Pass Through 80s: A Notoriety

Chapter 307: bitter but best

  Chapter 307 Bitter but the best

   When Ji Ling spoke, Miao Man hadn't reacted yet, Tang Meng also spoke, and Miao Man also remembered that Ji Ling was just called away by the teacher.

  Back in the dormitory at night, Ji Ling told her that she was going to the General Railway Administration, "The work there is heavy and bitter, but it is very training."

  Miao Man looked around on their unit list, "Hey, it's strange, why isn't it on here?"

Tang Mengdao, "Don't look for it anymore. How can students like us get in the General Administration of Railways? The teacher found Ji Ling alone. One is that she has strong personal ability, and the other is that she can find a better accounting method based on work. , Just based on this, it can also be favored by the country."

  Miao Man looked disappointed when she heard this, "Hey, besides my poor grades, I can also endure hardships. It would be great if I could be with Ji Ling."

"Don't think about it." Tang Meng directly cut off her thoughts, "I also object to the thing you said about going to the zoo. Now we are eager to learn when we go to school, and we need to find someone who can learn something. Only work in the unit, if you want to be lazy now, and assign work to a bad unit in the future, you will cry."

   "Tang Meng is right." Ji Ling took the list and read it from beginning to end, "I think the steel factory is good."

   No matter at any time, the steel plant will not close down.

   "Those male students don't go here. They say it's boring and tiring." Li Jia recalled, "When I was in school today, many students refused to go here."

"Then you have to go even more." Ji Ling said, "No building can do without steel, so you will come into contact with more things and learn more. In fact, our accounting industry requires patience. You have to be lonely, otherwise, if you really want to play every day, it is impossible not to make mistakes at work."

   "Okay, then I'll listen to you." Tang Meng directly decided to go to the steel factory.

   Miao Man and Li Jia also agreed.

  In the dormitory on the other side, Gao Jing was also looking at the list, "Jiang Zheng, which one do you think is better?"

  Jiang Zheng raised his head, "Actually, it doesn't matter where you go. What accountants have to do is nothing more than those jobs, but if you want to train people, you should go to a larger unit."

  Gao Jing nodded, "Are you going to the hospital?"

   "Well, my mom doesn't want me to work too far away from her in the future."

   "Are you in a bad mood?" Gao Jing put down the list in her hand and looked at Jiang Zheng.

  Jiang Zheng glanced at her and looked down at the book in his hand, "My mother wants me to continue learning piano, but I don't want to learn. I want to do what I like to do."

   "You play the piano very well, but it would be a pity to give up." Gao Jing said.

   "I have done a lot of good things." Jiang Zheng has always been very confident.

  Gao Jing smiled, "Yeah, so Aunt Jiang really doesn't need to worry."

  Jiang Zheng hummed.

Gao Jing said, "I met Senior Gu today. Senior Gu is very happy. He said that there is a place in the school to go to the General Administration of Railways. He has already applied. I don't know if he will be selected. If he is selected, he will do an internship there to satisfy the other party. , the General Administration may have important people with the school."

   "Senior Gu is very good, and I will definitely be selected."

   "I just don't know where Ji Lingxuan has gone. When I came back from the office today, I saw the teacher call her over." Gao Jing said, "Maybe it's because she's worried that she's pregnant and has a big belly, so I want her to choose an easier unit."

  Jiang Zheng didn't answer.

During the Chinese New Year, she saw Chang Ya. Chang Ya's condition was very bad. She was driven back from the southwest, and she couldn't go to the hospital in the capital. Her family arranged for her to go to a small city in the north, saying that she would experience two years of experience there. Call it back.

  When Chang Ya said goodbye to her, she told her to stay away from Ji Ling, and whoever was close to her would be unlucky.

   As for why Chang Ya was driven back from the southwest, Chang Ya didn't say anything, but she knew that Ji Ling went to the southwest for the New Year, and Chang Ya was there.

   "Jiang Zheng, are you okay?"

  Jiang Zheng looked up, "It's okay. What did you just say?"

   "I said that Ji Ling was called by the teacher, maybe because of her personal situation, let her arrange a separate unit."

  Jiang Zheng hummed, and then said, "Which unit did you choose?"

   "I don't know which one to choose. I usually don't have contact with my classmates, and I don't have any friends who can be with me. Just choose one."

   "Then let me tell my mother, you should go to the hospital too."

  Gao Jing froze for a moment, then quickly waved her hands, "No, I've already caused a lot of trouble by staying at your house for the whole winter, so I can't ask you to help me anymore."

   "It's okay, we have someone to take care of when we go."

  Gao Jing bit her lip, "Jiang Zheng, thank you then."

  After lying down, Gao Jing was so happy that she couldn’t fall asleep when it was dark. The hospital is very good, and the school has them on the list, but the places are limited.

   Now that Jiang Zheng has spoken, he will definitely be able to go.

   Right now, she is curious about where Ji Ling has gone.

   Two days later, the list was finally announced.

  The iron and steel plant didn’t have many people to choose, and all three of Miaoman were selected. The three of them were very happy, but the others were different. Many of them didn’t go to the unit they wanted.

  As for the hospital, it is also a sought-after unit. Both Gao Jing and Jiang Zheng’s names are on it.

   Although jealous, but also accepted.

  After all, they can't let go of their status to be another classmate's follower.

  Gao Jing searched the list, but did not see Ji Ling. She wondered if Ji Ling asked for leave?

  Jiang Zheng also took a special look, Gao Jing said, "There is no Ji Ling."

  The two of them discovered it, and it wasn't long before someone noticed it.

  But because I don't have much communication with Ji Ling, even if I'm curious, I'm too embarrassed to ask.

  But everyone’s doubts are still posted outside and answered.

  In the announcement, it was posted that the fresh graduates from the previous school applied for an internship at the General Administration of Railways. Gu Baoshan was one of them, and the most surprising thing was that there was a new freshman named Ji Ling on it.

   Such special words are the first.

   Not long after, the news spread, and everyone's eyes on Ji Ling changed.

   Gao Jing pursed her lips, "Ji Ling has such a big belly now, is it really okay to go there?"

  The General Administration of Railways is a good unit, and not ordinary people can get in. Gu Baoshan is such an outstanding person, he was only included in the list after competing with others.

  Ji Ling went in just after freshman year, and everyone knew what it meant without saying anything.

   That's what the school values. If Ji Ling performs well, it's self-evident where she will be assigned after graduation.

  There were those who congratulated, and those who were jealous. In the next few days, another voice rang out, saying that Ji Ling could only enter because of her relationship with her husband's family.

  After hearing this, Miao Man rolled up his sleeves angrily and wanted to fight with the person who was spreading lies behind his back.

  (end of this chapter)

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