Pass Through 80s: A Notoriety

Chapter 239: got tricked

  Chapter 239 Was tricked

  Wu Wen can naturally see it.

  He said in a deep voice, "Wu Jian is lawless, and all the troubles are caused by his husband. Now it is easy for people to step on your face in the mud."

  Weng Yanzhi remained silent.

  The reason is this, but it can't be too inhumane, so can't it be resolved in private?

   Everyone who is making trouble now knows it.

"The last time Mr. Zhu came to talk to me personally about this matter, let's see what he did? He went to his husband again in a few days, and today he beat up the four boys of Zhu's family. Talking about the Zhu family, I only said that Wu Jianming knew that he was married, and he still did these things, he just had a problem with his style, and he made the Zhu family anxious, so he went directly to his unit, what should you do?"

   "As it is now, it's no different from finding a unit." Weng Yanzhi still couldn't turn this corner, "That Ji Ling, I think she is quite smart, why didn't you stop her? She is your student."

"So what if he's my student? You have to suffer if you're bullied by my son? I think it's your kind of thinking that caused Wu Jian to get used to it." Wu Wen looked at his wife with cold eyes, and Weng Yanzhi didn't dare to look at her again. There is dissatisfaction.

  When such a big incident happened at home, Wu Wen called his daughter directly. Wu Qi just lay down here, and she and her husband were still talking about Ji Lingpin in detail, when the phone rang at home.

   Seeing her husband come in and ask her to answer the phone, she went to the living room and kept asking who it was, but she didn't notice that her husband's expression was wrong. When she picked up the phone and found that it was her father, her expression also changed.

  Wu Qi didn't speak, and hung up after finishing speaking.

  She looked back, "Ji Ling is playing tricks on me."

  Wei Ke said, "I told you not to provoke Ji Ling, but you just didn't listen, you see now, trouble is coming."

   "How dare I provoke her, your family has folded one, am I stupid?" Wu Qi went back to the room to get dressed, while nagging, "It's also unlucky, why did Wu Jian provoke her."

  Wei Ke didn't want to listen to what his wife said just now, and didn't answer when he heard what his wife said.

  As long as the Wei family is not involved.

  Wu Qi put on her clothes and saw that her husband hadn't changed yet, so she said in a daze, "Why don't you wear clothes? Parents are waiting."

  Wei Ke had no choice but to get up and go. The father-in-law and mother-in-law are both smart people, and Wei Ke didn't dare to perfunctory in front of them.

  The husband and wife arrived at Wu's house. Seeing the old man's face was not good-looking, Wu Qi hurriedly persuaded him, and at the same time spoke good words for Wu Jian.

   "The Zhu family is too arrogant, they beat people as soon as they came up. You didn't see that Wu Jian was beaten badly. If it wasn't for the face of the Zhu family, I wouldn't have had an affair with them."

   "You don't have to look at Zhu's face. Since Wu Jian was broken, call the police, Mr. Jing." Wu Wen looked at his daughter.

  Wu Qi choked, and her face slowly turned red. Under her father's coercion, she couldn't sit still with a guilty conscience.

Wei Ke didn't want to help his wife, but with his father-in-law and mother-in-law around, he could only stand up, "Okay, it's this time, even if you feel sorry for Wu Jian, you can't help him. He has been pestering married couples and writing letters to others Ordinary people can't bear this humiliation, let alone the Zhu family. You said that Wu Jian was beaten, and the Zhu family's kid was also injured all over? You really want to sue, our family is the one that loses face in the end."

   "A mistake is a mistake. You are a teacher, so you can't mess around."

After hearing this, Wu Wen's face softened a little, "Wei Ke is right, as a teacher, if you are not in the right mind, how can you teach students? You said he was beaten, why don't you see what he did first? Where is the person? Where is the person now?"

  Wu Qi stopped being obedient, and didn't dare to argue anymore, "I'm going back to work."

   "Tell him, don't go home again, I don't have his son." Wu Wen said.

   "Dad." Wu Qi panicked, "Wu Jian also knew he was wrong this time."

   "Then wait until he really knows what's wrong." Wu Wen still understands his son.

   In his opinion, he was at a disadvantage, so how could he just let it go.

  Hit and beat, scold and scold, still can't control, just let him go.

  The blisters on his feet came out by himself, you will only get resentment if you stop him now.

"Listen to your father." Seeing that her daughter still doesn't understand, Weng Yanzhi sighed, "Now that the Zhu family is making trouble at home, everyone in the compound is watching. If your father does something to show his attitude, others will How to say?"

  Wu Qi understood.

  However, Weng Yanzhi still said with a serious face, "You tell Wu Jian, if he really doesn't know that he is wrong, and still persists in his obsession, we will really live without him as a son."

  The parents are serious, and Wu Qi also knows the seriousness of the matter.

   On the way home with her husband, she was also silent.

  Wei Ke thinks this is very good. My brother-in-law has a bad reputation, even he feels ashamed, and needs to be dealt with.

  At this time, Ji Ling had brought Zhu Yaowu and the four back home.

  She took out all the quilts at home, and directed several people to put the sofa together, "Two people sleep in the living room, two people sleep in the guest room, if you feel crowded, you can find a guest house to live in tomorrow."

   "Let's go home tomorrow." Zhu Yaowu said, "Grandpa and grandma don't care about the fight, but this time they were arrested and didn't dare to disturb them."

  Ji Ling smiled, "So this is the first time you have been arrested."

  Zhu Weiyue smiled and said, "That's right, listen to my sister-in-law in the future, put on a sack before doing anything, and you won't be arrested."

"It's better for you to calm down. I'll just say that, whether you can fight or not, you are too old, and you are still like a child." Ji Ling yawned, "It's too late, go to sleep, I will be with you tomorrow Let's go back together."

   About going to Wu's house, I have to tell my grandparents.

  In case the Wu family comes to apologize, don't let them get confused.

   It was the first time that the house was so lively. Just as Ji Ling was lying down, the phone rang at home. The phone was at the bedside, and Ji Ling answered it immediately.

   "Haven't slept so late?" Zhu Weidong was surprised.

  Ji Ling was even more surprised, "Did you talk on the phone?"

   "No, I went out to the county to purchase, and I asked a friend to borrow the government phone number here." Zhu Weidong also explained why he called so late.

Hearing that it was so difficult for him to make a phone call, Ji Ling said with a smile, "Then you should say that the call is too long, everything is fine at home, you don't have to worry about it, my elder brother will be here this weekend, I have nothing to do at home, wait for my elder brother to leave I'll go out."

   "By the way, I want to go to XJ, do you agree? Don't worry, I'm not going by myself, Sanmei will accompany me."

  Before Zhu Weidong said anything, he heard his daughter-in-law talking to herself, and settled the matter.

He listened patiently, and then said, "It's not safe for you to go there alone now, if you need anything, tell me, I'll send someone to do it, the traffic there is inconvenient, you are pregnant now, and your body can't bear it due to the exhaustion of traveling and traveling. "

  (end of this chapter)

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