Pass Through 80s: A Notoriety

Chapter 415: situation

  Chapter 415 Situation

   Zhu Weidong couldn't find anyone, and stood on the road in a daze.

  Ji Ling walked back to the residence on her own, and waited for a while after returning to the room, but she didn't see Zhu Weidong coming back.

  She immediately went out to look for it again, and sure enough, she was not far away, watching Zhu Weidong come back alone through the night.

  When he came to him, Zhu Weidong was sweating on his forehead, "Xiaoling, I'm sorry, I just lost you."

  Ji Ling: When she met his sincere eyes, she couldn't bear to be angry anymore.

  She sighed, "Go back to the house first."

  Zhu Yaowu and the others had already rested, so naturally they didn't know that the husband and wife had a little conflict.

  The winter here is very cold, and it snowed again the next day. Apart from eating, everyone stayed in the hotel.

On the other side of the camp, after Zhu Weidong left, there was a new problem at the engineering department. Lian Qizhen rushed over, but the progress still stopped. After Lian Qizhen instructed, she followed her method and soon New problems arise.

  Even Qizhen also had some headaches. What she learned in the past was all in books, and she didn’t practice it. In the past six months after returning to work in China, she mostly learned it on drawings. Zhu Weidong proposed how to avoid possible problems.

   In just three days, Lian Qizhen was a little overwhelmed, mainly because there was a problem on her side, and the project stopped.

  Hundreds of people are in front of the eyes, and there are countless people working behind the scenes. So much money, manpower and material resources have been invested, but now the project has stopped, and every day it stops is a loss.

  Yuan Sheng also just received a call from above at this time, asking about Lian Qizhen's work here.

Yuan Sheng told the truth, but the current situation can't be concealed, "She and Zhu Weidong used to be together, so I couldn't see anything, and I didn't think it was wrong. Zhu Weidong asked for leave three days ago, and now there is a problem with the project. Even the engineer can't Solved, the project stopped today."

  Listening to the words above, Yuan Sheng frowned, and finally answered yes, and hung up the phone.

  The phone hung up, but Yuan Sheng got a headache. The higher-ups asked him to call Zhu Weidong back immediately, and criticized him for giving Zhu Weidong a holiday at this time, accusing him of mistakes in leadership work.

  How could he not be able to tell the seriousness? At that time, he was thinking that Lian Qizhen came back from abroad, and Zhu Weidong only left for a few days, what big things could happen.

  Who would have thought that Lian Qizhen would stop working after only three days without bearing the heavy burden.

  He called out the door, "Xiao Gao."

  The voice fell, and there was a response from outside, Xiao Gao pushed the door and walked in, "Director, call me."

   "Go to the city, find Engineer Zhu, and tell him that there is a problem here, and ask him to come back immediately." Yuan Sheng directly took his anger on the assistant, "If Engineer Zhu doesn't come back, I will punish you."

  Xiao Gao responded and went out, ignoring being dragged and angry, looking for a driver, and rushed to the city immediately.

   The driver is Xiao Chen, who is usually assigned to Zhu Weidong. When Zhu Weidong is not around, he also relaxes.

  The two were driving on the road, chatting without delay.

   "The fact that Engineer Zhu's lover was driven away has been spread in private now, so it's no wonder that Engineer Zhu is angry."

  Xiao Gao was brought by Director Yuan, and he was regarded as his right-hand man, "You always say that?"

  Xiao Chen nodded, "Section Chief Chen, don't you still know?"

   Gao Chao said, "I follow Director Yuan, who dares to say this in front of me."

  He frowned, "It seems that this matter is troublesome."

  I thought it was over, but now the discussion started, and the sword was pointed at Director Yuan.

  Gao Chao was anxious, but he also knew that he couldn't turn around and go back, so he could only talk to the director at night.

  Everyone has discussed this kind of thing in private. Xiao Chen and Gao Chao said that they are not afraid of being blamed by Director Yuan.

  Besides, he is also a kind of show of favor. It seems that Director Yuan doesn't know yet.

  It was already dark when the two arrived in the urban area. At this time, they were found and rushed back to the camp. It might be dawn.

  But the two didn't dare to delay, starting from the biggest hotel, they really found someone.

   It's just that people went out to eat and haven't come back yet.

  The two of them didn't dare to wander around, so they sat in the lobby of the hotel and waited. After eleven o'clock in the evening, as soon as Zhu Weidong and the others entered the hotel, Gao Chao immediately greeted them.

   "Engineer Zhu, you are finally back. The construction site has been shut down. The director asked me to tell you to go back immediately."

  Zhu Weidong asked, "Why did you stop working?"

   "It was said that something went wrong, even the engineer went there and adjusted the plan, but a new problem came up the next day, and she didn't know how to solve it, so she stopped." Gao Chao looked embarrassed.

  Zhu Weidong knew that the matter was urgent, so he turned his head to his wife and said, "Xiaoling, be careful on the way back tomorrow. I'm going back to the camp now. I'll ask for leave and go home when I'm not busy."

   "You pay attention to safety, don't worry about us, we will call you when we get home." Ji Ling told him, then turned back and told Xiao Chen to drive slowly.

  Busily sent the three of Zhu Weidong away, and the four of Ji Ling went back to rest.

  Actually, they didn't come to look for Zhu Weidong, and Zhu Weidong also planned to go back tomorrow.

   When he left to ask for leave, he also knew that there was no problem, but he didn't expect that something happened in the middle.

  The three of Zhu Weidong returned to the camp in the morning and went directly to the construction site without resting.

  Lian Qizhen has been on the construction site and has not returned to the camp. Although the work has been suspended, she is still thinking of a solution.

  Just two days later, she still didn't think of a good plan, until Zhu Weidong came back, she smiled happily.

   "You are finally back."

  Zhu Weidong ignored her, but went directly to the design drawing, "What did you change?"

Lian Qizhen pursed her lips, the smile on her face receded, she pointed to the place she had changed, and then something went wrong. In fact, there were other engineers present, but Zhu Weidong and Lian Qizhen were the chief engineers, and Lian Qizhen The decisions made are not allowed to be opposed by them.

  After Zhu Weidong saw what Lian Qizhen had changed, he said with a cold face, "How far has this been repaired?"

   "It's more than a thousand meters away."

   "Tear it down immediately."

   "Demolition?" Others made a low voice, "That will cost a lot."

   "If it is not demolished, the whole road will be abandoned." No one dared to question Zhu Weidong's words.

Lian Qizhen's face turned pale. She changed the route of more than 1,000 meters. If it is demolished, it means that there is something wrong with her design. As the chief engineer, if she made such a big problem, the higher-ups will definitely be held accountable .

  Zhu Weidong didn't look at her, took a pen and started to modify the sequence design road, and after Zhu Weidong sent a message to tear down the road repaired two days ago, the workers immediately got busy again.

  People in the office slowly receded, and only Lian Qizhen stayed behind. She looked at Zhu Weidong who was painting the car seriously, and wanted to speak several times, but she didn't know what to say.

  Before dark, Zhu Weidong came up with a new plan, and gathered everyone together, including the construction engineers and supervisors. After he came up with his own design plan, he asked everyone to point out the deficiencies, and he went to solve it.

   Fortunately, everything went well, and everyone agreed with the design.

  (end of this chapter)

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