Pass Through 80s: A Notoriety

Chapter 268: return home

  Chapter 268 Returning home by order

  At around nine o'clock in the evening, the front of Ji's furniture store was closed, and in the back yard, Ji Yong and his wife had just finished dinner.

  Two months ago, Ji Yong sold the house in the Agricultural Machinery Family Yard, and the whole family moved to live behind the shop.

  Ji Ling came back suddenly, catching the Ji family by surprise.

   Hearing someone knock on the door, Ji Yong thought it was his son who had called a few days ago when he opened the door, but when he saw his eldest daughter, he froze in place.


   "Dad, are you surprised? Surprised?" Ji Ling smiled.

  Ji Yong couldn't laugh, and then asked, "What happened?"

   "It's okay. Dad, I've been in the car for three days and I'm too tired. Let's go in first and talk about it." Ji Ling skillfully handed over the things she was carrying.

  Ji Yong took the things with a confused look on his face, "Yes, yes, come in first."

  In the backyard, Xu Fang waited for a long time but did not see her husband coming back. As soon as she got up and walked out of the house, she saw her husband coming back with her eldest daughter.

  She opened her mouth, and when Ji Ling called her mother, she came back to her senses, "It's cold, come in."

  Welcome her daughter into the house, glanced behind her again, and closed the door after seeing no other figure.

  Ji Ling took off her shoes and got on the kang, saw the food on the kang table, smiled and said, "It's a coincidence that I came back sooner, I just happened to be hungry."

   "I'll get you the bowls and chopsticks." Ji Yong turned and went to the outhouse.

  Xu Fang put the rice she had just served in front of her daughter, "Let's eat this bowl first."

  Ji Ling thanked her, picked up her chopsticks and began to eat, "The food on the train is not as delicious as the food cooked at home."

   "You came back by yourself?" Xu Fang asked.

   There is a certain truth in the saying that the smell is far away and the near is smelly.

  After the mother and daughter separated, as time went by, they could get along peacefully when they met each other. Although the relationship was not close, it eased a lot.

   "I came back by myself." Ji Ling picked up a piece of frozen tofu, "There are still a few days before the Chinese New Year. Has my elder brother not come back?"

"I called yesterday and said that I will be back in the next few days. The factory received a lot of orders a few years ago, and they are busy now." Ji Yong came in from the outside, and when he was talking, he saw his daughter shoveling rice into his mouth. He said , "Eat slowly, don't choke."

   "I'll go get a glass of water." Xu Fang winked at her husband and went out.

  The relationship between the husband and daughter is good, and it is convenient to ask questions.

  Ji Yong sat down, "Did you quarrel with Weidong?"


   "If you are wronged, tell your family." Ji Yong didn't believe his daughter's words.

  Ji Ling swallowed the food in her mouth, "Dad, I really didn't quarrel, I came back by order."

   "Come back by order?" Ji Yong became more and more confused the more he heard.

"Yeah, didn't I go to Southwest to look for Zhu Weidong before? His colleague went back to the capital after an accident, and I stayed in Southwest by myself. My daughter-in-law can't go back to her natal home for the New Year, but Zhu's doesn't, and Zhu Weidong is staying in the capital, so I'm homesick, so let me go back to my natal home for the New Year."

  Ji Yong’s mouth twitched, but he breathed a sigh of relief after all, “It’s not enough to quarrel, your parents-in-law treat you well, and you should be filial to them.”

  Ji Ling smiled and said, "My parents-in-law are careful, and I have no chance to honor them. My father-in-law asked others to buy the ticket for me this time, and I prepared a lot of things for you."

"Hey, I have mailed some New Year's goods for many years, and they have all been mailed to your elder brother. A few days ago, your elder brother called and talked about this. I also asked your elder brother to mail some local mushrooms and fungus. Our family also If you can’t produce good things, it’s just these mountain products.”

   "Things don't matter how expensive they are, it all depends on what you want, and my in-laws are not the ones who care about these things." Ji Ling persuaded her father to think about it.

"You have been stubborn since you were young. At that time, I wanted to marry someone in the future, what should I do? Now it seems that I am worried in vain. In the future, Ji Ke will never marry someone better than you." Ji Yong doesn't like to take two Compared with the daughters, the temperament of the two daughters is compared, the younger daughter is more docile, the older daughter is sharper, who would have known that the older daughter would be lucky, and would be valued by her in-laws after marriage.

   There are not many in-laws who value their daughter-in-law so much.

  Outside the door, Xu Fang was holding hot water, and the heat penetrated into her hand through the glass, and she slowly regained her senses. After adjusting the expression on her face, she opened the door and entered the room.

  Ji Ling had a good appetite, so she put down her chopsticks only after eating three bowls of rice.

   Parents are not unhappy when they see this scene.

  Ji Yong took a sip of liquor, "Call your elder brother later and ask him to come back tomorrow."

   "I'll go to fight. Big Brother will come back as soon as he knows I'm back."

   "The phone is at the counter in front. When walking, be careful of the slippery road. It has been snowing heavily these days." Ji Yong told his daughter's back.

  The sound came, and the person had disappeared.

  Xu Fang looked away, "Didn't you quarrel?"

   "It wasn't a quarrel, it was a telegram sent by the in-laws, asking her to go home for the New Year."

   "Xiao Ling is now four months pregnant, right? My belly looks big, how can the Zhu family rest assured that she will come back alone?"

   "Zhu Weidong's colleague went back to the capital because of an accident, and the Zhu family was worried about her being there alone. Maybe they felt wronged by her and worried that she would be homesick, so they arranged for her to come back for the New Year." Ji Yong guessed.

  Xu Fang didn't think so. The eldest daughter didn't have a good relationship with her family, and the Zhu family didn't know about it. How could she think that the eldest daughter was homesick? Something must have happened to the Zhu family.

  Seeing that her husband was in a good mood, Xu Fang didn't say anything disappointing.

  There is really something going on around, and it can't be hidden for a while.

  In the shop in the front room, Ji Lingang and Ji Jianhua got on the phone.

  Ji Jianhua joked, "You are calling late, Zhu Weidong called me and just hung up."

"what did he say?"

"Ask you if you've arrived home? Said he's gone back to the southwest and found you back home, let me make sure you're home and call him back." Ji Jianhua said, "He left a phone number, you can find Take a note."

   "I won't call, and you are not allowed to call." Ji Ling held the phone in one hand and played with the phone line in the other.

   "A quarrel?" Ji Jianhua stopped laughing, "I don't want to ask him, but I was thinking of calling Dad, and your call came over."

   "He is the most benevolent person in the world, how dare I quarrel with him." Ji Ling snorted, "Leave this matter alone. When will you come back, big brother?"

"You're back, I'll go back tomorrow. The factory has sent out the last batch of goods today, and the employees are on vacation after receiving their salaries and benefits." Ji Jianhua didn't ask any more questions, but he was still thinking about his sister, "Since I'm back Now, let's spend a good New Year at home, but you are not allowed to go out with Zheng Shiqian Xiangqian and the others, the roads are slippery in winter, and you are pregnant now."

  (end of this chapter)

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