Pass Through 80s: A Notoriety

Chapter 375: steal flowers

  Ji Ling was worried that she would never lose weight, and she couldn't help being anxious when she thought about spending her life with such a figure.

   But without food and without milk, I can’t starve my daughter.

  After several struggles in my heart, I still ignore my body first, and then think about losing weight.

  Zhu Weidong dared to move when he heard his wife's breathing was steady, and stretched out his hand to gently hug her into his arms.

  He lowered his head, his wife's hair was long, he recalled the scene of saving her on the street, she was lying on his body, her petite body was soft, as if she had no bones, and her face was flustered.

  At this moment, the appearance of his wife suddenly became clear in his mind, but soon seemed to be covered by a layer of fog.

  The next morning, when the four brothers of the Zhu family got up, they saw the eldest brother standing honestly in front of their father.

  The two sat one by one and stood by the other, neither of them spoke.

   Seeing this scene, the four of them were very surprised. The eldest brother came back so rarely, but he made a mistake?

  From childhood, in Zhu Yaowu’s memory, only the time when the elder brother was abducted, because he recognized the wrong family, was scolded by his father when he came back. Now that the elder brother is married, he actually provoked his father again?

  Zhu Chuang was also very embarrassed. His wife went to deliver food in the morning, and then saw his son sleeping with his daughter-in-law. After the wife went downstairs, he asked him to clean up his son.

  How does he deal with this kind of thing?

   Scolding his son for sleeping with his daughter-in-law?

   Still scolding the son for not listening to his mother?

  Zhu Chuang didn't think of how to speak for a while, so after calling his son, he just asked people to stand.

  In the end, it was Mrs. Zhu and Father Zhu who came back from a walk outside to break the embarrassment between father and son.

  After knowing the ins and outs of the matter, Mrs. Zhu said seriously, "You did this wrong. From today onwards, you will sleep with your grandpa."

   Zhu Weidong:

  Old lady Zhu took the opportunity to educate the four grandchildren beside her, "You four also remember that in the future when your wife gives birth to a child, if you make such a mistake, you will be kicked out of the house."

  The four laughed and said they would not get married.

  Old lady Zhu didn't believe it, and thought that when she met a girl she liked, she might argue with her family about getting married.

  Finally, because of Zhu Weidong's mistake, he was arranged to sleep downstairs at night, and he was still with Zhu's father.

  Ji Ling couldn't help laughing when she heard it.

  As for what happened last night, she didn't take it to heart at all, but when she received the flowers from Zhu Weidong, she was still stunned.

   "I heard that roses represent love, do you like it?" Zhu Weidong held several roses in his hands.

  Ji Ling took it happily, "Where did you buy it?"

   "I got it from a friend's house."

   "Your friend grows roses?"

   "Well, I will pick it for you later if I like it."

  Ji Ling nodded, "I like it."

  After living two lifetimes, it was the first time I received flowers from a man, who was still my husband.

  Zhu Weidong saw that his wife was reluctant to let go of the flowers, put them on her nose and smelled them again and again, so he had other thoughts.

   When his wife was resting, he went downstairs and called Zhu Yaowu, "Are you busy now?"

  Zhu Yaowu raised his head, "It's okay."

   "Then go out with me." Zhu Weidong thought for a while, "Shout Wei Yue and Heping too."

  Zhu Yaowu didn't know what the elder brother was going to do, but he obediently went to the room and called him out.

  Zhu Weiming followed, "Brother, don't you need me?"

   "You are weak, just wait at home."

  Low strength?

  The four brothers of the Zhu family became even more curious.

  Finally, Zhu Weiming still followed.

   Then I watched Zhu Weidong turn and turn in the compound, and turned to the backyard of the Kang family.

   "Brother, what are you doing here?" Zhu Yaowu took a look into the yard, except for vegetables and flowers, there was no sign of Kang Xiaohua.

  Zhu Weidong said, "Bring those potted flowers back, your sister-in-law likes it."

  Zhu Weidong pointed to the flower pot in the yard next to the window.

  Zhu Yaowu smiled, with a wicked smile, "So it's the matter, it's simple."

   Then with a wave, the brothers turned into the yard, moved one by one and handed it to each other. More than ten potted flowers were quickly moved out.

  One person held two pots, and moved the flower pots upstairs to the balcony outside Ji Ling's bedroom after two trips back and forth.

  Ji Ling also woke up, got up and went to the balcony, "Your friend gave us all the flowers?"

   "Well, so as long as it blooms, you can see it, and it will last."

  Ji Ling hugged Zhu Weidong's arm, "Thank you husband."

  Zhu Weidong froze, lowered his head with a smile in his eyes, "What other flowers do you like? I'll find them for you."

Ji Ling smiled and said, "Do you have lilies? There are also Chinese roses. In fact, as long as it is a flower, I like it. It is best to be able to bear the cold, so that it is okay to put it on the balcony in winter, and it will sprout again when spring comes. "

  Ji Ling recalled the flowers she raised in her previous life, but she still didn't name them.

  These flowers are not available in the north, and Zhu Weidong would feel strange if she really said it.

   "In the next few days, I will find more flowers and transform the balcony into a garden."

  Downstairs, the four brothers of the Zhu family were still laughing, "Kang Xiaohua came back and found that his flowers were gone, and he didn't know why he was so angry."

  Zhu Weiyue asked, "Brother put the flowers on the balcony, so they won't be discovered?"

   "What's wrong with the discovery? How can he prove that the flower is his?" Zhu Heping raised his eyebrows.

  Zhu Weiming said, "I saw my eldest brother come back with a few flowers on the Internet. I was still thinking that only Kang Xiaohua planted flowers in the compound, and now I understand."

  Recalling that their elder brother is such a calm person, for a woman to do such a thing, the four of them exchanged glances and couldn't help laughing.

On the other side of the Kang family, Kang Xiaohua's face was not good all day at work. When he woke up in the morning, he found that some king, eight, or egg had picked his flowers, leaving only some flower buds. He hated him so much. If he knew Whoever picked it, he must break off the other's fingers.

  I was in a bad mood at work all day, so I hurried back to look at my flowers after get off work, but the flowers were gone, not even the pots.

  He stood in the yard and shouted, "Which son of a **** stole my flower?"

  Li Cuilan ran over from the front yard, "What's wrong?"

   "Mom, my flowers were stolen, didn't you see them during the day?" Kang Xiaohua asked heartbroken.

  Li Cuihua said, "Go out with your grandma during the day, and she's not at home. The flowers are worthless. Who would steal them? Could it be someone's child who was mischievous?"

  Kang Xiaohua couldn't ask, so he gritted his teeth and walked out. He didn't believe that they really had a place to hide more than a dozen potted flowers. Now that he was asked to find them, he would break the opponent's legs.

  Walking all the way, I saw Zhu Weidong playing with flower pots on the balcony on the second floor of Zhu's house from a distance.

  Kang Xiaohua's legs paused, and he almost ran over in the end. He looked up and saw the flowers on the balcony, which were exactly behind his dozen or so pots of roses.

  He growled, "Zhu Weidong."

   Zhu Weidong heard someone calling him, he looked sideways, only to see a person staring at him with gritted teeth.

  He narrowed his eyes slowly, guessing who it was, "What's the matter?"

   "You stole the young master's flowers, do you think there is something wrong?"

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