Pass Through 80s: A Notoriety

Chapter 421: you can't take revenge

   Except for Ji Jianhua, none of the other three had a good reunion dinner.

   Still unable to recover from the news Ji Jianhua brought.

Xu Fang was washing the dishes absently, Ji Ke came out of the house in a panic, with an excited smile on his face, "Mom, elder brother is discussing with my father to go to Wang's family to propose a marriage, and he said that he will go tomorrow, my elder brother said that he will find a matchmaker." alright."

  Xu Fang put down the bowl, wiped her hands on the apron in front of her, walked around her daughter and hurried into the house.

   "Who is the matchmaker looking for? Have you talked to the Wang family? If you come to the door rashly like this, the Wang family can't handle you?"

"I discussed this matter with Sanmei. She didn't agree with me going. She only said that she would come back in a few years and go directly to the marriage. As for the family, they don't need their consent. But after thinking about it, I still want to say hello to the Wang family. As for No matter what their opinion is, even if they oppose it, it is useless.”

"What's wrong with their family? It's good that our family doesn't despise their family." Xu Fang sat down, "You're right, we can't let people make mistakes, you just let it go It doesn't matter what the Wang family thinks, as long as Sanmei agrees, no one can stop you."

   "That's right, when Wang Sanmei left home, their family didn't have such a daughter." Ji Ke nodded vigorously.

   "Okay, what's the use of talking about this now." Ji Yong stopped the topic, and he asked his son, "Who did the matchmaker invite? What have you prepared?"

   "Dad, I'm about to tell you about this. I want you to go to Manager Liu's house with me tomorrow and ask Aunt Li Mei to help me as a matchmaker."

   After hearing this, Ji Yong didn't express his opinion immediately, nor did he nod immediately.

  Xu Fang was a little worried, "The Liu family is not dealing with the Wang family now. Everyone in the Agricultural Machinery Family Academy knows that Li Mei will not agree."

  She said these words to her husband.

  Ji Yong figured out something, and smiled, "I think Jianhua's idea is good."

   Then he said to his son, "Okay, I will take a walk with you tomorrow."

  Xu Fang didn't figure it out.

  Before, because of Wang Ermei's matter, the Liu family was called, and then the whole compound knew that Wang Ermei was arrested for taking a man to live in a guest house. The Wang family hated the Liu family so much that they had no other choice.

  Let Li Mei go now, the Wang family still have to get stuck?

"If Li Mei doesn't go, the Wang family won't let go so easily. It's different if Li Mei goes. If the Wang family doesn't let go, it will only make Li Mei proud. Even if they want to confront Li Mei, they will definitely agree." Ji Yong told his wife analyze.

  Xu Fang was stunned for a moment, "This is also the reason."

   When his wife and daughter were gone, Ji Yong looked at his son, "Just now I helped you lie in front of your mother, now you should tell me why you did it?"

"Sanmei has never been in touch with her family members. Since this is the case, I don't want to have such relatives. Aunt Li Mei's temper, she will definitely carry me and carry Sanmei, and bring out Wang Ermei's matter. The Wang family will definitely not agree. , They don't agree to wait until they get married, so there is no need to invite them over, and naturally they don't need to move around after getting married."

  Ji Yong said, "Have you ever asked Sanmei about this?"

   "Don't ask, I know what she is thinking. Dad, you don't have to worry about this, I have a measure."

"That's good."

   As for why his son suddenly fell in love with Wang Sanmei, Ji Yong didn't ask, and he guessed something.

  Six months ago, his son married Luo Liti, but Luo Li didn't agree, so he arranged for the Luo family to join him.

  My son has always been strong, how could he suffer such humiliation.

  But it’s about feelings.

   "Marriage is a lifetime event. Since you have made your own decision, treat Sanmei well after marriage. That child can endure hardships and has ambition, so treat her well."

   "Dad, I know."

  Although the Ji family didn't show it, they obviously favor Wang Sanmei more than Luo Li and Wang Sanmei.

   This is all due to what Luoli did before.

  Ji Ke told Xu Fang about Luo Li's climb to the top. Xu Fang's impression of Luo Li plummeted. He thought they were separated, but Luo Li came back again, and his son didn't live up to him.

  She was urging her son to get married, but she still had regrets in the end. Now that she heard that her daughter-in-law was not Luo Li, Xu Fang finally felt relieved.

   "Mom, could it be that my elder brother married Wang Sanmei because he was blocked?"

   "Your elder brother is not such an unsteady person, so don't make any hasty guesses, let alone let Sanmei hear this, have you written it down?"

   "Remember." Ji Ke said with a smile, "My sister doesn't know yet, right? I'll call her."

   "How can she not know, don't worry about that."

  Ji Ke listened and walked back again.

   As for the capital, Ji Ling didn't know about it at all. The family had to prepare things for the New Year, but there were so many people who came to give things away that there was almost nothing to buy.

  Nowadays, those who come to deliver things now have a lot of baby products, which are used for food and clothing, which shows how hard they are.

  Ji Yong's family from his hometown took Li Mei to Wang's house.

  Wang Guiqiang and his wife are both at home, and three of their four daughters are married. Now only Zhaodi is still in junior high school.

   But the winter vacation is also a holiday.

  Seeing so many people, Wang Guiqiang was a little confused, "Ji Yong, what happened?"

Li Mei smiled and said, "It's a good thing, it's a good thing. Your family is going to be in-laws with Ji's family. I'm here as a matchmaker. Sanmei's life is good. Jianhua is also an excellent kid. The two see each other right. Let me come and speak as a matchmaker."

   "Didn't Sanmei already married?" Lian Qin immediately realized that something was wrong, and immediately stopped talking, "Sanmei and Jianhua? What's going on? Didn't Jianhua talk about a partner who opened a factory?"

"Hey, whoever said that you have to be successful when you have a partner, so what else is there to be. To be a partner is to observe the other party in many ways. If it doesn't work, just divide it up and get another one. Your family Sanmei is excellent, and she passed the exam outside. University, people in the capital, standing on their own, this kid has a lot of promise. Before, I thought Ermei was better, but comparing these two sisters, Sanmei is the latecomer."

  Wang Family:

Li Mei certainly doesn't like Wang's family, and she doesn't want to facilitate this marriage, "If you say this person has to walk the right path, fortunately the man Ermei brought back last time is her current husband, otherwise she wouldn't be drowned in spittle. die."

  Wang Family:

  Ji’s family:

   "This matter is a bit messy, let our family think about it first, and you can go back too." Wang Guiqiang chased people away with a cold face.

  Li Mei smiled and said, "Hey, such a good marriage, what else is there to consider, there is no such shop after this village."

   "Needless to say, Jianhua is good. Our Sanmei is not good enough for him. Besides, we have arranged a marriage for her. The family is in the capital. You all go back." Lian Qin chased her away.

Originally, it was discussed with Ermei, but Sanmei's side didn't work out, so the family made an appointment first, and then told Sanmei's side, but now being forced by the situation in front of her, Lian Qin didn't care so much, and let her go first. After telling this matter, thinking about sending the person away, he immediately called Ermei to deliver a letter to the man's side, and hurriedly made an appointment for the marriage.

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