Chapter 491 Holding a grudge

  With Shan Chen on the side, and in front of Zhu's family, Xu Qiuping had long forgotten what his parents had told him.

  The words of the Zhu family brothers are no different from hitting Xu Qiuping directly in the face.

  He said coldly, "Your Zhu family is a bull, and our small family can't compare, but don't be too arrogant. Thirty years in Hedong and thirty years in Hexi, you don't know if you can have the last laugh. Don't go all the way."

  Zhu Heping cursed a curse word, and got up to strike, "Say one more thing?"

  Dare to come to Zhu's house to speak nonsense, Ji Ling was also dumbfounded by Xu Qiuping.

  She got up and carried Niuniu upstairs, not caring what would happen to Xu Qiuping.

  Zhu Heping has a fiery personality. He wanted to fight, but was stopped by Zhu Weiyue. No matter how bad the other party was, he had no reason to beat someone at home, and besides, he was a relative of his sister-in-law.

  Xu Qiuping was also startled, "Ji Ling, are you just watching people beat me? They dare to treat me like this, because they didn't take you seriously. Others really thought you married well, and flew to Gao Zhi. It turns out that you have no status in your husband's family, and my brother-in-law doesn't take you seriously."

   "Shut up." Ji Ling was almost at the top of the stairs, stopped and looked back at Xu Qiuping coldly, "I don't intend to talk to you, you idiot, because I think it would be a waste of time to say anything to you. If you didn't have me, you would have been able to enter Zhu's house? After you came in, you didn't know what to say here, who do you think you are? You ran into other people's houses to make trouble, cursed other people's houses, and beat you lightly. I don't care about you, you Do you really think I'm afraid of you?"

   "Don't say it so nicely, if you didn't bully your cousin, I would come to you? Let alone saving face for your grandma, if you really care about this, you shouldn't"

   "Shouldn't the Zhu family be stopped from helping you reunite?" Ji Ling said, "Can you be more shameless? In Beishi, the master is respected, and others praise you. This is not Beishi, and no one praises you, and no one pays for your ignorance."

   "Ji Ling, who do you think you are? Don't forget your bad reputation in Bei County, and the things you did. How did you pester Chen Jingming in the compound? Even if I wasn't at home, I knew what you did. Who doesn't know in private, and now you're pretending to be a human being, so who can show it? You think you're a good one."

   "Fuck, try again." Zhu Heping couldn't bear it any longer, he shook off Zhu Weiyue's hand, and went up to grab Xu Qiuping, but was stopped by the other hand, which was Shan Chen standing beside Xu Qiuping.

  Shan Mi smiled and said, "This is a matter between cousins, we outsiders can't get involved, right?"

   "Who are you?" Zhu Heping threw off the opponent, and wanted to grab Xu Qiuping, but was stopped by Shan Chen again.

  Zhu Heping went directly to Shan Chen, and the two of them fought together in an instant.

  Xu Qiuping was frightened, but there was a flash of excitement in his eyes.

  If today's incident becomes serious, the Zhu family will definitely be alarmed, and the Zhu family will also hold Ji Ling accountable.

  If his business fails, he will also pull Ji Ling down from above.

  Zhu Weiyue persuaded, "Okay, we have to fight outside, don't scare the children."

  He stepped forward to pull, but the two of them didn't give face at all, and even got singled by Shan Chen.

  Zhu Weiyue was in pain, anger flashed in his eyes, he stepped forward and grabbed Shan Chen by the collar, and said in a cold voice, "I said to fight outside, do you really think our Zhu family is a place where you can make trouble?"

  But Shan Chen didn't speak, with a smile on his face, with a sneer in his smile, he punched Zhu Weiyue in the face back.

  Zhu Weiyue avoided easily, and Zhu Heping had already kicked over there.

  The three of them fought in the living room. Ji Ling was afraid of scaring her daughter, so she wanted to send her upstairs before going down to start a fight, but Xu Qiuping rushed over like a madman and stopped Ji Ling from going upstairs.

   "Go away." Ji Ling suffocated.

   "Now your brothers-in-law are beating my brother-in-law, what if something happens? How can you leave?"

   "Xu Qiuping, I'm playing a rogue here. Believe it or not, I will make you regret it forever?" The cruelty in Ji Ling's eyes made Xu Qiuping really afraid.

  But he immediately mustered up his courage again, and even sarcastically said, "Ji Ling, have you forgotten how you are wrapped around Chen Jingming like a dog? What do you think your husband's family will think of you after they find out? Will they still value you?"

  His eyes fell on the child in Ji Ling's arms, "A girl's film, worthless."

  Ji Ling couldn't bear it anymore, but she held her daughter in her arms. She couldn't do anything for fear of scaring her. She tried to go upstairs, but Xu Qiuping kept stopping her.

   Mrs. Zhu came back from a walk outside, and what she saw was a mess at home.

   While Ji Ling was holding the child, she was also bullied and stopped all the time.

   Mrs. Zhu ignored the grandson who was fighting, and was worried about her great-granddaughter, so she walked over quickly, "What's going on?"

  Xu Qiuping stopped people, and was proud when he heard a voice behind him, and when he turned around, he saw that it was the old lady of the Zhu family who had returned.

  He also pretended to be innocent, "Grandma Zhu, you are finally back. I can't stop your two grandsons from beating my future brother-in-law, and Xiaoling doesn't care. I'm begging Xiaoling."

  Ji Ling was so anxious that she raised her leg and kicked Xu Qiuping. Standing on the stairs, Xu Qiuping was unprepared, and as soon as she tilted her body, her whole body rolled down the stairs.

   After kicking someone, Ji Ling held her daughter in her arms and covered her ears at the same time.

  Grandma didn't come back just now, so she didn't dare to kick her, fearing that Xu Qiuping would get up and come over to do it. Now that grandma is back, someone will take care of her daughter, so Ji Ling is no longer worried.

  Xu Qiuping screamed and rolled down.

   After his voice fell, Ji Ling let go of her daughter, and handed her to the old lady Zhu.

  The old lady Zhu was still in a daze, Niu Niu was stuffed into her arms, and at the same time she heard the grandson's wife say, "Grandma, take Niu Niu upstairs, don't scare her."

  As soon as Mrs. Zhu heard that her great-granddaughter was frightened, she immediately went upstairs. When she got upstairs, she glanced downstairs, and saw that Xiao Ling had already rushed to her cousin, and raised one leg again.

  Old lady Zhu walked quickly, rushing into the bedroom, and only came here in a hurry to see this one.

  Ji Ling rushed downstairs and kicked Xu Qiuping who hadn't waited to get up, trying to keep him from getting up.

   "Losing money? Xu Qiuping, what are you, come to my house and scold my daughter in front of me?"

   "You really think I'm easy to bully, don't you? Give you face."

  Ji Ling thought of Xu Qiuping staring at her daughter with disgust and viciousness, and calling her daughter a bargain, wishing she could peel Xu Qiuping's skin.

  She kicked down with one foot and one foot, regardless of the place. Xu Qiuping was kicked twice on the head.

  Brothers of the Zhu family beat Shan Chen to the point of being helpless, and the two stopped, only to be frightened by the crazy behavior of the sister-in-law beside them.

  (end of this chapter)

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