Pass Through 80s: A Notoriety

Chapter 253: not favoritism

  Chapter 253 is not favoritism

  After walking for a day, Ji Ling was tired and hungry, but she had no appetite to eat and fell asleep unknowingly, so she didn't know that a truck passed by.

  The stone is flat and warm, which also prevents insects from crawling on it. Ji Ling slept well this time, but she didn't know that Zhu Weidong, who learned of his wife's departure, rushed out after learning the news.

  In the evening, the people on the construction site had been busy all day, and they had just finished work and hadn't eaten yet. When they heard the news, they were all anxious.

  Zhu Weidong rushed out, Li Gong chased after him, and Director Wang asked Chi Fangping what was going on.

  Chi Fangping could only learn what Lin Xiang said, "...Master Liu heard about this after he came back, so he asked Xiao Song to drive over to look for it, and he didn't see anyone all the way to your place."

   "Nonsense." Director Wang became anxious when he heard it, and turned around to look at the crowd. He searched around but couldn't find anyone, so he grabbed the person nearby and asked, "Where's Supervisor Hu? Tell him to come here immediately."

   Those who got the words immediately went to find someone.

   Seeing Director Wang so angry, no one dared to speak.

"It's half a day's drive from where I live. Xiao Zhu knew that his lover came here and never went back. He contributed so much to the project. How did you do it in the rear? A group of people bullied a little girl. She was only 21 years old. You cold Not chilling?"

  Chang Ya wanted to stand up and explain, but when she saw Director Wang's face full of anger, she backed away in fright, and glanced at Chi Fangping worriedly.

  Chi Fangping said, "Director Wang, it's our fault. We've realized what we did wrong. Zhu Weidong doesn't have much strength to go out alone now. Should we send a few more people to look for it separately?"

  Director Wang was anxious like an ant on a hot pan, "That's right."

  Then pointed to the people behind him, "You, you, and you, lead people to find someone separately, and a few more people to find Engineer Zhu."

   Before everyone had eaten, they were sent out to find someone.

When Zhu Weidong was caught up by the people behind, he had already run for two miles with a flashlight. After he got in the car, he directly told the driver to drive in the direction of his place of residence, and then got off the car halfway, saying that he wanted to search carefully by himself, and asked them to look for it at the place of residence. , to see if people have gone back.

  The people who followed were worried. Seeing his cold face that could freeze people to death, they drove away obediently.

  Zhu Weidong looked at the dark night around him, stood there for a while, and continued to walk in the direction of his residence, but every time he took a few steps, he would call Ji Ling a few times, and the only answer was the chirping of insects.

  Zhu Weidong did not give up. He called for people while walking, and every time he passed by a place with a big tree on the side of the road, he would go to check.

   This time, he drilled through the tall grass, and by the moonlight, he saw the figure on the stone not far away, and stood where he was.

  He didn't call out, but stood quietly, and after making sure that he wasn't dazzled, he strode over.

Getting closer and closer, Zhu Weidong pressed the flashlight down so that the light fell on the ground. He walked to the stone and slowly squatted down. Looking at his sleeping wife, he pressed his face tightly for a day, and finally relaxed. Stepped forward and lightly hugged the man into his arms.

  Ji Ling felt that she had a dream. In the dream, she was sleeping in the wild, and Zhu Weidong came over. She held his face with a smile and asked him if he was done with work? Then... Then she woke up, Zhu Weidong was still in front of her eyes.

  It was already dawn at some point, Ji Ling looked at the people around her, "Why are you here?"

  Zhu Weidong didn't sleep all night, just stared at people like this, saw his wife in his arms with a surprised look on his face, and smiled, "Didn't you look for me? Since you can't find it, then I will come."

  Ji Ling was still a little dazed while sleeping, and finally woke up at this moment, "You came out to find me?"

   "I've made you wronged." Zhu Weidong hugged him into his arms, "To make up for it, I chased away mosquitoes for one night. Is it worth it?"

  Ji Ling leaned into his arms with a smile, and leaned in front of him, "How did you recognize me? It's so dark outside."

   "Who would be so stupid to sleep in the wild in the middle of the night?" Zhu Weidong put his arms around someone, put his nose on her nose, and could touch her when he moved his lips, "Only you are so stupid to let yourself be wronged."

  Ji Ling raised her head and pecked his mouth, "I'm just stupid, so do you like it?"

   "I like it." After Zhu Weidong finished speaking, he kissed her.

  Ji Ling put her arms around his neck, and the two of them talked together about the things after their separation. They were all trivial things, and when they talked together, they would always laugh out loud from time to time.

  The sun rose and it was already drying people, so Ji Ling asked, "Did you come out by yourself?"


  Ji Ling froze for a moment, "Is there anyone else?"


   "Then everyone knows that you found me?"

"have no idea."

   "Then let's go back quickly, otherwise everyone is still looking for me."

  Zhu Weidong blocked the man back into his arms again, "Don't worry."

   "How can we not be in a hurry? It's not good to toss everyone out because of my affairs." Ji Ling pushed him, "Anyway, I did nothing wrong. I came out because I was wronged."

   "I know, so let them hurry up." Zhu Weidong smiled lowly, "The grievances suffered must be paid back."

Ji Ling was happy when she heard that, but still looked at him cautiously, "Then you don't blame me for causing trouble for you? They all say that I am like a distinguished guest, but I don't care. Anyway, I can live comfortably by myself, but you are here Work, it will be affected."

   "I rely on my own ability to work, and it has nothing to do with anything else." Zhu Weidong hugged his wife and got off the rock. He didn't let go of his hand after he stood still, "You carry you back."

  Ji Ling quickly refused, "No, I can walk by myself."

   "No, the road here is uneven." Zhu Weidong had already turned around and squatted down without refusing.

  Ji Ling stood still.

  Zhu Weidong urged again, "It's fine if I carry you back."

   "Forget it, let's recite it." Ji Ling leaned forward, and her vision suddenly became clearer.

  She hugged Zhu Weidong's neck, put her mouth close to his ear, and said with a smile, "Is it heavy?"

"not heavy."



   "How dare you despise me, I am two people now."

  Zhu Weidong: "Children are heavy, but you are not."

  Puff Chi.

  Ji Ling smiled, and then kissed him **** the face, "Very good."

  Zhu Weidong carried his wife on his back and walked towards the place of residence. The two of them didn't walk very fast. They met the truck they were looking for after not far away. Seeing the two of them, the truck drove a little faster and stopped a few meters away.

   "Engineer Zhu, are you all right?" Xiao Song jumped out of the truck and ran to the two of them.

  Zhu Weidong said, "It's okay, let's go back to the place of residence first."

  Ji Ling moved her body, trying to get off Zhu Weidong's body, but the big hand on her lap used some strength to pull her back.

  Xiao Song was also standing there, trying to wait for someone to come down, but saw Engineer Zhu walking towards the car with someone on his back.

  (end of this chapter)

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