Pass Through 80s: A Notoriety

Chapter 469: you messed with the wrong person

  Chapter 469 You messed with the wrong person

  Kong Siya's rare face is not good-looking.

   "I still have to ask Dad and Zhu Chuang about this, I'll make another call." Before returning to her bedroom, she couldn't help but look up and glance upstairs.

  When the son came back, he was in a bad mood, and he didn't know what happened, and he was the only one who came back. Could it be that he and Xiaoling lost his temper again?

  With a heart full of worries, Kong Siya went to make a call.

  Zhu Weidong went back to the bedroom to pack his things, while Zhu Heping and Zhu Weiming were standing in the corridor waiting.

  Zhu Heping couldn't stay still, and he was suffocating for what happened just now, "Old Wu, you said who was behind the scenes, but luck was really bad, and he hit the muzzle of the gun."

  Zhu Weiming smiled half-smile, "Wouldn't it be better this way, or we wouldn't take it for granted."

   "It's good, it's good, but the little nephew is gone." Zhu Heping pursed his lips, and when he saw the fifth child looking behind him, he turned his head and froze on the spot.

  Kong Siya went upstairs, "How is your sister-in-law?"

  "Mom" Zhu Heping wanted to shake his mouth, why is he so short.

  As soon as I got home, I revealed the matter.

   "The store opened by my sister-in-law and her older brother met a thief last night, and my sister-in-law and my elder brother were injured in the past." Seeing that he couldn't hide it, Zhu Weiming said, "My elder brother was afraid that you would be worried, so he said to hide it from you first."

   "How is your sister-in-law?" Kong Siya took a deep breath, "Don't let your elder brother and your sister-in-law know that the family knows."

  Kong Siya turned around and went downstairs, stopped after going down two steps, turned her head and said, "Take good care of your sister-in-law."

  Zhu Heping nodded blankly in response.

   After watching the person go down, he turned to look at his younger brother, "Did I get into trouble again?"

   "It's strange that you don't cause trouble. You can't hide this matter. It will happen sooner or later." Zhu Weiming comforted him.

   Zhu Heping felt better.

  At this time, the bedroom door opened, and Zhu Weidong came out with his bag.

   "Brother, let me get it." Zhu Heping felt that something was wrong, and wanted to show off, so he took the bag himself.

   Take the outside and walk ahead.

  Downstairs, Kong Siya and her mother-in-law were coaxing Niu Niu. Seeing the three of them coming down the stairs, Kong Siya looked up.

  She laughed, "Where's Xiao Ling?"

   "She's in the house over there, Mom, we're living there these few days, so we won't come back."

   "Okay, then you take good care of people. By the way, this thermos is very effective in keeping you warm. Xiaoling liked it before, and she has been reluctant to use it. It just so happens that you go over there, take it and use it."

  Following the direction Kong Siya pointed, Zhu Weidong saw the yellow thermos bottle on the coffee table.

  The thermos bottle is not big, a little smaller than the usual ones, and the orchid pattern is painted on it, which is really beautiful.

"Okay, don't let Xiaoling wait there alone for too long." Kong Siya urged her son to leave, "By the way, I will ask my auntie to make soup, remember to come back at noon every day to pick it up, if you don't come back to pick it up, I will send it over .”

   "Understood." Zhu Weidong responded.

  Zhu Heping didn't dare to look at his mother at all. His mother pretended to be very similar, but he felt guilty.

   After leaving the house, Zhu Heping let out a sigh of relief, and the two sent Zhu Weidong to the hospital.

  When getting out of the car, Zhu Heping stuck his head out of the car window, "Brother, let's deliver the soup at noon, and you can stay with your sister-in-law in the hospital."

   "Okay, thank you for your hard work." Zhu Weidong thanked, turned and left.

  Zhu Heping withdrew his head, and said to Zhu Weiming beside him, "Fifth brother, do you think elder brother is in a bad mood?"

   "So many things have happened, do you think you can feel better?"

   "That's right, without a child, and being approached by someone again, no one will be in a good mood." Zhu Heping sighed all the way.

  When the two went to the store, they found that Lou Xuemei was cleaning up. The store was smashed and the inside was in a mess. There was a sign saying it was closed for business today outside.

  Seeing the two brothers from the Zhu family, and hearing that they were helping, Lou Xuemei thanked them, and the two brothers asked about last night's situation while working.

  After hearing it from Lou Xuemei with their own ears, the faces of the two of them were also very ugly.

  Thinking of the scene last night, and the two skinned hands of the elder brother, their elder brother is like a fairy, when did they suffer such grievances since they were young?

  In the community, Kang Xiaohua bullied his eldest brother, and it was the four of them who chased and beat him. Kang Xiaohua only dared to stare at his eldest brother with his eyes, and talked quickly, so he dared not make a move.

  In the end, the eldest brother they held in their hands and took care of was bullied like this, and even lost his little nephew. No one dared to bully the Zhu family like this.

   "Fifth, you have a lot of ideas, how do you deal with this matter?"

   "Brother Wei Kun is not dealing with it?"

   "Then we can't wait like this forever." Zhu Heping said, "Why don't we go over and have a look later."

   "It's finished." Zhu Weiming was not in a hurry to leave, he was obviously working, and every movement was elegant.

  Lou Xuemei peeked at the side, feeling in her heart, all the men of the Zhu family are excellent, and they are not bad in appearance, and I don’t know which girl will be cheaper in the future.

  The three of them worked together and cleaned up quickly. When Zhu Heping was cleaning up the backyard, the phone rang and he picked it up.

After hearing that it was Ji Jianhua, Zhu Heping snorted coldly, "What did you do? It's fine for your wife to have a miscarriage, and my sister-in-law lost her nephew. What else can you do besides dragging my sister-in-law down? I don't know what you think, but after marrying a daughter-in-law and thinking about other women, the business is not doing well, and men and women are quite good at learning."

  Ji Jianhua's face was as white as paper, "I have a ticket for tonight, and I will apologize to you when I get to the place."

   After finishing speaking, Ji Jianhua hung up the phone.

  Xu Fang stood aside, "What happened to the capital? Why are you so pale?"

   "It's nothing." Ji Jianhua felt guilty and dared not look at his mother.

"It's fine. Sanmei has been in the capital for a few months. You should go and have a look. The factory is running smoothly. If you have nothing to do, you can stay for a few more days and don't rush back." Xu Fang advised her son to stay there more. It is also selfish.

  My son is not young anymore. People who are almost thirty years old should have children.

   But the young couple seemed in no hurry, and they didn't want to persuade them too much as old people, so they could only make a few insinuations.

  Ji Jianhua responded, but he didn't listen to what his mother was saying. Zhu Weidong called last night and only said that he should come to the capital immediately.

   Not to mention that it was because of the Luo family sisters.

  Hearing this news from the Zhu family brothers today, Ji Jianhua was stunned.

  Over there in the capital, Wei Kun had already found someone and brought him to the hospital. When he was dragged to Zhu Weidong, his face had already been beaten so that he and his mother could not recognize him.

   Wei Kun kicked over, and the man's legs softened and he knelt down.

   "He ordered it. How do you deal with it? Should he have one leg or two hands?" Wei Kun asked Zhu Weidong.

  (end of this chapter)

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