Ji Ling was anxious to see her daughter, and hurried into the yard after speaking. Zhu Yaowu held the car keys in his hand, and a wicked smile rose from the corner of his mouth.

   This time, let's see if his elder brother is in a hurry.

  After hearing this, Zhu Weidong was naturally anxious.

  That night, as soon as Ji Ling put her daughter to sleep, she heard her grandma call her to answer the phone.

  Ji Ling answered the phone with a smile, "Why are you calling so late?"

   "I heard from grandma that you are going back tomorrow?"

   "Yes, for the fire tomorrow afternoon, Dad has bought all the sleeping berths."

   "Well, how have you been these days?"

   "It's pretty good." Ji Ling thought it was great that there was no mess like when she got married.

   "That's good." Zhu Weidong waited for a long time, wanting to hear his wife tell him what happened in the past few days, but in the end he just waited for these three words.

  Ji Ling didn't know what he was thinking, but instead told him to pay attention to rest and keep warm, and asked if the food over there had improved.

  Zhu Weidong was not in high spirits, but he returned everything.

   Waiting until the couple hung up the phone, Zhu Weidong was still sitting in the office in a daze.

  In order to make it easier for him to contact his family, or maybe it was the last time, Yuan Sheng also wanted to find a chance to make up for it, and then he also called in Zhu Weidong's office.

   Zhu Weidong didn't look away until someone knocked on the door, "Come in."

  Gu Baoshan walked in from the outside, "Engineer Zhu, you haven't rested so late?"

  Zhu Weidong checked the time. It was past eight o'clock when he called just now, and it was past eleven o'clock now, and he had sat alone for so long.

  He raised his head, "Why didn't Accountant Gu go to sleep so late?"

  Gu Baoshan and Zhu Weidong were already familiar with each other, so they found a chair and sat down, "I just finished the accounts for the past few days, and I have to hand them in tomorrow."

  Pay accounts and go back to the capital once a month, and an accountant goes back once a month.

   "Are you going back to the capital this time?" Zhu Weidong asked.

  Gu Baoshan nodded, "Yes, Accountant Chi told me to go back and hand over to them. The weather will get warmer in the next few months, and more and more materials and accounts will be needed. Come back with me then."

  Repaying accounts to the General Administration like this, and having to contact the property department, can be regarded as people who are trusted and need to be supported first, so they can be assigned this kind of work.

  Gu Baoshan is a newcomer, but in just a few months, he has reached this point, and there are more smiles on his face these days.

   "When are you leaving?" Zhu Weidong asked, "How many days will you stay in the capital?"

   "I'm busy here, I can't stay for too many days, I can only stay for one day after I go back, and I'll be back the next day."

  Zhu Weidong stood up, a smile flashed in his deep eyes, but it was too fast for people to notice.

  Gu Baoshan is valued now, but he is also very low-key, and he will only talk to Zhu Weidong when he is happy.

   Seeing him get up, Gu Baoshan also got up, "It's getting late, I'm leaving tomorrow, and I have to go back and pack my things."

  The two went out, and after parting, Zhu Weidong turned around and went not to his own place, but to Director Yuan's residence.

  The next day, when Gu Baoshan saw Zhu Weidong sitting in the car with him, he was stunned for a moment.

  Afterwards, he smiled immediately, "Engineer Zhu, so you're going back together this time? Why didn't you tell me last night?"

  Zhu Weidong nodded, "Go back and do something."

  Gu Baoshan talked happily with the driver along the way. Although Zhu Weidong didn't speak, it could be seen from the expression on his face that he was in a good mood.

  In the camp, Lian Qizhen was taken aback when she learned that Zhu Weidong had asked for leave to go home, and then continued to discuss the drawings with other engineers.

  Over there in the capital, Ji Ling and his group took the train for three days and finally arrived home. As soon as they arrived home, Niu Niu was carried back by Mr. Zhu.

  Zhu Chuang smiled from the side, "My dad thought you would go back today, and even turned down the meeting outside."

  Old lady Zhu said with a smile, "It's rare that there is something at home that he misses."

  Master Zhu was not angry when he heard this, and teased the great-granddaughter in his arms.

   Upstairs, when Ji Ling saw the person lying on the bed in the bedroom, she didn't dare to go forward for a moment.

   After confirming again and again that it wasn't her own dizziness, she put the flower on the bedside casually, just walked to the side of the bed, stopped after walking a few steps, turned around and went to the bathroom inside to take a shower.

   After coming out, I went back to bed.

  It was only when she sat down that Zhu Weidong woke up on the bed. His deep eyes were sleepy, and he was just waking up and not energetic yet.

   But the action was very fast, and she pulled Ji Ling into her arms.

  Ji Ling put her arms around his neck and looked at him, "When did you come back?"

   "Just got home at noon." Zhu Weidong buried his face in her neck, took a deep breath, and raised his hands restlessly.

  Ji Ling bit her lip, "It's still daytime."

   What responded to her was the man's passionate kiss. The last time the two kissed was in the camp, the house was not soundproof and it was outside. Ji Ling couldn't let go, and Zhu Weidong didn't have fun either.

This time, the two were at home, but because it was daytime, and she was afraid that someone would come up, Ji Ling only hoped that Zhu Weidong would hurry up, but he didn't know what was wrong with him. Usually it was a long time since we hadn't seen each other, and the first time always ended quickly, but This time he didn't seem to be having fun, wishing he could tear her bones apart.

   When everything calmed down, it was already dark outside.

  It was only after one o'clock in the afternoon when I came back.

  Ji Ling was so tired that she didn't even have the strength to turn over. She closed her eyes and fell into a deep sleep. Before falling asleep, she still thought of her in-laws at home, and she didn't know how to deal with it when she woke up.

  Zhu Weidong had a good time, not only he was not tired, but he became more energetic.

  He put his wife in his arms, his almond eyes fell on the flowers on the bed, and slowly narrowed his eyes.

  Downstairs, Zhu's family had already had dinner. Seeing that only Zhu Weidong went downstairs by himself, he was smart enough not to ask more questions.

  Kong Siya also just came back from the operation, and was hugging Niu Niu to kiss her. When she looked up to see her son, she didn't have the enthusiasm of seeing her son after a year.

   "How many days can you stay at home?"

   "Leave tomorrow."

   "In such a hurry?" Kong Siya frowned, "Since you leave, Xiao Ling will be lost for a while."

   There is a little complaint in the words.

  The four Zhu brothers laughed shamelessly.

  Girls are so popular in their family, being a daughter-in-law is more favored than being a son.

   After dinner, Zhu Weidong had already talked to his grandfather and father during the day, so he went to Zhu Yaowu's bedroom.

   "What does that Rong Junjie do?"

  Zhu Yaowu raised his eyebrows, "I didn't ask."

   Zhu Weidong sat down, "Your sister-in-law thinks he's not bad?"

   "It's not like you don't know my sister-in-law's temperament. She treats whoever treats her well."

  Zhu Weidong nodded, "You are right."

  Seeing that the elder brother asked a few questions and went out, Zhu Yaowu smiled. It was really rare. His elder brother was so cold and cold, and he knew he was jealous after he had a wife.

  When Ji Ling woke up, only the bedside lamp was still on, and it took her a while to remember that Zhu Weidong was back, and as soon as she came back, the two of them did ridiculous things.

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