Pass Through 80s: A Notoriety

Chapter 300: believe it or not i slap you

  Chapter 300 Believe it or not, I will slap you

  Ji Ling's words made the ward quiet for a moment.

  The next second, Lian Qin almost jumped up, her voice was raised a few degrees, "You drove the person away? What if something happens to someone? Ji Ling, how can you be so cruel?"

  Ji Ling laughed and said, "Auntie, what you said is wrong. Just now you blamed me for taking in your family Wang Sanmei, and now you blame me for driving her away, so what do you think I should do?"

"How to do it? People like this should stay far away." Zhu Yaowu snorted coldly, "Who do you think you are? Helping your child and making mistakes, and even running here to mess around, believe it or not, I will slap you you?"

Lian Qin blushed, and didn't dare to confront Ji Ling's brother-in-law, so she looked for a soft bully, "Xu Fang, we have lived in the same compound for many years, and you know who I am. Although there are four daughters in my family, they are all the same." In pain, the four children are all bent over to study. Sanmei ran away from home because she failed to pass the college entrance examination. Her father and I were worried and angry, but there is no overnight enmity between father and daughter. Ling, I still pay for Sanmei's living expenses, why did Xiao Ling drive her away as soon as she went back?"

Xu Fang said indifferently, "Lianqin, isn't it to your liking to drive people away? Don't quarrel about this matter. You should go back too if you are noisy in the hospital. You are good to Sanmei, she herself When I think about it, I will contact you naturally.”

  Lian Qin was speechless for a while.

   The matter of the two daughters’ loss of bag cannot be said. There is no reason why Sanmei will never forgive them for the rest of her life. Naturally, Ji’s family is not worried.

  Ke Lianqin understood.

   "Auntie, my elder brother is sick, you can go back." Ji Ling chased away with a cold face.

  Lian Qin was anxious to find someone to help her, looked around the room, and found that everyone was looking at her coldly, and finally had no choice but to leave resentfully.

   Ji Yong sullenly followed the person who had gone to make sure he left, and asked Ji Ling after he took the door, "Sanmei really left?"

   "No." Ji Ling said, "But you don't have to worry, Sanmei won't stay with me after taking the college entrance examination this year."

   "College entrance examination?" Ji Yong was stunned.

   "Well, she has been studying for a year and plans to take the college entrance examination again. After passing the exam, the school will provide subsidies. She can finish college without spending some money at home."

  Ji Yong was silent for a while, and then said, "Okay, then you hide him well after you go back this time, so that Ermei won't see it."

   After Lian Qin made such a fuss, everyone also talked about the Wang family. It was heard that Wang’s father suffered from pulmonary edema, which was very serious. How well it can be treated in the end depends on the later effects.

  Ji Yong also told his daughter, "When you get back, talk to Sanmei and see what she thinks."

  In case the person really disappears, she will regret for the rest of her life if she doesn't see the last side, but she has to decide whether she will come back or not.

  Ji Ling responded, and while her eldest brother was awake, she also turned the topic to Luo Li, "Brother, you are a virgin and you don't even tell your family, you are too full."

  Ji Jianhua said, "Before Luo Li said it failed, I didn't want people to know, so I listened to her."

  Xu Fang said, "I went to his factory with your dad this morning to take a look. The factory has just been built, and the equipment hasn't come in yet, right?"

   "Well, the equipment was eliminated by other factories. Luo Li has to go there and follow the workers to learn how to repair it. It can only be shipped back after it can be operated. It should be in March."

   "Doesn't his family have a son?" Xu Fang was surprised that it was related to machinery, how could she let her daughter do it.

   "Her elder brother works out of town, and he won't be able to transfer back in the future. The factory will be handed over to her in the future." Ji Jianhua explained.

  Xu Fang said, "In such a big factory, she can be busy as a girl, and she has less time to take care of the family."

  Ji Jianhua, "When the factory is up and running, she doesn't need to keep watching."

  Ji Yong, "Jianhua is right. Even if you have a job, you have to go to work every day. It is more free to manage the factory by yourself."

  Xu Fang doesn't think this is a big problem either. Compared with her daughter-in-law opening a factory by herself, a formal job is nothing.

   Luo Li didn't come until the afternoon, but Xu's mother came, brought food, and asked Ji Ling how to get back to the compound.

  Ji Ling said that she would run errands in the morning and live in at night, so Mother Xu was happy.

Afterwards, Ji Ling and Zhu Yaowu followed Xu's mother back to the compound to eat, and stayed there directly. As soon as the three of them arrived home, the home phone rang. Hello Ji Ling.

   "Xiao Ling, answer the phone quickly, it's Wei Dong calling."

   Ji Ling said how he knew I was here, and walked over to answer the phone.

  After Zhu Weidong went to the Southwest last time, the two had no contact. Later, Ji Ling suddenly returned to his hometown. Ji Ling thought that Zhu Weidong should have called the old house today, and then the call came here.

  After Zhu Weidong explained on the phone, it was exactly as Ji Ling guessed.

   "How is the eldest brother?"

   "It's out of danger. Yaowu and I will take the train tomorrow. Everything here at home is fine. You don't have to worry about it."

  Zhu Weidong's steady and deep voice came slowly, "Every time something happens at home, I'm not by your side. I'm sorry."

"It's because of work, and I don't blame you." Ji Ling told him to take care of himself, and the two said a few more words, knowing that Zhu Weidong was already busy with construction, so he didn't have to worry about himself, and everything at home was fine, so they hung up Telephone.

   Picking up in the living room, she didn't avoid people. Xu's mother could tell that Zhu Weidong cared about his granddaughter.

  When Ji Ling hung up the phone, he told her to live a good life.

   "But your eldest brother is sick this time, why didn't Xiao Ke come over?" Xu's father came out of the study, and looked at his wife again, "Has Xiao Ke gone today?"

  Mother Xu thought for a while, "No."

  The two looked at Ji Ling, who smiled and said, "I don't know, you should ask my parents."

  Anyway, she doesn't do villains.

   Xu's mother saw that something was wrong, and thought that Ji Ling would go back tomorrow, so she didn't bother with this topic again.

  As for the hospital, after Ji Ling and the others left, Ji Yong and Xu Fang raised money with their son.

"Your uncle said that I will give it in a few days. I promise Xiaoling that I will give her five thousand yuan tomorrow morning." Ji Yong said, "I will go to your Uncle Qian and Uncle Zheng in a while. Even if they have it, it is enough If it's less than five thousand, do you have any friends who can spend a few days?"

  Ji Jianhua pursed his lips, "Uncle said it would only take a few days, it's almost a month now."

He looked at Xu Fang, "Mom, I told you at that time that the money is the working capital of the factory, and it cannot be used for too long. You promised me. Now I am in the hospital, and my usual friends are all How can I make up such a large sum of money when I work and earn tens of dollars a month?"

   Finally said, "You should ask your uncle for it."

   "Today your uncle will get back 1,000. The Qian family and the Zheng family can borrow 3,000. There is still 1,000 left. Let's think of a way." Seeing his wife's silence, Ji Yong could only think of other ways.

  (end of this chapter)

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