beishi, come back tomorrow, and bring your grandma and your grandfather back together."

  Afterwards, Ji Yong said that the hostel has also been arranged. It was arranged by the Zhu family. In the hostel of the Land Bureau, there are usually many people eating there. There are restaurants and accommodations, which is convenient for entertaining people.

"The Zhu family arranged everything properly. We didn't let our family do this. It's your uncle who is busy." Ji Yong rarely praised Zhu Yaowu. Very thoughtful and detailed.”

  Ji Ling laughed, "I heard from grandma on the phone that Dad doesn't need to be polite to him."

   "I'm not polite to him, he gets along well with me now, sometimes he even takes a sip with me and calls me a man."

  Ji Ling: It can be seen that this is what Zhu Yaowu did.

  It gets dark earlier in the north, and it will be dark at three o'clock when the Chinese New Year is approaching, so every family has two meals, and dinner is eaten at one o'clock.

  Ji Ling was fully expecting to be pregnant for just two months, and later lost weight due to morning sickness. In the evening, Xu Fang stewed braised pork, fish, and cold dishes.

  As soon as the fish came up, Ji Ling felt a little nauseous, and she didn't want to show it in front of her parents. Fortunately, the morning sickness is not too severe now, as long as she doesn't touch things that make her sick, she won't vomit.

  My daughter is pregnant, Ji Yong is inconvenient to ask as a father, but I can see that his daughter doesn't like fish, and was about to take it down, but found that his wife had already discovered it first, so she got up and took the fish down.

   Not long after, I heard the sound of cooking in the outhouse. Ji Yong and his wife were still in a cold war and didn’t go out to watch. Not long after, Xu Fang came in with a plate of fried cabbage.

   "Can you try this?" Xu Fang put down the dishes and sat down at the same time, "Spicy cabbage fried with vinegar."

   "Thank you, Mom." Ji Ling thanked, and put a piece into her mouth. It was sour and spicy, and it tasted good, and the feeling of vomiting was also suppressed.

  After swallowing, she smiled and said, "This can be eaten."

  Ji Yong said, "Then eat more. Seeing that you are so thin, what you eat in school has been unpalatable, right?"

   "I can't eat the food bought outside, my brother-in-law delivers porridge and boiled eggs every day."

   "It's not enough to eat only these two nutrients." Ji Yong frowned when he heard this, "This is a chicken raised at home, can you see if you can eat it?"

  Ji Ling only ate the mushrooms in it, and didn't want her father to worry, so she picked up a piece. Maybe it was because of the vinegar and spicy cabbage, and she didn't feel like vomiting after eating the meat.

   Ji Yong persuaded her to eat something after seeing it.

  Maybe seeing that his daughter can eat, Ji Yong also reacted to himself, and put a piece of meat for his wife, "You should also eat more, you have lost so much weight."

  Xu Fang paused with her chopsticks, lowered her head and ate the meat silently. It was rare for the three of them to eat so warmly.

  After dinner, Ji Ling wanted to help clean up the table, but was stopped by Ji Yong, "Don't move, just sit on the kang, just these few dishes, your mother and I can clean up."

  Ji Ling smiled, "Dad, I'm fine, it's okay to move more."

   "No, today your mother-in-law handed you over to me, so I have to take good care of you. She didn't say that, and I can see that's what she meant."

  When Dad mentioned this, Ji Ling was speechless for a while, talking about how the Zhu family protected her as a porcelain guard after she was pregnant, Ji Yong smiled deeper when he saw it, and only said that the Zhu family did it very well.

  All parents in the world are the same, and Ji Ling also knows that it doesn't make sense to them.

  Although Xu Fang was tidying up the outhouse, she was still listening. When she heard that her eldest daughter passed by, she felt at ease.

  At this moment, hearing someone talking in the courtyard, Xu Fang was turning around when she saw Lian Qin walking in.

  Xu Fang smiled and said, "Here we come."

  Lian Qin is Wang Sanmei's mother. She has a square face. The people in the farmyard gave her the nickname "Horse Face" behind her back, and because of her stinginess, she seldom walks around with people in the family yard.

   It is precisely because she can 'housekeeping' that the children in the family can go to school. On the other hand, it is also admirable.

  (end of this chapter)

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