Pass Through 80s: A Notoriety

Chapter 500: It was you who sent

   It was a man and a woman who were picked up at the station. Perhaps it was inconvenient for Ji Ling to be alone with a man, so the woman came to accompany her.

  After putting the things on the car, Ji Ling sat in the back. She had been to the northwest side before, but that time she drove here with Zhu Yaowu and the others. This time, she took the car arranged by the General Administration of Railways. She heard the woman said that they would have to sit all night, and she told Ji Ling that she could lie down in the back seat and rest if she was tired.

  The night in the car passed very slowly. Ji Ling couldn't hold on anymore and lay down in the back seat with her own bag. The night passed in a daze, and the next day I walked for a day and a night, and I didn't arrive at the camp until the afternoon of the third day.

  As soon as the car entered the camp, Ji Ling saw Zhu Weidong standing outside, and the corners of her eyes slowly curled up.

  As soon as the car stopped, Zhu Weidong opened the door, and Ji Ling was carried out with arms crossed like a child.

  Ji Ling didn't care what outsiders thought, so she threw herself into Zhu Weidong's arms.

   Zhu Weidong hugged his wife, bowed his head and kissed her hair, "Are you tired?"

  Although there were not many people in the camp, there were still people. They all stopped their work when they saw this scene.

   It is said that Engineer Zhu is cold-tempered, but he is also divided. Look at how hot he treats his wife.

  This kind of action of hugging each other in public is something that even the most courageous would not be able to do on weekdays.

  The driver who brought them here didn't bother the two of them, and went to the camp first with the bag in embarrassment.

  Ji Ling hugged her for a long time before releasing him reluctantly, "Did Director Cheng call you?"

   "Yes, and grandpa also. Mom said you left too quickly, and asked us to bring some things, so that Yaowu and the others could send them to the headquarters, and let them arrange for someone to deliver them."

  Ji Ling smiled, "Actually, I have brought everything I need."

   "I told the higher-ups to guarantee your food, and the higher-ups promised to guarantee your fruit supply every day." Zhu Weidong smiled, "The rooms are all tidied up, go take a shower and rest first, and talk about it later if you have anything to do."

  Ji Ling was led by Zhu Weidong, and went to the place where Zhu Weidong lived. In fact, it was the place where Zhu Weidong lived. The room where Ji Ling came to live last time, Zhu Weidong moved in after she left.

   "Where is the room you used to live in?"

   "It's empty."

  Ji Ling smiled, even if Qizhen had moved out, Zhu Weidong didn't want to stay there, even if Qizhen had moved out, Ji Ling was really satisfied with this approach.

  After the two arrived in the room, Zhu Weidong asked people to wait. He went to fetch water. Ji Ling first took out the quilt in the bag and spread it. Well, she changed into clean clothes again.

  It was already past five o'clock in the afternoon, and it was dark and late in the northwest, especially in summer, sometimes the sun didn't set until after eight o'clock in the evening.

  Ji Ling was tired, and after washing herself, she lay down on the kang.

  After Zhu Weidong came in, he sat down on the side of the kang, "I asked the kitchen to make noodles, and I will bring them to me later, and I will go to sleep after eating."

   "I can't eat, I don't feel nauseous, I'm a little motion sick."

   "How about some fruit?"


  Zhu Weidong immediately went to peel the oranges. Ji Ling didn't want to eat after a few mouthfuls, so Zhu Weidong ate the rest.

  He had a dark color, "Should the doctor come over and take a look?"

   "Not so delicate, but a little tired, come up and accompany me."

  Zhu Weidong's eyes darkened, "Okay."

   is just one word, his voice is low and hoarse, but it exudes other meanings.

  Ji Ling turned over and ignored him, but her heart beat faster.

  After the small sound, there was hot air rushing from behind, and he knew that Zhu Weidong was lying down without turning his head.

   Afterwards, an extra arm was added to the waist, and neither of them moved.

  Ji Ling slowly closed her eyes, she admitted that she could always calm down when she was with Zhu Weidong, now that she thinks about it, she is just an ordinary person, and when it comes to feelings, she is just an ordinary woman.

   "Daughter-in-law, are you asleep?"

  Ji Ling closed her eyes and did not speak. After a while, she felt that the body behind her was getting closer.

   There was faint heat behind her ears, Ji Ling was ticklish, and couldn't help but move a little. Her movement was earth-shaking, and when she saw the scene in front of her again, she saw Zhu Weidong's handsome face.

  The two of them are very close, so close that they just need to open their mouths to talk, and their lips will touch together.

  The atmosphere in the room was beautiful, and in the accounting room, Chi Fangping smiled when he heard Ji Ling coming.

  She asked curiously, "Didn't the higher-ups say that they sent people over in the past two days? Haven't they arrived yet?"

   Gu Baoshan said, "If you count the days, it should be these two days."

  Compared with the previous days, he has more green stubble on his face. Ji Ling showed him the account plan and pointed out where there would be problems in the future. At that time, he couldn't think of a better way, so he didn't pay attention.

   Now with more and more accounts, problems are exposed.

   Fortunately, he followed Chi Fangping on the way. After he proposed this plan, he was not the one who proposed it. Now that everyone has a problem, Chi Fangping helped him speak, and the higher authorities did not point him out to take responsibility.

   "Engineer Zhu's wife is here, and the kitchen will cook some delicious food. We haven't eaten well in the past few days. You can go and see what's going on there later, and bring us a copy."

  Gu Baoshan smiled, "I'll go there now."

  Gu Baoshan left before Han Zhonghe raised his head, "Accountant Chi, the above opinion is very clear. This matter was disclosed by us, and the responsibility lies with us. After working in the General Administration for so many years, this is the first time such a big problem has occurred. Have you responded to the situation with the General Administration? It is the problem with the accounting plan given by the General Administration, not our problem."

  Chi Fangping said, "If there is such a big mistake, it stands to reason that we should have discovered it when we entered the account. It shows that we are still not paying attention. Even if there is a problem with the plan given by the above, we cannot escape our responsibility. The above has already sent someone over. When they come, we will follow the command and get the accounts right first. After solving the problem, the above will be happy, and the punishment is easy to say."

  Han Zhonghe understood and knew the truth.

   It is true that Chi Fangping can't get used to it, but at work, he still knows the seriousness.

   After Gu Baoshan went to the kitchen, he went to the dormitory at the back. After he knocked on the door, he heard shouts from inside, so he opened the door and went in.

  Gao Jing saw him and stood up with a smile, "Aren't you working?"

   "I just came out to do some business, so I just came to see you." Gu Baoshan nodded, seeing Gao Jing asked him to sit, he walked over and sat down, "It's a long way here, and I have to reverse the car several times. How are you doing now? Are you feeling better?"

  Two days ago, Gao Jing came over suddenly, and Gu Baoshan was also taken aback, but Gao Jing was not feeling well at the time, so he didn't ask any more questions, and arranged for him to stay first.

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