Pass Through 80s: A Notoriety

Chapter 280: to be punished

  Chapter 280 will be punished

  Ji Jianhua passed by, Zhu Weidong stood up and called "Brother", his wife left angrily, and he still hadn't reacted.

  Ji Jianhua saw his dull face, and swallowed the words abruptly. He said, "Sit down first."

After the two sat down, he said, "The matter between you and Ji Ling is not because she went home and complained at home, but because we overheard the phone call she made to your home. That's how I found out. Xiao Ling is very happy." Sensible, she married you back then to save my father, otherwise, with her character, she would not have married so early, and she would not have married you in this way."

   "Brother, I know."

"I'm telling you this because I want you to understand that although Xiaoling married you for these reasons, it's not that she didn't take this marriage seriously. Since she has made a decision, she will definitely go Run your marriage."

"You are her husband. When you encounter anything after marriage, you should first think about it in her position, because from the moment you get married, you are the closest person to her in this world. As relatives, we must Lean back. You are a prudent person, and you handle things safely, and I am also happy for Xiaoling, but this time you are too disappointing, I believe not only our natal family, but your family must also be very disappointed."

  How can the parents-in-law stand from the perspective of the daughter-in-law instead of the son.

  The fact is that this time the Zhu family is also on Xiaoling's side.

   "Brother, I'm sorry, I did something wrong." Zhu Weidong apologized, "I didn't think carefully enough to make things like this."

"Yeah, human life is a matter of heaven, how can you put the crime on Xiaoling so easily? If it's anything else, we won't bother with you. Even if Xiaoling and you are willful, we will will tell her."

  Zhu Weidong nodded, with a sincere attitude, and earnestly followed Ji Jianhua's reprimand. Facing the accusation, he did not shirk his responsibility, and seriously reflected on what he did wrong.

  Ji Jianhua was originally going to be full of anger, but seeing his pious attitude, he couldn't express it.

  At this time, the phone rang again, and Ji Ke ran in, "Brother-in-law, there is a call for you, and it is from your unit."

  Zhu Weidong stood up and nodded to Ji Jianhua, "Brother, I'll answer the phone first."

  Ji Jianhua stood up, "Go."

  Standing at the door, Ji Ke watched his elder brother follow, hesitated for a while and followed.

  Sitting in the room, Ji Ling saw the three of them going to the shop in front one after another, thought for a while and walked out.

  After Zhu Weidong picked up the phone, he looked serious, "Yes, I left in a hurry, and I didn't ask for leave from my superiors. I will write a review after I go back."

   "Okay." The other side didn't know what to say, Zhu Weidong said this before hanging up.

  After he hung up the phone, Ji Jianhua asked, "You came here without asking for leave?"

  Zhu Weidong said, "I'll take the morning train back tomorrow, and I can go back before the construction starts."

  Ji Jianhua opened his mouth, Zhu Weidong's work is very important, if he is not here, the whole project will be delayed and affected, the railway repair is a major event, a major national event, how can it be delayed because of his personal affairs.

   Otherwise, I would not have been married for more than half a year, and few people have gone home.

  Ji Jianhua said, "Should I call your leader and talk about it?"

   "Brother, don't worry, I have already agreed with the director, and I will write a review after I go back. Let's not mention this during Chinese New Year today." Zhu Weidong said.

   Ji Ke rolled his eyes back and forth, but didn't speak.

  Ji Ling also heard it from the back door, she quietly walked away again, and went directly to the back kitchen, "Mom and Dad, Zhu Weidong is short on time, we have to leave early tomorrow morning, I will go back with him."

   "What? Going back tomorrow?" Ji Yong was picking a bundle of celery in his hand, and stopped at this moment, "Did you just call?"

   "Well, he came back without asking for leave."

"How can this work." Ji Yong said nonsense, put down the celery in his hand, picked it up again after thinking about it, "I cook with your mother, and you also go to pack your things, he is an engineer, why did he leave there? Start construction? Go ask him if it will have any impact?"

  Ji Ling also knew that the matter was serious. When she came out of the kitchen, Zhu Weidong and Ji Jianhua had just walked back from the front, and Ji Ling called him to go back to the room with her.

  Ji Jianhua didn't have the heart to train others anymore. Now that he might be punished for coaxing his sister, and it was such a big matter, how could they feel at ease.

  In the room, Ji Ling looked at Zhu Weidong and complained, "How can you be so impulsive for such a big matter?"

"It's okay, I'll leave tomorrow, and I'll be there in three days." Zhu Weidong walked to the kang, pulled his bag over, opened it and took out all the things inside, "I bought this for you on the way, you can keep it for food." , Tomorrow I will go back to the Southwest, you stay at home well, it is impossible to go back before school starts."

  Ji Ling put out a piece of delicious food after looking at it for a while, "Your bag is pretty big, where did you buy it?"

   "The train stops halfway, so I'll buy some on the platform."

  Ji Ling could see that they all have the characteristics of different places.

   It's just that she didn't like it for a while and Zhu Weidong kept silent like this, so she had nothing to say, and she was still depressed.

"I want to come back this time by myself, and my parents won't be angry if they know it." Zhu Weidong emptied his bag, sat down next to his wife, and held her hand, "Xiaoling, after this incident, I also After many days of introspection, I will talk to Accountant Chi again about the matter in person, and I will also ask Tang Ping to go to Chi’s house to apologize, and when I return to the capital on vacation, I will take you to Tang Ping face to face. Let’s talk about it again. I understand that these are not important, what is important is my decision-making consciousness, which determines the result after being guided.”

   Finally said something human.

  Know that the main fault is yours.

  Ji Ling nodded, and heard him say again, "I will correct this mistake in the future, and I won't make it again. I will communicate with you first when I encounter something."

   "Let's see how you behave in the future." Ji Ling saw that he summed up his mistakes and reflected sincerely, so she accepted the apology, "I'll go back with you tomorrow."

"No, it's rare for you to come back. I'll go first. You stay at home for a few more days. It won't be easy for you to come back after you give birth. Just take this opportunity to stay longer." Zhu Weidong saw his wife finally no longer Twist it, put his wife in his arms, and put one hand on her stomach, "Dad will make misunderstandings when he is someone else's husband for the first time. Can you and mom supervise dad?"

  Ji Ling didn't want to laugh, but felt that if he saw her like this, she would be coaxed by her, so she laughed in a few words, and suppressed her laughter, "Okay, from now on, our mother and I will supervise you well."

  Ji Ke stood outside the window and peeked, and what she saw was this scene. She blushed and ran to the kitchen, "My brother-in-law coaxed my sister well."

  (end of this chapter)

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